
In the world of Parallel universe

Visit Parallel universe

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Chapter 2

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The Transformation of Diyu 

I can't believe Yow. What a cowardly man he has become. Maybe if I can get the Anunnaki to persuade him a little, he will come around, and we can finally get the rest of the village on board! They need to understand that we need to start working towards getting off this planet now. Let me go to the Anunnaki and talk with them.

As I approached one of the Anunnaki, he turned to me and looked into my eyes. Then, I heard a soft yet stern voice say, "I know what you will ask of us, and we must decline. We must maintain the order of the timeline. Any direct involvement from us could spin the whole timeline out of control. We are sorry, but any direct changes must come from your people alone."

With deep frustration, I let out a mighty roar, facing away from the Anunnaki, who then gave me space and went back inside their ship. At this point, things are becoming hopeless. I will never be able to unite my village, let alone unite the clans. I sit down by the Anunnaki craft, bewildered by what has just transpired. With my head down, I stare at the dirt and can't help but think that this ground will be gone in the not-so-distant future. Lost in my thoughts, I am surprised to see a figure in white glowing robes in front of me. I look up to see an Anunnaki standing before me. A different soft hissing voice begins to echo in my head, "You wish to help your people, yes? You need not voice your opinion; I can read your thoughts. You think things are hopeless now, but I can promise you that I can help you change that. This is what you want." The words "what I want" continue to echo in my head, and I nod in agreement; this is indeed what I want. "Meet me at the High Hill landmark in the southern hunting grounds tonight after everyone is asleep." I nod again.

I was a little perplexed in the sudden change of heart the Anunnaki had shown in helping me save my people. I must do whatever it takes to save them, they may not want to listen to me, or anyone else but that doesn't change the danger or the fact that our planet is doomed. Later that same evening, I was intrigued by the prospect of a future among the stars and survival. So, I made my way to the High Hill to meet the Anunnaki. Upon arriving, I was taken aback by the sight of the Anunnaki performing a peculiar ritual. "What are you doing? Is the ground supposed to break apart and float like that?" The same strange, soft hissing tone came in loud and clear, "Do you want to lead your people to survival and escape this cursed land?" My emotions boiled over and I let out a resounding "Yes!"

"Prepare yourself, Diyu. This is going to hurt."

The ground beneath my feet began to quake as bits of stone and magma congealed together into a hovering, large ball just ahead of me. It resembled a mirror, flickering with molten lava and purple lightning crackling within. The bubbling magma echoed, a foreboding sign of the intense heat emanating from the orb. The Anunnaki gestured toward me, and I became weightless, immobilized, and unable to escape. Helplessly, I floated towards the searing ball, my anxiety mounting with each passing moment. The searing heat radiated from it, a grim reminder of the agony that awaited me. I was certain that this would be my demise, utterly helpless in the face of imminent destruction. With every inch I entered the orb, the excruciating pain intensified. Flames engulfed my boots, searing my flesh until the line between burning leather and my own burning flesh blurred. The burning sensation was so hot it almost felt cold all I could do was scream as every nerve in my body was seared away and my skin bubbled up only to be covered by liquid metal. The fire spread, relentlessly crawling up my legs, each moment more torturous than the last. I believed that this inferno would be my undoing! Gasping for breath, I mustered my final strength and cried out, "Why have you forsaken me?"

Finally, moltenes metal had reached my chin, poised to cover my mouth. I desperately tried to evade it, but as it slipped into my mouth, it surged down my throat with alarming speed. I attempted to scream, but the rush of liquid metal choked me, and suffocating my lungs and incinerating my insides. Helpless, my body could withstand no more. Darkness enveloped me in an instant. My consciousness wandered through the abyss, tormented as time stretched endlessly. Visions of a strange figure engulfed in red and purple flames flickered before me, whispering that my time was not yet over. Each word lashed across my mind like searing chains.

"Diyu, you will follow me, your one and only god Zurrotan. Within this dark abyss, you have no choice but to follow me out and claim your birthright as the ruler of Hadawon, and take revenge on the Anunnaki! Together, we shall bring order and salvation to your land, and you shall ascend to godhood among your people!"

Rage consumed me, bloodlust for the death of the Anunnaki infiltrated every fiber of my being. The voice of Zurrotan echoed in my mind, sowing seeds of doubt and betrayal. Confusion twisted with anger, tormenting my every thought. I had trusted the Anunnaki, believed in their guidance, but now the foundation of my world had crumbled, replaced by a seething desire for retribution. The weight of my newfound significance in the universe became clear—I was destined to rule, the sole wielder of the reins that would lead my people to greatness. And the Anunnaki, those once revered and respected, would pay for their betrayal.

Images of their deceit flickered in my mind's eye, fueling the fire within. My heart pounded, my pulse thundered in my ears as I clenched my fists, feeling the power surge through my veins. How could they have fooled me? How could they have concealed their true intentions behind a facade of benevolence? Anguish mingled with fury, twisting my thoughts into a chaotic storm. "Zurrotan, release me from this torment! I have work to do, and I shall be the instrument that brings order to this world and exacts vengeance upon those who have betrayed me!"

Unbeknownst to Diyu, on the Hill Top where his body still lays, the imposter Anunnaki stood, a malicious grin stretching across his face. With a wave of his hand, his form began to change, morphing into the sinister visage of Zurrotan. "Yes, Diyu, rest. You will be my puppet of Chaos. These results are not what I expected but no less impressive," he taunted, his voice resonating with an otherworldly tone. The imposter reveled in his deception, relishing the chaos he had sown. "I bet you stupid Anunnaki didn't see this coming!" With that, the Chaos God Zurrotan disappeared, leaving Diyu unconscious on the ground, deceived into believing he was betrayed by the Anunnaki and saved by Zurrotan.

As I slowly regained consciousness, a haze clouded my thoughts. The world around me seemed foreign, my own body unrecognizable. What used to be thick, leathery skin and broad muscle was now a cold, metallic form. Panic welled within me, intertwining with anger. "Oh, the deceit of these Anunnaki!" I muttered, my voice distorted by the unfamiliarity of my new vessel. The sense of violation and loss swept over me, fueling my determination to seek justice and reclaim what was rightfully mine. The anger boiled as the realization of my blind trust and faith in the Anunnaki was taken advantage of. 

I went into a blind rage, slamming my joined fists together into the ground with such force that the ground exploded and sent shockwaves through the soil in all directions, quickly followed by cracks in the surface that split apart. I could tell I was much stronger now then before this transformation. I will murder the Anunnaki for their betrayal of my loyalty They WILL feel my wrath! I burst with speed in the direction of my village, I am much faster then I was before as well. This brings overwhelming sense of deification of myself. I know I will not fail! With a giant leap I bound over a small tree and come crashing down in the middle of the village with a loud boom. which draws attention to me by a village woman who lets out a terrifying scream from my appearance. 

"Diyu? is that you my child?"

The voice sounded familiar and had a calming tone as I looked in the direction from which it came. It was my mother. she was looking at me and she recognized me even in this cursed and betrayed form that the Anunnaki did to me! She placed her hand on my cheek. I remembered when she used to do that when I was a boy. she would tell me how proud she was of me, that I would grow up to be a great hunter for the village some day. 

"Heretic, betrayer, you are a monster!" the elders voice snapped me out of my nostalgic moment. within a flash my rage boils over and I close the distance between the elder and I, I can feel my fist penetrating his skull as brain and chunks of his skull, and teeth go flying through the air. when it is over his now headless body falls lifeless to the ground a feeble thud. screams ring out across the village which triggers me to take a defensive posture preparing for a fight. 

"What have you done? You can't be my son. He had a temper but he wasn't a murder." she was now in tears with trouble speaking clearly "This isn't how we live; we don't act like this anymore! We are of the peace."

Hearing the very word "peace" sent an electric surge of rage coursing through me, as if it were a dagger piercing my heart. How could anyone dare to claim that we are of peace, when everything around us teetered on the edge of annihilation? The world was on the brink of being consumed by flames, devoured by chaos, and amidst such impending doom, the notion of peace seemed like a cruel mockery. The memories of relentless fires, endless darkness, and unyielding torment haunted my every thought, intensifying the fire of fury within me.

"What peace?" I snarled, my voice laced with bitterness and contempt. My eyes blazed with a fierce determination, reflecting the inferno that raged within my soul. "You, and everyone else here, are doomed to die!" I pointed an accusatory finger at the sun, its rays casting a harsh light on the desolation that surrounded us. "At that!" I spat, my voice seething with anger. "That blazing ball of fire in the sky, it holds the promise of destruction, not peace. This is your chance to open your eyes and follow me, to seize the opportunity to reclaim our people's freedom from the chains that bind us to this dying planet."

As the words escaped my lips, I could feel the weight of my tumultuous experiences fueling my fervor. The searing heat of the flames I had endured, both physical and metaphorical, had forged an unyielding resolve within me. It was a resolve to defy the fate that awaited us, to rise above the ashes and forge a new path. The memory of the pain I had endured drove me forward, compelling me to challenge the very concept of peace in the face of impending doom.

My mother, standing before me with a mix of sadness and concern etched on her face, took a step closer. "Diyu, my son," she implored, her voice tinged with sorrow. "Peace is not about denying the reality of our suffering. It is about finding a way to heal, to mend the wounds that scar our soul." Her words hung in the air, conflicting with my seething anger. "We cannot abandon hope," she continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "We must strive for peace, or our future generations are already doomed."

Her words pierced through my anger, striking a chord deep within me. The clash between my burning desire for revenge and her plea for peace created a chaotic storm within my mind. The weight of my mother's words, coupled with the memories of the pain and devastation I had witnessed, tugged at my conscience. Perhaps there was more to the world than the cycle of violence and vengeance I had become entangled in. Could peace truly offer a chance for redemption and liberation, or was it nothing more than a fleeting illusion?

These conflicting emotions swirled within me, a tempest of doubt and determination. I stood there, torn between the consuming flames of my rage and the fragile flicker of hope that my mother's words had ignited. Deep down, I knew that the path ahead would be treacherous and fraught with uncertainty. As I began to sway towards my mothers words my mind went dark and a sudden pain deep inside my head trusted itself upon my very thoughts. whispers of revenge, war, and God hood swirled in my head uncontrollably. I could see off in the distance the Anunnaki ship take off and leave our planet. This triggered even more rage inside me "Cowards, come back here and face your death sentence!" My outburst was almost uncontrol able.  

I can tell this is not my son, but I can tell he is not fully lost yet. my words can still reach him. "Diyu, listen to me please, it is better that they left. You can still make peace with yourself."

my mothers words hit at pieces of my ego that will not let me be wrong, I am forced to remember what Zurrotan told me. "you will be worshipped as a God among your people." Over confidence begins to consume my very being as I look upon my mother, "Who says mother?" I pause and look around the village all of the hunters are now gathered but are keeping their distance away from me.

"I am the new leader of this Village, I am Diyu and I am your Lord. My hands will unite this world and we will survive this, and I will have my vengeance on the Anunnaki for what they have done to me. If you appose me I will end your life. No one here can hope to say the same to me."

With that said I saw the hunters and other capable men take a knee as a sign of pledging their loyalty to me from this day on. I knew I needed off this planet to seek my revenge. However, the Anunnaki made a mistake, they had already taught me how I can build the craft that I need to escape this prison of a planet. I just need the resources. 

I spotted Emo among the men, down on one knee. "Emo, spread the word within the village about these events. Ensure that everyone takes a knee. Those who refuse to comply should be dealt with. Once you've done that, find me in the Elder's hut. Now, let's go, Mother. We have matters to discuss."

I grabbed my mother's arm and pulled her towards the elders' tent. I could sense her reluctance to listen to me, but she knew she had no choice.

"Are you going to kill me too? Is this who you've become? Who are you? What have they done to my son?" she asked, her voice filled with fear and confusion.

Anger surged through me as she failed to understand what I had been through. "Look at me! Look at what they did to me! I believed in them, and they took something from me that can never be recovered! They will pay with their despicable, deceitful lives!"

"Stop this! The anger inside you is a tempest. You must endure the storm and remain calm, Diyu! Please, son, this is not the path you want to take," she pleaded, her voice filled with desperation.

"Oh, but it is the exact path I desire and will pursue. Anyone who stands in my way will perish. Those who seek to halt me are the very ones content with watching this planet die. If they are so eager to embrace death, I will gladly accommodate them."

I can see that my mother will defy me, and will continue to push her own issues, and though I know I should end her life right here and now, a flicker of compassion holds me back. "From now on, you will stay in this hut," I commanded. "I will instruct the men of the village to bring you back here whenever they see you outside. If necessary, I will chain you up." As I surveyed the hut, my eyes fell upon an old, dusty table scattered with papers. Amidst the chaos, a blue-colored paper caught my attention. Pulling it out, I revealed a map—the map of all five clans. Capital cities were marked for each clan. Our civilization's hierarchy seemed clearer than the tales I was told while growing up. I realized I must pay a visit to this capital.

Storming out of the hut, I noticed Emo returning from his previous duties.

"Lord, I have carried out your orders," Emo reported. "Only ten out of the hundred villagers refused to kneel. I have arranged for their burial."

"Ah, Emo, you have always been loyal, even in difficult times," I praised. "You shall make a fine general in my army."

"Lord, are we going to war with only ninety men?" 

"No, we are heading to the capital to gather more men for the impending war,".

"Lord, my apologies, but I was unaware we had a capital,".

I motioned for Emo to follow me behind a hut, away from prying eyes. There, I unveiled the map.

"This is the key to uniting the clans," I explained. "With the combined resources and labor force from each land, we will escape this forsaken rock."

"My Lord, your will be done," Emo declared, clenching his right hand and placing it over his chest as a sign of respect. "What are your orders, Lord Diyu?"

"Divide the ninety men into groups," I commanded. "Half of them should begin preparing the village, transforming it into a war camp. The other half must focus on crafting weapons of war."

"With all due respect, Lord, our villagers lack the skills to create such weapons," Emo pointed out. "They are familiar only with bows and spears for hunting."

"Then bows and spears it shall be," I affirmed. "They must be capable of slaying the mightiest Arctodus beasts to withstand the trials of war."

"Understood, Lord. Your will be done!" Emo exclaimed, turning away and moving down through the middle of the village to shout his orders. The further he made it down the more men that lined up outside their huts. I can't help but think that this is the beginning of chaos that will unite the Clans and get us all off of this forsaken rock.

"It has only been a week since I took control of this once-sleepy village, and already we have transformed it into a formidable war camp. We have erected sturdy walls and positioned lookout posts in strategic locations. The constant clanging of metal fills the air as armor and weapons are forged. The lingering scent of burning coals permeates the camp. However, it is not enough. I yearn to wrap my hands around the throats of the Anunnaki and squeeze the life out of each and every one of them. Seeking solace, I retreat to my war room to study the map. I calculate that it will take us four days to march to the capital along the western shoreline.

In this moment, I can't help but recall Yow's words to the western hunters long ago, warning them that traveling north along the western shores would lead to death by crossing a border. I had assumed it referred to the borders of another clan. Little did I know that all this time, it was the path to the capital of our own clan—the Anoxe Clan.

Soon, I will come face to face with their great leader, and he too shall kneel before me or perish. Three more months until it all unfolds in Noxeer, the capital.

I bide my time, planning beyond the capital. Emo and I discuss potential war tactics in case the current ruler refuses to submit or the people resist my rule. Through these discussions, I have come to realize what a valuable asset Emo is to my campaign.

"Tomorrow, my lord, you will be ready to depart for the capital with a personal guard of 90 armed soldiers," Emo informs me.

"Emo, you shall accompany me as well," I respond, extending my hand as a symbol of trust and unity. "A warlord needs his finest general by his side in battle." Emo's hand quickly slaps together with my own followed by a firm squeeze. "You honor me, Lord. I am willing and able. Your will be done!"

We step out of the hut and for the first time I saw 90 Kreegan men lined up in two ranks. The first rank wields heavy-duty wooden poles, thicker than ordinary spears, topped with larger spearheads. The second rank holds bows as tall as themselves. Each man is armored and equipped with provisions for war. I turn to Emo and nod approvingly. "You have assembled a fine core of guardsmen. It is time to march."


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