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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4

In the world of ///UNKNOWN///

Visit ///UNKNOWN///

Ongoing 892 Words

Chapter 2

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A mossy grave


Bismuth wakes up sweating, gasping for air , followed by coffing up a little bit. His eyes bolt from one side of the room to the other really quickly. This place is not familiar. Scanning the room for any clues to understand where he is.‌
He find himself into a cold, stone room, lit by a torch. The floor is slightly wet and dusty. The only thing he can hear its his breathing, nothing else. Everything is just quiet.‌
Struggling a bit he gets up and wonder towards what seems a stone doorway.‌
"Is this a dream? Everything seems too real to be.... but.... how did i get here........." he thinks‌
"where am i....."‌
"The cube......... wait THE CUBE!"‌
He looks back where he woke up, no signs of it or its glow‌
"its gone?" "i am so confused...... what is this place"‌
Bismuth shakes his head and takes a moment to breathe‌
"Alright, i need answers, come on Bismuth, its not the first time u got lost into weird places" A timid attempt to get his hopes back up[br]
He walks slowly towards the doorway and all he can see is just long ,dark corridors. After grabbing the torch in the first room he moves forward into the rightmost corridor.‌
"this place is like a maze, its just a turn after another, where the hell am i going" He thinks‌
After a few minutes of exploring he find scratch marks on a wall, big.....really big scratch marks....‌
A cold shiver goes down his spine as the thought of what could have caused those marks comes up in his head, but he's not stopping, moving forward he reaches a room with a wooden, half worn down door. Closed by a lock.‌
His attempt at opening it were useless so he moves on. ‌
He turns the corner and notices a familiar yellow glow around the next corner.....the same glow that the cube had. His heart fills with joy as he rushes forward. Turn the next corner in excitement...his face turns pale as he's standing 5 feet away from a medium size dragon, with yellow lines running across his body.‌
As Bismuth made lots of noise running in that direction the dragon turns and his eyes lock on him. The pupil narrow and the dragon begins to get up. Froze by fear Bismuth stands, immobile, looking at this big dragon rise and turn to face his way . He can feel the dragon's heart is full of rage.‌
A jolt of energy wakes shiny up as he bolt the way he came in, getting chased by the dragon. As he is running he notices a key on the floor that he missed before
"Could that be the key for.... ughh" 
His tough was interrupted by a talon pearcing his chest.‌
"" Everything becomes more and more blurred as it becomes darker and darker....‌
NO!! Bismuth shouts while waking up sweating.‌
He looks around the room, its the same room......the same torch.....the same doorway...‌
"Wait i took that torch earlier" He thinks confused.‌
"What the hell is happening......and how the heck am i alive....that dragon got me....." He touches his chest, were the talon was.[br]
"Hmm...." He gets up, thinking while walking the same road again.‌
"There is that probably for that door, ill pick it up and check later, i wanna see if that dragon is still there"‌
Turns the corner and the dragon is still there but this time he's already up and looking the direction Bismuth was.‌
"Aw crap not again..." Thinks Bismuth as he starts running back, this time with a large advantage. He quickly makes his way back and stops at the door to try and unlock it with the key.‌
The door opens ad the dragon turn the corner and fling himself at Bismuth who quickly ducks down to dodge him. The dragon jumps past him and goes through the doorway.‌
Bismuth slowly raises up from the ground and peeks inside the door to check what happened to the dragon...‌
His jaw drops as the sight shocks him.‌
Standing in front of him, the dragon is staring into a grassy field....lit by blue lights.... The field is filled by what looks like countless gravestones , of different size covered in moss.
Bismuth steps forward slowly as he notices a yellow colored liquid dripping from the dragon.‌
After getting close he notices that those were tears. The dragon was crying, his eyes trembling, while jolting from grave to grave. In that moment Bismuth hears the dragon speak...... "Brothers....Sisters".‌
"Are those's". He thinks while something that feels like a cold grip around his heart begins to make breathing uncomfortable. ‌
Kinda like a natural reaction to the situation Bismuth steps closer to the dragon and wrap his arms around his neck, in a warm hug. ‌
The dragon starts emitting a bright yellow light as he seems to shrink and deform.‌
Moments later the light dims down, and sitting in front of Bismuth is a man, in his 40's , white long hair with some green accents to them, looks older than he actually is.‌
He carefully approaches the old man, and once close enough he sits by his side, both looking and the gravestones.‌
"Lets talk...." Said Bismuth‌
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