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The weeks that followed were a time of preparation. Messages with ever-increasing levels of hostility were received from the Jix, demanding their Empress and Princess back. Nyla, Cal, Pinetil, Empress Axshram, and a hodgepodge of people from the Earth government were sitting in a room watching the latest message from the Jix. The screen came to life with Ix'Grom standing at the forefront of a massive army.

"Humans, and more specifically the man who humiliated me, know that your time as a power in this reality has come to an end. You have slain your gods and taken the Empress of my faithful, so in an act of mercy, I will remove you and the scourge that you represent from creation. I will free those you have enslaved and show them the light of Ix'Grom. My priests will show them the true path to salvation filled with subservience and loyalty. I held back my power to amuse myself when last we faced. We will march on your world in three days' time. Prepare yourself, even though your defense will be futile."

The screen went blank, and everyone was silent for a moment. Finally, Nyla broke the silence, "Why didn't you just kill him when you had the chance?"

Cal let out an amused barking laugh, "Ha! Why indeed. Does anyone else care to answer?"

Cal gave looks to several people, and finally, a woman spoke up. "Humanity is not as homogenous as some people believe, especially when it comes to capital punishment and the existence of the Bearer of Sin. It is the fault of my faction, Cal, the monster he is, who was not permitted to wantonly slaughter Ix'Grom. Peace should always be given a chance, and I guess that it has failed here."

"As it has every time when it comes to Flaire Entities. Why do you still insist on this foolishness if we had let Cal loose..." another man began berating the woman.

"Enough," Cal said calmly, and the room fell silent. Nyla noticed that many looked fearful whenever Cal looked at them. "As of now, The Jix and Ix'Grom have declared war. That makes our actions going forward my choice. So I will deal with it."

The woman who had said peace should be given a chance spoke up. "Bearer of Sin, I would like to lodge a formal complaint that..."

"Yes, yes, Urinalla, I have too much power, and I should not... Blah, Blah, Blah. I will register the complaint. In the hundreds of years we have known each other, I had hoped that you would mellow out about it, but whatever." Cal sounded exasperated.

"The rest of you, reach out, contact all the delegates you can, and make sure that they know what is happening. Ask all of them to provide any needed assistance to those who need it, and then contact the Shen. Ask them to provide border containment along the vectors that the Jix are going to use to enter the galaxy." Cal issued orders, and people jumped to complete them.

Cal looked at his sister. "Tannya, we need a space lock on any back doors they might try to use. Please make it happen. I am going with Artie to the most likely point of entry and will face them there. You can funnel them to me if you want to. It will be fine either way."

Tannya nodded and left the room. Quickly, the room emptied as Cal issued more and more orders, until only Cal, Nyla, Pinetil, and her mother remained. Cal looked at all three of them, "You ladies have a choice. You are more than welcome to join me, or you can stay here. Either way, you should make a choice. I will be leaving before the day is over."

Cal left the room, and Empress Axshram followed without saying a word. Pinetil and Nyla looked at each other and nodded before following suit as well. They followed Cal to a door they had not been to before, and walking through the door, they found themselves on the bridge of a ship that displayed an image of the Earth.

"Where are we?" Nyla asked.

"Welcome aboard, ladies," Cal said, and the lights came on, revealing a bridge not dissimilar to the bridge of Cal's usual ship. "This is the Earth Military Ship, Last Light."

As Cal sat in the captain's seat, a number of screens of energy seemed to materialize, some showing graphs and others showing different views from all around the ship. Cal looked at several as he spoke, "Artie, are you uploaded and good to go?"

"Yes, Cal, I am ready." Artie's voice came from all over the massive ship, making him sound larger than he had on Cal's ship.

"Very well, everyone, grab a seat; we are moving since we are all here."

The three women grabbed a seat and were joined by two people who stepped onto the bridge in case moments before the ship began building that peculiar whine. When the whining peaked and then wound down, Cal stood and looked around at everyone, "Please make yourselves comfortable; we will be waiting here until contact with the Jix or until reports tell us where they come into the galaxy. Nyla, Pinetil, and Empress Axshram meet advisor Daren Tarkin and his son Killion Tarkin. They are, well, to be frank, they are my supposed leash, though they do not usually step on my toes."

The two men bowed and then left without saying a word. Cal went to stand next to the view screens, keeping an eye out for any early scouts. "There are rooms available, and Artie can make you all food. I will most likely be here, but I am open to talking if you want."

The three women followed the path indicated with a black line on the floor to the mess hall, where they all sat and had a cup of tea. Pinetil looked at her mother and asked one question, "Is it worth it to try and save our people?"

Nyla was shocked, but no less shocked than the Empress's response made her.

Nyla watched as the two women seemed to have a silent argument as only a mother and daughter could. With a deep sigh, Empress Axshram seemed to slump, "I'm not sure, but I have to let him try, even if it means the death of our God and many of our people. I have to let him try."

This story is ongoing! if you just want to read as it becomes publicly available, then feel free to do so here or on Reddit (r/HFY.)
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