Call me Someone.

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“He claims he doesn’t want a partner, but, never mind that. He’ll get used to you... eventually...” Commander McCox said, causing a weary smile to creep over Constance’s face.


“He...?” Constance half whined. She had her share of male partners before Sarah. Many of them seemed to have unreciprocated romantic feelings towards her, and that always made things quite awkward.


“Yes. He,” McCox nodded, “But, don’t worry. He’s not like the rest. Nothing like anybody I’ve ever known. For sure.”


Constance looked around and then back at McCox as if waiting for more, but the commander only raised his eyebrows in an ambiguous way that didn’t indicate whether his comment meant her new partner was good different, or bad different.


“What’s his name?” Constance asked skeptically, narrowing her eyes.


The commander emitted an unsettling laugh.


“He’s tall, slick black hair, fair skin, and dark green eyes,” McCox said after his fit, “Oh yeah, and he has one of those British accents.”


″....Not a name, but, okay...” Constance blinked in confusion, “Where is he?”


Suddenly, Commander McCox’s eyes shifted up to his office entrance causing the young woman to pivot in her seat. There was a gentleman standing there, but he quickly stepped back and continued walking down the hallway. Constance presumed it was because he saw that McCox had company.


“That was him,” McCox said, “You’d better go catch him.”


Very confused, Constance rose from her seat, smoothed out her black skirt, adjusted her blouse, and ran after the mysterious man. From behind, she observed his fine black suit and how it fit his tall stature. Her eyes wandered up to his medium-length, silky, black hair. She took a moment to stop, shut her eyes, and take a breath, before sprinting after him again. Even with her heels clicking against the floor as she gained on him, his strides were consistent. He didn’t speed up, pause, or even look back.


“Hi!” she called out cheerily as she nearly caught up to the man, “Hello. Hi!”


Constance aligned herself at his side and attempted to keep in step with him as she struggled to even out her breaths. The man did not look her way at all but proceeded forward at his normal pace.


“Excuse me. Hi,” she huffed, leaping in front of his path. At this action, he finally decided to stop. His deep, malachite eyes stared down into her bright browns, then traveled down and up again. He did not seem amused.


“Hello. My name is Constance Harbor,” she said, extending her hand, “I’m going to be your new partner.”


The man looked down at her caramel fingers and back into her eyes.


“Obligatory associate,” he scoffed, ignoring her hand to turn aside and continue his trek towards who knows where.


Constance’s brows furrowed as she turned to follow him.


“I am aware they are forcing me to bring you along to the Ambassador’s Summit,” he said, still not making eye contact.


“I suppose....” she replied, not knowing what else to say.


She followed him out of the building and into a sleek, black, luxury car. As he started the ignition and pulled off, she glanced around curiously at the cleanliness of the vehicle’s interior.


″...So....” she droned, awkwardly breaking the silence, “My name is Constance.”


“Already noted,” he answered.


Constance sat in silence for a moment expecting him to provide his own.


“And your name...?” she asked when he didn’t.


The man’s lips were drawn into a tight line as he concentrated on his driving.


“It isn’t important,” he said finally.


“Not important?” Constance breathed a laugh, “We’re partners!”


“OBLIGATORY ASSOCIATES,” he corrected, keeping his eyes on the road.


“Obligatory associates,” she repeated, “But, still. What am I supposed to call you?”


“Don’t,” he smirked, shooting a quick, sly look at her.


“Don’t call you...” Constance shook her head, “Well then, mister, what am I supposed to refer to you as?”


The man stayed silent for the rest of the ride. Constance reluctantly followed suit, fidgeting with her fingers on the dashboard until they arrived at the airport.


“Someone,” he finally said as he opened his door, “Call me Someone.”


Constance stared forward for a minute, analyzing the absurdity of what she had just been told before quickly exiting the vehicle herself and running to catch up with him.

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Jun 12, 2022 11:53 by Colonel 101

Alright, I'll call you Someone instead of Wordigirl, lol.

Jun 12, 2022 12:08 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)