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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4

In the world of ///UNKNOWN///

Visit ///UNKNOWN///

Ongoing 1798 Words

Chapter 3

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An old dragon, a new friend


"Lets talk...." ‌
"ok" said the old man.‌
They talked for an hour.‌
During that talk shiny could learned about the old man and his abilities to shape shift, the gravestones and the dungeon itself.‌
The old man , Reyes , explained how he can shapeshift into a dragon in case of needs but after the last time he lost control and could not come back to his normal for. He was caged inside the dragon, he could see and hear what the dragon could hear, but he didn't have any control over his actions. Something or Someone triggered something that was buried deep within him, something ancient that was too powerfull to control. But its been so long trapped in there that some of his memories are not too accurate anymore.‌
As for the gravestones, seeing them brought a massive amount of memories and emotions back. Those overwhelmed the dragon itself and allowed me to regain control. ‌
Those gravestones are the people that once were the first to step into this place, and they rest since that day here.‌
"So........what is this place anyways?" Asks Bismuth‌
"I.........I am not certain.......not anymore. I feel like most of my knowledge about this place has faded away leaving my memory in the last few years. If more informations is what u seek, then u must proceed forward and reach the village".‌
"Wait........ village? What village are you talking about, so far u are the only breathing thing i have seen in this maze" Sas Bismuth with a confused tone‌
Reyes points a finger at the central gravestone‌
"There, behind that gravestone there is a passage, just follow it and u will be in the village in no time. Just say that Reyes sent you and wished everyone well"‌
Bismuth thinks for a second‌
"Dont u want to come with me? See your people again? You told me that u have been trapped in that dragon for years, dont u miss them?"‌
"Yes, i do. But i need a bit of time before im ready to go back, i need to think........"‌
"Now , i would like to stay here for a little while and have the place for myself....all this talking made me tired, it has been a while after all"‌
Bismuth nods and proceeds to follow Reyes directions to find the hidden entrance , once found he walks for a few minutes through a narrow corridor until he starts to notice the light on the other end of the tunnel, sign of him getting closer to the village.‌
Just a few more steps and he finds himself into a giant cave that has been turned into a small village.
Bridges stretching from one side of the cave to the other, small tunnels in the walls , wooden houses lit by an unnatural light coming from the ceiling.
Between all the sounds , people talking and moving things around  one sounds catches Bismuth's attention.
A hammer hitting something can he can only assume was steel or iron, most likely a blacksmith at work. Hearing that sound made him feel a little at home, but only for a brief period.
After taking a good look around he decided to move towards the origin of the sound, trying to stay out of sight of the few people he could see chatting in the town. A minute of walking and he finds himself in front of a tiny workshop, door and windows open, the glass slighly covered with a dark powder, and so was the door's inside.
The sound of the hammer ever so loud and with every step closer it was louder and louder, resonatiog through his body until he steps inside the door. Suddently the hammering stops.

Sitting on a stool was a middle aged woman with big shoulders and arms , holding a hammer with a red hot piece of iron on the anvil.
Her face was hidden by a protective mask, and she was wearing leather clothes with iron parts on the chest and legs.
She slowly takes a look at who stepped in and thinking to know who it was quickly gets ready to hit the anvil again, but as he was about to he stops mid air.  She slowly starts to turn Bismuth's way again, this time slowly taking a look at him through the tiny glass piece on her mask. She puts his hammer down and slowly stands up while looking at him.
Bismuth is staing there, frozen, he does not know what to say so he just raises one hand , waving in a very shy manner and forcing a very nervous "hi" out.
"Wh........Who are you" the Blacksmith sas as she was slowly backing off,
without giving time to respond she asks "who the hell are you".
The voice is slightly muffled by the mask but Bismuth can tell she's scared as his voice is tembling in some parts.
A few more steps backwards and she manages to reach a big wooden counter with her tools on and grabs a sharp cleaver
Bismuth sees the cleaver and becomes very nervous 

"Hey , Hey! Dont grab that.......please, there is no need for that right now, cant we"
"You can stay over there.......if u feel safer next to your.......pointy things on that counter..... but no need to start flailing stuff around ok?".
The blacksmith puts slowly the cleaver down and sits on a wooden stool nearby and takes her mask off. Now that the mask is off Bismuth ca see clearly who he's facing. Its a brow-haired woman with long sidebangs that stops a little before touching the shoulders and green eyes.
Her expression has a lot of fear and a bit of couriosity in it. After putting the mask on the counter she grabs a glass of water and chugs it down.
A deep breath, then she talks again.
"Alright, u can grab a seat, there is one on your right, just dont make any sudden moves alright?"
As Bismuth sits down the blacksmith continues
"The fact that you can speak, and that u have not tried to kill me yet is reassuring, but who are you and how did u get here?"

"I......I am Bismuth, i dont know really how i got here to be honest, its a weird story. To put it short, i was in a weird looking room with runes and a glowing artifact in the middle but someone pushed me into a very deep pit on the edges of that room. I blacked out and when i woke up i was in a stone room. Eventually i found my way here through a labirynth and a tunnel bedind a gravestone".

The blacksmith eyes narrow as she thinks and mubles to himself "labirynth.....gravestone....and a tunnel......hmm"
Suddently her eyes open wide and her mouth remains slightly open for a few seconds while staring at Bismuth.

"It cant be.......but if u are here....Is there a way out?!"
"A way out of.......what?" Ask confused Bismuth

"Out of this damn hole in the ground! This prison of stone! U must have came from somewhere right?"
"Im afraid not, i have tried multiple times to find a way to go back, but the only path i found took me here. Bismuth replies

The Blacksmith stands up agitated and starts raising her voice , calling bismuth a liar.

"I dont beleive you, you are full of lies, there is no way anyone is getting in or out of this place, not even through that damn hole. You tought we all forgot huh? But we remember, there is a beast, ferocious and full of anger guarding that path. I know better than anyone else as i attempted multiple times to go there to get the hell outta here! But the only this i got out of that path is this"
She shows multiple scars across the right arm, old wounds that have healed from a long time now

"So now either u tell me where the hell you-"
Bismuth cuts her off and stops her with a single word
After hearing that name the blacksmith legs starts to tremble a bit, forcing her to sit down again, her lips are dry and trembling and she cant stop staring at Bismuth.
"He sas hello, and wishes everyone well"
" you know that name" Asks her with a trembling voice
"A shapeshifing old man who lost his mind into the form he took to defend the village, to guard the path so that noone would get in, that is no beast, that is Reyes, now again back into his senses. He's spending some time in the graveyard, thinking....... I.....I think i was able to help him come back....not sure how tho....."

After a few moments of silence the Blacksmith quickly gets up and rushes out of the door grabbing on the way a shield  locking the door.
Bismuth gets up and watches from the window as she's running full speed towards the path from the graveyard and quickly disappears into the tunnel. He wanted to follow her but he was struggling with the door, so he decided to take the lock down using the hammer on the counter left by the Blacksmith.
After a few hits he gets to lock to give out and runs back the way he came from. 
As Bismuth disappears into the tunnel, he was not unnoticed as the noise caused by him knocking down a door attracted a lot of attention. Naturally people were on high alert and decided to investigate further.

As a few people got to the Blacksmith house and saw what looked like a robbery or worse, they decided to grab some protective gear and a few spears an go towards the tunnel aswell, cautious.
When they arrive at the other end most of them remain shocked, speechless as the sight of the blacksmith in tears hugging a tall figure.
But this was no ordinary figure, it was mostly a long haired old man, but he had scales over some parts of his body and big wings poking out of his back. Not only that but a complete stranger was standing next to them talking like it was nothing new.
Everyone was just so shocked that nobody was moving or saying anyhting, and they were unnoticed till someone sneezed, attracting the attention of the room, including Bismuth and the other two.

"Well way to break our stealth approach, anyways...." a man from the crown in the front row raises a spear and shouts 
"You two, the dragon...person and the stranger, identify yourself !"
Speaking was a young man, slighly taller than everybody else, wearing an armor made out of wood planks tied with rope, holding a wooden shield and a spear. Two more spears were on his back, as backups. Annred its his name.
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