Chapter 3

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The creatures, who I believe are referred to as "Orcs" by adventurers, throw the bodies towards us while screaming something in a language no one here can understand. I can guess, however, that they're challenging us to combat.

They were in a level 41 dungeon. Since they wiped out the team that was sent in, there's a decent chance they're actually higher level than that. I feel my arms and legs start shaking as a wave of fear washes over me. I'm level 8, there's no way I can manage against them. I have to run away, the only thing I can do is let stronger people take care of it.

I instinctively take a step back, but one of the orcs spots me. Seemingly unwilling to let any of us avoid their challenge, he dashes towards me, so fast that I barely have time to bring my sword up to block.

As the vaguely sword-shaped giant metal bar the monster uses as a weapon strikes my own blade, I hear sounds of clashes as well as screams echoing further in the city. The dungeon was large, so I can guess that there are other squads of monsters in other places that also started fighting.

My train of thought is interrupted by my body being sent flying into a building due to the impact on my sword. I try to get back up, but a sharp pain in my torso stops me. I probably have a few broken ribs.

As my opponent approaches through the cement rubble with a sadistic smile on its face, I start coughing blood. Looks like there's internal damage.

Another adventurer tries to strike my foe from behind, but with unexpected speed considering its size, it turns around and strikes her down with a wide swing of its sword. As her blood gushes from her severed body parts, I feel the fear paralyzing me get even stronger.

How are we supposed to handle this? How are mere humans, who didn't even know about magic until roughly eight decades ago, supposed to defend themselves against monsters who can slice us effortlessly?

The monster looks at me, paralyzed and coughing blood. The expression on its face changes. I can tell it doesn't see me as a worthy opponent. I'm merely a suffering animal, one which should be put down out of mercy.

And so, it grants me mercy.

I feel the giant bar of metal enter my torso. It's almost as wide as my chest is tall, so there's no question that a bunch of my organs were destroyed.

I didn't get to live long. I didn't get to be an adventurer for very long, either. I can't say I'm dying without regrets. In the end, I'll never know why I always felt like I couldn't reach my full potential.

As the orc pulls its sword out of my body, my delirious thoughts turn to my family. The gentle smiles of my parents, who always believed I would accomplish great things. My younger siblings, a sister and a brother, who were so excited when I became an adventurer.

All I wanted was to get strong enough to protect them. I wanted to wield the sword so none of them would have to. I wanted to be there for them in an event such as an invasion.

But in the end, I was too weak. I couldn't even protect a fellow adventurer from this... How could I ever hope to protect the people I love?

As my vision grows blurry, I see my opponent walk away. He's done with me. He's going to go ahead and slaughter the others, then move on to the next area.

I start seeing images of orcs and other monsters I met in various dungeons killing my family. My dad and brother trying to protect my mom and sister, only for all of them to fall under the ruthless strikes headed their way. How would this guy react if he met them? Would he just treat them like he treated me? As deserving of the mercy of death?

My vision turns completely black. I can't even breathe anymore.

I reach out once more to the power sleeping within me. I know it won't do me any good with my body in this state, but maybe, just maybe, I can die knowing what it is.

I extend my hand, trying to catch it. Like always, it's just out of reach. I try to reach further, but I'm at my limit again.

I can't let it end like this. I can't make my parents sad like this. I can't leave my brother and sister alone. I can't just accept that this is it for me.

I reach out further. I can feel something coming loose. I keep reaching out, getting a bit further every time as the shackles holding my hand back start cracking and breaking.

As I exhale my final breath, I finally manage to grab the power that eluded me for so long. I can feel something breaking within me, like the internal structure in charge of keeping my magic in check is crumbling. But I can't care.

I feel my wounds closing under the effect of the enormous amount of power flowing through me. I can see again. I can breathe again. I effortlessly push a piece of rubble covering one of my legs, grab my sword, and get back up.

I can tell that my body isn't containing my power. There's energy leaking all over it, taking the appearance of colorful flames. The orc notices and turns back towards me, a surprised look on his face. It quickly morphs to a smile of joy. I'm finally a worthy opponent.

It dashes towards me, but everything seems to be happening in slow motion. I walk towards it and, without giving it a chance to react, slice its head clean off. The headless body is still falling when I reach the girl who tried to protect me earlier. Her body is split in two, and one of her arms got flung in a corner of the room. She's clearly dead, but she hasn't been for long.

I grab the lost arm, then start channeling power through her body. I'm not a healer, but I still understand the basics of healing magic. Slowly, the pieces of her broken body reconnect. Her damaged organs heal, and with a violent cough, she wakes back up.

I don't have time to make sure she's fine. I exit the building we're in. Some orcs are dead, but the adventurers are struggling to finish off the remaining ones. With a swift movement, I get behind them and cut them down, causing blood to spill on the faces of the surprised adventurers.

With this power, I can fight. With this power, I can save people.

There are still other battles going on. Focusing power in my legs to further increase my speed, I jump towards the closest one I can hear.

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