
In the world of Alaria

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Chapter 3 - Back At The Guild

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Strolling through the cobbled streets of the little town of Nereford,  I guide us towards the Adventurers' Guild, as the sun sinks in the sky.   Around us people bustle importantly.  Merchants and porters are shutting everything up for the night.  Taverns are opening everything up for the night.

It's taken us most of the day to walk back from the quest location.  Tessa and Brian seem really down.  I've tried reassuring them that this failed stat won't hold them back.  Not their fault someone splintered off from a group of random adventurers.  It happens more than people think.  Even for the harder quests.  They'll find a group to call their own.  So far they've just nodded at my words and glumly followed me back to town.

Shi-Shi seems to be taking this more philosophically.  Though, perhaps his shifted dog face is simply hiding what he's really feeling.  He hasn't once shifted back to his elven form so I could be reading him wrong.  He's sticking close to me and is currently padding softly beside me.  His ears are pricked up and he's looking around at the town.

Reaching the big gaudy Guild building, I push open one of the big double doors and usher everyone inside.  There are people milling around the place.  All of them dressed in various armours and adventuring clothing.

Going over to the reception desk I wait in line to register our failure due to Group desertion.  Also to inform them that Roderick is a thief and he took all of our loot.  The others of my Group join me.  There aren't too many people ahead of us so it doesn't take long.

"Yes?" The prissy administrator asks.  She's fairly new.  Only been here for a few months.  Can't say I like her.  She might wear the uniform of the Guild, but she's added accents, like braiding and extra embroidery.  On my first world I'm sure this would have been fine.  My memories of it are foggy.  Though individuality was often celebrated.  I think.  Here, in Alaria, people stick to rigid hierarchies.  One of the ways they stick to it is with defined dress codes.  By messing with her uniform she's considered 'putting on airs'.

"Hi, I'm Persephone.  I'm here to register my Group's assigned Quest, Cave of the Spider Queen, failed through Group Desertion," I try to carry on to inform her of the other information she needs to know, except she interrupts me, by lifting a finger at me.

"One moment, please," She summons the Guild interface.  Slowly tapping at the interface to bring up our information, "Hmm, ah, here you are.  Let's register your failure," She taps at the interface some more.  A glittering twinkle catches my eye, a golden ring with an opal, is sitting on her finger.

Normally, the various interfaces tend to glow a soft blue white colour.  Her one suddenly flashes red rejecting her command.  Causing her face to screw up.  For a fellow human she's very attractive.  Dark hair coiled up artfully and pinned with gleaming hair clips.  Skin that sun kissed Mediterranean golden tan.  Her brown eyes should be a warm liquid brown.  With her face currently twisted into a scowl she shows her true personality.  It gives me great pleasure to watch her failing to register our failure.  Too many of these and the Head Administrator will be summoned.

Again and again the interface flashes red.  The more it goes red, the more red her face goes.  And the more entertained I am.  It's now simply a matter of time before the Head Administrator turns up.  I keep my own face as neutral as possible, my body language calm, and don't cross my arms.  I am the picture of relaxed patience.

In front of me this particular administrator is anything but patient. She's half risen from her seat, slamming her hand down on the interface, which is still turning red each time.  When a snarl is pulled out of her is the exact moment the Head Administrator turns up.  "Adelaide? Is there a problem?"

Hand stopping mid swing at the interface, the administrator squeaks, and spins to stare at where the words came from.  "Head Administrator Mikhail," She says with a tremour in her voice, clearly flustered, and with a deer in headlights look on her face.

Oh, this could be good.  Mikhail is an excellent administrator and runs this place like a well oiled machine.  He won't stand for anyone messing around.  Thankfully I've never run a foul of him.  Though I've heard the stories.  In all my interactions with him, he's been a very mild mannered, respectful half elf.  Soft flowy lavender hair.  Purple eyes.  Lips that always catch my eye.  And he's always immaculately dressed in his uniform with perfect posture.  I try to ignore the purple freckles sprinkled across his pale skin.  In the past, the way he'd turned down my advances was so gracious, I've done my best to pretend I never asked in the first place.

"That is my title, yes," His beautiful face is serene.  Showing nothing of what he's thinking.  I'd never gamble against him.  My face is too expressive.  "Now, answer my question.  Is there a problem?"

Gently clearing my throat, I do my best to catch his attention, "Head Administrator Mikhail.  Thank you for your timely intervention.  For some reason the Guild interface won't accept our quest failure through Group Desertion.  It keeps rejecting the update."  At no point do I mention this is because the administrator was trying to register the failure as our fault.

He gives me a nod of acknowledgement, sweeps towards the open Guild interface, and reads what's been entered.  A tiny, barely there, hint of a frown crosses his face, "Ah, I see the problem.  Persephone isn't it?"

"Yes Head Administrator," I answer him helpfully.

Ignoring me he taps away at the screen and it smoothly accepts his command.  "There all four remaining Group members are now updated.  Should you wish to retake this quest you will require, at a minimum, one extra Group member.  Is there anything else I can help you with today?"  The Customer Service is strong in this man.

"Yes sir," I truly do respect him, so it's no problem to use titles like 'sir' around him.  "We'd also like register our former Group member, who deserted of his own free will, as a thief," That catches Mikhail's attention.  "One Roderick Bink," Those stunning eyes of his stare into mine.   "We unfortunately were unaware of his profession until partway through the quest.  And discovered it when he dealt no damage and stole all of the party loot.  I'm sorry to say, it looks like undesirables have worked out how to sneak into the Guild again."

"I see," Mikhail's face drops.  I've just handed him a nightmare of paperwork to fill out.  While he's looking at me, and the other administrator isn't, I lift my hand and point to a ringless finger.  Then I nod towards the woman before she has a chance to turn her head back to me.  I've no idea if he caught what I meant.  I hope he did.  Because that ring sounds far too familiar to me.  Though I could be wrong.

"Well, thank you for your help Head Administrator," I give him a small bow.  Nothing too fancy.  For an ordinary adventurer, he'd outrank them, and a bow would be appropriate. Technically I'm a noble, but I prefer to hide that fact.  "We know you're a very busy person, thank you for your time today, and we'll let you get back to your work."

Dismissed with a wave of his hand, I lead my Group over to one side out of everyone's way. Damn, looks like I'm not going to see Adelaide get her just desserts, well, you can't have everything. Turning to my group I clap my hands together to get their attention, "Right, well that's all sorted now.  All we need is a new person to join so we can retry the quest.  I vote, we take this evening to eat in the kitchen here in the Guild Building.  Use one of their Group rooms to sleep in.  And, try and rustle up a new member tomorrow, when we're fully rested and ready to take on the day."

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