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"The Sworb?" Nyla asked her tone one of incredulity.

"It has many names, but the Sworb is what I call it," Cal said with a grin. "I have also heard it called the M.D.A.D., The Em-Dad or Doctor Add. But what it all stands for is Multi-Dimensional Acess Device."

"So how is this important, and why do you call it a Sworb?" Pinetil asked as the sphere neared the ship. 

"It is important as it is part of my arsenal. And as to why I call it the Sworb, I think it is an apt name. You may see why I call it that later, but for now, I just wanted to ensure we have it."

Artie's voice rang out from everywhere, "Sworb acquired and stored, preparing for next jump to Jix homeworld. I recommend taking your seats once more."

Pinetil and Nyla followed Cal again, gliding through the zero-G environment to the ship's bridge. When seated again, Cal said, "Make the jump, Artie, and maybe bring a larger frame for yourself this time. Don't want to portray weakness, do we?" 

"Of course, Cal," Artie said, and the pressure built again.

An instant later, the ship had reached a landing pad on the Jix homeworld. Cal stood, and Nyla was about to speak when she saw the look on Cal's face. Gone was the somewhat odd and fun man she was used to. Gone was the leader of her clan. Before her stood the Bearer of Sin, a warrior without equal. She broke off eye contact with him as it almost physically hurt to keep looking at him.

Cal turned and looked at Pinetil, who drew in a sharp breath, seeing the same thing Nyla had, "Pinetil Axshram, remember that you are under arrest and only acting as a guide in an attempt to arrest a fellow criminal. You and Nyla will follow me. If we are accosted, you will inform any parties that we are here on diplomatic matters, as we technically are. If the accosting party persists in stopping us, they will be removed."

Pinetil nodded, and for a moment, Cal's face softened, "I am not going to be using the kid gloves at this point; if my psionic pressure becomes too much for either of you, please let me know, and I will do my best to keep the spill over away from you both. Now let's go." 

Cal's entire persona shifted to something cold and unrelenting as quickly as he had softened. They walked through the ship and made it to a door. Nyla was worried and reached out through her mental connection to Artie. "Artie? Are you coming with us?" 

"I am always with Cal, but as far as my physical self, I will not be bringing it along, should fighting break out, I need to be able to devote everything to my primary operations and to assisting Cal. Don't worry; if anything goes wrong, just stay close to Cal. You are safe." Artie said quickly as they walked. 

Nyla was nervous and brooding when she first stepped out the door. The last time she was here, it had not been fun. But as soon as they stepped outside, she and Nyla took a sharp breath as Cal unleashed an aura of power that sent chills down Nyla's spine. Around them, several Jix warriors in armor had drawn near and had been pushed back, warry hands going to weapons as they felt the wave of power.

Pinetil stepped forward. "We are here on official diplomatic business; any attempt to intercept will be met with force. I would suggest you make appropriate arrangements. We will be leaving now."

She turned and bowed to Cal, who walked past her as if this was the expected course of action. Pinetil rose and fell in next to Nyla, who was quickly following after Cal, who was retracing their route to the palace from last time. Nyla watched one of the guards use a device to communicate with another person.

Pinetil was pale. "I hope they listen." She whispered.

"Me too." Nyla choked out, her stomach roiling with the constant waves of energy washing over her from Cal.

The three walked at a quick but relaxed pace and soon had a small force of guards moving ahead of them, clearing the way. They made good time to the palace, and upon getting there, the gates opened, and they walked into the grand hall where the Empress sat. Unlike last time, however, she was flanked on either side by a total of four Jix who had strangely glowing eyes and wore robes of deep maroon with a black teardrop on them. 

"Bearer of Sin, you are early, and you have brought my daughter and the small blue woman. Is she an offering?" The Empress said, her tone solid and amused, but even Nyla could see that her eyes bore a hint of confusion.

"Empress Axshram of the Jix people. In concurrence with the laws of humanity, I have been tasked to make you answer to the governing bodies as a potential terrorist. I am hereby..." Cal was speaking formally, and as he did, the Empress's eyes widened until Cal was interrupted.

"Who do you think you are? Human?!" Demanded one of the priests, "Our god, blessed be Ix'Grom, has determined that you will fall, and you come here on a mission of heresy?!"

Cal ignored the priest and started speaking once more. "I am hereby placing you under arrest, Empress Axshram. Please note that any attempts by you or others to inhibit my duties will be met with force..."

Again the priest scoffed and then reached out, the same strange glow in his eyes forming in his hand, and Nyla felt a strange sensation before Cal made a motion as if attempting to shoe a fly away. The room fell silent. For in that simple gesture, and with no sound, the priest vanished. He did not scream, he did not splatter into a wall, he simply vanished. 

Nyla looked at Cal her blood running cold, and saw a manic grin on his face, he laughed, a sound that had no place amongst civilized people. He locked eyes with each of the priests and then settled on the Empress. "I said I would meet any attempts with force. Now, I will finish what I was saying. Inhibiting my duties will be met with force. Should the flare entity known as Ix'Grom attempt to intervene, he shall be purged from reality, just as I have done to every single purge entity in our galaxy. So make your move." 

Cal smiled, seemingly dropping the temperature several degrees with his simple gesture, and the Empress rose to her feet. "I will go with you, Cal; I do not wish..."

"The mortal has made a claim that is amusing." A voice did not come from any throat present said, "I would know how he intends to back it up." 

Sudenly the hair on the back of Nyla's neck stood on end, every instinct in her body screamed at her to hide and cowwer in fear. Slowly, she turned to face the eight-foot-tall entity behind her. Cal turned easily as if looking to greet an old friend.

Cal smiled a warm smile that, in this situation, was almost more terrifying than his cold chuckle from earlier. "Hello, I am guessing that you are Ix'Grom."

This story is ongoing! if you just want to read as it becomes publicly available, then feel free to do so here or on Reddit (r/HFY.)
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