Chapter 5

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The abundant power flowing through me allows me to make quick work of the orcs that broke the dungeon's barrier. I'm thankful for it, since the energy uncontrollably leaking out of my body is causing me to tire much faster than usual.

While fighting, I realized that pretty much everything I had learned about controlling the magic in my body didn't apply to this new source of power. I was strictly going off instincts, which seemed to work well enough to fight these monsters, but I might have to figure out how to be more efficient if I want to make full use of this strange gift life seems to have granted me.

Another orc tries to strike me from behind. A simple flick of my wrist creates and launches a projectile at high speed through its weapon and body, killing it.

It's obviously not normal for me to be this strong already. Adventurers have to keep fighting monsters to grow stronger, and even if I my level had gone up at a normal rate, I shouldn't already be able to take on these monsters so easily.

I look at my sword. The amount of energy I've been sending through it since the fight started caused the blade to start breaking apart. Fortunately, there only seems to be one group of enemies left.

I dash forward, jumping from building to building in the direction of the monsters I can still detect. This new power seems to have also granted me the ability to sense magical energy around me, and fortunately, the energy contained in human beings is completely different from the one contained in monsters.

I reach my destination, only to notice it was the site of a massacre. There are a few dead orcs, but both civilians and adventurers litter the ground, all dead. An adventurer who's still alive seems to be doing his best to fend the remaining enemies off, but he's obviously on his last leg.

I can tell I'm nearing my limit, so without waiting, I launch a salvo of magical projectiles towards the orcs. They almost all get hit and killed, but to my surprise, one of them manages to dodge. It stops paying attention to the adventurer cowering on the ground and turns towards me, revealing intricate war paints covering its chest and face. That alone is a good indicator that it ranks higher in the orc hierarchy than everything else I killed so far, but I can also sense that far more magical power is flowing through its body.

Surprising me again, it chooses to talk to me:

"What even are you? Why help these pitiful creatures?"

I understand what it's saying, but I realize that I don't understand the language itself. It's as if I can pick up the meaning behind the words even if I don't know what they actually mean.

So, it's asking me what I am... Does it not recognize I'm also human? With the flames covering my body like this, I guess I could be confused for some kind of monster, although I don't know which one exactly.

I don't have time to engage in conversation with this thing. I have about 30 seconds left before I run out of energy. I need to take it down now.

I dash forward, aiming for its neck. Our blades clash as it manages to block my attack before pushing me back.

29 seconds.

I attempt a feint, but it manages to keep up with my speed again.

28 seconds.

I don't have enough control over my energy the way it is now. I'm not going to be able to defeat this one by relying purely on my instincts.

I take a few moments to focus and try to remember the classes I took when I was younger. If I start over from the basics, I might be able to adapt my style to this new power.

25 seconds.

My opponent doesn't seem interested in letting me take as much time as I want. It runs towards me, sword raised high.

24 seconds.

I take on a defensive stance, the first one I ever learned. I can't rely on muscle memory anymore, so I have to focus on every small movement of both my body and my magic.

23 seconds.

Our swords clash, but I feel more solid while receiving that hit. I send some energy to my arms and legs. I need to control it differently to get this response, but looks like it all still works.

With my now increased speed, I counterattack and manage to get a small cut on its arm. The orc looks surprised, but it quickly retaliates with an attack of its own.

We exchange a few more hits like this. Looks like I haven't empowered myself enough. Going further will cut into the time I have left, but I have no other choice.

10 seconds.

I strike again. My opponent's expression changes. I think it takes me seriously as a threat now.

8 seconds.

Despite everything, it's still fast enough to keep up with my attacks, it just doesn't get any opportunities to strike back anymore. I have the upper hand, but not for much longer.

5 seconds.

I focus everything I have left in my sword arm and swing. It parries again, but this time, it causes my blade to break. Now's my chance! Using what's left of my attack's momentum, I jam my broken sword through its left eye socket, causing blood to gush out as it screams in pain.

2 seconds.

The leader of this invasion falls lifeless on the ground. I quickly look around but can't find the adventurer who was here earlier. He must have run away.

1 second.

I throw my broken sword on the ground and start walking away.

Suddenly, the flames covering my body go out, and I'm hit by a wave of exhaustion. Unable to stay up, I fall to the ground. In the distance, I can hear footsteps running this way. I couldn't sense any more orcs nearby, so they must be human.

As my consciousness starts drifting and my eyes close, I'm left with a single thought in my head: we won.

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