Chapter 3

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The next morning dawns and billowing clouds meander across the sky at a steady pace. Beams of sunlight break occasionally onto the valley as they approach their destination. A sprawling village wraps itself around a tiered city, partitioned by stark stone walls. A river runs around these walls and through the village, flowing in from the west. The city itself is built into a substantial, rocky hummock, buildings climbing their way up amid craggy outcroppings leading to a flat peak. While the village around it is mostly populated by wooden structures, the city itself seems crafted of stone. While beautiful, Tia feels underwhelmed compared to how Martin and her father had talked about the capital. The port town, with its underwater counterpart and grand bridges, was far more impressive to Tia.

They pass through the rural village, the road lined with stalls supplying fruits, vegetables and other foodstuffs. Children scamper by despite the brisk morning air and the vendors have just opened shop. Despite this, by the time they reach the city gates, a crowd was already assembling to glimpse the conspicuous escort. The gates open almost instantly before them, the town guard immediately recognizing General Stahlmann and his unit. As they make their way inside, more wealthy residents line the streets. They look to Tia, her father and the captives trying to ascertain their identities.

The inner city seems far older than the village, moss growing between the cracks of buildings and cobblestone streets. These houses are markedly larger and better crafted than the village outside and the people here are dressed in cleaner, more vividly colored clothing. A few among them seem to recognize Allen and he can see the whispers on their lips: Minx. He can't help but frown, the expression growing steadily with each passing whisper.

As they climb higher, they pass by a number stores and vendors. Tailors, jewelers, blacksmiths and various other craftsmen or artisans make their living here. Flowers line the streets as well, offering a welcoming atmosphere as colorful as those who watch with their various forms exposed. Tia is astonished, nearly everyone dressed to purposely portray their colorful forms whether these were vivid markings or more animalistic or elemental features. Tia has to actively stop herself from gawking but she is also dazzled by the wild variety.

By the time they near the peak, a veritable crowd has trailed after them, hoping to catch a glimpse of General Stahlmann and Duke Minx. Tia feels them appraising and scrutinizing her, finding herself unsure of how she is expected to behave. She attempts to mirror her father's posture and expression, albeit clumsily.

They arrive at an empty plaza, leaving the crowd behind. Only one massive building seems to surround the peak with uniform pillars as their primary feature. An older gentleman approaches from under the awning of this building and bows to Allen and then Martin. He speaks to Martin, taking note of at each and member of the party, checking and scribbling away at a notebook he carries. His eye catch on their captives and he fusses about them to the General. After some bickering, the man rushes back under the awning momentarily. Tia notices then that her father is watching her with an expectant and almost giddy expression.

"What is it this time?" Tia sighs, only prompting increased excitement.

"That's what hasn't changed?" Martin huffs and Allen shrugs, his eagerness unwavering.

The clouds break above them and her father points above. A massive stony structure looms above them, draped in clouds and blotting out the sky. Tia blinks, her breath caught in her chest, and glances at those around her to confirm this impossibility is real. She finds Euan and the captives also gawking in awe while the soldiers act as if it were as ordinary as the sun itself. The island of stone seems as large as the town below, if not larger, and floats in place as if some grand invisible hand cradles it. Tia looks again to her father and bursts out laughing at his wild grin. This garners an irritable grumble from Martin, who is well beyond ready to finish babysitting.

The attendant emerges again and flits back to them holding a staff with linear engravings and a crescent shaped jewel on its top which glows faintly—a syltharian crystal. A retinue of others trail after him and get to work hooking blindfolds onto the horses' bridles. Once they finish, the attendant with the staff nods to Martin and places the it into a small crevasse in the center of the square. Stone railings rise steadily along the edges of the square and fence them in. Once these click into position, the man twists the staff, causing the ground beneath them to rumble. The square begins to rise, levitating into the sky at a steady speed. Tia watches clouds race around the lift, pushed by stark winds, yet the air about them remains totally still.

"The kingdom's mages can craft some incredible spells!" Allen states, watching his daughter squint. Still speechless, she simply nods at him.

The city below disappears as they pass through a barrier of clouds. Tia looks back as the rest of the world is swallowed up, only small glimpses peeking through. The capital reveals itself as the lift slows, hovering at the edge of a raised platform. This offers a panoramic view of the city. 



The capital itself appears as if it were carved from crystal and ivory stone, accented with gilded silver and gold as if the metals were embroidered into the stonework. It's difficult to observe at first, the reflection overwhelming. Each building is artistically designed, many towering and eccentric.



Wide open spaces separate these structures consisting of vast courtyards, plazas and forums while brilliantly colored gardens buffer the harsh whites. At the heart of the city, a distinctly tiered castle appears to be carved from one, seamless pearly stone and is accented by ethereal crystals. Its towers pierce the sky, tipped by violet gems and silver. Water wells up from some hidden spring within the castle, cascading elegantly from crystalline aquifers before flowing out into the city. The crystals and water alike possess a glow akin to starlight despite the brightness of the architecture.

As the lift fits and locks into place, the crescent staff is removed and the railings lower. Those running the lift come forward again to guide the horses down the platform before removing their blinders. A man waits at the base of the walkway. He is speaking with someone as they descend, sending them away before the party arrives.



He is an older man with greasy hair and a droopy face. While richly dressed, he is pale enough Tia would believe he was ill and has a morose aura about him despite his fattened body. Martin exhales a sonorous groan upon spotting him.

"Ah, General Martin!" Ghislaine greets him, his tone familiar and pleasant despite Martin's stark frown. He doesn't bat an eye at Martin's expression.

"Why are you here, Ghislaine," Martin complains, unabashedly sour, "Shouldn't you be in your dungeon smoking herbs and mumbling nonsense?" 

"His majesty was concerned, General, you're quite late!" Ghislaine chuckles and his smile widens, seemingly pleased by Martin's cantankerous reaction. He looks over the rest of the party as if dismissing his colleague. "Allen Minx!" Ghislaine gasps as if surprised, "How wonderful to see you! It has been quite some time hasn't it?"

"Hello, Ghislaine," Allen answers with a drawn out tone, amused by Martin's discomfort but equally displeased to see Ghislaine, despite his polite facade, "Yes, about twenty years."

"Who's th' peely-wally wan?" Euan whispers, leaning over to Tia.

"How would I know?" Tia whispers back to him with a shrug.

"Yer a noble, dinnae all o' ye know each other?" Euan questions in a haughty tone. Tia glares at him, earning her another smirk.

"I don't know any of them," Tia admits and his eyebrows shoot up, "I only learned about this... nobility garbage recently."

"Lucky," Euan scoffs but then pauses, "'Meks sense though."

"And who are your guests?" Ghislaine asks, appraising Tia and the captives.

"One of the reasons we're 'quite late'," Martin mocks, "Not that you'd understand how anything works outside the castle. I'm surprised to see you out in daylight!"

"I never took you as one to give excuses, Martin," Ghislaine chides as if scolding a child.

"Weel, yer bum's oot the windae ye sleekit tattie!" Euan rails off with a laugh.

Martin tries to stifle his laughter but can't contain his mirth, guffawing when Ghislaine narrows his eyes at Euan. Ghislaine finds himself unable to retort, not understanding the insult. Euan wears a smug expression, enjoying his newfound ability to insult people to their faces.

"It was an eventful trip, Ghislaine," Allen interjects with a chuckle as Martin settles down, "Martin was an excellent escort, despite everything that happened. Though I am curious..." Allen pops an eyebrow at Martin, "Is this number three?"

"Three of what?" Martin gives Allen a gruff, bewildered leer.

"Reasons you didn't want to get married!" Allen answers but is met only with skeptical silence, "Well, the way you two bicker..." Allen states matter-of-factly as he gestures between Martin and Ghislaine, offering a grimace, "I think I can understand your reluctance!"

Allen gives Martin an expectant grin, waiting for his joke to sink in. The moment it clicks in Martin's mind he breaks back into bellowing laughter, tears welling in his eyes and his sides cramping. Snickers circulate the whole party—Euan in particular cackles at Ghislaine's pronounced displeasure. 

"I-I didn't think," Martin gasps between laughs, "A worse match was possible but even my old battle axe is better than this ugly bastard...!" Martin hoots, Ghislaine's frown only weighing heavier.

"Oh, wonderful," Ghislaine complains in a snide tone, "Allen has a sense of humor now."

"I can't imagine him without one!" Tia laughs breathily. Ghislaine has grown astounded and offended, directing this at Tia as she pipes up. Tia looks from Ghislaine to her father, unsure of what she's done to offend him.

"Ah!" Allen cuts through the tension with a sunny smile, the expression seeming to astonish Ghislaine, "I haven't introduced you yet. This is Tia, my daughter. Tia, Ghislaine is the king's advisor."

"Dear Luxis!" Ghislaine gives a startling gasp, seeming dumbfounded, "Even I never foresaw you having a child, after all was said!" Ghislaine pauses with his first genuine laugh, "The Dowager is going to be beside herself!"

Tia doesn't understand why her father's face drops into a blank, vacant expression, unsure who or what a 'dowager' was. Ghislaine's smile widens in some hidden victory and Tia decides then she also doesn't like the man.

"Let's get on with this already," Martin sighs into the silence, "You're wasting everyone's day chattering at the edge of the city!" 

"Fine," Ghislaine concedes after an audible tsk, "We can catch up after you've had some rest, Allen. I'd love to hear all about your exploits," his eyes slide to Tia, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Tia, I hope you enjoy the capital!"

"Mmhmm," Tia hums, narrowing her eyes at the man and pressing her lips together. Euan snickers and she swats at him.

"And Allen," Ghislaine continues, taking note of her response only briefly, "I will tell his majesty you are on your way. He is anxious for your report."

"Of course," Allen sighs through his fatigue, "I just need to get Tia settled in and clean myself up. I won't be long."

"Oh! I've also sent a messenger ahead to your estate so you can be received properly," Ghislaine informs gleefully, garnering a wince from Allen. Allen dismisses the thought and turns to Martin.

"Thank you, Martin," Allen speaks with a tired but gentle tone, "I appreciate you getting us home, despite all the rest." Martin gives a firm nod before speaking to Tia.

"Good luck," Martin grumbles, "The capital can be exhausting, if your new to it."

He grunts once and turns his horse before she can respond, heading toward the castle. The other soldiers follow after him as well as their captives.

"A'll see ye later, moggy!" Euan shouts back at her and she blinks, hoping that meant something better than whatever he called Ghislaine. 

"Ready to go home?" Allen asks her but Tia is still dizzy and dazed by her surroundings.

"Home? We live here?" Tia gasps and her father chuckles.

They meander through the bright city, catching the eye of a few passerby. Allen's dread grows the closer they get to the manor but Tia is still taking in her surroundings, finding it curious a city this size wasn't bustling with people. Minutes later, they reach the southernmost edge of the city and approach a large manor complex.

Tia and Allen can feel the fatigue and exhaustion from their travels begin to culminate as they wait before journey's end. Two men pull open the silver gates while the rest of the staff line up near the grand entrance. They ride around the circular courtyard, rich gardens lining every useable space, and Tia observes a fountain in the center featuring a statue of a strange, winged cat.



An old woman waits atop the steps of the manor—Dowager Duchess Evelyn Minx. She is petite but holds herself with confidence and authority, claiming her space with an assertive aura. While her hair is gray, tucked carefully into place, and her face marked by many decades of life, Evelyn has keen yellow eyes. Her feline ears are pointed firmly forward and a pair of chestnut wings manifest quite casually behind her, their color faded with age. She is prim, poised and furious. Her scathing leer is locked onto Allen, pupils narrowed and boring into him. Allen winces when they lock eyes and he tries to brace himself, stiffening despite his fatigue. It isn't until they stop before the steps that Evelyn notices Tia.

Evelyn cups her hands over her mouth as tears well in her eyes and her fury flutters away as her eyes follow Tia. Allen avoids eye contact with his mother and focuses instead on helping Tia dismount. Tia squints at the woman, finally noticing her ears and wings, but Evelyn's identity still eludes her. Evelyn drops all formality, rushing down the steps and clasping Tia into a fervent hug, leaving Allen flabbergasted.

Evelyn's magic is a feral, searing wildfire and causes Tia to stiffen, too exhausted and uncertain of how to respond to the sudden embrace. She looks over Evelyn 's shoulder to her father but Allen is watching his mother with disbelief—he almost seems offended. Evelyn ends the embrace and pulls away to look at Tia more closely, holding her by her shoulders with an overwhelmingly pleased expression.

"Who... are you?" Tia questions haltingly.

Evelyn gasps, seeming wounded, and turns to Allen. With her ears pointed back and her wings spread out with feathers ruffled, she walks at Allen with an accusatory finger.

"How dare you!" Evelyn roars at him. Allen flinches and stiffens up like a scolded child despite his age, "You leaving, against my wishes, for twenty years is criminal enough!" Allen opens his mouth as she waves a sharp gesture through the air but she cuts him off without hesitation, "But you don't even tell me I have a grandchild?! Did you have a wedding without the family too?"

Allen draws in a long breath but fails to find any words for her. Evelyn looses a sharp sigh before turning back to Tia.

"You're my...?" Tia breathes, glancing to her father for answers with a squeaky voice, "I have a grandmother?"

Allen, unable to respond, crumples from her question. Tia winces, seeing his reaction, recognizing just how exhausted he must be as well. Evelyn looks Tia over, glee quickly replacing her anger.

"Oh! You're so beautiful!" Evelyn exclaims, garnering palpable embarrassment from Tia, "Your mother must be so..." she looks around and her voice drops off, "Oh… Oh, you poor dear!" Evelyn clasps her hands together before guiding Tia into the manor with a light touch to her shoulder, "You must be so exhausted! Oh, do tell me about your form, too, dear. Tell me all about you!" she rambles on to Tia's bafflement. Evelyn pauses briefly, looking back at Allen and frowning. "Stop dawdling!" Evelyn snaps at him before guiding Tia inside. Allen releases his held breath, glancing once at the manor before entering. He had hoped he would never lay eyes on it again.


Allen's Report


Allen waits in the central garden of the castle. Flowers sprout neatly between alabaster stones, illuminated gently by starlit streams and waterfalls. These celestial waters fall from a higher floor of the castle, the largest source cascading into a pool at the center of the garden guided by crystalline aquifers. Like most decorative features of the castle, these structures were crafted from syltharian crystal, possessing the same ethereal glow as the water. Songbirds flit about and colorful fish circle in the pond. There are cushioned benches lining the walkways but Allen achingly refrains out of respect. He lingers instead at the water's edge throwing pellets in for the fish, which lay in bowls nearby.

"His majesty, King Ambrose Syltharis!" a servant announces and Allen stiffens, whipping around. Ambrose approaches Allen at his own pace and Allen bows for the appropriate duration. The motion, once so familiar, had become another ghost of the life he left behind.



"It has been a long time, Allen," Ambrose greets him in a somber tone and offers a subtle smile.

Allen holds out a hand to shake and Ambrose surprises Allen by grabbing him by the elbow with a grin and a laugh. The gesture seems to relax Allen well enough and he smiles back at Ambrose, trying poorly to hide his apparent exhaustion. 

"You look terrible!" Ambrose chuckles. Despite this, Ambrose finds himself relieved that Allen has found his smile again.

"It's been... an eventful journey," Allen admits with a sigh, "But I see the years have treated you well!" Ambrose faces the water, eying his own reflection.

"A benefit of having so many capable mages at my disposal," Ambrose states yet his eyes scathe his own image. He lets Allen shuffle in place to his silence before continuing, "A lot has changed since you left," Ambrose states simplistically, turning back to Allen, "While it is a pleasure to have you back in my court, this is very sudden. You spoke of some minor troubles in your last report but nothing which could explain your return now?"

"We had to leave very suddenly," Allen explains, a sigh escaping before he continues, "It's bad I'm afraid. Delegations had been progressing as planned but their own internal affairs have descended into civil unrest. My..." Allen hesitates instinctively but reminds himself he cannot conceal her any longer, pinching his eyes shut once before continuing, "My family and I barely escaped when they raided the capital." Ambrose maintains a nearly neutral expression despite the surprising news.

"I can see you are exhausted," Ambrose replies carefully, tossing pellets to the fish as they speak, "You can give a more detailed report later. A summation is acceptable, for now."

"As I reported previously, their emperor is quite young and his regent grossly incompetent," Allen explains and Ambrose acknowledges his familiarity, "Daimyo had been squabbling over territories and consolidating power. One in particular has swept his influence across the archipelago. The emperor was set to come of age soon and this daimyo pressured him to formally recognize his conquests and position. When the boy refused.... there was an assassination attempt." A silence lingers between them as they eye the water, watching fish gobble up the pellets.

"Were they successful?" Ambrose questions simply.

"No," Allen responds, a bit of relief sneaking into his tone, "The emperor had arranged a decoy, passing himself off as a playmate for some time."

"Clever child," Ambrose comments, his face and voice void of emotion. 

"Yes," Allen agrees with a nod, "The public outcry was intense. Nippon worships their emperor as divine, descended from their goddess."

"You believe this intentional?" Ambrose questions with a raised brow, his interest piqued, "It doesn't sound like a tactic his regent would formulate. Did the boy plan it himself?"

"From what I've heard, I believe so," Allen confirms, impressed by the boy himself, "When the attempt was traced back to him, most other daimyo rallied behind the emperor and the common people demanded him to step down. He made one last effort to salvage his power. He initiated a coup, raiding the capital and storming the royal palace to capture and exert control over the emperor."

Ambrose watches Allen as he pinches the bridge of his nose, recalling the chaotic night. He waits silently for Allen to continue.

"No one ever imagined an attack on the palace," Allen explains, "They managed to evacuate the emperor and, thanks to an ally, my family and I were able to escape as well but the palace was lost. The emperor and his supporters have gone into hiding and, with his coup otherwise successful, the aggressor took the palace for himself. I assume civil unrest or possibly even war broke out after our departure."

"You made the right call, then," Ambrose answers after considering the situation, "We'll need to wait and see how things play out, perhaps offer aid... I'll send some less valuable agents to keep an eye on things," Allen nods in agreement and Ambrose looks him over, "Tell me about your family then." Ambrose watches Allen carefully as he stiffens and attempts to mask his anxiety.

"Has Martin had a chance to speak to you about our journey?" Allen redirects, earning a hint of an appreciative smile.

"Yes, it was fortunate I sent him," Ambrose's tone is careful and exact, "You had quite a journey. He mentioned there was an accident?"

"Yes," Allen croaks, pain wrinkling his expression, "My wife didn't make the journey."

Ambrose nods but both men knew he was aware of every detail of their journey, including Mina's escape, despite Martin's suggestion otherwise. Allen had already assumed this was the case, perfectly aware of Martin's unquestioning loyalty.

"While I'm... disappointed you bypassed tradition, marrying a foreign woman in secret..." Ambrose conveys in a low tone, watching Allen's steady expression from the corner of his eye before sighing and waving dismissively. Allen's shoulders drop in response. "I will overlook it, given your loss. It is a shame," Ambrose continues with an artificial sympathy, "Martin tells me she was quite the beauty and suitably eloquent for the position. Besides, knowing you it was a tactical marriage?"

"Mina was a member of an influential family, yes, with strong ties to the late emperor," Allen admits, "That is how we met. But it would be a lie to say this was my primary motivation."

"I see," Ambrose hums, empathy for an old friend slipping through his defenses, "I am sorry, then. It sounds as though she may have made an appropriate addition to your House. I've come to value these kinds of alliances even more these days." Allen can only nod in response, staring numbly into the water. Ambrose turns and gestures for Allen to follow him. "It is good to hear she at least provided you with an heir?" Ambrose continues.

"Tia," Allen breathes her name almost as a mantra, joy returning to his face, "Not as graceful as her mother," he chuckles, "But she has a powerful spirit under the surface." Ambrose gives a practiced smile in response.

"And she's inherited your racial magic? Your mother must be thrilled!" Ambrose states and Allen's smile falters.

"Yes, although... she has barely used it before now," Allen admits, "Due to local traditions and my time spent at court."

"I see," Ambrose frowns and his tone deepens. He doesn't hide his dissatisfaction when he stops abruptly, turning to Allen, "Well, now that she is home, that can be corrected," there is a gruesome silence and Allen's dread consumes him, stealing his breath, "How old is she?" Ambrose questions, his words heavy. Allen hesitates before responding and Ambrose can see him consider deception.

"Sixteen," Allen admits, almost inaudibly, "But I hoped perhaps-" Allen falters at Ambrose's cold, almost alien expression, "She hasn't had any training, magical or martial. Surely she would be of better use to the kingdom after some time to catch up?"

"Tell me," Ambrose's sigh is impatient and he folds his hand behind his back, "When our common citizen tells me their child isn't fit to serve, that they 'aren't a fighter' or 'aren't strong enough', do we give them more time? Do we make an exception?"

"No," Allen husks and struggles to respond, "But... given the value and position of my family, our history, I had hoped for an exception? She is the only heir to the Minx line. If she were to die...!" Ambrose maintains his intimidating leer as Allen scrounges for the right words, "Given the efforts my family has put into our House, our sacrifices."

Allen's voice breaks and Ambrose flinches, squeezing his eyes shut. Sympathy and nostalgia tug at him, memories of their youth and Allen's losses playing through his mind. Ambrose nearly relents... until Ghislaine's vision interjects. The smallest possibility that Allen's daughter is the one he searches for centers in his mind flushing away every other consideration and solidifying his resolve.

"I understand what your family has given to this kingdom," Ambrose responds in recognition, "All of us in the capital understand that burden. It would be a disservice to those we've sacrificed to make an exception now, for ourselves. Even my own son," Ambrose pauses and gestures to one of the windows overlooking the garden, in the library, where a silhouette of a young man can be seen in the window, "Will be recruited in the next rotation. You must understand," Ambrose denotes gravely, "What I expect of every citizen must be unilateral! I make no exceptions."

"But-" Allen begins but Ambrose's frown silences him. He realizes Ambrose is far more calloused than the friend he left behind.

"If you haven't prepared your own child for service," Ambrose rebukes him and his merciless expression returns, laced with judgement, "It is your own failure." Ambrose can see anger rise in Allen momentarily but Allen suppresses it, detachment taking its place. Allen remains silent, bowing his head to signal compliance.

"How long does she have until the next rotation?" Allen questions, his voice powerless. Ambrose raises a hand, signaling for an attendant.

"How long until the procession arrives?" Ambrose inquires.

"They are set to arrive in four weeks, your majesty," his staff replies, "Assessments are in three weeks." Color drains from Allen's face as Ambrose waves them off.

"Four weeks then," Ambrose reiterates, taking no joy in the answer. He observes Allen's panicked expression and sighs, "I'll make sure your family has priority for tutors."

"Thank you," Allen speaks with a far off tone and expression. His exhaustion, which had already been visible, seems to double in that moment.

"Go and rest," Ambrose drones, turning away from him. He pauses, pity cutting through his apathy, "Spend some time with your daughter."




Tia sleeps for nearly two days, waking in the afternoon. Still sore, she takes a much appreciated bath before making her way downstairs.

"You can stay up here," Tia informs Duff before closing the door, who is hardly reluctant to remain curled up in the soft bedding.

Tia wanders into the main hall of the manor. One grand U-shaped table is the centerpiece of the spacious room and two grand stair cases lead to the upper balcony straddling the second floor, hovering over the lower entrance to the hall and opposite the fireplace. The entrances to the manor's bedchambers line these walls before giving way to a vaulted ceiling. Polished tiles make up the floor and are dressed with elaborate carpets. The walls are home to tapestries, paintings and even bookshelves, all leading to a grand fireplace flanked on both sides by stained glass doors. One other set of doors sit along the left side of the hall. A pair of armchairs face the fireplace just past the grand table and a number of sofas and tables line the walls here and there. 

Evelyn is waiting for her by the fireplace, seeming to have been reading. Her face lights up as Tia descends. Tia is still surprised and nervous, unsure of how to interact properly with her unexpected new relation, grasping and scrunching the cloth of her dress.



"Oh, don't be nervous!" Evelyn responds with an eager smile, "You can relax, dear."

She gestures for Tia to sit in the padded chair adjacent to her. The stuffing is thick and Tia sinks into the satin gratefully.

"Thank you... uhhh," Tia hesitates.

"My name is Evelyn," she states politely, enunciating her words well at all times, "But you can call me Grandma, Granny, Nana or whatever you like!" Tia watches Evelyn's ears move as she talks, her grandmother seeming overwhelmingly pleased with any of the suggested titles.

"Are you... always in your form?" Tia asks her, taking in the woman's appearance. Evelyn kept most of her form exposed except for her wings, likely for convenience.

"Hm?" Evelyn hums at first, "Oh, yes! I often forget the two are separate at all, really. Our family's magic is something to be very proud of, dear!" she explains readily, "It's quite special. Has your father not told you anything about our family?" Evelyn asks, her voice dropping in annoyance as she mentions her son.

"I didn't know I had more family aside from my parents and... and mom's family, not that I ever saw them at all," Tia admits, frowning at the thought. She shakes the thought away and looks pointedly at the lavished surroundings. "It's all been a surprise," Tia laughs sheepishly. Evelyn makes a sour face thinking of Allen's predilection for surprises, closing her eyes and pitying Tia for that lot.

"That boy… of course he didn't!" Evelyn's sigh carries irritation, "I think he rather doesn't like being a part of this family, which is such a shame. Not everyone is as fortunate and blessed as we are!" she thinks for a moment before continuing, "Here, follow me."

Evelyn rises from the chair and steps swiftly along the east wall, stopping before a tapestry. A large emblem is the centerpiece of the tapestry and Tia recognizes it as the family crest. She hadn't seen it so large before and could now make out a creature comprising much of the image.



"Do you know where our family name comes from?" Evelyn asks and Tia shakes her head. Evelyn points to two animals embroidered to the left and right of the emblem. On the right is a bob-tailed feline with fur-tipped ears and on the left is a falcon with spotted wings. "We are named after the creature our magic grants us the features of. It is native to the heathlands dotting the Tenebrous Chain, which is amid our holdings," Evelyn explains speaking slowly and clearly.

'What is... a holding?' Tia asks Duff briefly.

'The King gave your family the land in that region,' Duff offers a curt explanation after an irritable sigh but Tia has trouble wrapping her mind around the concept, 'Their wealth stems from that.'

"Like a number of beasts in our world," Evelyn continues, "Lunil blessed this creature with features of a secondary animal as half of its own racial magic. This creature is called a 'minx' because it is a lynx with the features of a merlin, a kind of falcon," Evelyn traces over the animals with her fingers as she explains.

"That's where the ears and wings come from?" Tia questions and Evelyn nods gently before plucking up a book from a desk below the tapestry. She flips it open and shows Tia an image.



"Generally, the creature has the hindquarters of a falcon, wings and the front portion of a lynx. Interestingly," Evelyn continues, inflecting upwards, "The minx has the optical capabilities of both creatures. Excellent color perception, superb eyesight and night vision!"

"Do we always have the same features?" Tia asks.

"Most of the time but not always," Evelyn sighs, seeming frustrated by this, "Most of us have two or more features of the creature, one from each animal, but which features you inherit are up to chance. The wings are fairly typical, however," Evelyn snaps the book shut and chuckles, "I had a boy with just whiskers and little bird legs!"

Evelyn replaces the book carefully and continues towards the fireplace at the end of the hall. The wall they pass is decorated with various portraits, presumably her ancestors, with different combinations of minx features.

"The minx is an apex predator of the heathlands which gave us quite the advantage," Evelyn continues, bragging shamelessly, "Flight, claws, fangs, excellent vision and hearing, aerial agility and speed—we could even inherent a second racial magic in addition to all of this! Our ancestors quickly distinguished themselves in battle and earned our current station."

She pauses and stares wistfully at the final portrait above the mantle. In it, Evelyn places a hand on the shoulder of a teenage girl with slate hair. She stands between Evelyn and Allen, perhaps in his early twenties.

"Is that...?" Tia implies.

"Yes," Evelyn answers with an appreciative smile, "That is your father, myself and your aunt Felicity. You'll get the chance to meet her later, dear." 

Tia frowns at the painting of her father. His expression is stern and his eyes are dark and lifeless. She had never seen him so grim, seeming even malignant.

"When I married your grandfather," Evelyn continues, stirring from her own memory, "He contributed a very suitable magic to our family line—Beranok's Aura!" she half gasps with exuberant pride, as if Tia should understand the meaning, and motions for Tia to sit again. They both settle in before she continues. "So then, tell me about yourself now, sweetheart," Evelyn urges, seeming eager to listen.

"Um, I mean," Tia questions haltingly, running her fingers through the ends of her hair, "What do you want to know?" 

"Well... what was your life like in the archipelago?" Evelyn questions, "We know so little about it here, they are so insulated! What was your mother like, what magic did you inherit?" Tia dons a grudging smile at the mention of her mother.

"My mom...." Tia states, her tone higher, "She's very beautiful. She always knew the right thing to say and she was naturally graceful. I-I'm afraid I'm not much like her."

Tia seems apologetic, mystifying Evelyn. She hadn't allowed herself to think of or talk about her mother, she hadn't a moment to process it in private during their journey. Tia also didn't particularly want to tackle that mountain of emotions. Evelyn gasps and quickly produces a hankerchief from her purse.

"I'm sorry, dear!" Evelyn apologizes quickly, "You don't have to tell me anything that's going to upset you!" She offers Tia the fabric. Tia takes it and scowls as she wipes her face. Evelyn shifts uncomfortably into the silence.

"I'm sorry," Tia sniffles, "Everything has just been happening so fast...!" Tia observes her grandmother's expression and is surprised to see so much concern, "Sometimes I forget she's even gone."

"I know I'm a stranger to you," Evelyn states, "But my ears are always open to you!" Evelyn gestures to her feline ears with a charming smile, pausing to look Tia over, "After all, it is such a treasure finding out you exist!" Tia blushes at the attention but laughs. She stares at the hankerchief for a moment before continuing.

"My mom left us," Tia's words tumble out numbly before her voice gives over to resent, "I don't know why. When I looked up she was just," Tia gestures with a quivering hand as if reaching for her mother again and then squeezes it shut tightly enough her knuckles go white, "She's just gone."

Tia feels tears rolling down her face again and her breath catches. She glares at the teardrops as they wet the fabric. Evelyn's hand hovers over Tia's shoulder a moment, uncertain of the gesture as her hand moves.

"I'm... so sorry, dear," Evelyn comforts awkwardly, finally letting her hand rest on Tia's shoulder. She speaks gently but her eyes conceal anger as well. She takes a sharp breath and continues, "Let's think of happier things!" Evelyn suggests and Tia nods, sniffing back her remaining tears.

"You wanted to know about my form?" Tia asks as she wipes her face.

'Do not tell her,' Duff stresses carefully, listening in from upstairs, 'Keeping this secret will keep you safe. Besides…' his tone shifts into stark bitterness, 'She's an agent of the crown. She may even expose you.'

"Ummmm..." Tia hesitates, feeling a chill from that possibility.

Tia imagines how Evelyn might react while observing her eager expression. Would her grandmother be disappointed by Tia's original form? Should she even show her birth form or reveal how she has been changed? How did her father expect her to present herself? Tia's eyes catch again on the portrait on the mantle while her mind spins with questions and uncertainties.

"IIII've got… Dad's magic!" Tia finally answers and Evelyn doesn't make any effort to hide her excitement.

"Oh, you must show me!" Evelyn gasps, springing up quickly despite her age, "Come, come!"

Evelyn steps to the left set of stained glass doors with Tia close behind her and flings them open. Wind bursts into the room and before them is a balcony which seems to hang off the edge of the city. Tia loses her breath, dizzy at the open height. She presses markedly against the wall, garnering confusion from her grandmother who stands comfortably against the banister.

"I, u-um," Tia stammers and tries to clear her throat, "I don't actually know how to, uh..." she closes her eyes and focuses, "How to fly. I don't know how to fly!" Tia admits clearly.

"Oh!" Evelyn squeaks, genuinely shocked, and takes a moment to grasp even the idea of that possibility, "I... I'm sorry..."

Evelyn looks side to side, quickly guiding Tia to their left where the balcony falls back into a patio garden. Tia's breath shudders as they enter and she sits on the lip of a simple fountain, recomposing herself. Evelyn gestures for a servant.

"Some tea, black for me," Evelyn pauses and waits for Tia.

"Green tea?" Tia asks and the staff bows slightly before disappearing. Evelyn lets Tia settle before continuing. "In Nippon," Tia begins her explanation, "Or in the capital at least, people don't really show their forms to others. It was considered, um..." she snaps her fingers for a second, "Private. That's how dad worded it."

"That's terrible!" Evelyn exclaims but Tia brushes off her reaction.

"Dad was busy at the palace and mom couldn't fly so..." Tia explains, not entirely a lie, and offers Evelyn a shrug, "I never learned how to fly or to use the other… zappy thing," Tia says, wiggling her fingers.

Evelyn shuts her eyes, shaking her head slowly in disbelief with her mouth held open. The servant reappears, moving a small table closer and placing the tray before them. Evelyn stirs in copious amounts of sugar and cream before sipping her tea while Tia blinks at the staff, watching the man disappear without a word. She still found such interactions unsettling.

"Unbelievable!" Evelyn states after placing down her tea, "Magic is a part of who we are, and you never learned how to use your own? I've never heard of such a thing... what a ghastly tradition!" Evelyn derides, waving her hand, and Tia meets her sentiment with a scowl, "I'm sorry, dear, it's just so… so different!" Evelyn's releases a curt breath, "In Accia we are proud of our forms, especially within the noble families. Our ancestors were gifted these amazing abilities and we are lucky to inherit them. It is such an important part of our lives and vital to our survival!" Tia picks up her tea, drinking it as is and enjoying the familiar bitter flavor.

"I don't hate magic," Tia states after drawing in a long sip, "I think it's amazing what people can do and some of it is really beautiful!" she holds the cup close, enjoying the heat radiating into her fingers as she considers her experiences thus far, "It's actually been one of the better surprises of coming here," Tia's voice softens, eyes drifting over the garden while her thoughts drift into memory, "But I still miss my old life...!"

"I suppose," Evelyn sympathizes reluctantly, "Everything has been flipped upside down for you."

"Nothing is the same!" Tia emphasizes, the sentiment bursting forward breathily, "But it's kind of exciting too? In a way, I'm surprised I miss it at all," she explains solemnly, her voice and expression darkening gradually as she speaks, "That city felt like a cage. They all treated me like I didn't belong or, worse, like I didn't exist at all...! I only had one friend," Tia traces the lip of her mug, speaking quickly and bitterly, "I guess it's really him I miss... and my garden, the mountains, my books and my favorite places by the river..."

"People will always find something to enjoy no matter where they are, especially children," Evelyn states, "But perhaps you'll find things to love here, too. And if you enjoy books and beautiful places, the kingdom won't disappoint you!" Tia is quiet but listens intently as Evelyn continues, "Our kingdom is vast and cultural, every corner holds something different," Evelyn pauses to sip her tea, "A bright young woman like you will be swimming in cohorts and comrades. Oh! The adventures you'll have when you come of age!" Tia can't help but laugh at Evelyn's fervent imaginings but is uncertain if such a future awaited her, "Now then, no need keep being shy. Let's see your form!" Evelyn requests, a hint of anxiety touching her eyes.

Tia feels her face heat up but stands up and to the side regardless, letting herself shift. As her wings and ears emerge, Evelyn investigates Tia's form expertly. Tia is attentive, curious of the old woman's opinion.



"Ears and wings have a suitable shape, despite the under-developed muscles. And Beranok's markings seem to cover most of your body..." Evelyn muses, opening and tracing one wing carefully.

She snaps her fingers behind Tia's ears and seems satisfied with the way they flick towards the sound. She walks behind Tia and pauses.

"How fortunate," Evelyn breathes with relief, "Very handsome tail feathers with spectacular length! Good, good..."

Tia glances behind and is surprised she hadn't noticed them sooner, lifting and lowering the feathers poking out the end of her dress with fascination. Evelyn looks closely into Tia's eyes.

"Brilliant hue!" she exclaims and then gestures to the garden, "How do the colors look? Can you focus your eyes?"

"Um..." Tia studies her surroundings, noticing the increased vibrancy for the first time. Her nod is slight, still exploring the intense hues.

"Can you see the insects on the irises over there?" Evelyn asks, pointing to the other side of the garden.

Tia focuses carefully and her vision actually zooms in, gifting her incredibly detailed vision. Movements amid the flowers quickly draw her attention, honing in on a bee landing on the petals of an iris. Tia beams in response, Evelyn eying her fangs while her teeth are exposed.

"Excellent!" Evelyn praises, gleeful, "Now, let me see your hands." She opens her palms to Tia.

"I-I don't really understand how to do the um, sparks," Tia mutters but offers up her hands anyway. Evelyn applies careful pressure to her fingertips and, much to Tia's surprise, sharp claws extend with the pressure. "Oh!" Tia gasps, flexing her other hand too and gaping at her newfound, natural weapons. She wishes she had these much sooner. Evelyn admires Tia with immense relief.

"You really are just like your father!" Evelyn sighs dreamily, "Out of all of my children, Allen had the finest form!"

"Ah, praise from my own mother," Allen pops in with a mocking tone, sneaking up behind Evelyn, "I never thought I'd hear it again!" Evelyn whips around with a disapproving frown, shocked she hadn't heard him approach, but Allen's attention is on his daughter, "Let me guess," he questions Tia, "She's been pestering you about your form all day and going on about the family?" Evelyn glares at him, answered only by a deadpan expression.

"Something you've told her nothing about!" Evelyn derides him, accusatory, "How dreadfully unprepared you've left her! However is she to catch up in t-"

"She's not some livestock you're putting up for slaughter!" Allen snaps and Evelyn gasps at the analogy. Tia looks back and forth between them, alarmed by the rapid hostility. "And I don't appreciate you inspecting her as if she were. Besides," Allen pauses to regard his daughter fondly, "She learns quickly and is very adaptable!"

"Well, we're lucky for our resources then!" Evelyn bites, "She's going to need tutors and trainers and supplies," Evelyn lists while looking at the sky, "Heavens Allen, you didn't even teach her how to fly!"

"I'm right here!" Tia snaps, aggravated by their exchange. There is a tense silence until Tia's stomach begins to rumble. Allen laughs into Tia's embarrassment.

"Come on, let's raid the kitchens," Allen suggests in a conspiratorial tone, "I'll bet they still keep the sweets tucked away in the same place!" Tia grins back at him, to the chagrin of Evelyn, and they all make their way back inside.


Girls' Day Out


The following day, Tia manages to wake in the morning with some prompting. Evelyn greets her, sitting at the long table in the great hall.

"Good morning, dear! I hope you're well rested, I wanted to take you into town today!" Evelyn explains. Tia stretches her body in response and is relatively satisfied with her diminished soreness.

"I think I can handle it," Tia responds, earning a pleased reaction.

"Your father tells me you had to leave most of your belongings behind when you fled," Evelyn begins, "And that just won't do! A girl your age, and of your station, should have a whole retinue of clothing, accessories, trinkets and what have you."

"I'm not really into, uh, pretty clothing and jewelry," Tia grumbles.

"Well, that hardly matters," Evelyn dismisses quickly, "You're going to need these things sooner or later."

"Well," Tia runs her fingers through knotted hair, "I do need to replace a few things."

"Mm hmm," Evelyn hums in agreement, "As such, we're going to head to the market below today. See if any of those artisans have something suitable for you, put in a few commissions. You're going to learn the joy of shopping!" Evelyn states, practically vibrating with excitement.

Tia titters nervously, wondering if this was some long-held fantasy of hers, but pauses to fetch her cloak and boots before they set off. Duff rises and stretches as if to join her when she enters the room.

"We're just going into town," Tia rebuffs him, lacing up her boots, "If we want to keep this secret of yours, we can't let grandma see you."

'It's your secret,' Duff sasses, approaching the window, 'Just... stay out of trouble.'

"Where are you going?" Tia asks.

'I'm not your pet!' Duff rebukes in a cool tone, leaping out the window in one swift movement. Tia watches as a songbird flits away in his place.

Evelyn fusses with Tia's hair while they wait for the platform, Tia swatting her fingers away with an open scowl. Evelyn is ornately dressed, fine embroideries overlaying heavy fabrics, and she sparkles with jewelry. Her hair is set to perfection, not a strand out of place. Tia feels quite underdressed beside her but doesn't find herself envious of the excessive attire. Their carriage rolls onto the platform and they descend into the town below.

"Here, at least use this," Evelyn sighs, digging around in her purse and producing a comb. Tia tenderly works through several knots as they descend.

The day speeds by quickly as Tia and her grandmother hop from storefront to storefront, grabbing up or commissioning shoes, clothing and various other goods. Tia is excited, at least, to learn it's common and acceptable for women to wear a great variety of clothing compared to what she was used to. Even walking the streets, women wear garments exposing their legs, arms and even torsos which would have been considered far too immodest or worse in Tia's old home.

Tia gapes as one particular young woman with an ochre complexion passes by with a peculiar appearance. A gold band around the base of her neck secures red leather, stretched to cover her chest before attaching to another gold band hugging her ribs. Various jewels and golden chains swing about her face while a skirt of gauze sways around her waist. Burnt umber scales dust her body, particularly focused along her spine where reptilian wings emerge.

"Well, dear," Evelyn laughs, Tia gawking while a seamstress measures her, "We certainly have our own traditions and expectations for formal settings but one must also be practical! However is a woman to move properly if she is always in a full-length dress? Just try fighting or flying in a gown, its disastrous!" the seamstress also chuckles at the prospect, "Every form is different, too," Evelyn continues, seeming to enjoy explaining their culture, "Many Accians enjoy displaying or even showing off their forms and expressing their aspects with their own style. And of course we can't have our clothing destroyed every time we use our abilities!"

"So I can wear whatever I want?" Tia questions, her excitement apparent. She pauses a second later, not sure what she would even do with such freedom.

"Of course!" Evelyn laughs but pauses as well, "Well, depending on the circumstance. Not anywhere of importance, mind you, but certainly casually. I'm sure you'll find your own style eventually but for now we at least ought to make sure all of your clothing can accommodate your wings and tail," Evelyn pauses to make a sour face, "I can't tell you how many times my Felicity left holes in her bottoms without thinking ahead!"

The carriage is stuffed with packages by the time they stop at the open market. Tia can't keep the smile from her face, enjoying her newest outfit.



She picked out a dark blue backless tank, the front hugging her body tightly as a strip of cloth buttons around her neck, halfway down her back and a final one at her waist. Tia also settled on chocolate brown shorts reaching halfway down her thighs with a number of pockets. The shorts dip below her mid-waist in the back, where her tailfeathers emerge, while another cloth is secured loosely over this and drapes down a few inches for her comfort.

Tia loves how liberating the apparel feels and how freely she can move, looking forward to exploring more natural settings unimpeded. Evelyn is mostly satisfied the clothes are practical for flight and hopes they might encourage Tia to manifest more often, insisting on colors which compliment her yellow markings. Most of her new clothes were similar in backless design or at least mechanism and were primarily shades of blue, brown or even purple.

They peruse the goods on display, Tia quickly picking out a few personal items before Evelyn pulls her to a jewelry stand. Beautiful crafts of silver, gold and glittering gems lay before her and Tia frowns, hesitating.

"Don't be shy, dear," Evelyn encourages her with a gentle touch to her shoulder, "Get whatever you like!" 

"I-I don't really like these kinds of things…!" Tia stutters, averting her eyes from the jewelry.

"Oh, don't be silly!" Evelyn insists, "You have such a delicate face, it would be a shame not to dress it up." Tia's eyes stick on smooth, charoite earrings and she sighs.

"They just don't suite me," Tia's voice drops into a sorrowful tone and she casts her eyes down, "I'm not feminine or elegant. That was more my mother's thing… and I'm nothing like her."

"That's nonsense!" Evelyn voice is suddenly harsh, regaining her granddaughter's gaze, but Tia still wears an expression of self-doubt. Evelyn sighs and turns back to the jewelry stand. Tia watches her grandmother purchase the earrings before turning to her again.

"No one else gets to decide what does and doesn't suit you. If you like these," Evelyn states and places them into Tia's hands, closing her fingers over them, "Then you wear them!" Evelyn turns abruptly and begins scanning another stand. Tia stares down at the jewelry, the color reminding her of her true eyes.

"Oh, Lynny!" a woman calls as Evelyn approaches the next stand, "How fortunate I ran into you!"

"Ah, Marla," Evelyn sounds, not expecting anyone to approach her today.

"I'm sorry to bother you while you have company," Marla continues, glancing to Tia, "But I had just overheard something you may find concerning!" Evelyn glances back to Tia as well but she is still meandering the market on her own.

"I suppose if we are brief," Evelyn relinquishes with a sigh, "Whatever is it?"

"Well," Marla begins carefully, ever sheepish, "I'm not sure how she found out but I overheard Beatrice mentioning a distressing rumor," she pauses to whisper more quietly, "From what I've heard, a minx is for sale in the black market!" Evelyn sucks in a vicious breath, "I had planned to have the town guard take a look but I know how you feel about these things."

"Thank you," Evelyn answers with a cool tone, her pupils contracting despite her smile, "Don't bother with the guards, I can handle this myself!" Marla's eyes widen but she knew better than to try and impede Evelyn in this state. Without another word, Evelyn turns and approaches Tia with a sharp step. "Come along, Tia," Evelyn instructs, "We're going to take a little detour."

Tia follows after Evelyn, surprised by how swift her grandmother is despite her size and age. They move from street to street until very few people could be seen at all and the buildings become dilapidated, squeezing closer together and dimming the atmosphere. As Evelyn turns the corner, she lets her form fade completely, which Tia hadn't seen once since they'd met. She pauses suddenly and turns to Tia.

"Stay close by, dear, and don't say a word," Evelyn instructs gently.

Tia blinks but Evelyn waits for her to nod before they continue. They follow a set of steps at the end of an alleyway and a different kind of marketplace spreads into the street before them. With tarps blocking out the sunlight above, torches line the street and those around them wear inconspicuous or even conciliatory clothing. A rack waits at the entrance, a slew of masks of various kinds hanging and, as her grandmother selects one, Tia imitates her. The merchants here don't hawk their wares or call out to customers. They speak in hushed tones and watch all passerby with suspicion.


Beast Shop Sign


About halfway through, Evelyn turns before a doorway with a symbol unfamiliar to Tia on its sign but no name—the emblem of Lunil. Evelyn checks to make sure Tia is just behind her before making her way inside. The building reeks of urine and musk as they enter, wrinkling Tia's nose. Chirps, hisses and growls sound from further inside as they stroll to the counter and Tia's heart drops at the miserable cacophony. A thin, crotchety looking middle-aged man waits inside. Behind him, in the next room, cages line the walls stuffed with creatures of every kind. He looks Evelyn over, wary but appreciative of her wealthy apparel.

"What are ye in th' market fur?" the man grunts, his accent reminding Tia of Euan. Evelyn smiles, barely perceptible under her mask.

"I've heard you might have a particular creature for sale," Evelyn explains with a sweet tone while Tia eyes the next room. The man hums and shrugs but Evelyn continues, "You wouldn't happen to be offering a minx for sale, would you?"

"Am sure yer aware o' how expensive these beasts are?" he answers with narrowed eyes, "Temperamental and vicious creatures."

"Of course," Evelyn nearly coos, "Money won't be an issue." He holds her gaze another moment before rising and disappearing into the back.

"Are you buying an animal??" Tia whispers to Evelyn, disgusted.

Evelyn places a finger to her lips as the man returns, toting a cage smaller than she had expected. He hoists it up onto the counter with a grunt. Inside, a winged kitten shivers and hisses at them. It is also missing a leg, seemingly amputated. Evelyn finds her temper peak as she lays eyes on pitiful the creature. She grasps the cage and hands it swiftly to Tia before turning back to the man.

"Oy, ye cannae-" he protests, cut short as Evelyn manifests her wings and spreads them ominously. She leans over the the rickety counter into his hesitation, clutching his throat with her claws. Evelyn begins dragging the nails of her other hand across the dry, half-rotten wood and it curls as she easily carves it away.

"Ordinarily, I understand the need for this market," Evelyn hisses in a fearsome tone. She re-erects herself, dragging the scrawny man closer as she continues, "I do. But this shop and this creature crosses a line!"

The man watches as orange marks in the shape of fluttering embers begin to race across her skin and Evelyn pauses to remove her mask as her full form exposes itself. His eyes widen with realization, glancing between Evelyn and the creature Tia still shelters. Flames begin to pop out of Evelyn's markings and they dance outward into the room in an otherworldly dance, catching on the walls and ceiling. Tia leans closer to Evelyn with wide eyes and her grandmother shelters her with a wing as tendrils of fire spread hungrily throughout the room. Curiously, the flames halt at the door to the next room, impeded by some invisible force. The man attempts to pull away from Evelyn but her grip tightens, the tips of her claws puncturing his skin dangerously close to his jugular. He begins to quiver, the inferno closing in on him rapidly.

"But your lucky," Evelyn congratulates him, her eyes narrowing, "If my granddaughter weren't with me today I would let you burn!" she releases him and the man recoils back, patting away as his clothes catch fire, "But I expect this shameful business to be gone by tomorrow and I will be back to see for myself!"

As Evelyn hisses her warning, the fire goes out all at once. The building creaks and smokes as Tia and Evelyn leave with the young minx in tow. They make their way out of the market, all those present dodging out of Evelyn's way and avoiding her gaze as she storms brazenly through the street. Once back to the main roads, they pause to examine the poor kitten.

"What do we do with it?" Tia questions, crouching down to study it, "Can we let it go?"

"It would never survive," Evelyn sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose, "Not with that injury or without its mother," she looks at it again and the kitten eyes Evelyn's feline features with curiosity, despite still shivering, "I'll have it sent to the manor, for now," Evelyn finally decides, "I have some experience with beast taming and its still quite young."

"You're keeping it?" Tia asks with eyebrows raised.

"We'll have to see how it adjusts!" Evelyn breathes, "It won't be tame by any means but the manor grounds are large. We will see. Oh!" she pauses to give Tia a small laugh, "And let's not tell your father you were with me, hm?"

They both laugh as they make their way back to the carriage and up to the capital city. Evelyn brings Tia to one last location before they call it a day and has everything else sent to the manor. As they enter the illustrious building, Evelyn holds her ears erect and her posture is immaculate. Tia trails behind her, looking nervous and feeling wary of prying eyes. There are a number of women waiting in the lobby who attempt to identify this unfamiliar face. What teenager would be accompanying Dowager Minx? The receptionist greets Evelyn enthusiastically but her eyes catch on Tia, seeming apprehensive. Tia's glare challenges her in response, despite her anxiety.

"Ah, you haven't met my granddaughter yet!" Evelyn brags, pride carrying her voice unnecessarily far. All heads in the lobby swivel conspicuously and some even peek over from the next room. "We'll both have the full service. And uh," she picks at the edges of Tia's hair a bit, "Perhaps a cut?" Tia shrugs a half-hearted consent.

They are escorted into the main room immediately where women are sitting in cushioned chairs, soaking their feet in steaming water. The staff attend to customers according to their forms, grooming, massaging or using strange devices on them she didn't recognize. Tia hesitantly settles into the offered chair. This reluctance fades as she dips her toes into the steaming water and sighs at the warmth, sinking into her seat. As Evelyn materializes her wings, staff adjust the chair to accommodate her. Hinged mechanisms swing back to alter the shape of the seat so her wings can lay comfortably behind her while still supporting Evelyn's spine and head.

"And how did you manage to materialize a grandchild overnight?" a woman sitting across from them calls out to Evelyn.

At her leisure, Evelyn casts her eyes at the woman. She is older as well, appearing close to Evelyn in age. She is receiving a pedicure along with the teenager beside her whose eyes remain shut.

"Audrey," Evelyn answers, nearly singing her name, "What a pleasant surprise!"

Tia looks between them, Evelyn seeming less than pleased to see Audrey. Tia waves politely to the woman, receiving a plastic smile in response. Audrey appraises Tia for a moment, looking her over before engaging Evelyn again.

"Where has this one been hiding? Or... did Felicity adopt?" Audrey questions. Evelyn's smile is keen, exposing fangs, and her feline eyes constrict.

"No, no. Don't be silly!" Evelyn laughs too sweetly, "You remember my boy, Allen?"

"Why, yes!" Audrey gasps, her eyebrows raising slightly, "I haven't seen him in decades!"

"Yes, he's been overseas for some time. His majesty asked him to establish relations with the Celestial Archipelago, if you recall," Evelyn reminds her proudly, "He's just returned the other day," Evelyn glances back at Tia, tapping her shoulder gently and smiling, "And what a surprise, he brings home this lovely girl!" Audrey's smile falters seeing the genuine affection in Evelyn's eyes.

"That is quite the surprise," Audrey agrees, "I remember that boy swearing he'd never marry or produce an heir," she gives a tittering string of laughs, "What a rebellious young man he was!"

Evelyn smiles but doesn't laugh. Staff begin Tia and Evelyn's pedicures. Tia feels awkward about a stranger touching her so casually, the energy which rushes through her obscure and difficult to parse, but the staff smiles warmly in response to put her at ease. Tia wonders if rejecting the exchange was possible but reluctantly consents, not wanting to create difficulty for them.

"Yes, well, us Minx are always very spirited," Evelyn says in a knowing tone, "And Tia is no exception!" A staff begins cleaning Evelyn's feline ears and she leans her head against the chair, eyes closed.

"Well, Tia," Audrey continues, looking to Tia, "This is one of my grandchildren, Lucy." Lucy is still ignorant to their conversation and Tia realizes she has fallen asleep. Audrey frowns and jabs at Lucy's shoulder with her narrow fingers.

"Hmmm?" Lucy hums, whipping awake. Audrey frowns at her before looking to Evelyn and Tia. "Oh... hello!" Lucy laughs awkwardly, "What did I miss?"

"Honestly," Audrey gripes, "Lucy this is Tia. She's Evelyn's granddaughter." Lucy blinks in surprise.



"Tia... Minx? That has a nice ring to it!" Lucy chimes amiably but then pauses, appraising Tia, "But you don't really seem like a Minx, just by looking. How haven't we met before?" 

"You're not in your form either?" Tia responds a little too pointedly but Lucy gives a chirping laugh in response.

"Oh, our family's form isn't quite as... physical as your manifestation," Lucy explains.



Lucy blinks and, upon reopening her eyes, they appear to glow with a silver light. The same silvery-white lines stab outward along the skin surrounding her eyes and just her lips stain teal. Tia recalls the woman from their escort as Lucy blinks again, her form fading away.

"Besides," Lucy gives a terse sigh, "It's too much to keep those eyes going all the time! I see everything."

"I-I'm still not used to people walking around like this," Tia admits sheepishly, a bit deflated, and receives a bemused look from both women, "I... grew up in Nippon," Tia states a bit reluctantly.

"Oh!" Audrey gasps, "His Grace raised you out there?" Evelyn offers a dissatisfied sigh but nods to Audrey as a staff begins to preen and massage her wings, "How unfortunate! Deprived of your homeland for so long... that's practically criminal," Audrey denotes before a fresh smile pops across her face, "Well, you're home now, you can cast that shyness aside!"

Audrey gestures with a wide wave before waiting for Tia to shift. Lucy squirms in embarrassment thanks to her grandmother's theatrics before looking to Tia, silently apologetic. Tia looks to her grandmother and Evelyn answers with the slightest nod. Tia takes in a breath and releases her form. The staff adjusts her chair quickly and as Tia leans back they begin preening her wings as well. Tia finds it oddly satisfying while Audrey seems momentarily impressed.

"It must be such a relief for you, Lynn," Audrey states indulgently, "She so resembles you at that age." 

"Yes, she's even inherited Allen's aura," Evelyn brags, pride washing over her face, "I couldn't ask for more!" Guilt creeps up Tia's spine and she frowns.

'It's for the best,' Duff chimes in, sensing her trepidation.

'Is it?' Tia echoes back, closing her eyes with a wry frown.

"It was so hard on you, trying to pass on your family's form," Audrey continues in a dramatic tone, "I do hope your House has better luck this round."

Evelyn's eyes flash open and she gives Audrey heated look, orange markings lingering on the edges of her face. Audrey's mouth snaps shut despite her arrogance. Lucy grimaces at her grandmother's miscalculation while Tia doesn't quite understand what Audrey meant.

"I was very fortunate with my own line but that's to be expected," Audrey continues after clearing her throat, "My family's bloodline has always been so reliable!" 

"Yes, support roles are always a safe bet," Evelyn bites, her ear flicking in agitation, "But it hardly matters now. Everything turned out as it should in the end."

Tia remains a bit confused by the whole exchange but finds it hard to concentrate beyond the pampering. All four of them fall silent and, moments later, the other two seem to have finished.

"Well, Tia, it was wonderful meeting you," Audrey says in parting, "I hope you enjoy yourself here in the capital," she pauses, "While you can." Tia head whips around, watching the pair leave and Lucy gives her an earnest wave despite her grandmother's parting words.

"While I can?" Tia questions Evelyn, alarmed.

"She just enjoys waggling her tongue!" Evelyn criticizes and Tia settles back into the chair, chewing on the words despite Evelyn's dismissal.

Tia focuses on relaxing, much in need of it, as the staff clean, preen and massage her wings, file her nails to a point and clean out her ears. Evelyn and Tia are thoroughly satisfied by the end of it. Another staff makes his way out then, people scurrying out of his way. He peers around with a sharp expression but flashes a brilliant smile at Evelyn.

"Lynny, it's been too long!" Honey nearly sings in an accent foreign to Tia.

"I know, I know," Evelyn sighs, batting her lashes.

"What have you brought me?" he questions and Tia blinks.

"This is my granddaughter!" Evelyn brags again, seeming to enjoy this proclamation, "She's just arrived in the capital." He gives Tia a once over and sucks in a breath through his teeth.

"Oh, disaster!" Honey exclaims, gesturing at Tia's hair with a wince, "Did she cut this herself?" Tia glowers at him with contracted pupils. He motions to touch her hair and a shock zaps him upon contact, making him jump. "She is your granddaughter!" Honey bursts out laughing. Evelyn regards Tia proudly and laughs with him while Tia blinks.

"She's fresh off the road, Honey," Evelyn explains, "From overseas." The man puts a finger to his lips before examining her hair.

"I think I can salvage it," Honey answers cautiously. Tia gives Evelyn a nervous glance but she taps Tia's hand gently.

"Relax, dear," Evelyn insists, "Honey is the best hairdresser in all of Accia!" 

Tia releases a breath and concedes. She sits back and lets him brush, wash and clip away at her hair. Honey works quickly and looks at Evelyn when he's done with a haughty grin. She clasps her mouth before revealing a brilliant smile to Tia. Honey passes her a mirror and Tia examines it. It's cut to just below the chin. Her normally unmanageable hair is fluffy and layered both accentuating her features and complimenting her feline ears. Tia opens her mouth to respond but can't find the right words at first.

"I love it!" Tia states plainly.

"Of course you do!" Honey chimes, blowing a kiss to Evelyn before disappearing. Tia and Evelyn emerge from the facility feeling refreshed and rejuvenated despite the interaction with Audrey. But as they step into the carriage, Evelyn releases a long sigh.

"Knowing Audrey..." Evelyn complains, admonishing herself mentally for broadcasting Tia's identity so openly thanks to her unchecked pride, "Half the capital will hear about you and your... circumstances by the end of the week!" Tia blinks, astounded by her prediction.

"What... does it matter?" Tia questions slowly and Evelyn's smile is one of pity.

"It means," Evelyn peeps, "Wild rumors about you and our House will spread like wildfire unless we introduce you to court properly."

"I.... what?" Tia breathes, blundering over her jargon. Her concerns are entirely foreign to Tia. Evelyn folds her hands into her lap neatly, her lips pressed together.

"There are Ten Houses in our kingdom, Tia, and we are head to one of them," Evelyn explains precisely and Tia listens attentively, "There are a lot of expectations placed upon us as a condition of that privilege. For one, it is important to be familiar with the members of the Accian court. Especially as you are a peer among them," she sighs with exasperation, "There is so much you don't know!"

"This... is really important to you?" Tia asks, recapturing Evelyn's attention. Evelyn is surprised by the candid question.

"Yes, it is," Evelyn responds as gently as she can muster, "There is nothing more important to me than this family. Well," she pauses to loose a short, tittering laugh, "This family and this kingdom. Both are inseparable, you see. I'm so sorry I have to hoist this onto you so quickly!" Tia stares out at the capital as it rolls by, considering what she has seen thus far.

"I can't say that I love all of the... weird politics and disingenuous people," Tia admits in a curt tone, "I'll probably end up hating all of this eventually, if I'm being honest," she pauses to look back at Evelyn, "But having a real family and having you go out of your way to try to help me become a part of it, to worry about me... I'm grateful to have that after losing what I have," Evelyn's eyes brim with tears and she quickly dabs them away before they can fall, "Besides, I've had more adventures in the last few weeks than I've had in my entire life! So I'll give uh... whatever all this is my best!"

"Well," Evelyn answers with a terse breath, "If you're ready to challenge yourself I ought to begin preparations for your introduction! Otherwise, everyone's impression of you is going to be based on gossip and rumors."

"So..." Tia asks, twisting her fingers together in her lap, "Does that mean we're gonna... run around the town and say hello or...?"

"Run around town!" Evelyn gasps with laughter, succumbing to humor for a good minute before recomposing herself, "No, no dear," Evelyn corrects her, "It means we'll be hosting an event at the manor so you can meet everyone, with proper etiquette, as we normally would have done when you were ten." Tia sucks a breath through her teeth.

"You're gonna put me in a big dress aren't you?" Tia complains with a squint and as Evelyn smiles, her eyes are already sparkling with ideas.


Tia's Future


Sunlight filters in past the curtains as a stray breeze cuts through the room. Allen grumbles, rolling over in the bed and reaching over to the other side with a tapping motion. His fingertips meet with the haunting vacancy beside him, a space more than a decade of habit has left him repeating. He lays there, breath frozen in his chest, and his hand fists over the empty sheets. The silence in the room permeates him and he feels tears break over his cheeks. Allen gasps, cupping both of his eyes and pressing his palms into his sockets as if to hold the tears inside but this does nothing to stall his emotions.

He pops up abruptly, making his way to the window and running his hands through his hair as the wind brushes over his wetted face. There are no clouds today and he can see clear to the southern mountain range in the crisp spring air. He wonders if Mina was still somewhere within those forests or if she had travelled even further from him, from them.

Some time later, Allen trudges his way downstairs, unhappy to find his mother waiting for him. He grumbles a nearly inaudible greeting and sits in an armchair by the fireplace. At his gesture a staff scurries away to bring him breakfast. She waits, lips pursed, and lingers by the balcony doors. Allen waits until he has tea clasped in his hands to speak with her.

"Go on," Allen groans, "What is it?" Evelyn scoffs at him before responding.

"Tell me," Evelyn speaks bitterly and slowly, "Would you say you care about your daughter's welfare?" Allen places his cup down with a clatter, cracking off the handle. He clenches his jaw and sighs before he speaks with her.

"I don't expect you to be able to recognize parental protection," Allen spits, acid lacing his words, "Everything I do is for my daughter!" 

"You've protected her from nothing!" Evelyn accuses him, spinning around and glowering with heat in her eyes, "You're coddling has left her grossly unprepared! She can't fly, she doesn't understand magic, she can't wield a weapon and she is wholly unfamiliar with Accian society or tradition!" she paces the room, gesturing with each distinction, "How in Luxis' name do you expect her to survive service Allen?!" he glares past her, seemingly uninterested with her complaints, "What kind of parent-"

"Who are you to criticize!" Allen snaps, raising his voice, "How many of my siblings did you send off to die? Or do you even remember them?"

Evelyn's eyes seem to glow with a hidden fire, orange markings searing across her body as she seethes. She digs her nails into the upholstery of the seat across from Allen as tears begin to form in her eyes, little embers burning them away and lingering about her eyes as she bears her fangs. She gasps suddenly, a seemingly misplaced fear washing over her and she turns away, fighting to compose herself. Evelyn opens the balcony doors and lets the wind cool her face. She runs claws through her hair like a comb, a mannerism the two of them share, and breathes deeply. The orange fades from her skin before she turns back to him, equipped with a flat expression.

"I could never forget a single one of my children," Evelyn answers with a surprisingly gentle but empty tone, "I did everything possible to prepare each and every one of them," she stares out at the clear horizon, "Our world is cruel, Allen. No parent can protect their child forever!" she glances back to him, her voice growing firm, "All we can do is prepare them for that cruelty, something you have utterly failed to do for Tia. That sweet girl is as innocent as a child!"

"As far as I was concerned," Allen claims with the same firmness, "She was never going to face that same cruelty you cast us into! Nippon doesn't share the same barbaric customs."

"They were barbaric enough to send you scrambling home," Evelyn scoffs, "There is no escaping enlistment!" she states slowly and clearly, "No matter where you stashed her she would always find her way home!"

"If I had it my way," Allen grates, his resent visible, "She would've never stepped foot in this place, let alone Accia at all!" 

"You would keep her from her family?" Evelyn gasps. 

"This isn't a family," Allen denies, apathetic, "You mill out children to be soldiers, handing them away to maintain your position!" They glare at each other in silence until Evelyn breaks away, a discontented frown tightening her face.

"You can criticize my choices, if that pleases you, but you wouldn't have survived without the training I was able to provide you!" she sighs and pinches her brow, "And none of our bickering is going to change Tia's future, Allen. Inevitably, she will be enlisted, she will train and she will go to war!" Allen clicks his tongue and looks away.

"What's your solution then?" Allen asks after some consideration.

"We use every resource we can muster, everything available to us, to catch her up," Evelyn states emphatically, "And we pray it's enough!" his eyes remain locked on the floor and she sighs, "I'll make the arrangements. How much time does she have?" Evelyn is concerned immediately by his hesitation.

"Three weeks," Allen answers her reluctantly, "Assessments are in three weeks."

"She's sixteen?!" Evelyn exclaims. He refuses to meet her gaze, turning his face away.

"Ambrose refused my request," Allen explains in an unsteady tone, his exhaustion from fretting over the topic apparent, "He granted us priority but no extension." Evelyn fumes silently, tightening her posture gradually.

"There isn't time for your hesitation!" Evelyn accuses him again, scrutinizing her son intensely before speaking, "You haven't even told her, have you?" he doesn't respond, "Allen!" Evelyn scoffs, "You're 'protection' hurts her more than anything else!"

"She just lost her mother!" Allen shouts, breaking his silence and disarming Evelyn, "I… just lost her," Allen's voice withers, "Tia won't even talk about what happened that night...!" he finds himself staring towards her chambers, "Mina..." he breathes her name and buries his face in his hands, "They were so close." Evelyn deflates, taking a seat across from him and studying Allen.

"Why are you so reluctant to tell her?" Evelyn questions, her tone far gentler than before, "You're hardly daft."

"I-" Allen struggles with the words, "Mina left us after I told her what to expect. About the war and Tia's impending enlistment. About the imprint placed on me."

"Oh…" Evelyn peeps before her tone spikes, "I see."

"She was so scared," Allen explains, barely audible at first, "I thought she was scared for Tia... and... maybe she was. I don't know, she wouldn't talk to me! And now she's gone," Allen speaks in a small voice, conflicting emotions passing over his face, "We don't even know if she's-" he chokes and has to redirect, "I can't lose Tia too."

"I can't speak for your wife," Evelyn begins with a sour tone and can see Allen's irritation already, "But in the little time I've spent with Tia, she has already shown resiliency and spirit."

"I know how she is," Allen barks, "I'm her father! She deserves some ounce of normalcy before everything changes again."

"She deserves the chance to prepare for what's coming too." Evelyn reasons and Allen groans.

"Fine," Allen concedes, "At least... At least let me be the one to tell her." Evelyn sighs deeply but nods to him with a tight frown.

"Fine," Evelyn echoes and rises to her feet, "I'll arrange the tutors. Why don't you uh...." she spins her hand in thought, "Take her to a concert or a museum or something in the meantime." Allen watches her go before rising. As he makes his way out of the hall, a small black mouse skitters along the wall.


Allen watches Tia's eyes shine as they exit the concert hall and soaks up her laughter.

"I had no idea something like that existed!" Tia exclaims, "Or thought they could use magic that way!"

"I thought you might like it," Allen chuckles.

"It was so beautiful! Fire and colors and water, bursting and dancing to match the music..." Tia laughs, "I think the people back home would keel over if they saw something like that...! What?" Tia pauses, her father staring at her and sighing.

"I don't know if I'll ever get used to your new appearance!" Allen admits, ruffling her hair and pinching the tip of her cat ear, "Mother has you hooked already."

"I dunno," Tia answers, swatting away his fingers, "I like being able to walk around like this. Its exciting! Well..." Tia glances at passerby, gawking at them and whispering as they go, "Except for that."

"Well then," Allen responds playfully, "I suppose we may as well match!"



Tia gasps, watching him shift. She had never once seen him transform fully. His wings are a steely slate, rather than brown, as are his ears and the furry sideburns which puff down his cheeks. Like Tia, streaks of yellow zig-zag across his body, most focused on his hands. He offers an arm to her with a wink and a charming grin, one wing extending in the opposite direction and his yellow-green eyes shining. Tia beams in response and hooks her arm into his.

"Now, let's see if my favorite restaurant is still here!" Allen sighs and pulls her down the street.

They sit at a table on a patio adjacent to the restaurant and tuck away their wings. A few passerby still stare, mostly whispering her father's name as they go.

"It was rough getting here," Tia admits breathily, stirring her drink, "And I don't really like all of these.... pretentious people," she whispers and looks at others out and about, "But it's not so bad here. I'm sorry I gave you such a hard time," Allen forces a smile but Tia sees through it, "What?"

"It comes at a steep price," Allen admits, his wistful tone surprising Tia. He regards his daughter and laughs, "But I don't think a single force in this world could douse your spark!" Tia giggles as he rolls a ball of electricity over his fingers like a coin.

"I meant to ask," Tia cuts in, "Why wasn't um... grandma? Still getting used to that!" she laughs but continues, "She wasn't able to join us today?"

"Well," Allen hums in response, "She wanted to hire a few tutors for you." 

"Tutors?" Tia echoes.

"She is unsatisfied with how I raised you," Allen divulges and Tia furrows her brows at him.

"Why are you two so terrible to each other?" Tia asks. Allen looks into his own drink and thinks before responding.

"We haven't had a good relationship since I was a boy," Allen explains, "I've had many responsibilities throughout my life and she isn't satisfied with how I've addressed them—not after I retired," Tia listens to her father with a stern expression, still displeased with their squabbling, "But don't you worry about that, snowdrop!"

"It just feels weird," Tia grumbles, "She's so nice to me but so mean to you!"

"I don't know why," Allen muses with a touch of laughter, "But the meanest parents are always the sweetest grandparents!" he laughs and Tia rolls her eyes, "Anyway," Allen continues, "She doesn't feel I prepared you for life here—and I'll give her that at least. She's hiring a few tutors to catch you up." 

"I do feel a bit lost here," Tia breathes, looking out at the plaza, "Sometimes a lot lost. What kind of tutors are they?"

"She named a number of things she wanted you to learn," Allen answers, a sly smile pulling at his lips, "Politics, etiquette, history," he pauses, amused by Tia's grimace, "But also flying, magic, swordplay, aura use and other things like that!"

"I get to learn how to fight and use magic??" Tia blurts, beaming. Allen nods and grins at her excitement.

"It's going to be a bit exhausting but..." Allen examines her thrilled expression, having planned to mention her impending service, but hesitates to ruin her excitement, "After that bandit attack," he redirects, "And a number of other dangers out there, you ought to learn how to defend yourself."

Allen watches Tia practically bounce in place. Duff leers at him in the form of a snake from under her cloak, making Allen nearly jump out of his seat. Duff is attempting to give Allen a judgmental leer for his continued hesitation but this expression is impossible to convey in his serpentine form.

"Oh," Tia pauses, glancing down at Duff, "I guess you haven't met him yet."

Tia gives Allen an apologetic, forced smile. Duff slides back into her clothing while holding Allen's gaze, further unsettling him. Tia looks around to make sure no one else has spotted him and Allen stares blankly where Duff had shown himself, palm over his pounding heart.

"I'll introduce you two when we get back," Tia whispers to him, "His name is Duff." 

"Is he...?" Allen asks, trying to settle back down, and she nods to him. Suddenly, there food arrives and Allen appreciates the distraction.


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