Chapter 39

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"Are you done gawking?"

Bull stood impatiently in his cell, a menacing aura surrounding his frame. Unhappy that this had been taken from him of his freedom. He glared at the annoying new recruit they hired to check on him, who was young but arrogant beyond his years.

The new recruit is a mere boy who has just stepped out of the womb and hasn't yet grown into his limbs. His adolescent frame was too big for his lanky body, and his muscles had yet to fill out his shirt and pants. He looked like a scarecrow standing next to a boulder.

Despite his scrawniness and being nearly in his early twenties, he was in no way lacking in attitude, as the young man enjoyed picking on his prisoners every time he had the opportunity. The boy scoffed at his comment with disdain: "Let's get one thing clear, beast. You are in my prison, and I can do whatever I want," she stated in absolute arrogance.

Groaning irritably, he looked down at the kid with a tired glare. Though his own appearance is that of a dumb brute, his intelligence and wit are of the equal level of a warrior. "Are you fucking dense?" Suddenly, he brought his hands to the iron bars.

He completely threw the young man off guard as visible sweat trailed down to the side of his cheek, afraid that the large monster could break free with just his sheer strength, but it seems that was not the case. Knowing this, he sneered at being scared. "Listen here, prisoner!" Pointing an accusing finger at Bull, he spat, "If you have any smart comebacks to say, then speak them, but you better shut them before I hurt you!"

As if hearing his ridiculous claim, Bully couldn't help but snicker at the brat's show of bravado: "You're just a tiny brat, a measly speck of dust compared to me. You're lucky to even be alive because if it were me, I would have strangled your neck through these bars." His threatening, cold words spoken with such genuine and terrifying honesty had sent chills up the young man's spine, goosebumps prickling his skin.

With only wearing nothing more than plain silver armor with his freckled face, medium brown hair, and green eyes, the new recruit had merely pissed his pants from the intimidating exchange, trembling and paralyzed as he fell onto his buttocks.

Laughter erupted from the beast, almost to the point of tears, as the guard watched helplessly, powerless to stop his ridicule. His childish teasing, even mocking, in such a cruel and humiliating way only further amplified his shame and embarrassment.

"That's rich, kid!" Bull smiled so wide, stretching the stitches that run from both corners of his lips all the way up to his cheeks as he watched him in pathetic display. The scene playing in front of him reminded him of the time he had to train weaklings for combat: "You say that, but all bark and no bite, brat."

Enraged by the bull's taunting, the boy bit his lip and forced himself to stand tall and proud. His shaky appearance, along with the visible sweat all over his face, is clear as day that they are both humiliated beyond relief. "Whatever!" Gritting his teeth from this embarrassment, he said, "I'll find a way of having those words shoved right back at your stupid face! See what happens!"

Acknowledging his unbridled confidence, a glimmer of pride sparked within him, and he allowed for a slight upturn to tug at the corner of his lips. "Hope you do, brat...hope you do," he watched the young man walk away loudly from this cell, hearing the boy's echoing steps going farther and farther until it became nothing more than just an echo.

Granting him this peace of opportunity, Bull sighs with relief at being finally alone in this private section of the underground prison system. There were empty cells as far as he could except his own, likely due to the fact that he was in a more secure area.

Letting his hands drop from the iron bars, he took a step backwards before dropping his ass on the ground with a loud thud, releasing another breath of relief as it felt good to sit for once without anyone bothering him, "fucking guards and those shit-eating politicians," grumbling under his breath. a

Despite being imprisoned in this place, it did not stop the noise of footsteps, metal clanking against each other, and muffled, distant screams of pure agony from prisoners being beat up by the guards. It is not uncommon for those assholes to enjoy hurting and abusing those already suffering for their own entertainment.

"It's not my fault I ended up here."

Oh, how he remembered everything from the start. Ever since he came to participate in a party full of fat pigs who had never in their lives experienced what it's like to be poor, Henry had the audacity to bring him from all places to the most boring place of all existence.

Anywhere but socializing, doesn't his best friend know the type of person he is? Bull only cares about smashing things; there is nothing remotely fun for him other than fighting in tournaments. The only reason he is with him is because of the captain's annoying persistence.

Forcing his head up to the ceiling, he cursed himself for having to trust that man. After having been left here for a month, it suffices to say that the very man with whom he became best friends was nothing more than a filthy traitor who used him for his own ambitions.

Cursing himself at this, he clenched his fists angrily and said, "Damn that captain." Bull felt his own pained heart swelling with hurt. Not only that, he can also feel the warm sting of tears pricking at his eyes as he recalls that faithful night.

He was an absolute fool. A simple-minded brute with nothing else but knowing how to smash things. Is that what the guards have been saying to him? Perhaps the claim is truthfully well deserved, and it seemed to be all that mattered to him for the longest time.

"Monster...Beast..." Bull wants people to stop calling him like that for a long time; even he cannot tell anymore. All he wanted was a second chance to prove someone his worth as a person, not the savage animal that everyone had made him out to be.

Suddenly, the presence of a person caught his attention. "For the last time, you stupid brat," standing up from his spot, he angrily took a step forward with hands clenched tightly, more than ready to hurt that annoying little shit, "how long until I—" The Minotaur stopped in his tracks and said, "Your not guard."

Standing outside of his cell was neither a politician, famous figure, rich merchant, nor guard, but a humanoid person altogether. "How did you get here?" He questioned curiously as his grumpy and deep voice echoed across the quiet space.

Nodding his head, Janus wasted no time explaining, "I came here to rescue you," he answered confidently as he firmly held his beloved spear. "Captain Henry sent me," and that is where it struck a chord, resulting in Bull's eyes widening in response.

"The captain?!"

He was a little shocked for words. Bull had given up on his loyalty and friendship with that man after being forgotten for so long. Now that he is getting rescued, that is something to consider. "So he hasn't abandoned me." He whispered lowly, surprised yet at the same time saddened.

Frowning at this, the god of time tilted his head curiously. "You seem conflicted," he wandered slowly and carefully, sensing the waves of uneasiness and sadness. "Is there something you want to get off your chest?"

"I had given up on ever being rescued," he admitted bitterly in answer, lowering his head down and feeling his lips quiver in barely contained rage. "Fucking shit, all of this time he's finally come for me." Shaking his head in disbelief, the Minotaur decided to question if it was even worth returning, "but I am not sure if I want to come back," confusing the god all the more.

Janus expected a response, so he waited patiently, silently, and intently as he waited for the towering beast to finish processing what he had said. The silence was not empty, but a pool of possibilities. It was a brief yet heavy period of time that made the air between them feel thick, a tension so palpable that it could be cut with a knife.

Finally, Bull let out a deep sigh, followed by a somewhat forced chuckle. "And here I thought that he had forgotten all about me," a smile formed upon the bull's face as he gazed back at the god. "Fine then, get me out of this hell hole," a simple request that Janus complied with without problem.

Placing his hand on the iron bars, Janus then magically turns the entire thing into a puddle of water, allowing the trusted best friend of the captain to step out of his cell and smell fresh air after having to stay inside the stuffy place for a while.

Having finally seen the Minotaur in front of his very eyes, the towering bull was an incredibly massive and tall creature in person; in fact, he was roughly eleven feet tall in height. Which by nature is pretty impressive, having such a large, imposing form compared to that of the god, who merely stood at average height, perhaps six feet tall at most.

Strangely enough, the horned beast didn't even flinch or react from the moment Janus showed his power. "Now let's get the fuck out of here; my back has been itching since I have been stuck in that shitty cell," Bull sneered with contempt.

Chuckling lightly to himself, Janus nodded in agreement. "Fine by me," he answered with amusement. "Then shall we leave?" His question was answered with a groan and nod of approval: "I'll take that as yes." Feeling his done, he was ready to teleport them out of here until he heard the sound of a plate hitting the hard ground as it broke into many pieces.

Turning their heads to the side, their eyes laid upon the young guard, who was frozen in fear, holding onto the broken cup in trembling hands before slowly turning in their direction and paled in horror. "No way," he breathed in shock.

Not wasting this opportunity, Bull grinned in satisfaction as he took slow steps towards the little man. "Not so tough, kid?" Stepping over the scattered food and spilled drink, he towered over the young guard like a giant monster. "I think an apology would suffice."

"Go screw yourself."

Immediately dropping the cup the moment he was suddenly lifted off from the ground, he was grabbed by his torso like some toy, leaving himself to wriggle helplessly in an attempt to break free, proving itself to be a futile effort.

Bull was visibly amused by this, watching with great delight as the man squirmed and writhed in his grasp, desperate to escape the strong grip of the mighty beast that held him firmly. He couldn't help but laugh at the pathetic display.

"Let me go, you monster!" The guard screamed angrily, "I said, let me—" When he lifted his eyes onto the monster's menacing face, his breath caught in his throat. Up close, he could see every detail of those horrible features that were twisted into a cruel smirk. "I..." Tears stream down the guard's cheeks as he continues to struggle futilely.

"I am going to squash you like an insect," the minotaur uttered with a growl. His muscles tensed and bulged beneath his coarse fur while baring his teeth for all to display, "You're going to die in agonizing pain." That alone had completely caused the young man to collapse from shock.

Dropping the unconscious kid on the ground, he shook his head with relieved satisfaction. "Next time, brat, don't go around picking fights with people stronger than you," he muttered, returning to his usual intimidating self.

Janus then walked towards his side. "You spared him," he said curiously. "Why did you do that?" I do not understand why anyone would not take this opportunity of revenge to get revenge on the young man who caused him suffering.

"Because no matter how many times people tell me of being a monster," closing his eyes briefly. He replied, "I would never resort to those who are weaker than me." Despite the circumstances he had endured, the Minotaur possesses a trait that most people today lack.

Patience and virtue.

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