Chapter 3

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Looking up at the bright morning sky, Schrodinger felt an approaching meteoroid heading downwards in his general direction as his white cat ears twitched lightly at this unexpected turn of events, while on the other hand, he was curious to see what would happen next.

Like a descending star, the meteoroid descended from the heavens with a fiery streak of light and heat. As it neared the surface of the earth, it grew larger and larger until it was the size of a small mountain. Schrodinger watched in amusement as the entire forest shook violently from the approaching impact, causing many beasts and animals alike to scurry to safety.

Before long, it struck the ground somewhere in his vicinity, producing a reverberating impact and a cacophony of sounds that resounded throughout the area. The deafening roar of thunder echoed across the wilderness, and the earth trembled under its fury as the very air itself seemed to shudder, where its trees quivered from the force of its sheer power.

A faint smell of fire and burnt ozone reached his nose from afar, signaling that the collision was no ordinary rock formation. Perhaps it might be an interesting spectacle, Schrodinger noted as he stood up with four of his legs before stretching.

Yawning out loud, Schrodinger raised his upper right arm to wipe his right eye with his paws. Once finished, he leapt off the fallen tree and began to walk into where the source of smell was leading him, making him ever more interested.

As he casually walked through the now-silent forest, Schrodinger couldn't help but prepare himself for the worst. Which is being bored again like usual, causing him to have another self-deprecating joke that is on the bottom of his own heart.

"Please show me something interesting," he quietly whispered as he continued on his merry way, "or I might just get bored again." It's always the same to him; nothing seems to capture his attention these days, just like his species once did many years ago.

The silence in the air was deafening. Schrodinger could barely hear his own footsteps or the leaves rustling as he brushed past them. Everything was still, almost unnaturally so. It was as if the world was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.

Curious, he thought.

This is truly an unusual occurrence, considering the fact that most meteorites that he had seen in the past ages hadn't shown this level of activity. Something is off here. But what? Some otherworldly phenomenon? Or perhaps it was merely an anomaly caused by natural causes. In any case, it was a mystery to him.

He quickened his pace slightly, hoping to reach the site as boredom began to slowly dissipate from his soul, making him anxious to know what awaited him ahead. Soon enough, he could see the smoke rising up ahead, making him pause for a moment.

Is this even safe? Something to say to himself in case the disaster will have him as a victim to die. Then again, death doesn't really bother him as much as it should, for his kind are always everywhere and anywhere at once, existing in both the past and future at the same time as well as the present.

Although it doesn't mean he is invulnerable to pain, the physical still hurts him. However, it won't kill him; it will merely stun or inconvenience him, to be specific. That aside, he finally decided to check on the meteoroid while having his curiosity peek at what lies within the center of the crater.

Cautiously passing through the bushes covering most of his vision, he used his free front left paw to gently push out a branch blocking his path. Within a few moments, Schrodinger saw what lay before him. It was a decently sized cavity with smoke emanating from its interior; however, what caught his attention the most was the figure laying lifelessly amongst the smoldering ashes.

Schrodinger's eyes widened slightly as he took in this sight. "Person...?" Definitively not human to be precise because of its strange appearance but nonetheless bipedal in shape, "strange, how very strange," he hummed with a slight tilt of his head.

Moving closer to examine the peculiar individual, Schrodinger carefully observed it. Sitting right next to the supposed face, its skin is black like the void, with an intriguing spear laid right next to him. The unconscious individual has a bluish mixture of purple hair as the robe he wore still remained undamaged.

Leaning his face to the man's deficient face, expecting it to be dead, what came next made his hair on the back raised high enough that he instantly jumped back when the mysterious visitor opened its purple eyes, making the curious white cat on the edge of this sudden action.

"Wha...where am I?" Janus exhaustively asked himself as he tried to grasp for breath from his unconscious state, slowly allowing the blurry images to fade back into focus as he found himself lying on the floor surrounded by darkness. "Did he seriously..."

The Roman God of beginnings and endings sighed disappointingly, "This is why I don't accept favor from anyone, even from an all-knowing entity like him," having not been in a good mood for what just happened to him, being literally transported into this unknown location and into god knows where.

Meanwhile, the white cat eyed the confused otherworldly visitor, wondering whether to leave or introduce himself to this mysterious person. He chose the latter, "you," announcing himself as the white cat noticed that his visitor had finally woken up.

"Hmm, I see I've awoken," Janus said to himself, wondering where exactly he had arrived before standing up with his treasured weapon in hand. "I'd like to—" Freezing in his spot after turning around, his eyes widen a bit at this sight. Causing the curious cat to raise an eyebrow or two.

"To what?"

Janus can't tell if this is Culsans playing tricks with him again or if he has presumably gone insane through the prolonged isolation he was forced to endure; either way, he can't say that this is perplexing, to say the least, "talking cat." I inquired cautiously, as the cat only tilted his head in response.

"Yes, I can talk," he answered in a not-so-sarcastic tone, "and this is the Dreamlands," giving out a basic piece of information that seems to catch the attention of his fellow new companion, "namely, the forest of Dunshire," and telling the confused god who has finally managed to collect himself together, "Will you tell me who you are and what your intentions are?"

In the Dreamlands, Janus finally understood where he was exactly. It should be obvious regardless of when Nyarlathotep told him that he was going to send him here, but regardless, he knew what's beyond this land of dreams, a realm of unexplored wonders, horrors, and mysteries, as well as an

"Oi, we are finally here!" Quirinus spoke up, startling the dreaming god a bit. "Sorry," he apologized, seeing the look of surprise on his face as the other voices joined in, expressing their joys at finally being freed from their tormented prison.

"Is this for real?" Saturn joyfully commented.

The narrator happily expressed at the sight, "Its been so long since we saw something else than empty, vast darkness. That's quite refreshing, to be honest," being somewhere else than the place they have been trapped for the last couple of untold years.

Janus can't concentrate properly when they are conversing and talking altogether, forcing him to slam his open palm on his forehead in order to cease this nuisance from happening. "Can't you all just shut up?" Irritably muttering, "Seriously, just stop talking all at once," which they did.

Witnessing this strange behavior, "Who are you talking to?" Schrodinger inquired, finding this individual much stranger than before, as it is better to be blunt in this type of situation, especially when he is meeting a possible madman in the middle of the forest.

"These...voices that keep bothering me," Janus muttered loudly. "I'm the Roman God of beginnings and ends, Janus," introducing himself to the cat, only to receive a blank stare. "What?" He expected at least some respect a god would have from anyone who was aware of him, but it seems he was mistaken. "I am a god. Have you not heard of me?"


Dead silence.

"...huh." He wasn't sure what to think or feel in this instant, but regardless, he decided to brush it off for the time being. "Anyways, its time for you to introduce yourself," Janus asked curiously, wondering what to expect from the locals here.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself, didn't I?" The white cat took a step forward and said, "My name is Schrodinger, one of the many residents living in the feudal town of Ulthar," answering directly as he approached the strange newcomer.

"Likewise," Janus nodded. "Now, may I visit this town of yours? I wish to first gather my bearings, as there are many trivial questions that need to be answered. Where can I start gathering information, such as acquiring supplies, currency, and other important things to ensure my own safety from this uncharted territory that I found myself in?" Wasting no time as he plans out the future, "Its better to be cautious while in foreign places, you know?"

Portunus smiled at this rational thinking: "It seems I wasn't the only one with common sense," chuckling lightly at this turn of events. "We should get going; things might get rather boring if we keep loitering around here," recommending their host follow along since they are all practically lost on where to go without a guide.

Schrodinger agreed but still held some level of suspicion. "Before I lead you there," he said, pausing his sentence for a moment as Janus waited. "Promise me you will not harm or kill any cat," icy-coldly delivering a warning shot from him.

"Why would I do that?" Expressing some surprise at that, "do I look like I am some sort of villain in a movie trying to cause chaos in a peaceful town while gaining the ire of everyone?" Making the cat skeptical of this odd phrasing, but regardless, it was too much of a risk for him to ignore it.

"Then come," he urged before jumping off the crater. "I will be the judge of that after we reach there," swiftly leading the god in the direction of the town that he resided in.

Teleporting behind the cat, they then casually transverse through the thick forest. While both had not said a word for some time until Janus broke the silence, "What do you know of this place? Any special info, hints, tips, warnings, et cetera that will allow me to have an easier time adjusting to society, or, for the matter, life itself?"

Having not yet fully comprehended this reality or the social norms of the Dreamlands, it was best for him to learn fast. Otherwise, he will be doomed to fail if he makes an ignorant mistake because of this lack of knowledge, thus becoming easy prey to any predator.

"The Dreamlands is a dangerous place for most newcomers," the white cat explained without much effort in his voice, "that's all," quickly glancing at his companion, "but don't worry, our town is filled with harmless and friendly folks. You won't find much trouble in our small place," reassuring the visitor.

They will see about that, but for the time being, Janus has to play nice to gain more information, as he had only bits and pieces of the truth regarding the Dreamlands. "Great to hear that. However, I wonder, What's a cat doing in here?" that was his main question, "not that it offends me or anything but a cat in the middle of a forest?"

A slight smile lifted Schrodinger's lips: "Oh, I was simply bored and wanted to take a walk for fresh air," answering honestly with the simple reason as they walked on, "Is there anything else that you wish to ask me?" Straight to the point, as he felt it would be a waste of time to keep conversing in this manner for any longer.

"Do you know the person who goes by the name Nyarlathotep?"

Immediately hearing that, the cat froze within an instant, having caught the god's attention by the sound of hesitation and shock as he turned ever so quickly. "How do you know that name?" He quickly inquired, as it was difficult for him to not freak out at an unexpected reply.

"What do you mean, 'how?'" Janus quizzically inquired, having no idea where he got this reaction from: "He is the one who got me here in the first place," shrugging his shoulders at this sudden revelation, not even caring about this slight outburst of emotion. "Are you alright?"

Sweat pours all over the cat's face. "If he sent a person to the dreamlands, then..." Horror dawned upon him. "I need to go," he announced before vanishing out of trace, leaving the dumbfounded Janus all by himself as he stared in complete bewilderment at this unexpected turn of events.

"What was all that about?"

The narrator confusedly uttered in general as they all shared the same thoughts in Janus' mind, not understanding why the cat acted so strangely just by a mere mention of that infamous entity.

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