Chapter 8

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Candlelight flickers across the curves and crevasses of stone walls, their dancing quickened as Ghislaine and his guest pass by. He keeps these halls dim and frigid. While most visitors find the south wing unnerving, Morris feels at home. This place reminds him of the mountain caves he was accustomed to.

"Why am I still here an' no' wi' th' others?" Morris gripes as they enter what seems to be private chambers tucked away in this quietest corner of the castle.

"Because you aren't like them," Ghislaine answers, looking over the room before meeting the boy's gaze, "Are you?"

"I-" Morris blurts, puffing up with a protest but failing to find the proper words.

"Oh, don't mistake that for an insult!" Ghislaine assures him. He gestures to a set of armchairs near the window. Morris is skeptical at first but finds no way to politely refuse. "I mean to say that you are special, Morris," Ghislaine praises, seating himself across from him, "Much like myself."

"We're no' alike at all...!" Morris hisses, scowling at the man across from him.

"Oh, we're alike in many ways," Ghislaine replies with a cool laugh, "We both have rare gifts, gifts that garner fear from those around us." Morris' eyes are locked on his own hands, twisting up and contorting in his lap.

"Euan has rare magic," Morris' voice withers as he complains, "But he still got t' leave wi' everyone else. Am tired o' being left behind..."

"Yes," Ghislaine croons with a faux sympathy, "Young Euan does indeed possess valuable abilities but, much like his uncle, his skills are best applied on the battlefield. But you, Morris, have a more unique path before you," Morris spares Ghislaine a glance, looking away again quickly. Years of disdain have left him ever cynical of olive branches. "You see," Ghislaine sighs, "I once sat exactly where you sit now in very much the same position," Morris scoffs at the idea but Ghislaine continues, "Like you, my peers feared my abilities and, in turn, feared me as well."

"Whit… can ye do?" Morris peeps despite himself, his scowl softening yet his eyes remain locked on his contorting hands.

"I posses Irkath's Eye and Vision," Ghislaine answers in a more cheerful tone, "I can see deception and even peek into Irkath's plane. Are you familiar with this aspect?"

"It's…" Morris pauses, conjuring up the fairytales from his childhood, "Th' aspect o' lies?"

"A very common misconception," Ghislaine states as softly as he can, "No, Irkath is far more than simple lies! Irkath is… Well he is the aspect of the unknown, the keeper of lost and forgotten knowledge and the father of all secrets."

"Whit does 'is hev t' do wi' me?" Morris complains heatedly.

"It is why I tell you you are special, Morris," Ghislaine insists, circling back, "Dark magic is already very uncommon but Irkath's blessings are the rarest. I believe you possess this magic."

"W-whit?" Morris stammers and his eyes widen. Ghislaine stands, turning to the window to obscure his smile.



"People are naturally afraid of the unknown," Ghislaine performs with a bitter frown and tremulous tone, eyes on the city below, "Those few with our gifts are frequently ostracized or even persecuted. Someone capable of weaving, revealing or piercing through deception or even into an individual's deepest secrets frighten all around them. Before my master took me under her wing, before his majesty made a place for me here, I had no one. I suspect you too are familiar with this treatment…?"

Morris feels tears welling up as Ghislaine glances back at him, searching his eyes. Morris' face scrunches and he wipes his eyes furiously as the tears roll out. Ghislaine turns again to the window as the boy sobs and grants him a moment of silence to regain his composure.

"There may be a place for you here as well," Ghislaine continues as the boy's sniffles subside, "If you are willing to hone your abilities."

"Whit d-do ye m-m-mean?" Morris replies, still wiping at his face. Ghislaine turns and settles back into the chair.

"The king has an… appreciation for dark magic," Ghislaine speaks precisely, presenting a thoughtful gaze with crossed fingers, "He admires it. There is a collection of us here, in the capital, who use our rare abilities to serve him and further our group's interests. However, we only accept the most special, skilled and loyal into our society. The work we do is very important to the kingdom, far more impactful than mere soldiers."

"Whit kind o' group?" Morris prods.

"I suppose…" Ghislaine sighs, looking down and raising his eyebrows, "It's more like a family than a group. We look after each other and the King looks after us." Morris swallows, imagining a family of people like him.

"W-whit would- How would I…" Morris stammers.

"Don't fret," Ghislaine comforts him and the boy tries to relax, "I am telling you all of this today because I believe you have the potential to not only be a candidate for this group but to perhaps take my place in the far future."

"Me?!" Morris gasps.

"Yes," Ghislaine chuckles, "But for now, I leave you with the offer to apprentice under me. That is why you have stayed behind. You do not have to answer me right aw-"

"Aye!" Morris blurts out almost immediately. Ghislaine blinks at first but then laughs in response and Morris' face reddens.

"Well," Ghislaine responds, "You'll certainly need that enthusiasm during your training. Irkath doesn't relent his secrets readily." He watches as the boy beams at the prospect, chuckling again. Ghislaine rises from his chair and Morris mimics his behavior. "I believe that is all for today," Ghislaine states and Morris' smile drops, "I have other matters to attend to. So for now go ahead and settle in here."

"Here?" Morris echoes, gawking at the lavished chambers.

"Yes!" Ghislaine's answer is cheery, "You'll find this and far greater rewards if you can learn to master your abilities. I'll send for you when we are ready to begin your training, so rest well."

Ghislaine turns and leaves then, Morris still speechless as he closes the door behind him. Ghislaine wears a pleased expression as he travels through the halls and it remains as he joins Ambrose and Martin in the great hall.

"I take it went well?" Ambrose greets him and his smile widens.

"Far better than I expected!" Ghislaine answers gleefully, "The boy is very receptive."

"I pity him already," Martin grumbles and Ghislaine's smile drops considerably.

"Sour that my charge is more manageable, are you?" Ghislaine banters.

"While I endorse your project," Ambrose cuts in, "I hope you won't become too distracted."

"Of course not, sire," Ghislaine breathes, his expression pleasant again, "And, if he learns quickly enough, he may be just what we need to find the girl."

"Hm," Ambrose hums, "I suppose we will see."




Shadows swirl and flicker through Azowyr's Plane, charcoal smoke splashing to and fro like an umbral hurricane yet the plane remains utterly silent. Tia finds herself here again during this storm and hovers within the eye, no viable portal within reach. The shadows lick at her skin and sweep her about, silken but swift as they circle her.

"I know your kind!" she hears Ifani's voice again, distorted by the plane and nearly swallowed up, "You're weak, you're selfish!" The storm worsens, quickening and whipping at Tia as her anger builds.

"I'm not weak!" Tia screams her yet unspoken denial into the typhoon and her voice echoes, pushing the shadows away from her.

Tia begins swimming through the satin shadows, kicking and thrashing against the flow and slipping along as they embrace her. As she does, she can hear Andrea and Zetian, their laughter fueling the storm further. Tia shrieks at them as loud as she can muster, sending a shockwave which splatters the storm into a tenebrous mist.

As she peers about again, its as if the storm had never existed. She can see the physical world overlaying the plane again, little grey wisps of portals wavering gently in the distance, but there is also a presence she hadn't noticed before looming behind her, ominous and heavy.

Tia vibrates as it focuses on her, as one colossal, opaque shadow hand drifts closer and reaches for her. Fear rises from within as the vibrations ring through Tia in a way that is beyond physical—her soul itself is quivering. Reflexively, Tia begins swimming towards the portals as a dreadful resonance cumulates in her chest. As this intensifies, Tia feels something odd connect to her.

A quiet, serene sensation embraces Tia, wrapping itself about her soul and sheltering her. She already knew this energy and she wonders how she had ever overlooked it. While others fear or even resent this presence it had welcomed and guarded Tia in her loneliest moments. It whispered in her ear and guided her on her isolated path, an unseen companion. But it is also resentful and contrary, gripping her soul and pushing the outside world away.

This sensation lingers in her chest until she realizes she is being pulled farther and farther into the shadow plane. Her fear revives itself suddenly, more intensely than Tia had ever felt before as the portals disappear from sight. 

"Child…" an unnaturally sonorous voice sounds all around her, deepening the vibrations and tugging at her. Tia leaps forward, kicking off the shadows desperately but the portals only recede farther and farther away.

"Tia!" Duff calls to her but she cannot see him, the darkness intensifying about her as she is yanked into the shadow, consumed by it.

Tia gasps suddenly awake, a sharp pain digging into her hand. Duff is biting into her but to her horror, she is still inexplicably within the shadow plane and she feels a cold panic sink into her stomach.

"How…!" Tia yelps and whips around. The presence within the shadow has faded away but her fear is still dreadfully palpable. The resonance in her chest remains—a link remains.

"Come on!" Duff husks, guiding her towards a portal. Tia swims after him, still heavily reeling from the dream and too shaken to question how she navigates the plane on her own.

"How did I get in here?" Tia asks but Duff is silent, "Duff, how!"

"You must have used Euan's form while you slept," Duff lies and peeks his head through the portal.

It leads to a dark alley in the recruits' lodging zone. Once he is sure its clear, he gestures for Tia to go through. She drags herself up and out. Clear of the plane, her body is heavy again but she had never felt more grateful for gravity. Duff leers into the plane, projecting a harsh sentiment to the entity within before joining Tia in the physical world.

"What was that…!" Tia demands, her voice cracking as the sun peaks over the wall of the compound. The bell tolls seven times and recruits begin emerging from their cabins. She is grateful the two of them sit in an inconspicuous alleyway.

'You need to avoid that place,' Duff states simplistically, offering her no explanation. She leans her back against the wall and tries to regain her composure. She had never had a nightmare that intense before, more vivid than the waking word.

"Why do I keep having these dreams?" Tia questions more forcefully, her voice conveying desperation. He stares back at her with empty silence. Tia scowls in response and shuffles to her feet. "Fine!" she spits and leaves him in the alleyway.

Tia uses the direction of the dawn to find her way back to her building. A light goes out in her room and she presses against the wall. Ifani emerges and disappears quickly towards the common area. Tia makes her way inside, hoping no one had touched her belongings.

To her surprise, and brief anxiety, the hallway is empty as she clears the stairs. She scrambles into the room to find all of her belongings placed back inside neatly as if Ifani had never touched them. Tia rubs at her eyes, too tired to consider why, but decides she doesn't have the time to care. She changes into a fresh set of clothes and cleans herself up before making her way back out.


Mess Hall


The hall bustles and clamors with teenage interactions as the new members of the procession rouse and navigate the long building. Clusters of tables capable of seating entire units litter the hall and might remind one of a tavern. However, this far-reaching structure could hold several taverns within its walls. The mess hall is divided up sequentially, the senior recruits sitting on the far left while newer recruits sit on the opposite side of the gradient. With each compound, recruits gradually move farther to the left until they begin service. There were no official rules enforcing this practice but each group continues the tradition. Security staff monitor the hall for aggression or inappropriate behavior but otherwise let the recruits do as they please.

"Good morning, Aldric," Zetian speaks delicately despite the clamor, greeting Aldric but not so much as glancing to Florio. Aldric has to stop himself from sighing, having hoped no longer staying in the castle together would result in some distance between them. He realizes this was wishful thinking. No one could match Zetian's persistent ambition.



Zetian is refined and carefully well mannered despite this tenacity and a brooding temper. Her face is comely, consistently complimented by rich makeup and framed by fine alabaster hair. Zetian tends to adorn herself with highly decorative and often vivid embroideries with flowing sleeves. Sapphire scales dust the edges of her face and body, her attentive eyes nearly always shining yellow, while petite yellow antlers poke out from beneath her hair and a reptilian tail sways behind her. As usual, one could feel a steady warmth radiate from the princess and varying crimson and amber hues creep underneath her scales, glowing along their edges.

"Are you adjusting well to your new lodgings?" Zetian asks, fluttering her lashes at Aldric.

"Good morning, Zetian," Aldric answers, attempting to sound polite but coming off stiff, "Well enough. And you?"

"Splendid, really," Zetian answers with an indulgent smile, "Your kingdom can be so accommodating! My roommate is so respectful and the two across the hall were quite entertaining last night."

"I see," Aldric answers with a hollow smile, "I'm glad you are comfortable. I was fortunate enough to have Florio as my roommate. I'm very familiar with Danut as well but..." Aldric pauses, wishing to say something less than pleasant but abstaining, "Euan and Danut don't seem to mix well." 

"I see, that must be troublesome," Zetian answers after a brief pause, the mention of Euan souring her expression, "I suppose I'll leave you to enjoy your breakfast then," Zetian sighs and offers him a small wave before moving on.

"I saw that face," Florio snickers, nudging Aldric, "I don't understand what your problem with him is. He's a funny guy!" Aldric's mood darkens but he maintains a simple frown.

"He's just another shady prospect looking to leech off of father," Aldric derides, "Another candidate hoping to join that project of his."

"Ah," Florio releases a thoughtful sigh, "The secret-but-not-so-secret society," he pauses to wiggle his fingers in false ominous theatrics, extracting a chuckle from Aldric, "'The King's Shadows'. His majesty has such a skill for names!"

"Eh, I dinnae," Euan sounds, plopping himself down next to Aldric and surprising them both, "It's a little on th' nose, not really ma style!"

Aldric looses a scathing leer at Euan for his audacity, something which usually frightens any transgressor. Euan is unfazed, flashing a pleasant, chuckle-laced smile at the prince.

"Damn, Euan," Florio remarks, almost laughing, "You're either stupid or you have guts of steel. I haven't decided!" Aldric huffs and decides to ignore Euan entirely. Florio pauses to munch on his breakfast before continuing, "Is there anything that does scare you?"

Euan scans the hall and his eyes lock onto someone, his smile widening into a grin. Euan gestures behind Florio and Aldric peeks as well despite his initial protest. Euan points out Tia meandering between tables and seeking out a place to sit.

"Tia?" Florio laughs in disbelief, "She has a temper but she's hardly someone to be afraid of! Have you even seen her fight?"

"Ye might be surprised. She's a wildling!" Euan answers and sighs fondly, "She nearly killed me th' first time we met."

They both blink at Euan and glance to each other, sharing their bewilderment. Florio looks over his shoulder to Tia again who seems uncertain and overwhelmed by the crowded gathering.

"What in Luxis name did you do," Florio squints at him, "To earn that?"

"Weel," Euan continues with food in his cheeks, "I wis trying to kidnap her," Florio blinks and Aldric narrows his eyes at him, "But 'at didn't work out so I went fur her da," his shoulders shake with laughter, "An' she zapped me good. Saved ma life though, ma uncle would've sliced me clean in half like he did Brochan." 

"I have so many questions," Florio sighs as Euan gestures with his hands to imitate Martin's attack. Aldric shakes his head at his friend, Florio easily ensnared by Euan's dramatic storytelling.

"She's a bonnie lass 'at one," Euan continues, watching her and chuckling.

"Its a rotten thing to say that from over here," Aldric complains, looking for anything to fault him, "I doubt she'd appreciate it." Euan nods with a false frown for a moment before giving a sharp laugh.

"Oy, Tia!" Euan bellows, locking eyes with her as she turns to look with a relieved smile, "Yer a bonnie lass!"

Florio and Aldric gape, aghast, and there is a slight hush as other recruits listen in with confusion. With so many eyes on her, Tia's face reddens with embarrassment and anger. The eager hope in her eyes sours under the public scrutiny, whispers sounding in her feline ears, but Euan doesn't pick up on the tinge of betrayal in her scowl. Her glare only prolongs Euan's plastered grin as he awaits her response. Her ears flatten to her skull, her eyes narrow and her markings flash voraciously across her body.

"Drop dead, Euan!" Tia shouts back, less tolerant of his teasing after the morning she's had.

Already feeling particularly set apart in the crowded hall, seeing so many peers so at home in this foreign atmosphere, only compounds her solitary perception and Euan's teasing channels this discomfort into anger. Electricity fries the food on her tray and dances across her body. Security eye Tia warily as Euan gathers a snarky response. Tia breaks away and storms outside before he can embarrass her further, bitterly deciding to dine alone. Despite this, Euan sighs and smiles back at Florio and Aldric.

"Stupid," Florio states decidedly, "Definitely stupid."

Too exhausted to maintain her anger, Tia sighs and slides down the trunk of the same tree—decidedly her favorite spot.

"Stupid Euan," Tia mutters, scowling and picking at her food, trying to salvage what she hadn't ruined. She stiffens, nearly rising as Albert passes by but her fatigue deprives her the opportunity as well as his quick steps.

After collecting his own food, Albert scours the hall for Ifani. He finds her quickly, most giving her a wide berth, and slides into the seat across from her. Ifani is spinning her fork around in her fingers and staring anxiously at her own untouched food.

"You look terrible!" Albert jests, "Was it the new bed?" she doesn't seem to recognize he spoke to her, "Ifani....?" Albert repeats and she still doesn't respond, "Please, talk to me," he asks in a more serious tone. She closes her eyes and gives a sigh, attempting to find the right words.

"I had... an episode," Ifani states slowly and Albert's eyebrows shoot up, "I-I thought that I was better, that I had control but-" Ifani speaks quickly pausing to loose a sharp breath, "I blanked out and I...." she chokes, her face wavering.

Albert places his hand in front of her slowly, palm up. She grasps it without a word, averting her gaze but squeezing his hand steadily. Ifani covers her eyes with her other hand, squinting them shut. Albert knows, in this state, how the raucous mess hall must grate at her. He taps her hand lightly with his thumb before speaking.

"Let's go somewhere else," Albert suggests, "You can tell me what happened, if you want to talk about it."

Ifani nods and lets him guide her out of the mess hall. She squints, the lights feeling too loud. They find a quieter corner of the plaza shaded by foliage. Once Ifani is settled, Albert rifles through his satchel.

"Ah!" he breathes, drawing out a mandolin he had stashed away for just this kind of moment.

Albert plucks at the instrument wordlessly, producing a mellow but pleasant and lively melody. This continues for a few minutes, Ifani focusing on the familiar song, eyes shut. She begins to hum along and even vocalizes the tune, off key but keeping with the tempo. When she opens her eyes again, she is far more composed.

"Thank you," Ifani replies gently and releases a sigh, "I knew it was going to be hard but I thought I was ready."

"You're being too hard on yourself," Albert reasons.

"But I attacked her, Albert!" Ifani states clearly, "And she never came back!"

"Who....?" Albert questions, his tone gentle despite his confusion. Ifani huffs, leaning back and forming a tight frown.

"Tia," Ifani states, her expression sour despite her concern, and Albert blinks, "She's my roommate."

Ifani doesn't attempt to hide her disdain for the concept, triggered in general by sharing her living space. Albert lets loose a pressured breath and considers the implications and potential consequences.

"Normally," Albert mutters at first, "I'd say she isn't someone to... worry about. How she may react... I don't know..."

"I thought you said she was 'different'," Ifani teases. Albert shrugs, his gangly limbs rising and falling in Ifani's vision, and his eyes narrow.

"I may have been wrong, I'm not sure," Albert mutters, "She's hiding something but I can't place it. Maybe she's just pretending..."

Ifani watches him quietly, all too familiar with the games so many noble children have played with him over the years. Taking advantage of his station repetitively as if he were a cheap toy.

"And here I was hoping you could talk to her for me!" Ifani complains, her eyes narrowing with annoyance, "She's so chatty."

"You think everyone is chatty!" Albert laughs, "She can't avoid you forever if you're roommates. Just try to think of what you want to say ahead of time." Ifani groans at the prospect but rises to her feet. Albert follows suit but gasps suddenly before they can depart, mirroring Ifani with a groan of his own.

"What?" Ifani questions.

"I have a lesson with her...!" he gripes, already dreading the exchange, but earns a snicker from his friend.




Albert dawdles before the library doors, reluctant to crack them open. He plays over his memories of Tia, ivory patterns appearing across his scalp, peaking past his hairline and framing his face. He pours over her slightest expressions, her choice of words, her reactions but still can't make up his mind or figure her out. He rubs his palms down his face and tries to brace himself, stretching the skin before finally making his way inside. Tia peers out an open window with particularly tired eyes and poorly masked anxiety. She jumps as he places his bag on the table but relief washes over her expression as she realizes it's him.

"Albert!" Tia greets him with relief, her voice cheery but holding uncertainty as well.

Albert maintains uniform neutrality as his eyes flicker to hers briefly, her anxiety amplified as Albert neglects to mirror her greeting. He settles into his seat and prepares a scroll at the end of the table.



"Today, we're going to cover the Downfall of the Erlithmanil," Albert explains, jumping right into the lesson with a stern tone.

"Albert, um..." Tia tries to begin, pausing to consider her words and scrounge up the courage to question him.

"The Erlithmanil had ruled over Emynea as gods for untold ages," Albert continues, glazing over her attempt and remaining focused, "But humanity suffered under their whims. Zalikar, the Dark King, was particularly prone to mass human eradications. It was at this point legend claims Luxis chose a hero to stand against them," Tia's timid silence lingers, mulling over Albert's disposition, "Armed with a unique ability gifted by Luxis, he allied himself with ten beasts and Sylthari herself. They were able to overcome the Erlithmanil with both clever ruses and legendary battles. After destroying their bodies, Sylthari sealed the immortal souls of the elements within her crystals and-"

Albert has to pause as Tia bounces her leg so drastically it rattles the entire table. He levels a deadpan expression on her and she gasps, staying the motion.

"Did I do something?" Tia blurts into the pause.

"Tia...." Albert grumbles.

"Because if I did," Tia reasons hastily, her words bursting from her mouth, "I-I'd at least like to know what it is that I did!"

"Tia, I am here as your tutor right now," Albert remains firm, "Not as your peer or unit-mate."

"But I thought we were friends!" Tia divulges with more candor and desperation than Albert was prepared for. He blinks as tears form in her eyes, uncertainty washing over her features and she balls her fists on the table, "If-If I was w-wrong and assumed...!" Tia splutters, swallowing before speaking more slowly, "I understand if you were just doing your job and I'm being pushy. I just need to know!" Albert draws in a long breath, watching her expression carefully for validity, and releases a sigh before speaking.

"You agreed," Albert attempts to state clearly, "With Orin's cruel joke about Longwei."

Tia blinks away tears in response, seemingly dumbstruck. She interlocks her fingers atop her head, replaying the events of the previous day in her head. Her face scrunches, unable to scrounge up any memory that matches his assertion.

"I... I don't remember..." Tia confesses meekly.

"Longwei didn't deserve that disrespect," Albert scowls, starkly contrasting his usually timorous behavior, and his tone only grows more firm, "And I don't tolerate bullies!"

"But I have nothing but respect for Longwei," Tia insists, recalling his wordless aid, "If anything, he's the coolest member of our unit!"

"What...?" Albert breathes, baffled by her seemingly arbitrary statement.

'Tia...' Duff cuts in.

'Not now!' Tia rebukes, squeezing her eyes shut momentarily. Albert squints at her, noticing the misplaced expression. 

'You were speaking with me, not the boy,' Duff informs her briskly, realization washing over Tia's face.

"I..." Tia begins, her eyes darting as she tries to find a way to explain herself without divulging Duff's involvement, "Sometimes... I get distracted or space out," Albert watches her, his skepticism plainly displayed, "I know its weird! I-I know that I'm weird," she breathes, her voice unsteady, "But I don't know how else to explain it. I wasn't paying attention when... um... Orin made a bad joke?"

"That..." Albert mumbles with a squint, "Is extraordinarily convenient," Tia winces but otherwise lacks further explanation, Albert leaning back in his chair as he contemplates, "If you don't have any more moments of cruelty or disrespect," he states with some reservation, "Then, maybe, we can be friends." Despite this complicated and dizzying condition, hope sparks in Tia's eyes and she offers him one fervent nod.

"Now, back to the less-" Albert begins refocusing but the bell tolls and his sentence drops away, "It'll have to wait until next time," Albert grumbles, not concealing his dissatisfaction.

"I'm sorry!" Tia winces, "I promise I'll stay focused next time!" He snorts and they both depart for the next phase of their schedules.


Despite her sleep deprivation, Tia approaches the aerial obstacle course feeling invigorated by hope. She lines up alongside several other aerial recruits, donning her division uniform. The outfit is tightfitting, a blue-green top and jacket which leaves her upper back exposed. This is paired with equally tightfitting khaki pants with the same tail mechanism she was accustomed to and boots with talons set behind the heels. Martia and Danut are present, nodding politely to her but otherwise keeping their distance.

Tia manifests only her avian features, tending to avoid flying with her lynx ears exposed if she could due to their sensitivity. She notices avian feet on a number of her cohorts as she scans them, Martia included among them, and she even notices peers with wings built into their arms rather than sprouting from their backs. Avian features seem far more common than the reptilian wings Danut possesses and a few of her peers lack any wings at all, displaying colored patterns on their hands and feet instead. Tia attempts to mimic the militant posture the others maintain while they wait but it still feels awkward to her.

The senior recruits stiffen suddenly, standing erect with severe focus. A woman in a blue uniform strides before them, petite but possessing a fierce temperament while not manifesting her form at all. She scans the class, particularly scrutinizing her newest students. As her eyes land on Tia, she is clearly unimpressed. Tia attempts to leer back at her but finds herself averting her eyes as the woman's gaze intensifies. Something about her face seems familiar.



"I'm not going to waste our time with paltry introductions or long-winded explanations," she speaks curtly, "We will be seeing each other frequently during your time here so I implore you not to disappoint me or make a fool of yourselves! You will call me Miss Felicity. I cover half of our aerial courses but if you're truly unlucky, you'll see me for auras and dual blade techniques."

Felicity releases a quiet sigh, glancing over the new roster as if she might toss it aside but thinks better of it. Rather than taking a roll call, she scans the list silently, planning only to confirm their numbers. Felicity's eyes fix on one particular name, a scowl growing steadily as she eyes it. The senior recruits appear almost fearful of the expression, bracing themselves with anxious anticipation, yet Felicity remains calm.

"Faaya!" Felicity barks, her eyes not parting from the roster.

"Yes, Miss Felicity!" a senior recruit answers her.

Faaya is lissome and discerning, possessing a warm golden complexion while brilliantly vivid feathers peek between elaborate coils of hair. These include bright lilac, green, yellow and orange along her head and neck while her wings primarily consist of alternating light and dark blues. 

"Run the new rats through the course," Felicity orders, garnering a salute. Faaya gestures and they begin filing towards the starting platform. "Except," Felicity continues, everyone pausing, "Tia Minx."

Tia's eyes widen and Faaya gives her a pitiable glance before guiding the rest of the class away. Felicity waits until the others have departed before giving a sharp laugh, her eyes narrowing.

"Is there... something wrong?" Tia asks, nearly holding her breath when Felicity laughs again.

"Tell me," Felicity invites with a measure of amusement, "Who put you up to this? Berenger?" Tia openly displays her confusion and Felicity's amusement instantly runs cold, a dour frown presenting itself as she chops her hand over Tia's name, "Because this name is distasteful at best!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, " Tia insists, her own agitation growing.

"There are no other Minx left," Felicity hisses, the parchment crumpled between her fingers catching fire and burning up almost instantly.

"My name," Tia matches the heat in her tone despite this display, "Is Tia Minx!"

"No," Felicity barks, raising her voice and laughing bitterly as she continues, "The only Minx left are me, my mother and my brother and Azryth would take us all before that lout has a child! If you don't drop this disgusting charade...!"

Tia blinks, suddenly realizing and recognizing the similarities. Felicity is petite and possesses Evelyn's ferocity in excess but she also shares Allen's slate hair and hazel eyes.

"You're my Aunt Felicity?" Tia questions in disbelief.

The reserved teenage girl in the portrait Evelyn had shown her had carefully maintained, waist length hair and was fastidiously draped in frills and make-up while the woman before Tia now had chopped her hair astoundingly short, fiery patterns shaved along one side of her scalp, and a bare freckled face. It is hardly a surprise Tia didn't recognize her.

At Tia's suggestion, orange embers dance across woman's body as her temper peaks and her eyes change over to green before contracting. Before the woman could grow any angrier, Tia manifests her father's full form and Felicity's anger drops away all at once. Her expression cycles between emptiness, confusion, realization and bitterness.

"Grandma," Tia speaks carefully, "Said she'd sent you a letter, but, she didn't tell me you were an instructor...!"

"Ha!" Felicity sneers, "I stopped reading that hag's letters a decade ago!" Tia gasps as Felicity continues, "I see she hasn't shown you her true colors yet. No, I suppose your still too young. Her 'precious granddaughter', right?" Felicity mocks Evelyn's words before frowning. Felicity sighs through her nose, looking Tia up and down. "Well, as lovely as this has been," she drones sarcastically, "We're done. Join the rest of the rats!" Tia hesitates and Felicity gestures to the others with an exaggerated leer, "Now!" Felicity demands. She watches Tia flee with an uncomfortable expression laced with pity and disbelief.


Spar it Out


Tia's wing's quiver by the end of Flight Basics, Felicity running her through the course twice as hard as her peers. Tia questions whether the cause was her inadequate performance or Felicity's distaste for their family as she trudges her way to her next course. She had also quickly come to understand the nervous behavior of the senior recruits, Felicity often summoning flames during their runs  to "motivate" recruits to fly faster or to deter problematic techniques. The sparring grounds are littered with recruits by the time Tia arrives, divided up by units. Each group occupies one of the many marked fields, each stretching one hundred feet long and fifty feet wide.

Tia hesitates at the sight of her unit. Longwei and Orin are in each others faces again, Orin wearing the slightest of smiles in response to Longwei's irritation. Meanwhile, Ifani hovers nearby dispassionately, restricting Albert from intervening, but she draws in a breath as Tia approaches. Tia cannot meet her gaze, reflexively grasping her hand. 

"What's... going on?" Tia asks haltingly. 

"Ah, Tia!" Orin responds, donning a bright smile and seeming to dismiss his interaction with Longwei, "Finally, someone reasonable!"

He steps towards Tia but she pulls back in response, her face tightening with a stern frown. His approach freezes, the boy nearly losing his smile as he blinks at her. 

"Your boyfriend," Longwei bites, "Is fond of being an asinine pig!" 

"He is not-" Tia begins, face flushing despite her harsh denial.

"That's enough chatter!" a male voice booms over the grounds.

The whole of those gathered swivel towards the source of this thunderous voice. A surly and crabbed looking older man leers out at them and a lanky, percipient man with dark hair and light eyes stands beside him. The surly one's throat is entirely teal as he speaks and the second man surveys the new recruits as his coworker continues. 

"Instructor Zeki and I, Instructor Yannick, will be running most of your sparring, drills, strategy and fitness courses! Today," he continues, his voice easily rolling across the whole field, "You'll be getting a feel for your new units. Split in half and spar! Winnin' side earns one hundred credits each!"

The air is empty of sound for a long duration and recruits glance to each other, uncertain and confused by his simplistic instructions. Aides who had been waiting in the periphery of the field step forward to each group. One approaches Tia's unit as well.

"These sparring sessions are fairly simple," the aide assures them, the six teens gathering around him, "Stay within the field and use the weapons we provide. Lethal force is prohibited but medics are on site for lesser injuries and accidents." The aide gestures to red-uniformed staff spread throughout the area. 

"So we just..." Tia questions in a small voice, "Fight each other?"

"Yes," the aide confirms, almost cheery, "No better way to improve your combative skills and teamwork!" they eye each other and all seem uncertain of potential teamwork, "Our weapons," the aide continues, "Are enchanted with slip magic and won't land lethal blows. You'll need to purchase an enchantment from the commissary if you want to use your own! If you are hit with one of these attacks, fall unconscious or leave the field you're done. However, you can forfeit at any time. You have four combatants and two supports, try to keep the teams balanced!"

A smug smile buds on Longwei's lips as his eyes land on Orin. He takes a moment to translate for Bolor and they nod to each other, resolved. Ifani and Albert are equally resolute to fight together, leaving Orin and Tia to choose sides. 

"Well," Orin tries to sound firm, "Someone's going to need to-"

"It's fine!" Tia interrupts, catching all of them by surprise, "We're both combatants. I'll fight with Longwei and Bolor," she continues, her eyes sliding to each of them, "If they'll have me?"

Longwei blinks, genuinely astonished by Tia's offer, but his own smile widens as he spots Orin's dissatisfaction. He gives Tia a firm nod. Mild satisfaction marks Albert's face as well, pleased Tia is making an effort to prove herself. Orin shrugs despite a tight frown, approaching Ifani and Albert while Tia, Bolor and Longwei huddle together. 

"I've got dibs on the pig," Longwei states immediately, "And Bolor does best at long range. What about you?"

"I'm Aerial but..." Tia places a hand on her shoulder, "My wings are still worn out from my last course," she holds out a hand, letting her markings light up as her fingertips crackle, "I might be able to zap them," Tia is enthusiastic at first but her smile drops before offering her admission, "But I'm still not very strong." 

"I see," Longwei frowns as his eyes slide to the other three, "It can't be helped if you're new to this. Just do what you can to keep Ifani busy. Wulong and I will give that lippy prick a surprise!" 

The six of them line up on opposite sides of the field. Ifani and Orin are openly confident and Albert is readied just behind them, flute in hand. All six teens manifest their forms fully, aside from Tia's wings and tail, and the aide stands ready to signal them to begin.

Albert has ivory markings framing his face and teal patterns painting his hands and mouth, reaching down to his throat, while brass and amber smear into each other across Ifani's body. Orin's hands are concealed by his gloves but pure white coats his arms up to his shoulders, already illuminated. Longwei resembles his appearance the previous evening while Bolor's body appears dusted with artic blue powder resembling snow from fingertips to shoulders while a few stripes of the same hue mark his shaved scalp. The air is taut with anticipation, set loose by the aide's gesture.

Longwei exhales a nebulous fog across the entire battlefield, setting the stage for their battle. Ifani dashes forward despite the vapor while the rest enter more cautiously. Tia surveys the mist with sword in hand as she pads forward, the avian half of her eyes locking on to any hint of movement and her ears are held alert. However, her surroundings are far from silent and her gleaming yellow stripes act as a natural beacon. Other battles clash around them and the disquieting melody of Albert's flute pierces the airy fog. This uncanny, fragile ambiance doesn't last.

Tia's ears flick to Ifani's footsteps, despite her attempt to pad behind her silently, and Tia whips around in time to dodge Ifani's lunge. Ifani doesn't hesitate to continue her assault, her blade following Tia's body in a slashing movement. Tia grimaces, bringing her own sword around scarcely in time to meet Ifani's blade and she uses the flat edge of her sword to alter its path as metal scrapes across metal. Ifani smirks, taking her time to feel out Tia's technique while Tia battles to conceal her reflexive fear.



On the other side of the field, Orin acts as Albert's guardian, waiting a few feet ahead of him and eagerly anticipating Longwei's attack. A peculiar spear comprised of searing white plasma hums between his fingers and a small hand crossbow hangs on his hip despite an absence of bolts. His phosphorescent weapon radiates intense heat within his grasp, this heat amplified as Albert continues his melody. Orin can feel and abundance of energy welling up within him, an overconfident smirk in place as the heat evaporates the fog around him, creating a pocket of clear air.

This delicate anticipation shatters instantly as Wulong, Longwei's draconic familiar, barrels out of the fog on foot with both Longwei and Bolor on her back. Bolor has a bow readied with an arrow drawn but he holds his attack despite having a clear shot on Orin. Stricken by the sight of a dragon and with no time to dodge, Orin braces himself with spear pointed forward but as Wulong reaches him they do not collide.

Where Orin's body touches Wulong, he passes through as if she, and those she carries, consist entirely of steam leaving Orin with the sensation of a cool mist gushing past him. As they slip around Orin's body and reform, Bolor takes his shot and his arrow flies into and past Albert's chest. The flute cuts off as he gasps, glancing down and patting his chest anxiously to be sure. Albert retreats, gaping at Wulong's fluid motions as she swivels back towards Orin. 

"Shit!" Orin curses, the heat of his weapon dropping considerably as Albert's amplification fades.

Bolor remains on Wulong's back while Longwei slips to the ground, a hook and blade glaive in hand. Wulong saunters along the periphery fog surrounding the pair with a snarl sliding past her fangs, ascending and circling Orin as Bolor prepares his next attack. Bolor grazes his fingers over a handful of arrows with unflappable composure, moisture from the fog gathering and glazing them with ice. Longwei is unable to keep the mirth from his expression, Orin's eyes still catching on Wulong as they approach each other, and Orin loads his crossbow with plasma bolts generated between his fingers.



Ifani pauses as Albert's melody cuts off, frowning before loosing a chiding sigh at her friend's quick defeat. Her face sinks into grim resolution, clearly intent on procuring a rapid victory against Tia before returning to her ally. Tia tries to psych herself up, taking deep breaths and preparing her stance. Ifani watches Tia's movements carefully but allows her to make the first move. Tia slashes her sword down onto Ifani's shoulder but Ifani catches it in her bare hand, a metallic sheen scraping against the blade in her palm. 

Tia attempts to rip it out of her grasp but isn't quick enough, Ifani's hand searing orange and rapidly melting the blade. Tia watches with horror, her sword warping and curling around Ifani's fingers as she squeezes. Before the sword can snap completely, Tia attempts to shock her. Ifani sees Tia's stripes searing brighter, swiftly converting all of her skin to tungsten just as Tia releases the charge. Sparks roll over Ifani's metallic coating but she's totally unaffected, smirking as she destroys Tia's weapon. 

"You don't even know how your own aspect works," Ifani taunts her, "Do you?"

Tia backs away with slow steps, unnerved and uncertain of how Ifani could be immune to her aura. Her mind races, feeling exposed without a weapon, and she considers fleeing as a cold chill creeps up her back. Yet Tia takes a breath, reminding herself this battle isn't life or death. She resolves herself to keep Ifani engaged for as long as she can, as Longwei requested, even if it means her own defeat.

Ifani lunges at Tia with a slew of rapid attacks, Tia dodging frantically and wishing she could use Ithisda's Body while still scraping by on sheer reflex. Ifani's frustration quickly culminates, fueled by Tia's evasion and perseverance, feeling the pressure to rejoin Orin with each passing moment. Ifani places her foot just behind Tia's heel and begins radiating heat from her body. Tia tries to back away reflexively, fearing another burn, stumbling and finding herself prone on her back.

Ifani hovers over Tia, readying her finishing strike, and Tia braces herself. Her eyes squeeze shut as her fear peaks and Ifani brings down her blade over Tia's neck. Ifani's blade collides with some invisible barrier, diverting her blade aside as it slides against something impenetrable. Ifani squints, unable to discern any impediment. Nothing is between them. Wulong's tail swipes at Ifani's torso suddenly and, being so engrossed with Tia, she takes the blow unimpeded. The air goes out of her lungs all at once and she splutters for breath after tumbling away. 

"Tia!" Bolor calls out and Tia opens her eyes.

Tia springs up, gasping at the brilliant sight of her allies as they come to her rescue, immensely relieved and grateful. Both Bolor and Longwei have gained a few burns, cauterized and distinct, but Wulong is entirely uninjured. Tia beams at the both of them, finding Wulong particularly magnificent after rescuing her. She is wholly unaware of Ifani missing her strike, believing they arrived just in time to stop her.

Bolor spots Tia's warped weapon tossed aside and as Ifani scrambles off the ground, still coughing, Bolor claps his palms together. His marks glow and as he separates his hands, he generates a sword of pure ice. Longwei transfers it to her as he dismounts. Tia marvels at the transparent and almost crystalline blade yet the ice immediately numbs her fingers. She nods to Bolor with a grateful expression, wrapping the cloth of her belt around the hilt as they all refocus on Ifani.



Ifani scours the four of them, Wulong in particular, considering her options. She takes one deep, steadying breath and despite being outnumbered, she is firm with resolution and determination. Without a word from Longwei, Wulong takes to the air again with Bolor and Bolor coats his arrows with ice as he had done before. Unaware of Ifani's abilities, Longwei exhales hot, pressured steam in her direction. Ifani plods though, unblinking, and swings her blade through his attack. Longwei stumbles back, her attack grazing his shoulder. Blood springs from the cut but it is shallow, clotting quickly.

Before she can press him further, Tia makes a lunge with her frosty blade. Ifani doesn't bother dodging or parrying, the ice ineffective against her tungsten skin. Longwei hesitates to join Tia's assault, a new uncertainty budding in the face of Ifani's staunch defenses. Closer to her, Tia notices patches of metal converting back to skin along the edges of her clothing. Ifani raises her sword over Tia but arrows and ice shards pelt her back ruthlessly from within the fog, causing her to stumble. Tia takes her opportunity to reel back.

"She's getting tired," Tia announces, her eyes shooting to Longwei with revived determination, "We just need to keep pressing her!" 

Longwei nods back to her slowly at first, tenacity catching in his eyes thanks to Tia's contagious willpower. He grips his glaive with both hands in renewed resolution, lowering his body into a practiced stance. Longwei slashes and jabs at Ifani while remaining out of her striking distance while Bolor continues with a barrage of shards and arrows. These zip in from alternating paths and unpredictable angles, attempting to throw her off balance or destabilize her movements with peculiar accuracy. The pair fight seamlessly together, already accustomed to the other's patterns. Tia tries to land a few hits of her own, despite the ineffectiveness of both her weapon and technique. It slowly chips off more ice with each hit. She attempts to electrocute Ifani again as well, the girl flinching at her gesture, but to Tia's frustration the bolt won't connect.

Ifani fights as if Tia and Bolor aren't present, focusing entirely on Longwei. They engage in a skillful and elaborate dance, leaving Tia to step aside in awe as their pace increases. Longwei jabs a final time, Ifani catching the pole of his glaive under her arm before grasping his weapon and pulling Longwei into her sword. Yet as she attempts to run him through, his entire body gives way to mist. Ifani finds herself holding his weapon uncontested as Longwei blends into the fog surrounding them. Ifani turns to Tia then, losing control of her temper, and the air around her heats abruptly. Tia takes to the air as just as swiftly, her wingbeats throwing Ifani off balance. 

"She's heating up!" Tia alerts her allies, recognizing Longwei's Body manifestation and all too familiar with the dangers of evaporation.

Longwei slips along the fog, reforming on Wulong's back. Ifani continues heating up wildly in frustration and even far above her the air is sweltering. The fog evaporates completely as a swelling fever radiates over all of them, forcing Wulong to land along the edge of the field. The rest of the compound reappears, Albert watching anxiously from outside while Orin rests nearby. He is being tended to by a medic, his burns, lacerations and punctures mending slowly despite his dissatisfied expression. They both perk up, finally able to observe the fight.

Ifani is unable to maintain her form any longer, her metal skin fading and leaving her breathless and pale. However, Longwei and Bolor also seem to be at  their limit after also having faced Orin. They take a moment to collect themselves and allow Tia to finish their original match. Tia's sword is chipped and cracked but still manageable. While her body is tired, Tia is far from bottomed out of energy not having utilized her magic much in this bout. Still, she questions whether Ifani might still have some form of immunity and remains uncertain of her ability to project her aura.

They circle each other only briefly, both girls fatigued and craving rest, and this time it is Ifani who makes the first move. Tia tries to parry Ifani's strike, shattering most of her blade and forcing her to discard it after their swords collide. Ifani smirks, letting her guard down with Tia disarmed again. Tia glowers in response, a fire raging in her stomach at Ifani's arrogant expression.

Tia grabs Ifani's sword arm in her hand before she can attack again and runs a paralyzing charge into her, Tia's novice technique leaving Ifani's body uncomfortably tense and numb. Ifani is left helpless to watch with wide eyes as Tia swings her other arm, her claws tearing into Ifani's chest and face. Tia digs her nails into Ifani's arm at the same time, the pain forcing her to drop her weapon. Ifani stumbles back as Tia releases her, hand hovering over her bloodied face, and Bolor finishes the match with a simple arrow. As Tia huffs for breath, Bolor claps a hand onto her back with hearty laughter. 

"Not bad," Longwei praises plainly, following after him. Tia's face reddens but she offers them both a sunny smile.

"Nah," Tia pants, "I would've gone down in the beginning if you guys hadn't stepped in. You two are so strong and Wulong," she pauses to regard the dragon with blatant admiration, "Wulong was magnificent!" A smile tugs on Longwei's lips, his eyes sliding to Wulong. She is resting nearby but still watches them attentively. Longwei chuckles at Wulong before looking back to Tia. 

"She says you have good taste," Longwei informs her, "But she's just a glutton for compliments. I'd-"

"Ifani!" Albert dashes past them, crouching down to examine her. She sits cross legged, catching her breath and watching them while shielding her face.

Tia gasps, not having realized how drastically she had injured Ifani in the moment. She eyes her roommate's wound, blood mostly clotted but the cuts are deep and messy. Tia frets that she went too far. Ifani notices Tia staring, sees her nervous posture and how she opens her mouth several times to speak but says nothing.

"I'm fine," Ifani grumbles, the medic stooping down and getting to work immediately. 

"I..." Tia hesitates but apologizes fervently, "I'm still so sorry!" 

"You're sorry?" Ifani snorts but then her mood shifts and she seems uncomfortable and solemn, "I wish I could say this makes us even but you hurt me in an official match. Me... I..." her eyes shut and her face tightens, struggling to express herself.

"Oh..." Tia peeps, grasping her hand in realization. Albert glances between them with a grimace, their struggle to communicate painful to witness. "I-" Tia tries to continue. 

"Well!" Orin interrupts as he approaches, "You're stronger than I thought! Though..." he pauses to glance at Wulong, "You did have an extra hand." 

"A pig and a sore loser," Longwei remarks with an edge to his voice.

Wulong rises, resting her head over Longwei's shoulder and joining in his leer with a hint of a snarl. Longwei runs a hand over her muzzle to calm her. Tia and Albert sigh in near unison, prompting Ifani to laugh despite the uncomfortable tension. Tia smiles, still retaining some hope for friendship amid them.


Hunter in the Moonlight


The gentle, continuous patter of rain sounds across the canopy above and the sultry air is choked with moisture. While most of the understory is shielded from this downpour, the river's muddled surface is pelted as steadily as the leaves above. A figure conceals himself near the edge of this river, nearly invisible amid the foliage with an ebony coat of a jaguar sprouted across his body. He waits, amber eyes regarding a tapir as it approaches the river. It remains skittish, peering about its surroundings with a nervous gaze. His eyes glint as it lowers its head to drink.

He springs forward, claws extended, appearing more beast than man. The tapir startles and attempts to flee back into the forest but it is too late. His claws hook into flesh as he grips his prey, his massive body pinning it to the ground, and he sinks his fangs into its throat. He tears the beast open, mangling and feasting upon the raw carcass with no need for weapons or tools. It is only the physique of his body which exhibits any indication of humanity, every other feature and behavior that of a predator, but even this is tentative due to his sheer enormity. 

As he savors the raw flesh of his kill, the moonlight peeking onto to the river intensifies. He whips around, looming over his kill, and squints into this gentle luminescence. Mina emerges from this light, her dainty footsteps tapping across river stones and her movements flowing like phantasmal gossamer. Familiarity lights up the man's face and he grins, his fangs still dripping with blood. As she approaches him, most of his jaguar features fall away leaving only his raven hair and fangs. 



"Chía!" his greeting oozes with delight and his baritone voice almost rumbles as he laughs, holding out his arms to embrace her. 

"Supay," Mina acknowledges him but puts up a hand as he approaches, pointedly looking him up and down. Supay examines himself, his body smeared with blood and viscera.

"Ah, right!" Supay chuckles at himself, "Hold on." He moves past her, wading into the river waist deep and splashing away the blood.

"Why are you always naked!" Mina chides, a heavy sigh marking her vexation as he rinses himself.

"You've been spending time in the archipelago again, haven't you?" Supay scolds back, waggling a finger at her, "You get so stuffy!" When he wades back out he clasps Mina into a bear hug, uncaring of his nudity, and easily hoists her up with his bulky body. 

"It's been too long, Chía!" Supay exclaims, setting her down. Mina tries to smile at him but she cannot maintain it. Supay studies her face, his own expression growing grim before he speaks, "What is it, little moon?"

"I... It..." Mina breathes haltingly before trying to speak more clearly, "It happened again..." her voice is barely audible and her expression quivers. Supay sighs with one long breath and cups her face, her porcelain skin spectral against the hazelnut tone of his hands.

"Oh Chía," his sigh borders admonishment, "Why do you keep letting them hurt you like this?" Mina pulls her face from his grip, her eyes flitting shut before responding.

"It isn't their fault," Mina insists, growing more bitter as she speaks, "It's always these wars!" a short breath slides out her nose, "I know you don't feel the same way I do but I can't just... stop loving them."

"Actually," Supay baits, waiting for Mina to glance at him, "I think I'm beginning to understand your predilection."

Mina's eyebrows raise and Supay dons an sly smile, his lips rolling over fangs. He turns back to the forest and gestures for Mina to follow him. He pauses a moment spotting his dinner but as he looks up, he spots vultures already catching the scent and decides to leave it. He helps Mina through the rainforest floor as he speaks. 

"Not all of them are like those monsters in the valley," Supay scowls at his own mention of Accia, "Some of them still respect us and Emynea instead of placing themselves above nature. I've come to appreciate the people here and to the south."

"I can see that!" Mina declares with a hint of laughter, looking him up and down again. 

"What," Supay grins and gestures to himself, "Not to your liking?"

"I didn't say that!" Mina offers a fluttering laugh, "But I...." her mirth falls away rapidly, leaving her face troubled by somber pain.

"But," Supay sighs, "You're not over him yet?"

"Them," Mina almost husks, "And no."

"Well," Supay continues, the fire-light of civilization gleaming between tree trunks, "If you have... anything left to say to them my son may be of help."

"My," Mina breathes with wide eyes, "You really have changed!" 

Two guards are stationed by a ladder constructed of woody vines, seeming to have grown into their intended shape. They bow their heads to Supay, their reverence for him apparent, but they grow wary as their eyes slide to Mina. Supay speaks to them in Runasimi, assuring them Mina is an important guest.

Mina regards the ladder with trepidation, causing Supay to chortle. He's always been amused with her refined and dainty mannerisms, so opposite to his own. His body morphs again but rather than taking on the features of a jaguar, winged arms mimicking those of a fruit bat sprout from his back. Leathery, flexible skin stretches between spiny, finger like bones and short brown and black fur covers the rest of him. The stretchy skin of these wings run along the sides of his body down to his feet and he even gains the long muzzle and rounded ears of this unique creature. He leaves only his arms unaltered. He stretches his wings as Mina turns to him, a bit surprised but understanding his intention. 

"Alright," Mina agrees reluctantly, allowing him to scoop her up.

His grasp is firm, the flight up the tree rugged and uneven. They move with lurching motions and Supay seems to enjoy himself, occasionally grasping and kicking off the tree trunk with the fingers on his wings. They travel up into the bowels of the canopy, Supay lingering atop a branch for a moment as Mina takes in the sight. 



A city has been constructed into the canopy, branches manipulated to form bases and bridges from platform to platform alongside plentiful bridges. Structures are built into the trunks and branches themselves or constructed of river stones, plastered together with leafy roofs. The city spreads over the upper branches of twenty or so trees, painted with dramatic hues but camouflaged from above by thick branches. Citizens pass between structures unfazed by the continuous downpour which occasionally breaks through the roof above as branches sway. One central building stands out against the others, built into the largest trunk in the center of this treetop city. It overlooks a central plaza which seemingly hovers over the jungle, supported by living branches and vines. Supay glides towards this central building. 

"I have a lot to catch you up on!" Supay laughs as they descend.


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