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Trevor R

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The dark truth

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After departing from the ship, the crew took the time to walk about Odin, mostly trying to get to, or at least find Optic's lab. "Mind if I give a bit of a tour of our beautiful city, everyone?" Coal offered, having a charming smile as he got up before everyone and spun around. "With all due respect, Coal, we need to get to Optic!" Rose said politely, looking back at the ruined machine she carried. "Right, of course, but maybe after I could-" Zero stopped Coal mid-sentence. "Coal, we need you to show us to Optic's lab. Where is it? You said you'd help, right?"

Optic sighed, looking left and right. "Look, her lab isn't actually, like, in Odin." Zero growled and got up in Coal's face. "Is this another trick? Because if it is, I won't be sparing you again..." Coal quickly backed away. "Wait! Let me say! Her lab is off the coast, on an island. We can fly there, but we must be discreet, okay?" Coal said, trying to diffuse the menacing dragon. 

Zero exhaled, relaxing. "Thank you... Just don't hold back information like that when it's important to our mission." Zero walked over to Snowflake, then lightly leaned against her soft fur. She lightly smiled and landed a kiss on his cheek. "I have never seen you like this, baby. Ever since we left home, you've been... different, but in a good way. You're like a leader to us, you know?" She said as they walked beside each other. "I wish I wasn't, to be honest." He said, groaning. "Not only that, but I found out Nimbus may be planning something big, and we only have 8 days to stop him." 

She looked at him with a confused expression. "How do you know?" She questioned him. "I- W-Well, let's call it a hunch. I am not entirely clear on how myself." Zero spoke quickly, lifting his head higher. "Hmm... okay, I trust you." She said, giving him a reassuring smile. Zero smiled back, then looked over to Toxin. Toxin was usually quiet, but he seemed nervous. Coal spoke up before Zero could go over to ask what was wrong. "Well, if we're gonna get there, it'd be better to fly from here. The main bridge to the island is closed now." Rose sighed lightly. "I hope you all understand I am carrying a giant hunk of metal on my back." 

"Hey, I could carry it for you!" toxin blurted out of nowhere. Rose just looked at him, tilting her head a bit with a confused look. "Uh, Sure, here you go..." She said as she handed the ruined machine to him, which he eagerly took from her, strapping it to his back.

The group took to the skies, the great city glowing below them, crowds of dragons and wyverns alike wandering the streets, and the winds from the ocean carrying the group along toward the island. Zero, however, didn't feel at peace. It was all so much for him. So much for his family... That's who he was doing this for, right? He has to be the leader they need, so his problems don't matter... at least not now.

After a long flight, which made them all wish they had taken a vehicle of some sort, they arrived at a fairly large bridge that led to an island in the distance. "Here we are," Coal spoke up, landing at the start of the bridge. Snowflake, confused, spoke. "We're landing? But why?" "Oh, Optic has automatic defenses that would've shot us down if we flew too close. We have to walk to the main entrance because you never know who may want to break in, you know?" 

Zero and Rose exchanged a look at each other, and then both shrugged. "Fair enough for someone like her," Rose said as she lightly chuckled. After finally making it to the end of the bridge, they were met with a gate. Coal walked up to it, and pressed a button on one of the handles, which made a buzzer noise. "Optic?" Coal said, looking at the handle, which confused Flow until he realized it was a microphone and speaker as he heard a feminine, calm voice speak. "Coal? About time you made it! Come in! And your new friends!" the speaker chuckled, and the gates slowly rolled open. On the other side, a grand mansion stands as a testament to opulence and exclusivity. The titanic building exudes an aura of grandeur and prestige, perched majestically on a private sanctuary surrounded by the endless expanse of the sea.

The mansion's exterior is a masterpiece in itself, featuring a fusion of architectural styles that harmonize with the natural beauty of the island. Its imposing facade is adorned with intricate stonework, soaring columns, and balconies that offer panoramic views of the pristine coastline. A grand porte-cochère welcomes guests with a sense of arrival fit for royalty, while lush gardens and manicured lawns enhance the mansion's regal charm. "This is it." Coal announced casually as he led the group in. 

"I can't believe we're actually here..! Can you believe it Flow? Flow! Are you listening?" Rose took the opportunity to mess with Flow, poking him in the side. "Yes, yes I hear you, Rosemary. And it feels like a dream of sorts being here." Flow responded, looking down at her with a playful smirk. "Better watch those claws, girl." He said in a joking manner. He then observed Rose for a second and thought; "What would I be without her... Or-" Zero looked at Snowflake, who was admiring the beautiful scenery before them. She was always such an angel in his eyes. 

Once they got to the front door, a strange spider-like robot answered, painted mostly white with a streak of blue that seemed to glow on its long legs. Its single eye was also blue, flickering on and off as it looked at us all, and then stepped out of the way of a large, brown, and black dragon with a set of gloves on their front talons, and scuff marks covering them. "Hello, everyone! I am Optic! The grand scientist herself!" She announced before walking over to coal and kissing him. "Oh dear me, where are my manners? Come into the living room! Get comfy, and I will have some hot chocolate brought to you all!" 

"You need not waste time on us, especially me, Mistress..." Toxin bowed his head. She walked up to Toxin, and grabbed his chin lightly, making him look up into her eyes. "Oh, you poor thing... You've experienced horrible things. Rather than Mistress, I would prefer just Optic. I am your friend here..." She spoke softly. Toxin, wide-eyed, slowly got up. "Thank you... friend." He smiled. Optic returned the smile, then looked back at everyone else. "We have much to discuss it seems. Especially due to this poor guy's condition." She said, then walked down the hallway they were all in, which prompted Toxin to follow first. Zero smiled a bit. "Toxin's got a new buddy it seems... Well, good for him." He said to Rose. "Yeah! He seems so fond of her already! She is really kind." She responded to Flow.

The living room of the grand mansion was a captivating blend of opulence and disarray. The towering ceilings, ornate molding, and elegant chandeliers created an air of grandeur. Amidst the plush sofas and chairs, scientific equipment had been scattered haphazardly, a testament to Optic's messy and disorganized nature Zero would find out. Floor-to-ceiling windows framed the stunning island views, and despite the clutter, the room maintained an air of sophistication with curated art and decor. This space was a captivating mix of relaxation and scientific curiosity, embodying both the mansion's timeless elegance and the scientist's unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

Optic sat down, Coal sitting by her. "Now," Optic spoke up. "Tell me everything." Zero nodded and spoke next. "My name is Zero, and my friends and I are trying to figure out a way to find where this wyvern named Nimbus is, and just what he is up to before he destroys everything. You see, he not only tests on living dragons like Toxin, the green dragon you spoke to, but he tried to kill me, using this robot." Zero reached, and grabbed the robot's head, showing it to Optic. She took it in her gloves, examining it carefully. "Quite the suicide android..." She whispered.

"We were hoping you could use it to help us, you see? The world depends on it because Nimbus made these horrifying monsters that are stupidly strong." Rose said. Optic stared for another few seconds, then nodded. She exhaled and spoke. "I can, but it will take a few days. This thing is busted up badly, so I have a few things to fix and replace before I can get anything useful out of it." "Oh, a few days? We got a week left until Nimbus does something irreversible!" Zero said with worry on his face. Optic nodded and looked at Zero with a calm expression. "I will have it ready. I promise, that whatever is on this thing, will be retrieved on time." She spoke with confidence. 

After a quick review of everything that has happened so far, from the attack at Zero's house to the attack on the boat, which got Coal a decent scolding, to how Zero stopped the attack in Unity City, Optic stood, smiling. "How about we get something to eat? This all just seems like so much for a few dragons and wyverns to handle. and so well too!" She gave a sweet look, motioning the group to follow her. Zero wanted to ask so much, but couldn't think of a question to focus on. Like, what was Nimbus making? Why do his loved ones have to be wrapped up in this? No, why would he even ask Optic? Why would she even know? 

They all entered the rather fancy-looking dining room, which had a grey marble floor that had been polished to nearly being completely reflective, Beautiful tapestry on the walls, patterns of colors bringing contrast to the room, and, just over a bar, the kitchen which ended up having a robot, standing idly as it awaited an order. Zero and Rose were the first to the seats, chuckling. Rose spoke up "Okay, let's eat now!" She eagerly looked around, seeing nothing being done. "Aye, Optic? Where's the food?" Rose asked. "It will be made and served once everyone has been seated. Please be patient." Optic said calmly as she and the others sat themselves down. This, frankly, reminded Zero of when he and Rose were kids. Sitting at the table, waiting for their mother to come home from her shift. For some reason, it made him nostalgic. 

Optic, cheerfully, clapped. It was like a scene in a movie as the machine in the kitchen got to work at making something. "All of you do not have to worry anymore, you are all safe here on my island," Optic promised as she removed her gloves, trying to be discreet as her hands were revealed to have burn scars and a lack of claws. Zero quickly tried to act like he hadn't been looking, but Optic had moved her eyes toward him in a disappointed way. "You don't have to act like you didn't notice. I just hate to have to take them off around guests." She nodded to Zero. 
"Oh it doesn't- I mean- Y-You're fine, really." He laughed nervously. Optic just gave a slight smile, then looked away. The rest of the night was quite uneventful, kind of going by like a blur before the group was finally led to where they'd sleep. 

"You all should take the time to sleep. I, however, need to get to work... I promise I will have answers by the time you all wake up." And with that, she turned, and walked away, closing the door behind herself, and leaving the group in quite a spacious room. The guest bedroom embodies minimalist luxury. Four king-sized beds in each corner, set on low-profile wooden frames with pristine white linens, anchor the space. In the room's center, a cascading waterfall descends from the ceiling into a narrow pool, providing a tranquil focal point. Sleek, minimalistic furniture, a neutral color palette, and carefully selected artwork contribute to the room's uncluttered, serene ambiance. Soft, ambient lighting and large windows with gauzy curtains complete the elegant, modern design.

The group got comfy, and Zero drifted to sleep, listening to the sounds of gently flowing water, almost like rain. There was, however, no dream this time, and Zero was suddenly awoken by a whisper in his ear. "Zero. Hey, wake up. I need you for this." the void whispered when Zero finally realized who this was. He rolled over sleepily, narrowly opening his eyes to see Optic looking at him, crouched. "Optic..?" Zero asked in a drowsy voice. "What- Why are you here?" He slowly sat up, his tail curled up under a blanket still. 

"I found out something, and I think you should see it for yourself. It has to do with you." She explained, a gloved talon grabbing him as he slowly got up, shaking off the blanket. Zero rubbed his face, then looked down at her holding onto him. "Thanks, but- I'm more awake, now. Show me what it is you wanted to show me?" He smiled lightly. Her eyes widened, and let go, stepping back. "Right, my apologies, Mr. Reamnent. Come." She said, turning to the door. She made her way out, Zero behind her. The two walked for a while when Optic spoke again. "By the way, I can't help but feel bad for what Coal did. I guess, well, maybe that argument we had got to his head."

"Argument?" Zero asked. "I was never told of an argument." "That's because it- it was supposed to stay private, but, you got caught up in the aftermath, it seems. You see, Coal has a... spending problem of sorts. He's not using me for my money, of course not, but, he likes to spend and indulge. I had enough of it, him spending the money I worked hard to earn, so I cut him off. He got mad, really mad, and argued that the money was both of ours and... I kicked him out for the day so we could both get over it. And what you saw last night? With my talons? Just another result of that hard work." She explained, the two arriving in the rather huge backyard she had, with a lowly picket fence that seemed to feebly cut off... some huge buildings.

Zero stared in awe, but then shook his head, snapping out of it. "Wait, but you two are good now, right?" Zero expected a yes, but it seemed this didn't have a happy ending. She took a shaky breath, yet kept a neutral look. "After I last spoke to you all, I sat him down and explained I couldn't do it anymore... I hated doing it and expected the worst, but he just nodded and got up to pack his stuff. Before he left, he explained he had to work on himself anyway, and that he didn't know where he would go, but that he promised to do better..." She paused, then turned away from Zero. "Oh, why am I telling you? We don't hardly know each other, and you don't deserve to get caught up in my emotions." She wiped her face, then stood tall. "A-anyways, abo-" She was abruptly stopped when Zero hugged her. "Hey, it's gonna be okay... Sometimes we all just need someone to talk to. And, well, I hope we can get to know each other better, my dear friend." 

Optic was frozen in shock, but then wrapped her wings around Zero, begging to cry. "I just- I just miss the good moments with him! Zero, he had my heart, but I let him go! How do I make it not hurt?" She cried out, Zero patting her back. "Look, Optic. It's not gonna stop hurting for a while, but it will one day hurt less. You did what was best for both of you, and you'll move on one day. Find new love, a new start..." He gently let go as she did. She wiped off her tears and nodded. "You're right. You're completely right. Now... I would love to continue this another time, but we're on the clock here... Let's go." She went back to her neutral expression, yet still sniffled a little. Zero simply followed along. 

As they continued, Zero remembered something. "Hey, you mention your talons. What exactly happened? If- you don't mind answering." "Well," Optic hummed. "It was because of my treated breakthrough. Reliable nuclear fusion. My talons, though, got nicely burnt because of some faulty insulation. It is a miracle I can even use them, however, I lost most feeling in them. This also leads to what I wanna show you. The bucket of bolts you guys brought in? It was powered via fusion. All it took was a little reconstructing, and running diagnostics to discover a whole network that it was connected to. A bit of code-cracking, and I got in. Inside this network, though, is some sickening stuff... Nimbus is a psychotic freak who plays with innocent dragons, mutating them into formless animals. But the worst part, though, is he seems to have gotten a little something from you. Hint hint, a bit of goo didn't return to you, and he's studying it."

Zero froze. That bastard! Now Nimbus was using him for a new little freakshow experiment?! Hell no. He needed to do something, and fast. Wait, the Amphipteres! He had to go, now. He suddenly took off, leaving a huge gust that nearly knocked Optic over. "Hey, Zero, wait!" She yelled desperately, trying to fly after him. She yelled something else, but Zero was too far away now to hear her. "Sorry, Optic. Sorry, everyone..." He whispered, heading south-east. He had a long, grueling flight ahead, but he was determined to find out what the Amphipteres could know.

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