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Trevor R

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Calm before the storm 10 years later The mystery of Nimbus The dark truth

Ongoing 3733 Words

Calm before the storm

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Before we get into the story, I just wanna thank all of my friends who supported me throughout the years. You all got me to be the best person I am today, and for that, I am eternally grateful. 







This is the story of a family of dragons. 

A family cursed until the end of time to face true evil.

A family destined to lose... Unless fate gives a gift of luck so improbable, it would be called insane. 

Mira looked out to her left through a window. 

That was unity city. A place of unpredictability. Mira tried to tell Johnny about this place. She tried telling him about the crime, the racism, and even the food prices of the place, but all he said was "Trust me, we will love it there. And the twins will as well. You just have to trust me on this, okay?" 

Mira always hated when he used the eggs as an excuse, but it was smart... just got to mention them and she will most likely melt like ice on a summer's day. 

Mira checked on her two eggs that were carefully strapped in the seat beside her on the train, then reached her dark gray talons, and rubbed them gently. One was a normal red and black color that ran in the species, but the other was... weird. Mira felt bad for thinking it was weird but usually, their eggs are not all black. Not to mention that it had a strange sort of aura coming from it like it was some sort of flowing river.

"hmm... what do you think of calling the dark one Zero?" She asked her husband who was reading a book. Johnny was a peculiar dragon too. He was a greyish blue, with a little tiny sliver of green on his face. He looked up and asked, "But I thought we were going for Flow?" Mira sighed and then laughed. "Well, I think Zero is a better name for whoever comes out of that egg." "You are the boss, I guess." He chuckled as he went back to reading.

It had been months now. Months of preparing, worrying, waiting, and working to see this moment. The dark egg was starting to hatch, and therefore that must mean it is time for both to hatch! Mira dragged Johnny in there, and they both waited on the magical moment they had both been thinking of for so long now.

After a moment of tapping and cracking, a claw finally burst out of the top which sent pieces of shell all over the ground, then the claw began to pull off more shell to make room for the rest of its body. Eventually, it got big enough for a tiny, adorable, perfect purple dragon with tiny black marks on his body and face to crawl out into the world- wait, purple and black?

Mira exchanged looks with Johnny. "What... happened? Did I mess up? Are they hurting?" Mira's head was spinning with the thought that she had already failed to be a mother when the little dragon got up and went to her. He seemed just fine. He was a healthy, breathing, happy dragon, just purple it seems. It was as if he was just a regular flame dragon hatching. The amount of confusion Mira was experiencing was suddenly burnt away when the little guy leaned to rest on her side. 

"Actually... I think he is just fine." Mira said looking back to Johnny. "He is perfect." Suddenly it clicked that the second egg should be about to hatch. Mira and her family waited and waited, and waited until finally, the second egg began to hatch. There was something wrong though. The dragon that came out was very thin and weak. It couldn't even stand since it was so weak. it was a normal pattern though with the regular grey with stripes of red here and there.

Mira picked it up with a sad look on her face like she blamed herself for this. "This feels like some sort of horrible curse... What- Why do you think- Why did this happen to us?" Mira placed the dragon down and covered her eyes with her talons.

Johnny grabbed her chin to make her look at him. "This isn't the end of the world, okay? Things like this can happen and, well, it could be a lot worse. What does matter is that they are both here and together, alright?"


Zero tapped his talons impatiently as he stared at his food. He hated having to wait on EVERYONE to get to the table to eat since Mom always got home a bit late. But every night it is always the same thing from his dad. "We have to wait on your mother." "You wouldn't like it if we ate without you, right?" "I saw you sneak that bit of meat! Put it back until your mother is here." Zero felt like ripping his brain out for making time feel so slow at these moments.

At least he had a bit of reassurance that he wouldn't starve that night from Rose. She always had some way to make him feel better in these trying times from distractions, to even sneaking a bite or two. He would take a knife to the chest for her and the things she had done for him.

They had been the most inseparable pair in history, and it all started right from the egg. Zero couldn't remember it of course, but his parents told him about the whole thing. It was like Zero had the instinct to help Rose due to her physical state. He helped her stand, walk, and recently, how to fly. That whole interaction is why the two of them have gotten so close.

Rose was sitting on the other side of the table, watching the same thing Zero was. The freaking ceiling. Finally, after a moment of waiting and suspense... Rose said "We have a fly in the house." Zero stared at Rose with a confused expression. "Huh?" "I said we have a fly in the house. I thought that was fairly clear."

Zero looked up at the ceiling to see a fly. Quite funny how one must rely on anything in desperate times. Or maybe our humor is broken. After watching the fly go around the room for a while, it found its way out and flew off.

Zero narrowed his eyes like he was disappointed in the fly for leaving him behind when Mom finally came in. She hugged Zero and kissed Rose on the forehead and sat down. "Sorry for the long wait. We had an escaped prisoner so of course I had to lead that search team." "Did you find them?" Zero asked. "Not yet, but we have a lot of eyes out. Including me."  She spoke in a boastful tone. She then clapped her talons together. "Well then, shall we eat then?"

without another word, all four were eating the smoked cow ribs that lay on the center of the table. After eating, Zero and Rose both went to their room. After laying back on her bunk, Rose looked down at Zero with her ruby-red eyes. "So... are we not going to talk about that thing?" Zero looked down and huffed. "There is nothing to discuss. You just had a problem seeing with all of that dirt in your eyes." Zero Laid back into his bunk. 

"Stupid! Now she knows you have that ability! So much for a peaceful life!" he thought as he tried to sleep. It was kind of hard to sleep when one of the few things you wanted to stay hidden about yourself was revealed. Eventually, he drifted off to sleep.

Zero woke up suddenly when he heard a huge crash. He looked around and saw Rose clumsily rolling on the ground trying to put on her leg braces. "Oh. Good Morning Zero!" She said as she finally got the first one on. 

Zero smiled a bit as he got up. "Good morning," he said as he stretched out his body like some sort of house cat. "Big day today, you know?" Rose asked. Zero rolled his eyes "Yeah, how could I forget after Dad kept telling me how much I would kill it?" "I am sure he is just trying to be supportive. You know grandpa wasn't a good role model and-" "And he is just trying to be better than him.." 

Zero always heard how Grandpa forced Dad to do terrible and hard things before he died. But now it felt like Zero's father was trying too hard... he knows he should appreciate it, but sometimes it becomes too much and Zero just wants to bury his head in the ground.

Rose finally got the second brace on. "Well, there is nothing we can do but try for him as well. For now, though, I am starving. Let's go eat and get to the school." Rose grabbed Zero by the wrist and pulled him out of the room.

Zero's father smiled at him during breakfast. "I know you'll do great today. Look, I know I can be a bit... much, but I promise you it is only because I am happy for you." Zero's father and mother finished their meal and went out the door after Zero's mother hugged all three. 

"Well, no time like now to go, right Rose?" he sighed. "Right!" Rose said as she stood. "Let us make haste, Sir Zero Reamnent!" She said as the two of them headed out. It was a nice sunny day today. the suburban area they were in was full of color and the towering skyscrapers of the capital city rose like a huge mountain range not too far away. 

Rose and Zero dashed off down the sidewalk towards the school. As Zero was running, he looked over to his left across the street and saw two wyverns walking and one had a slight limp. Zero knew who that was right away, and skidded to a stop.

"Snowy?" He called out to the limping wyvern. Snowy seemed like a normal white-colored wyvern... to a normal dragon. But Zero knew the real Snowy. She was nothing close to normal. Her Deep sky-blue eyes were nearly glowing, and her head spikes were hypnotic as they all seemed to reflect light in different directions.

By her was her brother Phantom. He was kind of quiet but he had a funny side to him. His Dark Slate Grey Scales were menacing though. He always had a tough guy act when in public, unlike his sister who was the closest thing to an angel anything could be.

The thing is though that wyverns and dragons don't normally mix, so it is a miracle he even talks to these two let alone be friends with them... or let alone ask one out possibly!

"Ah, Zero! Rose!" Snowy called out. She flew up and landed by them and Phantom followed. "What's up? Excited for today?" Snowy beamed. "You know it!" Zero smirked. "What about you, Phantom?" Zero asked. Phantom smiled a bit. "I am excited. Excited to see who passes first." Zero smirked a bit. "Is that a challenge? Wyvern VS dragon?" Phantom confirmed. "Indeed." 

They all headed off to the school. As they got there, Zero saw a face that just sent unimaginable amounts of rage through his blood. Nimbus... Nimbus was everything Zero did not want to be... from his racism against dragons to the fact he is so self-centered to the fact he keeps trying to coax Snowy away from him and Rose... and then there was what he did yesterday. He thinks he is all high and mighty with his silver scales and his royal blood-line, but he is no better than any of us... he has no right to stab-

"Well hello again..." Nimbus hissed as he limped over with a broken front leg. "Oh, so I see you are back for another dose of Zero's talons plunged into your snout, aren't you?" Zero's eyes narrowed. "Oh, I am not here to have another fight with you Zero... I am here to talk with Snowy." Nimbus started towards Snowy but Zero stepped in his way. "After yesterday? Like I am letting you near her with a 10-foot pole!" Snowy put her talon on Zero's shoulder. "It will be okay, I promise." Snowy walked to Nimbus and the two went off to 'talk'. "I swear if he tries to hurt her AGAIN I will NOT let him go with just a broken leg this time." "Neither will we," Rose said puffing her chest up.

"I am sure she will catch up with us, but we have somewhere to go Zero," Phantom spoke up. "Right." Zero said as he went towards the entrance. The school was towering and was a huge 5 stories tall. in the center, there was a hole that led to the very top so dragons and wyverns could fly up and down instead of having to walk. Zero and Phantom took off to the second floor where the alpha tests were.

 The alpha tests were a big deal and only the students with the best grades were allowed to try. Passing this meant a near-guaranteed pass into a college. Zero had to pass this... everything he has done in life is all so he can graduate and pursue his true dream... archeology! Everyone said it was a fairly silly dream to have, but Zero was always curious about the secrets of the past. It seemed to almost call to him. As he sat down, his heart pounded. "This is it." He thought.

Zero's world felt on fire. He had no idea if he had passed or not, and he was pacing around in his bedroom. "Zero, I know you made it. Just be patient, alright?" Rose hugged him with her wings. As he thought, he remembered something; He didn't check on Snowy. He quickly pulled Rose off and dashed out a window.

"Zero wait where are you going?" Rose shouted as she attempted to catch up.  "I have to see if Snowy is alright!" he yelled back. "You 100 percent love her don't you?" "So? Even if I didn't, I still worry!" Zero said as he made a sharp turn. He nearly ran into a garbage bin as he finally got to the house.

This house always made Zero nervous. Snowy and Phantom's father was sickening and cruel. Their mother passed due to illness and it caused the old man to lose it. The stories that Snowy told were... horrible. And there were days she came to school looking terrible. She always brushed it off, however. "I just didn't sleep well." or "I fell, that's all!" 

Zero had to make sure she wasn't attacked by Nimbus though. He walked up to the door and knocked. There was a moment in silence, but finally, someone answered. "Who is it?" a deep, grumbly voice spoke. Zero hesitated for a moment. He rarely saw him, but Zero knew he wasn't just a monster to his kids.

"It's uh-" Zero was cut off by the voice. "Oh god... Snowy, Phantom! Get in here now! Those stupid lizards are here!" There were sounds of walking and then the door opened to show Phantom and the silhouette of a large wyvern leaving the room. "Zero..?" Phantom whispered. "Why- Wh- What are you doing here?" Zero looked around him. "Where is Snowy?" 

Phantom looked behind the door and whispered something that had to do with Zero and nodded. Snowy came out from behind the door. "Zero, what are you doing here? And why did you ask about me?" Zero opened his mouth to speak but Rose cut in out of nowhere. "He was worried about you! He didn't see you after you spoke to Nimbus so he ran all this way to check on you!"

Phantom smirked at Zero. "Really? Aren't you the sweetest little thing?" Snowy stepped on Phantom's tail. "Well, I am fine. Thanks for coming to check o me though." Snowy smiled. "Wait." Zero said. "What did Nimbus say?" Snowy groaned. "He asked me out. What an idiot... there is more to this story but I feel like we should get out of here first.

The sun began to set and the moon began to shine. The light of the city glowed far in the distance, and the neighborhood had dim, orange street lights all over. The group walked down the sidewalk. "He kept saying he was sorry," Snowy said as she limped alongside Zero. "But he said it was to prove a point, and then he asked me out! Even if he was nice to me though, I wouldn't accept." Zero tilted his head. "Why not? He seems pretty charming to me... besides his attitude toward everything. And how snobby he is. And how he hates me." Snowy sighed. "I have someone I am interested in."

Everyone looked right at her. She looked around at them all with a straight face. "As if I am telling any of you. It is my secret." She tilted her head up. Well, there goes any of my chances. Foolish to think a wyvern and a dragon would even work out anyhow. Phantom snorted trying his hardest not to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Rose asked. "I think I know who it is!" He snorted louder. "Ooooh please tell me!" Rose jumped to Phantom. Phantom leaned his head toward Rose's ear. "Don't you dare, Phantom!" Snowy snarled at him. Phantom quickly said something to Rose and Rose looked like she was about to burst out screaming with joy. Rose then leaned to Phantom and said something as well and Phantom's eyes widened.

Snowy's face was on high alert and kept looking back behind her to see what the two were doing.

Snowy mumbled. "Sometimes I just wanna bury myself in a deep hole." Zero nodded. "Same. Rose can make me feel that way a lot." Zero threw his wings up. Snowy smiled. "You two seem to get along a whole lot. I and Phantom only have that mutual brother and sister thing going on, but you and Rose are truly the closest you two could be. I don't think anything could get in between you two."

"We have our moments." Zero shrugged. "Such as the time I caught her wearing my hallows cape!" Rose butted in, yelling "Hey! That is meant to be secret! ... Also, Phantom and I are gonna take a rest for a bit! Our legs are killing us, especially mine! We will catch up so go on ahead!" Zero looked back a bit confused for a moment but then shrugged. "Alright then." The two continued walking.

"I know what they are doing," Snowy mumbled. Zero tilted his head. "What?" "Look, maybe I should tell you who I like... then this will make more sense." Zero tried to keep his cool, but this was tearing him up on the inside. Hearing who it was going to feel like a brick straight into the face.

He inhaled. "Alright then. I am all ears." Snowy hesitated. "Well- This guy- and- uh..." Zero looked straight at her. Her eyes were definitely glowing, but there were hints of tears in her eyes. "Snowy, it is okay if you can't say. It isn't a big d-" Snowy cut him off. "No, it very much is! Okay, here I go... The person I like... is you."

Zero felt his heart jump right out of his chest. This is a dream, right? This can't be- No I must have misheard. "Who..?" He asked. "Zero, I love you!" Zero's jaw dropped 3 feet down. "I know it is weird! You are a dragon! But you have always been so nice to me and-" Zero kissed her.

For a moment, Zero felt free. For a moment, Zero could do anything. As he pulled away, he looked into her eyes. She was here, and she loved him. She stood there for a moment, trying to process the fact that happened. Zero was kind of trying to process this as well.

Snowy blinked away tears. "You- do you- did-" She couldn't speak actual words right then, but Zero completely understood. "Zero, you love me too?" She spoke softly.  "I do... I really do."  Said Zero. "I felt this way for a while." Zero was about to have a heart attack from how nervous he felt.

"This is so weird though... I never expected you to ever- to ever break the rules like this!" Zero tilted his head. "What rules?" he asked. "I am a wyvern. You are a dragon. Nothing like this has ever even happened." She said as she put a talon on his shoulder.

"Wait, does that mean we aren't-" "Oh gods no Zero. This means we can prove it works. Imagine all the souls out there who might not have been as brave as we just were!" She cupped his left talon in both of hers. "And it will be great. I know it will."

Zero believed her, but then the reality kicked in... her father. Zero wasn't sure who would die first if he found out... Snowy? Or Zero? Who would it be? "Snowy... will your father know about this?" Zero asked in a serious tone. Snowy's smile faded. "N-no. He can't know! Not until I can get away from him at least. I will not risk it. The day I tell him will be the day I cut all ties... yeah."

"o-okay good, good." Zero muttered. As he said that, the other two came walking toward them. "Zero!" Rose said. "Look at the time, we have to go!" Zero looked at his clock. It was almost midnight. Had that much time really passed? "Okay then. Well, let's go home. 'Night, you two." Zero said as he walked off, glancing at his surely true love until they turned a corner.

As Zero got to his bed, he plopped right down and drifted to sleep without a single word. That day would go down as one of the best days Zero had just from that one special moment. Zero could almost guarantee he'd have the best life, and  would always be with those he loved.

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