
In the world of Avestra

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The Werewolf

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The wolves hounded him for hours, either sitting and waiting or circling around the tree. When it seemed like they tired of him, another pack came to take their place and watch over him. Even when he decided to move to another tree or several to get away from him, they simply followed him.

They stayed with him so long the sun was getting closer to the western horizon. On the eastern horizon, the three moons slowly rose. And Aeternum stood unmoving above, watching what must be an amusing sight.

He looked down at the wolves, debating on whether he should risk eating one of them. Technically if he cooked it well enough, there would be no blood to drain thus he's not breaking the rules. But considering the lords he angered, they'd use it as an opportunity to get rid of him. So that was a no for now.

Gallus sighed, leaving an indent of a fist in the tree trunk. He prayed that these wolves would either give up or maybe their master would finally arrive. Normal predators wouldn't hound him this long. Nor would they have backups to take their place. Either put him out of his misery or give him a fighting chance.

Another howl rang out but it was deeper, even more primal. The wolves looked to where it came from and followed it. One of them stopped only to glance at him before following the rest of the pack.


He dropped down from the tree, grunting at the impact. Gallus picked up what was left of his traveling cloak. The wolves tore it to pieces to spite him and it was no use to him anymore. He would have to brave this cold without protection. Dropping the pieces, he looked up to see where the wolves went.

Either they were called back to the den or the creature that made that noise was calling out to him. Weighing his options, he looked to where the spawn most likely ran off to. At this point, the trail was cold and he would have to wait for her to try again. Hunting her at nightfall alone might tip the balance in her favor if he's not careful.

Which is why it was most likely a better idea to see if he could gain an ally. If that creature was what he thought it was, it might be a valuable asset. Having made his decision, Gallus followed the wolves from a distance.

For half an hour, Gallus followed them to a nearby clearing where they all lined up against the edge. Two looked at him and moved out of his way, beckoning for him to enter the clearing. He snorted, amused by the small intelligence they showed. And the meeting that was clearly a trap. However, he was left with little options and entered the forest clearing with the three moons rising.

His way out was blocked by the wolves and so he sat on his knees and waited for the creature to make the first move. It didn't take long as he heard footsteps in the forest entrance across from him. All the wolves sat down, staying quiet as the being approached.

When the fading light finally revealed the creature, Gallus wasn't surprised. A large wolf-like man hunched over with golden eyes staring into his own red ones. Silver fur covered most of it and what wasn't covered showed only dark skin underneath.

"I am shocked that a werewolf thrives in this area," Gallus called out as he stood.

The werewolf paused for a moment, opening its maw. "I would be shocked to find a dhampir in this place if not for what else lingers here."

Gallus smiled under his mask and relaxed, glad to find an eloquent lycanthrope.

"You're right about my reasons here. Though, if I may hazard a complaint, your pack got in the way of my mission." He glanced at the wolves. "Would you explain why?"

The werewolf looked at his pack and with a wave of his hand, dismissed them. He then looked back to Gallus. "Unfortunately, young hunter, the prey you seek bade me to protect them from intruders such as you. In exchange, I will have protection in these lands and an ample supply of food as well."

Ah, so he does this for his own well-being then. Perhaps I may use that to my advantage.

Gallus planted his spear in the ground and took several steps towards the center, puzzling the werewolf. "Well, if this vampire grows any stronger, they will send more hunters to cull them. Especially if they continue to harass the common folk here. Thus putting you in danger as well." He motioned to him to make his point known.

There was a moment of silence, to give the werewolf time to think.

"You may be right. But I must run the risk of that. For if I prove myself, they may rescue me from this curse." The lycanthrope growled at the mention of the curse, a touchy spot for him no doubt.

"The vampire is the one who put the curse on you, aren't they?" Gallus guessed. The werewolf stiffened, giving him his answer. "One who uses a curse such as this isn't one to remove it that easily. But my people can."

His associate cocked his head to the side and raised his ears. "And your people would be willing to cure me for nothing in return?"

"Not nothing. Aid me in my hunt. You do not have to lead me to the vampire. I simply need access to its spawn so I may interrogate her."

"And if the vampire seeks to punish me for doing so?"

Gallus paused and pondered. He was right after all. Even the Lonavi lords would not accept that kind of betrayal if a werewolf served them. Unless...

"Spin it as if you showed the weakness in his other defenses if I fail. Without you there, I was able to capture their one other asset and get into their lair. That way, if I succeed in my goal, you will have helped me. If I fail, you show yourself as a smarter vassal to this vampire."

It was still a risky endeavor and Gallus was sure that the werewolf knew that fact. To gamble all of this on faith was a big ask. One he witnessed many times. One that caused his failure off the noble shores of Rinanum. At the end of the day, he was asking the lycanthrope to take the same risk he did. And hopefully not fail like the masked half-blood did.

As such, he waited for an answer for what seemed like an eternity. When the werewolf looked at him again, he prepared for the worst.

"While your plan could use some improvement, your words show your conviction in this matter. This may cost me but I will make the choice to trust you..." He raised an eyebrow to ask for the masked fellow's name.

"Gallus of," he paused, wondering whether he should speak the name he so despised at this point. To keep up appearances, he continued, "Clan Caerin." The dhampir crossed an arm over his chest and bowed slightly.

The werewolf nodded his head in response. "Nargo of the former house of Esparza." Nargo approached him. "So is your plan?"

Gallus ripped his spear out of the ground and smirked under his mask. "We draw the spawn out."

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