
In the world of Alaria

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Chapter 1 - Spider Fight

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"Argh!" Brian screams as the giant spider bites into him.  His flimsy cheap armour is easily breached.  The arachnid's fangs sink deep pumping the man's body full of its weak poison.  No one runs to his side.  They're all busy with their own spiders.

Except Rodrick.  He's nowhere to be seen.  Again.

Shaking my head, I load another stone into my sling and take aim.  Leaning into my telekinesis, I add more force to the bullet, and increase the chance it'll hit true.  Letting the stone fly towards its target, I smile as it smacks into the spider's face with a meaty thwack.  My attack is enough to destroy a few of the spider's eyes.  Which, at least, causes it to stop biting Brian, letting the fighter go.

Slipping to the ground, Brian lays there groaning, as I switch from channelling a mending charm, to a purifying charm.  Right now the poison in his system is my biggest worry.  These particular giant spiders' poison can have a horrible side effect of causing a person's blood to stop clotting.  I could mend Brian's external wounds, only for him to bleed out internally, dying from the poison's effect.

I load up another stone to aim at the damn giant spider yelling at my group, "Someone cover Brian!"

On Earth I disliked spiders.  Since being summoned to this world I've learned to really loath the giant versions.  They scuttle far too quickly for their size, able to change direction, and speed, at a moments notice.  There are strange hissing sounds from their sides where they breathe.  Their webbing is strong enough to catch humanoids.  And don't even get me started on their damn fangs.

A flash of white out of the corner of my eye, then Shi-Shi is there, still shifted in his dog shape.  While he isn't a very big dog, his black and white body is highly manoeuvrable, while his teeth are sharp enough to damage the spiders.  He stands beside Brian growling, as the human recovers from his poisoning, and waits for the man to get to his feet.  All while I send another stone towards the spider which is still trying to get to the fallen warrior.

Once Brian is back up, I switch back from the purifying charm to the mending charm.  It should be safe to heal Brian now.  Which is when Rodrick sudden appears to pat his 'friend' Brian on the back, "You okay?  Had me worried for a moment."  The greasy little blond archer nods towards the arachnid, "Come on let's finish it."

For some unknown reason Brian listens to him.  The complete idiot of a fighter, lifts his flimsy sword, with both hands, and charges the battered spider.  Too stunned to call out a warning, I watch as, predictably, his joke of a sword bounces off the spider.  This leaves Brian wide open to the spider's attack.

This time, as those fangs punch into Brian's body, Shi-Shi is right there.  By attacking Brian, the spider has left itself open to Shi-Shi.  And the elven shifter takes full advantage.  Moments later the spider is doing that horrible movement where it curls up on itself signalling that it died.

Swapping my charms over again.  I glance around to find Rodrick's vanished.  While Shi-Shi stands guard over the prone Brian.  Leaving just Tessa unaccounted for.  Though moments later she appears from behind a huge pile of spider corpses.  A pile that is smoking and twitching from the residual magic she used to bring them down.

Running her fingers through her short brown hair, the mage sighs, gives me a nod, then notices the downed fighter.  "Brian!" She shouts his name running towards him.  Passing me, she skids to a halt by the fighter, and drops to the floor beside him.

As I've finished with the purifying charm, I start up the mending charm again, the man should be back on his feet shortly.  Doesn't stop Tessa from pulling Brian gently into her arms.  Or stop her from pressing soft kisses to the top of his head.  Also doesn't stop Brian from leaning back into Tessa.  Or stop him from lapping up her fussing.

Sitting on his haunches, Shi-Shi looks at them, then at me.  His tongue lolls out.  Shaking his head he heaves a silent sigh.  I deliberately look at the pair of lovebirds, then back at Shi-Shi, then I roll my eyes.  We both look away from each other.  Me, because I'd end up giggling.  Him, I'm not sure why.  Though I hope its because we have similar senses of humour.

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