
In the world of Avestra

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The Hunt

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Nargo summoned his wolves and sent them out to find the scent of the spawn, leaving Gallus to be able to rest for a short time. He returned to the village and chose a house that had no signs a person lived in it before the villagers were taken.

Gallus took what firewood was left in the abandoned village and set them inside the chimney. After some trial and error, he cast Produce Flame and lit the logs aflame. Sitting back against a nearby wall, he took his mask off and set it down close by. The crackle of the fireplace soothed him and he closed his eyes. Soon, he fell into a restful sleep.

Just as they were the last time he slept, his dreams mimicked his memories before the fall. He heard the laughter of dhampir children who played and enjoyed their freedom before they learned the truth of their nature. He felt the crushing weight of reality when those children were told of their new roles. Pain at the sting of blows earned from training day-in and day-out. Sorrow at the loss of friends who were too weak to keep going. Pride at being seen as one of the best.

In his dreams, these emotions repeated until they distorted and turned into a swirling vortex around him. A vortex of shadows that turned into flames, searing the very air around him. The floor beneath him turned from shadow to wood and that wood too lit aflame.

"Gallus, you have brought prestige to your clan. As such, we give you this boon."

A spectre made of smoke passed through him and he found himself in a regal appearance much better than the armor he wore in the waking world.

"Gallus Caerin, you are one step away from ascension. Do not fail us."

He should've known the truth. That only a rare few get to become full-fledged vampires. Just as Nargo and the spawn were being used by his quarry, so too was he used. Used and trapped in a trap too similar to the vortex he found himself in. And in that trap, he was greeted to his greatest failure.

Out of the vortex, a fiery apparition of himself appeared. No, of what he wanted to be as he saw their fangs while they smirked at him.

"But you did. And for your failure, this is your reward!"

Before he could react, the apparition rushed forward and their mouth latched onto his neck. Gallus let out a gasp and then a cry as he felt the pain, not just from his neck, but also from the searing burns traveled up to his face. The sick smell of burning flesh assaulted him and the vortex closed in.

And just like the other dreams, he woke up with the left side of his face throbbing. He ran a hand over his face and took deep breaths. His hands were trembling before he squeezed them tight. There was still a task to be completed. He grabbed the mask from nearby and placed it back on his face. There was a need for adjustment due to the throbbing on his face but he ignored it as he grabbed his weapon and went outside.

Gallus wasn't surprised when he found Nargo outside waiting for him. He was shocked that the werewolf didn't intrude on him while he slept.

"I assume your wolves have done as requested?"

"Yes. The spawn has been hounded and brought to where you wanted. Now what?"

"Now, we capture her," he said without thinking.

Nargo raised an eyebrow. "Capture? But why?"

Gallus wondered the same as he thought back on it. Flashes of his dreams went through his mind. Nargo was willing to do this because he still had free will. His quarry slighted Esparza and he was sure he wanted revenge. But how could he guarantee the same spawn? Perhaps, it was a matter of faith? Or...

"Perhaps its due to the dream I had but even if she is magically forced to obey the whims of her master, I don't think she truly wishes to do it." He knew that feeling well. "They are the one who killed her and likely anyone she ever knew." Gallus explained.

"That is sufficient, I suppose." Nargo agreed. "But I can tell there's more that fuels your decision making. Come, you can explain on the way." The werewolf then ran off with Gallus following behind.

He explained how he saw her as a kindred spirit. After all, there were stories of vampire spawn who could break free of their conditioning for short moments. Just as there were stories of dhampir who turned against their clans. All he would have to do is convince her that it was in her best interest to side against her master. If he was lucky.

Nargo asked, "And you are willing to risk this instead of killing her? Which might threaten both your safety and mine?"

Gallus chuckled. "I have no doubt you can handle her whether on your own or with the packs you lead."

"And what of yourself? Usually your kind has the smell of blood but yours is even more faded."

"I am not cursed with the need for blood like my ancestors. I was able to match her going for as long as I have without blood currently." And he would be right if that were him several hours ago.

The Lords' insistence that he not drink blood was wearing him down more and more as time went on. Before, he would've lapped Nargo several times but now, even at his max speed, he was only keeping the current distance. If he didn't hurry, he might not be able to face the spawn, much less the true vampire.

Gallus continued, "But yes, I'm sure. In the end, just like you, she's a victim. And I'd like to give her chance for vengeance just like I'm giving you."

"You are kinder than most hunters would be, Gallus."

"I am not most hunters, my friend."

The pair arrived at the densest part of the forest where there was a large tree in the center that suited Gallus's plan. And near the base of it was the spawn who swung at Nargo's wolves who avoided the attacks and growled at her. Her red eyes looked up at the two of them and burned with fury.

"Nargo! You treacherous dog! You sided with the hunter of all people?" She demanded, ready to lunge forward before several wolves cut off her path. "I'll wear your pelt as a coat after my master is done with you!"

"That would be an elegant threat if you were dangerous enough to see it through," Gallus called out, stepping forward. He gave a glance to Nargo who nodded and recalled his wolves which fled behind him.

The spawn bared her fangs and crouched down, ready to pounce. Gallus readied his weapon and beckoned her to come at him. The two eyed each other, people born of predators of blood. People bound to different masters. The spawn made the first move, rushing forward. Fast. But not as fast as she was when they first fought.

Gallus dodged the first swipe, ducked under the second, and struck her in the stomach with the back half of his spear. Gritting his teeth, he planted one foot forward, dispersing the snow and cracking the ground underneath. With her body hanging on it, he continued to swing and launched her at the tree.

The spawn let out a pained gasp, the air knocked out of her when her back hit the tree. Not wasting a second, Gallus pulled rope out of his satchel and ran around the tree, tightening it around her before he let Nargo take it and continue to pull. She screamed at him, struggling to cut the rope.

"Try as you might, that won't work. Where I come from, we made a special type of rope to handle people like you and I." Gallus said as he walked up and crouched in front of her.

"You and I are not the same! You are a lowly half-blood. Not even blessed with the gifts I have been given! Not blessed with the master I have!"

"The same master who drank you dry and when you were cursed to return, bade you to listen to your murder?"

His words made her silent and ceased any fight left in her. Well, stopped it for a brief moment until she fought more, though not as tough as she did before.

"You know exactly what I refer to, then. I share some pain there. Not as much as what you've gone through." He motioned to the bite marks on her neck. "But enough. Our masters expect us to follow them and their orders. When we do what they say, they shower us with rewards to distract us from the fact they are using us."

She looked away, trying to ignore his words as she shook her head. "You lie. My master is not like yours..."

"Did they offer you some of their blood if you do enough to impress them? That you would be free of your bonds to them should you impress them enough?" She nodded. "And let me guess, they always said it wasn't enough and that eventually you would earn it, right?"

She nodded once again and looked at him. "'Not this time, Kirza. Just a little more effort. When this region is under my thumb, you shall be a true vampire.' It was that, day after day. After I tore through villages for them like they tore through mine!"

Gallus's heart sank as he gazed at her. Just a villager trying to live a normal life and this creature ruined it in one night. And she had been unlucky enough to be forced to serve them once again. He watched as black tears welled up in her eyes.

"And then they told me of your arrival. And told me to bring them your head and I would finally be a true vampire."

"But there's no guarantee they will." He added.

"So what am I meant to do then?"

"Tell me where their lair is. And I will end their cruel reign before it can spread beyond this place. So you can be free."

"But I will still be a spawn. And their protection will end and I will be threatened by the day once more."

Kirza was right. At least he was a dhampir and would never lose his power if the scion of his bloodline died. But she would never have that opportunity... unless...

"The Lonavi lands in the south. Where I come from. They can turn the undead vampires we face into living ones. It has never worked on spawn but there is a chance to become a true vampire."

"How?" She asked.

"Your master will die. But before he fully fades away, you drain what you can from his body. And as such, you will be a full vampire. And subject to this ritual as thanks for aiding me in this task?"

She nodded frantically and Gallus smiled with a heavy heart. He hoped he wasn't lying to her and that his masters would truly give her this as a reward.

"Good. Now, where does your master lie?"

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