One Last Stop

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“Why are we slowing down?” Bruce asked impatiently from the passenger seat.


“Because I have to run one last little errand,” smiled the young man with the malachite eyes.


“I like to do all my grocery shopping BEFORE I hit the road,” Bruce scoffed, “But I guess that’s just something you’ll have to learn.”


The driver simply shrugged and continued navigating up the side road.


“Come on, dude. You weren’t serious, were you?” Bruce whined, “For real, if you make one more stop, I swear we are gonna be so totally late and that is NOT cool.”


“Don’t worry. I will,“ the driver laughed, evoking a groan from Bruce, “I’m hungry, aren’t you?”


“…I guess,” Bruce hesitated, “But I’m sure they’ll have snacks at the–”


“In life, you can never be sure of anything,” the driver smiled as he parked, “But I guess that’s just something you’ll have to learn.”


“I can be sure that YOU, my friend, are super cuckoo,” Bruce said with a smirk.


“Well, maybe that’s the one thing you CAN be sure of,” the driver winked, taking the keys from the ignition, patting Bruce on the shoulder, and exiting the vehicle, “Wait here. I won’t be too long.”


Bruce only shook his head and reclined his seat. The car was pretty nice and the cabin was really quiet. It had to be soundproof because all the noises of the busy city had faded into oblivion. The interior was SPOTLESS. It was neat, it was clean, and it smelled like a new car. No. It smelled BETTER than a new car. Something about it reminded him of the ocean. It smelled sweet… peaceful… calming…


Before Bruce knew it, the combination of boredom, relaxation, curiosity, and deep thinking had sent him off swiftly and soundly into a peaceful sleep.

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