Chapter 4

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Ember Eloux strode through the market, Helena in toe just behind her. The empress, Allura Anois, was putting on a ball in a couple of days and she needed something gorgeous to wear. She had promised her mother that she would wear something nice, and her wardrobe was currently lacking in clothing that met the classical description of ballroom attire. Ember scanned the large crowd of people, looking for a vendor who sold something she could wear that wouldn’t make her look like a walking dumpling. Turning, she lowered her eyes to Helena and pursed her lips. 

“Do you see anything presentable?” she asked, huffing. She hated shopping. She was just glad her mother didn’t come along, as they would be visiting each booth and talking to each vendor. An eight-hour affair. 

“Erm…” Helena looked around for a moment. “Over there, where that man is. Looks promising,” Ember followed her finger. 

“That has got to be one of the largest men I have ever seen in my life,” she said, regarding the muscular man who was currently examining a coat. After a moment, she began to stride over to the man. He looked down at her as she approached, something was in his eyes that Ember couldn’t quite put her finger on. She stared at him for a minute, folding her arms across her chest and tapping her foot on the ground. The man stared back down at the coat, and stood still for a moment, looking at Ember out of the corner of his eye. “Are you going to just stand there, or are you doing to buy that coat? Because I would really like it,” she said. He was taken aback, and then reluctantly handed her the coat. She snatched it from his hands eagerly and admired it. “I’ll take it!” Ember said to the vendor as the man stormed off. Helena paid the woman as Ember watched his back disappear into the crowd. He seemed familiar, but she didn’t know where she could have seen him before. It was a big city, perhaps she had just imagined it. Shrugging, she took the coat from Helena and stuck her arms inside of it. 

“It looks very dashing on you, My Lady!” Helena said with a smile. Ember twirled around and let the coat graze her thighs. “I’m sure you will be the talk of the ball!”

“You think so? Hm… we should still try and find something else.” She hated to admit it, but trying on clothes was actually kind of fun. She spent the better part of two hours admiring, and trying on all different types of clothing. She even tried a couple of dresses, which were admittedly pretty comfortable. After a quick stop at the local tavern, Ember and Helena made their way back home.

The night of the Ball, Ember sat at her vanity in her bedroom doing her makeup. Dragging a tube of black lipstick across her upper lip, she made a strange face and sighed. She had only really done this a few other times, and that was a couple of years ago. She was a warrior, a woman of honor. She didn’t have the capacity for poncing around in makeup and dresses. How she did miss the battlefield, one of her favorite places to be. The place where she could truly be herself, where she could watch the blood flow and the mountains of bodies pile up. The place where she could drive a sword into a man’s head and feel no regret, no remorse, and suffer no punishment. Now there was peace, which was good, safety was something she appreciated. But to be in another battle, to feel the exhilarating feeling of death sitting on your shoulders, was ecstasy. There was a knock on the door. “Enter!” she said. Slowly the door opened, and Helena poked her head through. 

“May I help the lady prepare for the ball tonight?” she asked. Ember beheld the servant girl and thought for a moment. 

“No,” she slightly stammered. “Send Clarisse.”

“Pardon?” Helena asked. “Clarisse? But traditionally it is my job to prepare the Lady of the house for an outing,” 

“So, take the night off,” Ember said. Helena remained stoic, but Ember could tell that if she could she would scowl. 

“As you wish, My Lady, I will fetch Clarisse for you,” she said through tight lips. Going to leave, she hesitated and turned around. “It’s just… Clarisse has certain issues with you, My Lady,” Ember turned and raised an eyebrow at Helena, painting her bottom lip. “I-if you don’t mind my saying so!” 

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Helena,” Ember said dismissively. “Clarisse has been nothing but obedient, though a little slow and inattentive.” 

“Sh-She always talks about how horrible of a Lady you are!” Helena suddenly blurted out. “And… and once I caught her sniffing your panties! The perverted wench is of no use to you, My Lady!” 

“So,” Ember began. “She hates me because I’m so horrible, but will eagerly jump at the chance to take a look through my panty drawer?” Helena opened her mouth to speak, but then blushed and bit her lip. “Don’t let your personal opinions cloud your judgment. Fetch me the girl, now!” Helena nodded and silently left the room, shutting the door behind her. What an ignorant girl, Ember smirked to herself as she put her jet-black hair up into a tight bun. She took a look at herself, black lips, sleek black hair, and icy blue eyes lined black. The door opened again after a few minutes, and Clarisse sheepishly stepped into the room. 

“You asked for my help M’- My Lady,” she said. Ember stood, barely looking at Clarisse. 

“Lace me up, would you?” Ember said, holding up a corset to her. Clarisse gingerly took it in her hands and Ember turned around. Clarisse hesitantly reached around her and cupped her body with the corset. “Don’t be shy with how tight you make it, I can handle it,” Ember said as she began to weave the string across her back. The entire time she blushed madly, feeling Ember so close to her, nearly touching her. Clarisse finally tightened it as hard as she could, and Ember let out a gasp of air. “Good,” she heaved out. “Fetch my new coat, would you?” Ember pointed over to a mannequin dressed in a fine-looking burgundy coat with fur lining the neck and down the sides, a skintight black dress underneath. She carefully removed each article and brought it over to Ember. As she helped her into the dress, Ember began to speak without looking at her. “You will be coming with me to the ball,” she said matter of factly. 

“My Lady?” Clarisse said, surprised. 

“I need a servant to attend the ball with me so you can fetch things while I mingle, understand?” Ember said. Clarisse nodded. 

“Yes, Ma’am!” she said.




Magnus stole down the dark streets late at night. Most of the wealthy district was empty as the Empress was throwing a ball. He was wearing a large brown cloak, the hood obscuring his face, just in case he was seen. His wife must have been at the ball already, maybe she was waiting for him. He would show up eventually. Inside his head, the voice of his brother Drake gave him directions. Magnus soon ended up in a run-down part of the city, with boarded-up houses lining the streets. He took a moment to survey the place, seeing if anyone was around. There was nobody. He entered the third house down the street and made his way down the stairs and into the basement. Cobwebs lined the walls, and the place creaked and groaned as if it were alive and breathing. Magnus opened the door into the basement, which creaked and groaned open. 

“Drake?” Magnus whispered as he stepped into the stone room. The cauldron was still sitting in the center of the room, bubbling, and boiling. Soon, however, a skeleton began to rise from it. “Your bones are looking thicker,” Magnus said, furrowing his brow at the sentence he just said. 

“Did you bring it?” Drake asked, holding out a skeletal hand. Magnus nodded, and reached into his pocket, pulling out a large seed. Drake took it from his hand and examined it with his hollow eyes. 

“So, you’re going to grow a new heart?” Magnus asked. Drake looked up to Magnus. 

“Yes,” he said. “Once I have my heart, I can start to regrow the rest of my body. You brought the pot and dirt?” 

“Yes,” Magnus produced these and set them on the ground. Drake instructed him to fill the small pot with soil and to plant the seed. He then took a handful of fluid from the cauldron and poured it in. “How long is this going to take?”

“I’ve never grown a heart before. It could take months,” Drake answered, watching Magnus intently. Magnus finished patting the top of the soil down and stood. 

“Drake,” he started. “I brought something else, too.” Drake cocked his skeletal head and regarded Magnus, who reached into his cloak. He pulled out two halves of a greatsword, serrated on either side like a saw. 

“Snaggletooth,” Drake said when he saw it. “I haven’t seen that sword in a long time!” 

“Can you… fix it? You did create it, after all,” Magnus said hesitantly. 

“Not without my heart,” Drake answered almost instantly. “Much of my magical ability is going into keeping this cauldron alive, and it's taken a lot of energy. Once I regain my body I can remake it, okay?”

“Thank you, Drake,” Magnus said. “You always were a great brother…” Magnus then thought for a minute. “Where are you getting the energy to keep the cauldron alive, by the way?” Drake hesitated and was about to reluctantly answer when a voice came from behind them. 

“Yes, Drake, perhaps you could share your secret!” It was a nasally and wheezy voice, one Magnus knew. He instantly straightened, gripping the hilt end of Snaggletooth, and slowly turning his head over his shoulder to look. Just as he had expected: Lucillo. The man who was fucking his wife and had impregnated her with his seed. “Wow… Magnus and Drake Evanteus. I took you both for dead,” he brought an apple to his mouth and took a large bite, smirking through his chewing. 



The large doors to the Empress’ ballroom both swung open, and the hearty warmth and sound of music and crowd filled both Ember and Clarisse’s ears. It was overwhelming for Clarisse, but she ended up stomaching it. This was the best she had ever dressed, with fancy leather pants and a baggy-sleeved shirt laced up, a coat around that. Ember walked slowly in, heels clacking on the marble, silken robe billowing behind her. Many turned to stare. “Come, girl, keep up!” Ember said. Clarisse quickly walked next to her but stayed a little bit behind. “Lady Rouselle, so nice to see you!” Ember quickly exchanged pleasantries with many Ladies, shaking their hands and then moving on hastily. Finally, she turned to Clarisse. “Get me a drink, would you? Something fruity.” Clarisse nodded her head and went off to find refreshment. She weaved her way through the crowd of people, talking and dancing. Was this what it was like to live lavishly? Without a care in the world? 

“May I have this dance?” A voice suddenly said from her right. She turned to look, and a man was standing just next to her, gloved hand outstretched in her direction. He had a chiseled face, and a small beard, and was dressed to the nines in an immaculate suit. He gave her a smile when she turned to look, and tipped a top hat situated on his head. 

“Um…” Clarisse stammered. “I’m actuall-”

“All alone with no partner! Please, Mademoiselle, I would be honored to dance with you, Lady…?”

“D-D’Eloux…” Clarisse stammered out. His expression instantly changed, and his hand recoiled. The denomination before the last name of her own Lady indicated that she belonged to her as a servant. A person under the charge of Lady Rouselle would be named De Rouselle, for example. Clarisse blushed as now a few people were looking at her. But then she spied it, just a few feet away from her. A servant carrying a tray of drinks in thin glasses. “Excuse me!” Clarisse said quickly, shoving past the man and quickly walking toward the server. “Thank you,” she said timidly as she plucked one from the tray. 

“What took you so long?” Ember asked as she took the glass from Clarisse. Clarisse blushed and was about to answer when Ember waved a dismissive hand at her. She quickly downed the glass of wine and made a face. “These are such extravagant affairs,” she said to Clarisse. “It makes me sick, really.” 

“My Lady?” Clarisse asked, cocking her head to the side. 

“I only show up to maintain a public appearance- oh no!” Ember looked frightened for a moment. Clarisse followed her gaze to behold The Lady’s mother, smiling a thin smile and shaking the hand of another elderly Mademoiselle. “Hide me! It's my mother!” Ember said, grabbing Clarisse by the waist and shoving her in front. 

“What?!” Clarisse said, blushing as Ember’s fingers enclosed around her waist. Ember crouched behind Clarisse, staying silent. Again, they were getting strange looks.

“Is she gone?” Ember said. “Did she see me?!” 

“I don’t think so,” Clarisse confirmed. “She’s gone,” with a sigh of relief Ember straightened herself, and plucked another glass of wine off of a server's tray.

“Here,” she took another and handed it to Clarisse. “Enjoy yourself.”

“My Lady, I don’t think I should be-”

“Take it!” Ember demanded. Clarisse bowed her head and took the glass from her, taking a small sip. Again, Ember downed the entire glass in a matter of seconds. Clarisse nursed her glass as Ember grabbed another. Suddenly, there was a tapping of glass, and the entire crowd was silenced in a split second. Clarisse looked up to see the Empress herself, Allura Anois, standing on a raised platform. She had never seen her in the flesh before. She was beautiful. Long flowing wavy black hair, high cheekbones, and full lips. She had dazzling red eyes, and immaculate skin as well. She wore the long flowing gold-tinted robes of the Empress, lined with thick fur. On her neck was an assortment of gold jewelry, and her ears were adorned with hanging hoop earrings. Instead of a dress, however, which is what most of the women were wearing, she had on a deep red pants suit. 

“Friends, loyal subjects all!” She began, throwing her arms out and spilling some wine onto the stage. “This is the first ball I have thrown in quite a while. Please, enjoy yourselves. Make use of the food and drink we have prepared for you. Indulge in your wildest fantasies tonight of all nights! Dancing, drinking, debauchery! Have fun!” There was a burst of applause that lasted a few seconds as the Empress smiled and waved, before disappearing off the stage. Clarisse was paying such close attention to Allura that when Ember toppled over and fell on her in a drunken stumble she nearly screamed. 

“I… have to piss,” Ember slurred, leaning on Clarisse.



Magnus slowly turned around, and Drake sank halfway back down into his cauldron. Lucillo stood there, a smug grin plastered across his face. “I wonder what the Empress would think of this. The great Magnus Evanteus, the Loveless Knight, back from the dead and reviving his missing brother, the Endling killer!” Lucillo spat out these last words, sending flecks of saliva all over the ground. 

“Look,” Magnus started. “We don’t want anything but our lives. We aren’t trying to establish a new empire or anything. I just want to live out the rest of my days with my bro-”

“Oh, be silent, swine!” Lucillo interrupted. “You’re lying! Now hand over the cauldron, and the… pot. And erm- yourself too!” 

“You’re an idiot,” Magnus said, throwing his cloak aside and brandishing the hilted half of Snaggletooth, broken at the tip. Lucillo stepped back a bit. Even broken, the serrated edges of the sword were intimidating and nearly as big as he was. There was a moment, a moment where the air hung in place in suspense. Lucillo stood, frozen for a second as he regarded the large half-blade pointed in his direction. Magnus furrowed his brow as he adopted a fighting stance, spreading his legs apart and holding his arms out. Drake sat and stared, and for a moment he wondered how he could see without eyes. 

“No!” Lucillo suddenly cried out, lunging for the pot.



The door to the bathroom swung open. Clarisse and Ember walked inside, Ember drunkenly stumbling beside her. Her arm was draped across Clarisse’s shoulder for support, and she groaned in pain. “I have to piss… I have to… I have to-” she didn’t get to finish as she rushed over to the toilet. “DON’T LOOK!” She shouted. Clarisse turned away and blushed as Ember did her business. After she was done, Ember stumbled out of the stall and to a basin of water just across the room. Clarisse watched as she washed her face, splashing herself with water. “Fuck me,” she grunted. After she had washed she stuck a hand out in Clarisse’s direction. “Towel,” she commanded. Clarisse obliged, grabbing a towel off of the counter and handing it to her. She watched intently as Ember dried her face. When she was done, her icy blue eyes met Clarisse’s gaze. 

“You keep staring,” Ember slurred. “Like what you see, huh?” Clarisse blushed and looked away. Ember nearly tripped over her foot as she slid closer to Clarisse, who gripped the counter hard as she felt her warmth. “You’re a filthy pervert, aren’t you?” she asked. 

“My Lady?” Clarisse turned to look at Ember, furrowing her brow at the accusation. Ember held a finger to Clarisse’s lips, and smirked, lowering her eyes a bit. Ember leaned in close, her lips just an inch away from Clarisse’s ear. She could feel her warm drunken breath tickling her lobe, and her blush only worsened. 

“I had an interesting talk with Helena today,” Ember said. “She said she caught you…” Ember trailed off as she started to snicker. 

“Whatever Helena said-” Clarisse started, but Ember cut her off. 

“I know, I know. She’s a huge bitch,” Ember cut in. “Maybe it was a lie… but your blush says otherwise.” Clarisse gulped, she had dug herself a bigger hole than she had realized. “Did you sniff my panties, Clarisse?” Ember suddenly asked. She turned bright red, she could feel it. Her entire face was burning up. Clarisse turned to look at Ember, who was staring back at her with those icy blue eyes. She took a deep breath, and before she could say anything Ember kissed her. 



Magnus roared as he swung Snaggletooth toward the ground. Lucillo was quick, however, and he snatched the pot up as the blade slammed into the ground. 

“Magnus! No! He cannot leave with that pot! That’s my heart!” Drake shouted. Magnus yanked the blade from the ground and brandished it, baring his teeth. Lucillo was at the door already. 

“You’re one quick fuck!” Magnus lunged at him, and his sword embedded itself in the door, sending wood splinters flying in all directions. “Dammit!” 

“Go after him!” Drake pleaded. “You have to get that pot back!” 

“I’m going to get more than that,” Magnus started. “I’m going for his head!”

Lucillo rushed down the hallway as he heard the door splinter open, and heavy footfalls come up the stairs. The front door was just ahead of him. If he could just get there, he could tell Allura. He had all the proof that he needed, nestled beneath his arm. He was almost there, the knob was nearly within arm's reach. Suddenly, however, Snaggletooth embedded itself into his shoulder. He felt a scream of pain rush through his arm, which was now dangling loosely from his shoulder socket. Magnus tugged the blade from the wound, and with a shriek swung it down again. 



Ember gripped the back of Clarisse’s head as she tilted her head and deepened their kiss. She smelled of wine, and her kiss was a little sloppy. Clarisse was shocked at first, but soon her eyes lowered and she gave in, kissing Ember back. Gripping her wrists, Ember shoved Clarisse up against the bathroom wall, pinning her hands up. With a gasp, Clarisse tensed up a bit and moaned softly as she felt Ember’s tongue snake into her mouth. This is something Clarisse greatly desired for a while now. The sense of finally achieving it was extremely overwhelming. She found it hard to form any coherent thoughts. Ember finally broke the kiss and pressed her forehead onto Clarisse’s, breathing heavily. 

“You like that, don’t you? Perverted servant girl,” Ember said, leaning in to kiss her neck. “You like my scent, huh?” Clarisse let out a small noise as Ember nibbled at her neck, letting go of her wrists and trailing her hands down to her chest. “Does it turn you on?” Clarisse nodded slowly. Ember wrapped her fingers around Clarisse’s breasts and squeezed them, chuckling deeply. “Do you masturbate when you’re alone in your room?” she asked. 

“Y-yes, My Lady,” Clarisse answered. 

“Do you think of me when you touch yourself?” Ember kissed Clarisse's cheek and hummed.

“Sometimes…” Clarisse replied, blushing deeply. Ember kissed her lips again, and the two of them shared another deep and passionate kiss. This time Ember wrapped her arms around Clarisse’s waist, and Clarisse did the same to her neck. After a moment, Clarisse felt a firm hand grip the top of her head, Ember’s fingers lacing through her hair. 

“Get on your knees,” she commanded. 



Lucillo screamed and quickly rolled out of the way as Magnus’ massive half-blade split the front door of the abandoned home open. Blood spilled and flecked across the run-down wooden floor. “Just… die!” Magnus growled through gritted teeth as Lucillo scrambled up to his feet as best as he could. The front door squealed on its rusted hinges as he opened it, spilling blood all over the ground. He felt light-headed, but he had to get back to the palace. Allura was throwing a ball right now, he had to see her. Turning around, he saw Magnus burst from the door, sending wood in all directions. Silhouetted in the moonlight he looked more beast than man, with rippling muscles flexing, and Snaggletooth’s lower half brandished. He could have sworn he heard Magnus growl like a wolf as he lunged. 

“Get away from me, beast!” Lucillo cried as he stomped forward. The blade swung again, and this time it finished the job on Lucillo’s arm. “AH!” Lucillo shrieked, blood spilling from his empty shoulder. Dropping the pot, he rushed for something, anything. He was losing consciousness, but he had to keep going. His fingers enclosed around a brick. Lucillo could hear the footsteps of Magnus Evanteus getting closer behind him. He shut his eyes, strained, and vaulted it toward him. 

The brick connected with Magnus’ right temple, and he was sent sprawling back, out cold on the ground. Lucillo picked the pot up, and limped through the abandoned district of the city, dripping blood the entire way, making his way to the glowing palace. 




“You like sniffing panties, girl?” Ember said as she shoved Clarisse down on her knees. With her free hand, she hiked her skintight skirt up around her hips. “Go ahead, enjoy yourself.” Clarisse stared between Ember’s legs. She was wearing a tight black pair of panties. Ember tightened her grip on Clarisse’s head and pushed her in between her legs. “Fuck,” Ember whispered as Clarisse pressed herself in deep, inhaling slowly. She buckled her knees and spread her legs, letting the muted pleasure wash over her. Clarisse stared up at her innocently, reaching up to push her panties out of the way, and exposing Ember completely. She extended a tongue, and ran it up and down her clit, humming at her taste. 

Ember stared down at Clarisse with fire in her eyes. She had a talented tongue, she would grant the servant girl that. She arched her back and pressed herself up against the cold wall of the bathroom, moaning softly. “Right there!” She said as Clarisse found a sweet spot. Taking initiative, the girl latched on and sucked at her clit, flicking her tongue along it and causing Ember to shiver. “O-Oh…” she could feel something building up deep in the pit of her stomach. As if a thousand fires were lit at once. She was climbing the mountain of ecstasy, nearly at its peak. 

Then the door to the bathroom opened. Clarisse’s eyes widened, and she detached herself from Ember. Ember froze up, keeping Clarisse tightly gripped in her hand. Stepping through the doorway and taking off her cloak was The Empress herself, Allura Anois. She took a moment to hang her cloak, and then stopped in her tracks when she saw what was happening. 

“Oh-” she said, and then smirked devilishly. “Oh my! What do we have here!” Clarisse instantly stood when Ember let go. Ember pulled her skirt back over her thighs and both of them stood up straight and curtsied.

“My Lady, Empress!” Ember said, blushing madly. “We erm… well…” Allura cut her off with a long deep chuckle. 

“A servant girl and her Mistress? How… scandalous! I like it!” Allura said. “Carry on,” Allura folded her arms across her chest and stood there. 

“D-does my Lady Empress not need to use the facilities?” Ember asked sheepishly. Clarisse had never heard Ember speak this way. In the dominating presence of the Empress, however, anyone would turn into a blubbering vegetable.

“That can wait,” Allura replied. “Please, carry on.” Both Clarisse and Ember looked at each other. 

“Yes, My Lady Empress!” Both of them said, and Clarisse began to get back down on her knees. 



The door to the ballroom was thrown open, and Lucillo stumbled in. There were scattered gasps and screams as he began to bleed on the floor. He was barely clinging to each breath, nearly tripping with each step. “A-Allura!” Lucillo said. “I need to see the Empress! ALLURA!” Lucillo fell to the ground and began to convulse, a pool of blood forming on the ground. 

“Someone help him!” A voice in the crowd said. A woman made her way through the crowd and knelt by Lucillo. 

“I need someone’s life force!” She said urgently. “Anyone?! Please!” No one answered, and she grunted. “Fine!” she said, pulling a dagger from within her dress and slicing her hand open. “This is going to hurt, boy,” she said, shoving her hand into the open wound. Lucillo cried out as new blood began to pump itself into him. The woman blinked as she became light-headed, and Lucillo’s wound began to close. “Y-you lost a lot of b-b-...” she trailed off, as when Lucillo’s wound closed completely, she fainted. Another scatter of gasps ran through the crowd. Lucillo strained as he sat up, looking down at where his arm used to be. 

“Get me Allura!” He shouted. 


Allura watched intently as Clarisse shoved herself back in between Ember’s thighs awkwardly. Both of them blushed, and Ember tried her best to enjoy herself. She arched her back and let out a soft and pitiful moan. Clarisse weakly tongued at her clit, grunting softly and reaching up to cup her hips with her hands. Allura continued to watch, grinning wide and raising her eyebrows. “Very nice,” she said. “Do you do this often? Obviously enough to the point where you can't keep your hands off each other even at my ball,” 

“M-Many apologies, My Lady Empress,” Ember said through a moan as Clarisse became more confident.

“Please, finally some entertainment at last,” Allura said in a sultry tone. “Lady Eloux, right? Ember?” Ember nodded as she pressed the back of her up against the wall and moaned out. “You fought in the last war, didn’t you?” 

“Yes, Ma’am!” Ember strained to say and moaned. 


“Madam Empress!” The door to the bathroom was suddenly thrown open, and Jacob stood in the doorway. “We have a- uh…” Jacob looked in at what was happening. “Situation…” he trailed off with a deep blush. 

“Jacob, my love!” Allura threw her arms wide. “Come in to spy on us?” Jacob went bright red. 

“N-no, my lady! It’s your brother!” Allura’s face instantly darkened when she heard this. 

“What is it this time?!” She growled. “You two carry on!” Allura pointed back to Ember and Clarisse and stormed out of the room. Both Jacob and Empress Allura made their way down the hallway. 

“He’s in the ballroom, Ma’am.”

“No doubt disturbing my guests,” Allura huffed, making her way into the ballroom. Immediately everyone parted, making a direct pathway to her brother, holding the place where his arm used to be. “What in the hell happened to you?” Allura asked. Lucillo strained and stood up, holding the pot under his arm still. “Been gardening?”

“We need to talk!” Lucillo grunted. “In private!” Allura thought for a minute. In private, yes, they would talk. She immediately adopted a warmer demeanor and smiled. 

“Of course, dear brother,” Allura cooed. “Come along, you can tell me all about how you lost that arm.” She put an arm around Lucillo and began to lead him from the ballroom. “Meet me in my room, Jacob, I want another bath tonight.” Jacob nodded and left. Allura and Lucillo slowly made their way down an empty corridor, the sound of the ball getting fainter and fainter. Allura was leading, and Lucillo didn’t seem to care to ask where they were going. He was too infatuated with this story he was telling. 

“So, let me get this straight,” Allura said as they descended a few flights of stairs into the darkness. “Magnus Evanteus is back from the dead and reviving his brother Drake Evanteus. Not just that, but they are growing a heart in that pot for him to regain his body?” 

“Yes!” Lucillo said. “Didn’t I tell you? I knew I was right!” Allura was going to make an angry comment, but then swallowed it, taking the pot from Lucillo and inspecting it. It looked just like an ordinary pot. Allura opened a thick wooden door, and both of them stepped into a dark room. 

“You’ve done… very well, brother,” Allura said. “Now, I expect you want a reward!” Lucillo grinned smugly and bowed his head. 

“Doing all of that work is its own reward, My Lady,” he said with a bow. “But yes. I would like one.” Allura smiled and put her hands on his shoulders. Lucillo suddenly seemed to snap back into consciousness and looked around. “Hang on. Where are we? This isn’t…” Fear filled his eyes. “O-oh no… Allur-!” With both of her hands, Allura shoved Lucillo down onto the ground. He grunted in pain, and she dug a high heel into his shoulder, pressing down hard. 

“You really are a pest, you know that?” Allura said calmly. Then she clapped her hands. “Where are Mommy’s playthings?!” She asked. There was shuffling in the darkness. Lucillo looked below the raised platform they were on, his head hanging off and looking down into the darkness. Pale gray eyes began to shamble out of the darkness, human figures groaning and moaning, with grayed bruised skin.   

“Allura! What are you doing?!” Lucillo screamed. The shambling footsteps got closer and closer until they were just below him. Clawed hands of death reached up for Lucillo, skin hanging loosely off of their fingers. 

“I am so sick of you, brother, you know that?” Allura said, shoving her heel deeper into Lucillo’s flesh, and pushing him out further over the edge. “Now, beg for your life.” Lucillo looked down over the side, seeing all of Allura’s thralls staring back up at him. Their lifeless eyes stared back up at him, mouths full of rotting teeth agape. 

“P-please spare me, sister!” Lucillo pleaded. “Please I’m sorry! I’m sorry I’ll change! I’m so sorry, Allura please!” Tears began to stream down his face as Allura pressed her heel harder, breaking the skin. 

“Aw, you poor thing,” Allura said. She shoved him out until nearly his whole body was hanging over the edge. Her thralls gnashed their teeth and clambered over each other to get to him. “Your fate was sealed the moment you walked through those ballroom doors,” her heel began to slip out of his flesh, coated in blood. It was the only thing keeping him from falling. 


“Oops!” Allura said, tugging her heel from Lucillo’s shoulder. He fell screaming, and the gray hands of her thralls washed over him, ripping and tearing at his flesh. His screams stopped soon after that as they sunk their teeth into him and began to tear and rip. In a few minutes, there would be no more of Lucillo Anois D’anois. Allura smirked as she watched them devour her brother. What a nuisance of a man. 

A bit later, Allura stepped through her bedroom door. Jacob stood at attention. “Your bath water is ready, Ma’am!” 

“Please,” Allura said with a smirk. “Call me Mommy.”

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