2 - The Unusual Routine Checkup

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[Sunday, May 15, 2163]

[Location Undisclosed > Butterscotch Headquarters > Administrative building 2 > Colonel Dummbas’s office > 10:03]

Emilia and Jesse stood in front of a large office desk. Allison was standing behind them, still in wrist and ankle shackles, and an unusually large collar which had a device on it, the function of which, Allison could not determine. She stood silently and listened to the conversation of her captors.

It was their senior who spoke. “So, you idiots went on the mission instead of the assigned team members, failed to bring back the mission objective, and brought back an enemy agent. This is BEYOND STUPID, even for you. All you had to do was get a fucking memory chip. Shouldn’t have been hard, but noooo, you had to take the mission instead of Jessica and David and what did that get us? A security risk! I have half a mind to shoot all of you right now”!

Emilia spoke next. “I don't think I need to explain what a bad idea that is. Second, we took all of the necessary precautions for transporting her. Third, i couldn’t just leave her there like that. If you saw you’d…”

“Shut up! This kind of sentimental bullshit has no place with an agent, especially one who isn't even…”

Allison watched in amazement as Emilia reached out her right arm, which began to change shape accompanied by the sounds of clicking and whirring. “Go ahead, finish that sentence and we’ll see what happens to my ‘sentimental bullshit’.”

Allison meekly spoke from the rear “Uhm, if you don't mind me asking… what about this memory chip. If you were looking for specific information, i may be able to provide some.”.

The senior roared again “Like I’d trust you. You’d probably just lead us into a trap”.

Jesse cleared his throat “In her defense, it’s not like she knew she’d be taken captive, and she more or less came willingly, up to a point. I highly doubt she would try and entrap us, given her situation. She doesn't even know where she is, we’ve seen to that quite thoroughly.”

“If you’re worried about that, then how about this? There is a memory chip embedded just under my left shoulder blade. I’m assuming you cloaked and disabled all transmissions around me since you made your escape, so it wouldn't cause any sort of issue, you can remove it and analyze it. It’s not like i wanted or needed it. Hell, I even feel it back there from time to time so please do remove it” Allison stated as she twisted her backside towards them.

A chill ran down Dummbas’s spine as he made eye contact with Emilia. “Fine, take her to Mark for analysis. You may have salvaged your mission yet”.

[Sunday, May 15, 2163]

[Location Undisclosed > Butterscotch Headquarters > “Section L”  > Underground?  > 11:14]

After being covered with a hood and taking a short ride in some sort of vehicle, Allison found herself being escorted down rather bland hallways. “This place could use some decoration. It’s a bit too similar”.

“Don’t worry, this is just one of the optional routes to our destination. I’ll be putting that hood back on as soon as we get up those stairs, but this route is one you wouldn’t normally see. Once we get you checked out fully, we can hopefully stop being so secretive” Emilia said with a wry smile.

“I didn't think i’d essentially walk into captivity… for a second time. No helping it, as long as you guys don't kill me”.

Jesse followed up “Bodies are a messy business and not my expertise. If I killed you, it would be quick, and there wouldn't be anything left to clean up, so you don't have to worry about me”.

“That is nowhere near reassuring”!

“Don't mind him, he’s… quirky”.

Jesse groaned “And you aren't”?

Emilia ignored his disapproval and glanced at Allison. “So, before i put the hood back on, i have one question”.


“What was that horrible excuse for security in the detention block at your old place? You do realize that i found out I could send outgoing signals was because you were watching things on your phone right”?

“You know, they told me not to use my phone down there when there were ‘guests’. It guess it’s a bit late for me to remember that and realize why though. Guess i deserve this. To answer your question, the place was built on a much older site. They restored most of the buried ruins and didn’t install much cuz they wanted a ‘ye olde dungeon feel’. At least that’s what i was told”

“So your agency was incompetent too” Emilia questioned as she prepared to put the hood on Allison again.

“Like you wouldn’t believe” Allison sighed. They completed their walk up the stairs and her face was covered once again.

[Sunday, May 15, 2163]

[Location Undisclosed > Butterscotch Headquarters > Section L > R & D wing > ? > >  Medical Room 2 > 11:20]

Allison followed all instructions given to her as she was scanned, poked with needles, and put through what was effectively a routine physical examination. Blood tests and physicals were standard procedure, of that she was nearly certain. The full body scan and the one administering the examination however were beyond slightly questionable. She looked with nervous suspicion at her examiner, a woman about 5’5” (164 cm), weight befitting of her height, if not slightly thin, with long black hair and asian facial features. “Are you even qualified as a doctor”?

The woman answered her without a hint of hesitation “No, I’m not, but it’s either the knife-happy Michelle or Mark. I’m trained in first aid and field medicine. This is well within my capabilities. I’m Jessica, by the way”.

“Allison. So, I assume everything is fine”?

“Yeah, except for that chip you mentioned. I found it, just gotta get it out now”.

“And how do you propose we do that” Allison questioned, concern evident in her expression as she sat upright on the table. She thought she heard sounds of clicking and whirring in the background and by the time she turned to check, she felt a sharp pain in her left shoulder. She winced as she looked at the dart which was not there seconds before, only to see Emilia’s arm returning to… looking like an actual arm instead of a… Allison still was unsure exactly what it looked like, she just knew she didn't like seeing it pointed in her direction.

Seconds after these thoughts made themselves known to her, she was assaulted by a numbness and fell over to the side, caught by Jessica who kept her from falling off of the examination table.

Jessica laid Allison face down on the examination table. “Don’t freak out too much, everyone who sees that for the first time usually does something to piss her off. She’s trying to help. That being said, I’m about to strip you at least halfway. Trust me, she did you a favor unless you want this done without anesthetic”.

“What are you about to…” The color drained from Allison’s face as she saw Jessica pull out a large hunting knife which she immediately tossed to Emilia.

Jessica gave an order “Sterilize that for me”.

Emilia rolled her eyes and took the knife in her right hand. Her left ring finger appeared to open and the next thing Allison saw was a flame about the size a lighter would make. She applied it to the blade and watched the pair before her.

Jessica began to remove Alison’s shirt, which required removing the shackles. Jessica cautiously released Allison’s wrists as well as the neck collar which both fell to the floor with metallic ‘clang’ sounds. “Don’t worry, The guys have been sent out. Don’t struggle and this shall be over shortly”.

“Saying that only makes me want to struggle more,” Allison said nearly sobbing.

Her shirt and bra were removed and she was pressed by Jessica’s hand to the examination table. The knife was thrown back to her, from the sounds she could distinguish, and Jessica steadied her own breathing and focus. “Be still, or you’ll have a bad time”.

That was easy enough as Allison found herself utterly paralyzed by fear. By the time she came back to her senses, Jessica was holding the chip with a pair of medical tweezers and Emilia was asking which style of bandage she wanted for the incision made in her back.

Upon inspecting the bandages offered to her, she noticed that they all had duck themes or prints of some sort. She raised an eyebrow “Those are unexpectedly cute”

Emilia, bouncing happily, shouted “I know right?! This one is my favorite”! She presented Allison with a bandage that had a yellow rubber duckie print on it. It was rather small though, which Emilia realized after glancing at Allison’s uncovered back. She pulled out a larger one from a pouch on her belt and applied it along with an antiseptic cream.

“I’m not sure if I’m being treated more kindly here or not. I am a prisoner and get death threats, and you guys occasionally give off murder and or rapey vibe, but you seem like good people. This is weird, not gonna lie”.

Jessica laughed “Yeah, you could say that we’re all pretty weird, and if left alone, harmless enough. I can promise you that as long as you do as you’re told, we won’t harm you, unless… well, I severely doubt any such circumstances would arise”.

Allison cocked her head in puzzlement “You guys really suck at the ‘being reassuring’ thing, huh”?

She swiftly noticed that Emilia’s hand was outstretched to help her up. She reached out her left hand weakly as her shoulder was numb. The next thing she knew, she was flipped over to her back. She was caught before her shoulder could hit the table, and realized that her legs were now suspended in the air as well. She was being held in a shirtless princess carry while shackled at the ankles. She could do naught but blush at the absolutely absurd turn of events. She was carried into another room and given another bra and shirt. Her next question was answered before she could even ask.

“They are mine, and they are actually brand new. Turns out, we aren’t so far apart in size. Those should fit. Also, let me take care of those heavy anklets for you” Emilia noted.

“You just called ankle shackles ‘anklets’ as if they are some cute jewelry. That’s not cool”.

“If you like them, we actually do have fancier restraints. I could find some, or even have some custom-made if you fancy them so much… if you’re into that sort of thing”.

“ABSOLUTELY NOT”! Her shout was enough to make Emilia pause and look at her with wide eyes.

“Alright, no custom restraints. Anyways, you’re about to meet the rest of the team. Did you want to take a shower or something beforehand”?

“That does actually sound nice. Wait, the rest of the team? There are more than the three of you I’ve met and this Mark person”? As she finished her sentence, her ankle restraints fell to the ground with a ‘clank’.

“Well, yeah. And you have met Rinoa, yet haven’t really exchanged words. She knows everything about you that we do now, and probably a couple of things that we don’t. Anyways, you remember the warnings we’ve given. I don’t think we’ll need to repeat them. Come with me, and don’t worry, the bandage is waterproof”.

Allison could only stare at Emilia in a stupor for a moment as she considered her actual list of concerns, such as if she would survive the day, if she would be violated, starved, or otherwise tortured, and why they were showing such hospitality in the first place. The resiliency of a cute duckie bandage was nowhere on her list.

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