
In the world of Parallel universe

Visit Parallel universe

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Chapter 4

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The Fall Of The Clan Leader

As I followed the leader within the city walls, I was surprised to see modern conveniences and other technologies in progress. We walked through the streets on our way to his hall, and everyone stared at what I assumed they considered my monstrous form. I could tell they were scared by my presence, and somehow, this brought me great joy in knowing they feared me. Finally, we arrived at a large fortified structure, and the Capital Leader opened the doors, bidding me to follow him.

Walking inside, I saw a grand room with a long table and numerous chairs, perfect for important meetings. "Are you ready to hear my message now?"

The capital leader turned to me and said, "One second, please allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Chief Yorlee. It has been my duty to run this Noxeer for the last 15 years. The previous chief met an unfortunate accident that led me to stand before you. Now, great warrior, what is your name?"

"My name is Lord Diyu, and it is time you listen to my message before I lose my patience," I replied.

Yorlee looked around and opened his arms wide. "Proceed, oh great lord," he mocked, slightly mocking my introduction.

"My message is simple: the planet is doomed to be engulfed by the sun in less than a century. I possess the knowledge to escape this planet and free my people from its forsaken destiny. Kneel before me, and under my rule, you and your people will have a future. If you resist me, you and your entire capital will burn."

Yorlee looked around, then kneeled, stood up, kneeled again, and repeated the motion several times, but quicker. "You see me kneeling before you, but that doesn't change anything here. There are thousands of Kreegans out there who think for themselves and follow whoever they want, not who I tell them to. So, while you are a good fighter, and your destructive power is unmatched, the question remains: can raw power alone make a worthy leader?"

I wasn't sure if he was questioning my strength or my intelligence. I knew my power was overwhelming, and I replied, "My power speaks for itself. The capital needs a leader who can command respect through strength and bring order through chaos."

"Strength, indeed, but true leadership requires more than brute force. We need someone who can inspire, strategize, and unite. Think about it—if you can convince the citizens of this capital to follow you, you will have many more people under your rule, won't you? Let us put your strength to the ultimate test, Diyu."

Curiosity sparked within me, and I asked, "What test do you propose, Yorlee?"

Yorlee looked over me, believing he was about to outthink me and send me to an early grave without lifting a finger. "The capital houses a mythic beast known as the Caustic Levin, a creature feared by all. It was a gift from the Ophidian Clan when the great peace began. We keep it in the pit of the colosseum as entertainment. No one has ever defeated this beast; in fact, many consider it a death sentence just to face it. Defeating it would not only prove your strength but also demonstrate your ability to protect and lead."

"The Caustic Levin, you say? How would defeating it show my ability to protect and lead?"

"That is a straightforward plan, Diyu. You and three of your men will enter the pit, and if you can emerge with all three men alive, it would speak volumes about your abilities, not just in raw power, but also in the cunning to harness it. The Caustic Levin is not merely a physical challenge; it requires a keen mind to outwit and overcome its deadly attacks. Facing such a beast is truly a nightmare."

The idea is tempting, contemplating Yorlee's proposition. "You make a compelling argument, Yorlee. Conquering the Caustic Levin would undoubtedly prove my worthiness as a leader. However, why should I accept this challenge instead of simply seizing power?"

"Like I said, the answer lies in the hearts of our people. Leadership is not granted by force; it is earned through respect and admiration. By willingly confronting this monstrous threat, you demonstrate to the capital that you are not merely a destructive force, but a leader who is willing to protect and fight for them."

As I considered the potential outcome, a realization struck me. If I can save the lives of the people of this capital and win them over with this deed, then it is indeed the path of my destiny. "Yorlee, I accept your challenge. If I am to lead this clan, I shall prove my strength by facing the Caustic Levin."

"Excellent, Diyu. Your decision showcases your wisdom and willingness to rise above mere power. Together, we shall prepare for your encounter with the Caustic Levin, and the capital will bear witness to your true potential as a leader," Yorlee expressed, relishing the thought that he had outsmarted a formidable opponent and now believed he could sit back and watch this man's demise.

We both rise from our seats, and Yorlee inquires, "Which of your men should I summon?"

"Inform my trusted general, Emo, to send only two skilled archers. That will be sufficient for the task at hand," I reply confidently. Yorlee nods in understanding and leads me to a room where I am to await the arrival of my chosen companions and the gathering of spectators within the coliseum.

As I wait patiently, Yorlee wastes no time in spreading a different message to his citizens. The news of my capture and impending death sentence, attributing it to my act of killing three citizens of the capital. The word travels swiftly, sparking immense curiosity and drawing the largest crowd ever witnessed for a coliseum event in the capital's history.

Before long, my selected men arrive - two hunters from my village whom I have yet to become acquainted with. I observe them closely and address them sternly, "If you wish to preserve your lives, listen carefully to my instructions and follow them without question. Rest assured, I will do everything else." Two guards show up and instruct myself and my subordinates to follow them to the coliseum. They lead us down some steps and into a dungeon. As the guards escort us through the dimly lit dungeon, the sound of our footsteps reverberating off the damp walls, we pass by rows of cells containing frail and desolate inmates. One particular inmate catches my attention—a gaunt figure leaning against the cell door, repeatedly shouting a haunting warning.

"It's out there! Things are not what they seem! It's out there! Things are not what they seem!"

Despite the inmate's frenzied cries, I remain silent, focusing on the task at hand. We continue deeper into the dungeon until we reach a dead end. Before us stands a heavy metal door, secured with a massive locking device. With a resounding clank and thud, the lock is released, and the door creaks open, flooding the darkness with blinding light. Peering through the doorway, I see a sprawling swamp, and the distant sounds of a large crowd echo from above.

Stepping forward into the murky waters that reach my knees, I take a moment to assess my surroundings. The enclosed swamp stretches far, its size rivaling that of my village back home. Towering stone walls, stacked over 70 feet high, encircle the area, sealing it off from the outside world. A wide opening covered with caged bars provides the spectators above a glimpse into the pit below. The sheer height of these walls leaves me pondering the immense size of the creature I am about to face and fills me with a growing curiosity about its true nature.

Within the pit, the stagnant air hangs heavy with anticipation. The dark, almost black water stretches before me and my archers, concealing the lurking danger. Floating and submerged plant debris bob aimlessly, creating an eerie atmosphere. The two dead trees, skeletal remains of their former glory, stand as solemn sentinels amidst the watery expanse, their branches gnarled and twisted.

As Diyu surveys the treacherous battleground, he senses the presence of an imminent threat. The uneven ground beneath the swampy surface poses an additional challenge for my heavy metal body, with submerged hills and valleys that could easily ensnare the unwary. I motions for my companions to spread out, taking up strategic positions on either side, hoping to gain a better angle of attack once the beast reveals itself.

While studying the walls encircling the pit, Diyu notices the absence of any other entry points. A realization dawns upon him—the beast must already be within the confines of the pit. Heightened awareness sharpens his senses as he scrutinizes the surroundings, searching for any subtle signs or clues that might hint at the creature's presence. The silence is broken only by the distant croaking of unseen creatures and the occasional ripple disturbing the stillness of the swampy waters.

Yorlee address the crowd right after the sound "You all have heard of the acts this man has committed now watch his fate as the legendary Caustic Levin hands out your revenage!" The crowd ignites into cheers, they obviously wish for my death. The crowd begins to quiet down and the intensity with each passing moment grows, and the anticipation of the impending confrontation hangs thick in the air. my archers and I stand ready, weapons held tightly, prepared to face the imminent danger that lurks within the murky depths of the coliseum pit.

As I scan our position, and maintain a vigilant positions, the unsettling stillness of the pit is shattered by a sudden disturbance in the water. Ripples expand from a central point, creating a widening ripple effect that sends shivers down my spine. The surface begins to churn, revealing a massive form emerging from the depths—the Caustic Levin.

With a deafening roar that reverberates through the pit, the towering beast rises before them. Its scaly, reptilian skin glistens with a sickly sheen, and the air crackles with the anticipation of impending danger. The Caustic Levin stands at an imposing height of thirty feet, its muscular arms and hulking body exuding raw power.

I stand in awe, my gaze fixed upon the magnificent creature before me. The Caustic Levin's iron formations, resembling jagged horns and spikes, shimmer with a faint hint of electricity, occasionally emitting zaps and sparks.

Without a moment's hesitation, the Caustic Levin unleashes its primal fury, slamming its massive fists into the swampy ground. Instantly, the water becomes electrified, and bolts of crackling energy dance across the surface. A surge of electricity courses through my body, temporarily paralyzing me. I glimpse my archers, also affected by the jolt, lying unconscious at the periphery of my vision.

Gradually, the grip of the electricity on my body subsides, and I find myself relatively unharmed. While the experience wasn't overly painful, it rendered me immobile. The crowd erupts into cheers as the beast lands its first blow. Ignoring the lingering effects of the shock, I steel myself and charge forward, my determination unwavering.

With a powerful swat of its massive hand, the Caustic Levin hurls me into the wall with tremendous force. Pain radiates through my body, but it only fuels the growing rage within me. Clarity wanes as my mind succumbs to the overwhelming desire for vengeance and the thirst for destruction.

In a moment of keen observation, my eyes catch sight of an old, rusted blade embedded in a tree trunk nearby. Without hesitation, I spring into action, moving with such agility and speed that the beast is unable to land a single blow on me. Seizing the blade from the tree, I change my trajectory, charging towards the creature with even greater velocity. Its attempts to strike me directly are in vain.

However, I realize that the Caustic Levin possesses a distinct advantage in this swampy bog. Its massive body allows it to traverse the treacherous terrain effortlessly. As I narrow the distance between us, the beast swipes at me twice, but I narrowly evade its mighty blows. Frustrated, the creature slams both its arms into the water, unleashing a directed electrical attack.

With lightning-fast reflexes, I dart between electrified patches, narrowly escaping the paralyzing currents that threaten to immobilize me. With each swing of my weapon, I target the creature's vulnerable spots—the eyes, the exposed joints—hoping to exploit any weakness. In a defensive move, I manage to slice the creature's hand, defending myself from an impending attack. Sensing the immediate danger, I quickly retreat, putting more distance between us, allowing myself a moment to reassess the situation.

As I examine the blade, a faint sizzling sound catches my attention. I lower my gaze and notice tiny amounts of smoke rising from the point where the creature's green blood stains the weapon. Realization strikes—the blood is some kind of corrosive acid, rapidly eating away at the blade. Caution takes hold of me as I become acutely aware of the perilous nature of any contact with the creature's blood. Its acidic properties remain a mysterious threat, and I must exercise extreme care to avoid its effects.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, I knew I had to seize the moment. The longer the fight dragged on, the slimmer my chances of emerging victorious became. With determination in my eyes, I made a swift and decisive move, aiming straight for the vulnerable underbelly of the colossal creature.

However, I was caught off guard by a sudden backhand swing that sent me hurtling through one of the dead trees. The impact was jarring, and I crashed into a shallow pool of water. Agony surged through my body as I realized the searing pain emanating from my shoulder—the acid had breached my skin, corroding its way through my metal flesh. Acting swiftly, I instinctively submerged my injured shoulder and half of my body in the water, seeking relief from the burning sensation.

As the pain gradually subsided, a surge of rage coursed through my veins, consuming me entirely. Fire ignited within me, fueling an intense focus on obliterating anything standing in my path.

In the face of my unyielding fury, the Caustic Levin moved to deliver a final blow, seeking to finish the job it had started. But this time, empowered by my all-consuming rage, I moved with unmatched speed and power. In an explosive burst, I launched myself off the ground, unleashing a shoulder charge directly at the creature's knee. A cacophony of bone-breaking sounds filled the air as the creature's knee buckled under the force of impact. It let out an ear-piercing roar of agony, crumpling forward onto its stomach, writhing in excruciating pain. The crowd let out a sigh, never has this animal tasted defeat and never did they expect me to win. 

"I will end you!" I bellowed, a resolute determination surging through me. With my fist clenched tightly overhead, I leaped into the air, channeling every ounce of strength within me. Like a colossal sledgehammer, my fist descended upon the creature's head with tremendous force.

The impact was devastating, resulting in a grotesque scene. Blood, teeth, and fragments of brain matter scattered in all directions, staining the water lime green. The gruesome remnants floated momentarily before sinking out of sight, swallowed by the depths of the murky swamp.

The crowd remained on their feet, utterly shocked by the spectacle they had just witnessed. For several suspended seconds, silence gripped the coliseum, as if the audience struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the display before them. Then, as if awakened from a collective stupor, a thunderous roar of cheers and applause erupted, cascading through the air in waves of astonishment and admiration. The crowd hailed my outlandish show of power, their voices blending into a symphony of jubilation and awe.

Yorlee, unable to ignore the overwhelming approval resonating from the spectators, realized that his plan had backfired. It became evident that he could no longer condemn Diyu to death, for the people had witnessed a force that demanded reverence. "You may not hold the title of a clan lord," Yorlee proclaimed, his voice tinged with reluctant admiration, "but you have proven yourself as a Lord of Destruction."

Amidst the boisterous commotion, a resounding clank reverberated throughout the coliseum, resonating with finality. The heavy metal door, which Yorlee had emerged from, creaked open on its rusty hinges. Two guards, their expressions a mix of apprehension and curiosity, stood in the doorway, awaiting our next move.

Yorlee's voice carried over the clamor, his tone now laced with a hint of begrudging respect. "Come, let us get you cleaned up," he said, gesturing for me to follow. "We have unfinished business to attend to."

Nodding in acknowledgement, I turned my attention to my men, who were gradually regaining consciousness after being incapacitated by the creature's electric assault. Extending a hand, I helped them up one by one, ensuring their stability as they regained their footing.

Together, we made our way toward the awaiting guards, the echoes of the crowd's cheers still reverberating in our ears. Yorlee and the guards led us back up to the negotiating area.

"I am really unsure of what to do here. You have the strength of a god, that is for sure," Yorlee confessed. "It took an entire army to capture that creature, and many lost their lives in the process. I never thought I would see someone kill it with their bare hands."

"I proved my words true. I am the chosen one, destined to lead my people off of this forsaken rock that is doomed to die by the sun," I asserted.

Yorlee rubbed his chin, deep in thought. "So you're saying you're not here to kill me and take my job. You're here to help us, as long as we follow you?"

"I am here to lead my people, time is limited, though. We must act fast," I affirmed.

"Will you be taking over all responsibilities of the city and clan politics?" Yorlee said while he strokes his chin clearly thinking of something. 

I looked at him, realizing I know nothing about running a city. "Here is how this is going to work: You may stay the face of leadership among your people. However, you will answer to me when I call."

"What exactly would you call me to do?" Yorlee looked at me, concerned.

"I will raise an army and invade the neighboring clans and convince their leadership to either follow or die by my hand. Their lands have resources critical for advanced spacecraft to carry us off of this rock."

"No other clan leader will openly submit to anyone. The only reason your escapades worked here is because we don't have a military any longer. All our soldiers were reclassified into other professions, and now their sons, who have never been soldiers, have taken over for them."

I stopped and pondered his words for a moment. "We will have to make them soldiers then, won't we? Fetch my men. We have a lot of work to do to prepare."

The guards walked off in the direction of my men. I looked at Yorlee, who had a look on his face suggesting that he had something to say. "Speak, Yorlee. We are not enemies, and we now share the same goal."

"Yes, of course. Well, perhaps it's better if I just show you. Please, follow me."

I followed him out the main door of the gathering room and down a main street. I could tell people didn't know how to act around me. Some kids would cheer, while others would run away. Either way, I could tell my exploits in the pit were well known at this point. We continued walking without much conversation. Eventually, we reached the outskirts of the city, where a large wooden gate led to another section of the city that appeared uninhabited for a long time. As I looked around, I could tell this must have been a military barracks of some kind.

Yorlee stopped in the open area and turned to me. "This used to be our military barracks before the peace treaty forced us to decommission it. I always found it strange that we had to disband our forces while the other clans did not. I guess it was because we used to raid a great deal and were very successful at it, apparently. Either way, it left the door wide open for someone like you to walk in and reignite the flames. Maybe there is something to this destiny you carry on about. I am interested in what will come of you and this endeavor."

I could tell Yorlee had alternative motives behind his newfound confidence in me. Any respectable leader would have definitely sentenced me to death on the spot in the road and never let me set foot inside the city. I will have to keep a close eye on him; he is very crafty. 

We make our way back to the gathering room where Emo and the rest of my men are now waiting for me. I signal to Emo to come as we have things to discuss.

"My Lord, I see negotiations went, well. All the citizens are terrified of us as we walked through the streets. What happened? No, never mind. I don't want to know. What are your orders, my lord?"

I almost broke a smile from Emo's reaction to the people in the streets, but I knew we had work to do. I told him about the barracks and training facilities and instructed him to set up the guardsmen there and begin renovating the facility to get it in working order. I pulled Emo aside and whispered to him so that no others could hear, "Send three men to fetch my mother and the rest of the villagers. We will all now be living in the barracks." Emo nodded and went to go carry out my orders. I walked back over towards Yorlee and began to ask some questions. "How many able body men do you have in this capital?"

"Our last population count came back 300,000 able bodies, but that would be both male and female. Any reason why you wouldn't only men?"

"No, just an old habit. All will die equally in the end if nothing is done so all should help where they can. Yorlee plan a large gathering where I can address the population here."

"That will take a little bit of time to set up. give me a week and you will have your audience."

I nod my head, "Make it happen." I can tell Yorlee is eager to tend to his own matters. I need to be weary of him. I suspect the fight with the Caustic Levin was a ploy to kill me without making it seem as such. He is a clever one indeed, I shall need to harness that for my benefit. 

A week passes, and Yorlee has done as I asked. A large crowd gathers outside the gathering hall, where a podium awaits me to address them. Yorlee steps forward, successfully hushing the crowd, and introduces me. I ascend the podium and gaze upon the multitude of Kreegans who desperately need my assistance, even if they are unaware of it.

"I have great news to share with all of you," I declare, my voice carrying across the assembled throng. "Please take my words with utmost seriousness. I am here to inform you that in less than a century, our planet will no longer be capable of sustaining life. Furthermore, our dying sun will eventually consume our world."

Boos erupt from the crowd. "How can we believe such claims?" one person shouts. "We lack evidence and reason to trust you!" cries out another.

"Do not rely solely on my words," I assert, gesturing with my left hand towards a group of men approaching the podium. Unexpectedly, I catch a glimpse of defeat in Yorlee's expression, confirming my suspicions about him. Turning my attention to the approaching men, I address them directly. "Please share with your fellow citizens what you have personally witnessed in the fields and oceans."

The first man steps forward, raising his hands to signal the crowd to quiet down. "What Lord Diyu says is true," he asserts. "Our oceans are yielding less and less bounty with each passing day."

A member of the crowd interjects, "We've experienced fish shortages before. It's not unusual."

The fisherman responds with clarity, "If this were merely a temporary shortage, it would be the mildest we've ever seen. The situation is worsening day by day. Soon, our fish markets will be completely depleted, and famine will loom over us all."

A hunter steps up, adding his voice, "I can attest to that. We are discovering more lifeless Anoxe in the plains than ever before. These are harbingers of a grim future."

The crowd grows agitated, panic emanating from their collective demeanor. Sensing the urgency, I step forward again to address them. "Now that I have your attention, believe me when I say that this planet has forsaken us, and we must escape its grip. Follow me, and you and your families will find salvation!"

The crowd appears almost convinced, but a voice shouts out, "What are we supposed to do in the meantime? Survive on wishes and dreams?" The restlessness spreads through the crowd instantly.

Raising my hands once more, I calm the crowd, "I am working with Yorlee to address the food situation. However, as a leader, I find it shameful that he was unaware of the severity of our food crisis." I catch Yorlee swiftly turning around and retreating into the meeting hall. At that moment, I realize I have gained the crowd's trust over him. Though more work lies ahead to fully win them over, this is the crucial turning point I needed. I knew I needed a way to provided food and training to them that would want to make them join my army.

I walk back into the meeting hall and am greeted by an upset Yorlee. He confronts me, saying, "You poison my very name to the people! Who do you think you are?"

I quickly grab him by the throat, and lift him off the ground and bring him in close so he can hear every word while he chokes. "I am your Lord and Savior, if you ever try to cross me again like you did with the pit I will feast on your entrails!" I could feel the anger consuming me, a strong urge to exert more force, choking him further, and even entertaining dark thoughts of his demise. The voice within me, once loud and clear, filled with reason, had now faded into a faint whisper. Yet, amidst my turbulent emotions, I managed to regain control. I listened to that dwindling voice and chose to release my grip, letting Yorlee go.

Yorlee collapses to the ground, unable to stand, as he realizes he is outmatched. The severity of the situation dawns upon him, understanding that one wrong move could cost him his life. Struggling to regain his composure, he manages to speak through coughs, "Yes, my Lord."

I leave him on the floor, and walk to the barracks in which we call home to ponder this food crisis that is on our door step.

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