Chapter 14

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Heavy breaths sounded out through the empty halls. Allura grunted as she ascended the stairs, breathing heavily. There was a lot of energy coursing through her body. Her veins were running bright red and glowing. As she approached the door to her quarters she felt a screaming in her head, and a massive pain shot through her entire body. She couldn’t scream and simply convulsed, standing there. After a moment she relaxed, and let out a ragged breath. Allura threw the door to her room open, and stepped inside, trying to look herself. Drake was sitting on her bed, waiting for her. To his side, standing in the corner of the room, was Jacob. Drake looked on awkwardly from Jacob to Allura. 

“Allura,” Drake said softly. “Are you alright?” Allura didn’t answers, and her eyes lulled lazily toward Jacob. 

“Out…” She hissed to Jacob. Jacob hesitated, and before he could open his mouth to protest, Allura pointed to the door. “OUT!” she shouted angrily. Jacob quickly left, and the door slammed behind her. 

“What is wrong, my love?” Drake said. Allura chuckled at the statement and stepped closer to him. 

“I have never felt so… p-powerful!” Allura said, baring her teeth. “It hurts… It hurts so bad. But I love it, Drake. I love the pain so much! I… I want you! I want you!” Allura shoved Drake down onto the bed and pinned his hands down by the wrist. 

“A-Allura!” Drake gasped out. “Listen! You’ve been gathering so much energy. More than anyone ever has! The only thing that can contain so much magical energy is a God!” 

“A Goddess,” Allura corrected, kissing down Drake’s neck. She felt another shock of pain run up her spine, and she bit down hard on Drake. 

“Ow!” Drake grunted. “Allura, a mortal probably can’t take that amount of human energy inside of it!”

“I won’t be mortal for long,” Allura groaned as she bucked her hips on Drake’s. “So, let’s make the most of it. Let’s fuck in the strange way you liked so much when we were betrothed!” Drake gulped, feeling a stirring down the front of his pants. Drake watched as Allura rose up slowly. Like they used to do, he gripped the front of her dress and pulled it down. Her sizeable breasts fell forward, and Drake immediately took one of her nipples into his mouth. Allura moaned out softly as he sucked, swirling his tongue around it. It was a strange sensation, the pain coursing through her bones, and then the pleasure shoving its way through as well. Drake gripped her ass tightly as he sucked. “I bet it feels good to finally get your mouth around these again,” Allura cooed. “After being a skeleton for so long.” Drake didn’t answer as he switched to the other nipple, licking and sucking it as best he could. Allura slowly bucked her hips, sliding up and down his cock through his pants. Drake moaned out softly as she did this. 

Running her fingers through his hair, she gritted her teeth as another wave of pain mixed in with the pleasure. She looked down at her arms, her veins were glowing bright red. “Do you want me on your face, Drake?” she moaned. Drake nodded, and she shoved him back down onto the bed. Kissing down his chest, she positioned herself over his face, her thighs on either side of his neck. Drake reached up to cup her hips in his hands, undressing her completely. Allura shoved his pants down as eagerly as she could, feeling the pain creeping up her body even more. 

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Drake asked, seeing her body glowing more and more. It was a little disturbing to watch, but he was still hard.

“Just shut up,” Allura grunted as she shoved herself down onto his face, burying him under her ass. “Put that tongue to better use!” Drake wriggled his tongue up her clit, and Allura felt a wave of pleasure shoot up her spine. She pulled Drake’s solid cock from his pants and pulled it up to her mouth. She teased the tip of his member with her tongue, swirling it around slowly. Drake let out a muffled moan as he serviced her clit, swirling his tongue around in a figure eight. When he slapped a hand down on her bare ass, Allura grunted. But it wasn’t just because of that. The pain was becoming almost unbearable. Allura tried to push it from her thoughts, and slid her lips over his cock. She got about halfway down, moaning as Drake’s tongue explored her. Bucking her hips, Allura ground down on his face, shoving him deeper into and nearly smothering him in the folds of her flesh. Allura slid herself down to the base of his cock, and slowly built herself into a rhythm. She bobbed her head up and down, shoving a muffled moan out of him as she sucked on him. 

Drake slapped at her ass frantically as he continued to lick at her, gripping her ass tightly and spreading it apart as Allura continued to sloppily suck his cock. Her whole body suddenly tensed up in pain, however. She popped off of his cock and let out a sudden gasp and scream. Her entire body was glowing red now, and was starting to become hot. Drake continued to slap down on her ass, unable to breathe anymore. “Fuck… fuck… FUCK!” Allura screamed as she came, becoming red hot. Her skin was now lava, slightly burning Drake’s face. Her eyes were glowing white, and energy suddenly exploded from her. “I… I feel it!” Allura said. “I have… the power!” She took herself from Drake’s face, he was unconscious. “There is a Goddess again… ME!” With that last word, the room filled with white light, and she vanished into thin air. 

Drake woke up a few moments later, coughing and spitting. His entire face smelled of pussy, and flame. “Allura?” He asked no one, sitting up. There was no one in the room, and the entire room was silent. In fact, the entire city was silent. Drake stood up, padding over to the window and looking outside. It was raining. But it wasn’t ordinary rain. It was blood, falling over the city and pooling in the streets. The sky was a sickly dark red. The city of Anoisn was bleeding. Had she really done it? Had she really become a God? Drake rushed over to get dressed. He had to get out of the city, and he had to do it now.



Clarisse dotted the last line of the note she was putting on parchment. She walked over to Ember’s body, and looked down on her. She was so beautiful, so pale, so at peace. Clarisse placed the letter under her hand. Slowly, she leaned down and kissed Ember on the forehead. She kissed all over her face, and down her body. Her arms, her hands, her breasts, her stomach, her torso, her hips, her thighs, her calves, her feet. Rebecca watched curiously, biting her lip. The door was thrown open as Clarisse leaned up. “Clarisse!” Drake shouted frantically, making his way over to her. “Blood is pouring from the sky!” 

“What?” Clarisse asked.

“Somehow, Allura has ascended to Godhood!” Drake said. “We must leave, now!” Clarisse looked at him. She had no time to process this information. Looking down to Ember, she took her hand and squeezed it.

“No,” she said. “I want you to do it. Take my life for hers.” 

“W-what?!” Drake said, looking at Clarisse like she was insane. “Are you serious?!” Clarisse nodded, looking down to her lost love. Drake grunted. “Fine, but I hope she can get us out of this.”

“She can,” Clarisse smiled down at Ember. “She’s one of the most capable, wonderful women I have ever met…” Clarisse’s eyes filled with tears after that, and she closed them tightly. 

“No!” Rebecca ran up to hug Clarisse’s thighs. “Please! Don’t go! Don’t go!” Rebecca buried her face into Clarisse’s thigh and wept. Clarisse sighed, and leaned down to pick Rebecca up. 

“Rebecca, I will not ever leave you,” Clarisse said. “I have promised Ember to take very good care of you. And in my next life, I will make sure to find you, okay?” Rebecca thought for a minute, and then nodded slowly. Clarisse set Rebecca down. “Go outside of the room and wait until it is done,” Clarisse said softly. Rebecca obeyed, leaving the room. Drake said nothing, and simply walked up to both of them. He rested his right hand on Ember’s chest, and his left on Clarisse’s shoulder. Drake then shut his eyes and began to hum an incantation. After a moment, Clarisse felt lightheaded. Another moment later, she felt woozy. Her energy was leaving her, her mind was going blank. “I… I love you, Ember!” This was one of the last things she said. Drake continued to cast the spell. She felt her knees buckle. After a moment, Ember stirred. Her flesh was becoming more colorful. Soon after that, Clarisse was wobbling, and Ember had opened her eyes. Slowly, she looked over at what was happening. “E-E-Ember!” Clarisse stammered out. “Ember, I love you! I love you so much, Ember!” Ember could only stare at Clarisse, before she collapsed on the ground, convulsing. 



“Clarisse!” Ember leapt from the cold metal table and down to her lover. She was convulsing, saliva falling from the corner of her mouth. Ember attempted to shake her out of it, but it persisted. “Clarisse!” Ember said again, biting her lip.  

“Amazing…” Drake observed, watching it happen. “Usually her body would be completely gone…” Ember looked up at him, and then blinked. 

“Drake Evanteus?!” Ember said. “What did you do?!” She angrily stood and stormed toward me. 

“She asked me to do it!” Drake argued. “Stop!” Ember raised her hand to strike Drake, but then saw what she was holding in her own hand. A tattered piece of parchment. Ember unfurled it and looked down at it. She began to read: 


Ember, My Love,

I want this message to be a testament of my absolute and undying love for you. It is a love that spans lifetimes, and ages of this world. You are one of the best things that ever happened to be, My Lady. You had your duties, however, and they claimed your life. I was very upset with you at first. But I think I understand now. Your undying love for your empire was like my undying love for you. And in the end, it claimed your life. Ember Eloux, I have given you a second chance. You of all people deserve it. And I cannot bear to live in a world without you in it. I have given my own life to save yours. Please do something wonderful with it, My Lady. Take good care of yourself, and take good care of Rebecca. She needs someone in her life to help her. When she is ready, I want you to come looking for me. 

On every inch of your body I have planted a kiss. These are seeds that I have sown inside of you. In your next life, they will manifest as freckles. I would like you to take my body, and plant kisses on every inch of it as well. In the next life, we will find each other by the freckles on our skin. 

Ember Eloux, I love you more than anything in this world. I thank you so much for this endeavor. You are the most beautiful human being on the planet. And I know that if you really try, you can be great. Do these things for me, and find me in the next life. I will be waiting. 


Your Love,

Clarisse Eloux


Ember stared down at the not tear stained sheet. “Ember,” she heard Drake say. “Ember, we need to leave. I have no idea what’s going to happen to the city. In all honesty, I have no idea what is going to happen to the world!” Ember looked over to Drake, and sighed. She folded the parchment in her hands, and put it in her pocket. 

“Let’s go,” she said. 



Brigitte stared out the window, the bridge of her nose in her thumb and forefinger. A baby cried just behind her, and so did her mother. Marella knelt by the body of Magnus Evanteus, sobbing into his chest. This was depressing. She did not want to leave the room, for fear of leaving Marella and the baby on her own. As she thought about this, a raindrop fell onto the windowsill. Brigitte looked down, and furrowed her brow as she saw the deep red droplet make its way lazily down. More began to fall, and then more. Brigitte looked up to the sky, becoming a darker and darker red. Blood. It was raining blood. “What the fuck is wrong with this city?” Brigitte said, shaking her head. “Okay, time to go!” Brigitte clapped her hands together and made her way toward Marella. “Marella, I know that you are very upset about Magnus. But I need you to take the baby, and come with me, okay?” Marella was reluctant, but finally nodded and stood up. She led Marella and Violette down the stairs. The rain had begun to beat hard on the ceiling, she could hear it thrashing the building. 

When they opened the front door, they were slashed with a torrential downpour of blood. The city streets were running with it. The baby was still crying, and Marella screamed. Brigitte threw an arm around Marella’s shoulder, and started to lead her down the street. People started to panic. Some were running as fast as they could down the street, others were just screaming. It was chaos. Brigitte didn’t even know where to start. How was she to get out of the city? Both of them were covered head to toe in blood. Brigitte looked up to the sky. It almost looked like there was a face in the clouds, eyes wide with madness, and teeth bared. It was then she felt the blood pooling around her ankles. She looked down, watching the blood flow around her feet. Then, she looked behind herself. A massive wave was coming at them. “Oh-” Brigitte barely had enough time to brace before it hit them. 

Blood was not pooled around their waist. The entire city was flooding. Brigitte didn’t have a lot of time to act. She looked for something that could serve as a makeshift raft. Her eyes connected with a covered carriage, and she pulled Marella over to it. “Come on!” Brigitte said, pushing Marella and the baby up onto it, and into the covered part. Brigitte barely got on as the carriage started to flow with the blood, giving into its pull. Brigitte watched, nearly helpless as their raft began to make its way down the street in the blood. She watched as some people were swept away. Others were thrashing around in the water. She had to do something. 

Brigitte looked around the place for anything that could serve as a paddle. After a bit of rummaging around, she found it. A long and thick pole. She would try and save as many as she could. With the pole, she guided the raft, pushing it along as best she could. She started with the first person she saw thrashing and drowning, a young man. Reaching her hand out, she pulled him up into the raft. She spent the better part of a half an hour trying to rescue as many people as she could. The city was huge, and sometimes the raft would get stuck. She was shocked with how much blood was running through the streets. Some were already dead, and she had to leave them. Finally, they were almost out of the city. 

“Hey! Help!” She heard someone say. Looking over, she saw four people. A woman holding what looked like a body. Then there was a man, holding a child who was clinging onto his shoulder for dear life. They were on top of a building, which was nearly overtaken in blood. Brigitte used the pole to shove the raft over to them. 

“Hop on!” Brigitte said. The woman went first, jumping down. The man and child followed. The raft wobbled and shifted as they came down. Brigitte was done after that. She was completely and thoroughly exhausted. She sat down with a heavy sigh, groaning as all of her body ached.  

“Thank you…” The man said. The woman said nothing, and simply sat there with the body in her lap, staring out at the flowing blood.

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