4 - Meeting the Team

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[Sunday, May 15, 2163]

[Location Undisclosed > Butterscotch Headquarters > Section L > Meeting Room 3  > 12:36]

Late by 6 minutes, 2 women walked into the meeting room with heavy footsteps, accompanied by the sound of a person being dragged across the hardwood floor of the meeting room. Allison glanced around the table and saw most of the 6 inhabitants of the table looking listlessly at Emilia, only to have their eyes widen as they glanced at herself. She decided it was because she was holding Jesse in a fireman carry with him dropped over her shoulders.

She spotted one of 4 empty chairs and casually dropped Jesse into it. He still showed no signs of waking up. She glanced at one of the 6 people, who’s gaze was fixed upon her. “Uhm, can I… help you”?

She stared into the beryl-colored eyes that stared back into her hazel eyes. She averted her gaze to the shoulder-length blond hair of the woman watching her and muttered the phrase “Staring is rude ya know”.

“Yeah it is, and so is being late, though based on the deadweight each of you has, I think I can overlook that. I’m Michelle Mason, just call me Michelle. Thought I’d tell you now so you can avoid calling me ‘hey lady’ or ‘miss’. You must be Allison. Good job not dying so far”.

“I’d most certainly hope so. If I didn’t do a good job, I don’t suppose I’d be here now”

Michelle smiled “We’ve got a smartass here. I think I might like you, at the very least, I don’t feel like cursing at you”.

At the utterance of this sentence, all conscious occupants of the room, including Emilia, turned to Michelle with looks of disbelief, then immediately started or continued staring at Allison.

“I thought I said that it was rude to stare, geez”! Allison groaned.

Emilia replied “It’s rare that she doesn’t curse at people, and even more rare when she says she doesn’t want to curse at someone. We are a bit curious. Since everyone’s attention is over here, anyone got any rope, zip ties, or handcuffs on them? We picked up Conrad on the way here as I’m sure you’ve all noticed”.

Allison glanced around and saw the woman with long black hair and distinctly Asian features toss a bag to Emilia. Emilia rummaged through the bag for a moment and retrieved some large zip ties and an old shirt. She immediately and with seemingly practiced hands… bound and gagged Conrad. She dug through the bag for another few seconds and pulled out a set of earplugs, which was used on Conrad as well. “OK, that’s done. I’ll call security later and have them pick him up at the usual place. Thanks”. She then tossed the bag back to the long-haired woman 

Michelle spoke up. “Alright, that’s enough of that. We have a new team member… sort of. Introduce yourselves fuckers”!

From the closest occupied seat on Allison’s left, a tall, thin, light-skinned man with short brown hair and brown eyes stood up and spoke. He spoke in a rude manner as if the very presence of others irked him  “I’m Aaron Dixon, communications specialist”.

The members continued clockwise around the large round table. “David Henderson. Close quarters combat and reconnaissance specialist. I also teach various dances and martial arts styles”.

The Asian-looking woman stood up next. “Jessica Long, close-quarters combat, reconnaissance, and infiltration. David is mine. Try anything and I’ll ruin you”.

Allison sighed inwardly at Jessica’s declaration and the introductions continued.

A tall, bald, and extremely muscular man stood up. His imposing figure stupefied Allison for a moment before he spoke in an amiable tone. “I’m Mark Stonewall, the digital technology specialist. If it’s got code, I can hack it… probably. I’m not a fan of fighting and I can program one hell of a light show”.

Allison’s jaw dropped “This tank is the tech guy”?!

Mark nodded with a smile “Yes ma’am”.

“Such a waste with a physique like that”... she muttered. Mark gave a wry smile and shrugged as if it could not be helped.

Next, another tall and thin, yet considerably darker man with unkempt hair stood up. “Javon Harris. I handle ranged recon and surveillance, and ranged assassination when needed. I hold the world record for farthest confirmed kill with a sniper rifle”.

Aaron shouted afterwards “He’s also afraid of the dark”.

Javon shouted back “You wanna die that badly”?

“Move and I’ll kill the lights”.Aaron sneered. Javon froze.

The next thing Allison saw was 2 objects flying just beside the heads of the bickering men. The objects lodged themselves into the wall. Upon inspection, Allison discovered that they were throwing knives.

Both men looked at Michelle and promptly sat back down as she glared at them, still in a throwing stance. “You ass-clowns done”? Both men nodded obediently in reply and Michelle cleared her throat. “These fuckers were trying to disrupt my introduction. The nerve… I’m Michelle Mason, though you knew that much. I’m the tactical commander and psychological analyst of the team. Most of them will tell you to never play a game of ANYTHING against me. They are all just salty cuz they got ‘rekt’. I’m a master at knife throwing and with knives in general. Cross me and I’ll gut you like a fish. I also am pretty good at baking… which reminds me”...

Michelle pulled out a small bag and tossed it to Emilia. “Those are for you. Be sure and share at least one with your new roommate, OK”?

Emilia smiled and then frowned upon hearing that she had to share the bag’s contents. Michelle took out another bag and tossed it to Allison. “She never shares muffins. You can have the cupcakes. Think of it as a welcome gift and as a reward for not dying or freaking the hell out yet”.

Allison glanced at the bag that was tossed to her. It was tied with an adorable pink ribbon. “Can i eat them now?”

Michelle scoffed. “You’re a big girl, make your own choices about if you want dessert before lunch or not. While you stuff your face, We can finish introductions”.

Emilia continued. “I have to introduce more people I guess. Jesse, the unconscious one that you shot, you have already met. His name is Jesse Owens and he is the demolition expert. He’s also a chemical engineer with a few other degrees under his belt. He’s a dumbass and a genius at the same time, though Michelle still has the higher IQ”.

“If he’s so smart, then why was he in a firefight in the hallway” Allison questioned.

Emilia chuckled, “I did say he’s a dumbass as well. There’s also the unfortunate circumstance of Conrad, who I’ll get to later. There’s also is another guy. You’ll meet him later. I’m not saying his name cuz it’s dumb, and he’s not here for his own safety. The other guy you disabled is Conrad Effinburger. Everyone has their own nickname for him, and all of them piss him off. He is from team Omega, the team specializing in demolition. Before you ask… don’t”.

Michelle spoke up from across the table. Since things weren’t being thrown, Allison finally noticed that Michelle was quite short, standing a full head shorter than herself, who was the second shortest person in the room. “Your turn newbie”.

Allison nearly choked on her cupcake but Emilia grabbed a bottle of water on the table and saved her the trouble. After catching her breath, Allison replied: “I’m Allison Thorne. I’m new and I have no idea what it is I’ll be doing here”.

Michelle questioned, “Have you ever piloted any of the following: Tanks, semi-trucks, submarines, any type of seacraft with an engine, any type of aircraft with an engine, motorcycle, or unicycle”?

Allison paused for a moment to think. “Tanks and 5-ton trucks, yes. I should be authorized to drive most land vehicles. I can fly single-engine planes, drive motorcycles, and ride horses for that matter. I even ended up having to operate a train once. That was a little dicey. And yeah, I can ride a unicycle too; don’t ask”.

“Then you’re our transportation and logistics specialist,” Michelle said proudly.

“Uhm, I don’t think so. I can do most land vehicles, which anyone with a driver’s license should be able to handle. I can do small boats and single-engine aircraft. That’s nowhere near what is needed for a role like that…”

“You won me over with the trains, horses, and unicycle. You can teach me how to ride a horse, right”? Michelle asked, leaning over the table, a hopeful expression on her face.

“As intelligent as you claim to be, you want to learn how to ride a horse and still haven’t figured it out”? Allison questioned.

Steel flashed by her twice, one blade cutting a few strands of the hair on the left side of her head and the other cutting into the bag of cupcakes before making its way into the wall like the other 3 thrown before it. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear that. Could you please repeat what you said bitch”? The innocence and childlike hope displayed on Michelle’s face mere seconds prior were gone, replaced by an icy gaze filled with contempt. 

Allison gulped, realizing her next words could be her last if she chose them incorrectly. She plastered a smile on her face and managed to eke out the only response Michelle’s expression would allow, “OF COURSE I’LL TEACH YOU HOW TO RIDE A HORSE”!

Michelle nodded with contentment. “Good. Now, there is something you need to know”.

Allison stood still and was sure to give the knife-throwing munchkin her full attention.

“As you know, we are designated as Team Lambda. We are the butt of every joke, insult and taunt. We are the subject of many an investigation and an object of scorn for nearly the entire agency. That being said, we do not help ourselves with our team dynamics. We are a ticking time bomb on a spinning roulette wheel… on a good day. You’re going to get hate, some of it from us. We may support you if we deem fit, otherwise, suck it up buttercup. Welcome to Team Lambda. Welcome to your own personal hell. Meeting adjourned, lunchtime fuckers!”

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