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Chapter 11: The Lirwetz Rite (NSFW)

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 This is NSFW. It's sex. It is meant to be tasteful, but it is still sex.

Let's be adults. 



She could feel his body tense as her lips danced with his. He trembled, bottling his lust. She pressed her body into his, forcing his hand as he wrapped his arms around her. Her fingers stroked his sides, thoughtfully. Every inch of progress seemed plotted and inspired. She was an artist.

She recited the steps carefully in her mind, paying close attention to Tyler's every move. Every shake and quiver brought him closer to giving in to the need for the closeness she offered.

The Lirwetz Rite is a controversial ritual, even to Morrigan. Becoming one with another is fine and good, but in this case, it would mean seduction and a major breach of privacy. To know wasn't enough. She had to see it and analyze it to fight it. Normally, she would have someone in the know around to do it, but Tyler had no clue what to look for.

Tyler tried to pull her closer, but did so in vain. The two couldn't be closer. He allowed his mind to clutter with thoughts. He pulled away for a single moment and gazed at her face. He felt her branching down to kiss his neck. He dedicated his every move to fulfilling desire. He longed for her, and as he finally came to terms with this, she pulled away from him, continuing to pick up the bedding scattered about the roof.

The Lirwets Rite, Morrigan remembered, was a method of using sex as a tool to connect with one's partner. She's used it to get information more times than she’d care to admit, and to the ruin of many. She was conflicted. She needed to know if he was safe, if this strange man was a threat, but the rite leaves one exposed. She was confident Tyler lacked any dark secrets, but she had no right to find out for sure.

She picked up the final pillow and handed it to Tyler. She felt his eyes on her. He studied her, memorizing every angle and curve like roads on a map. They carried the bedding downstairs and threw them haphazardly on Tyler's bed. Charles and Anthony were both asleep already, made evident by the snoring echoing from the other bedroom.

Morrigan closed the door, and Tyler turned to face her, "Uhh..."

She caught his change in breathing, or his lack of breathing, when she kicked off her heels. She stopped, “I was hoping I could stay here tonight."

Tyler blinked, "Sure. I don't mind.”

“I can leave,” She said. She almost wanted to.

Tyler scanned her face, her eyes darting back and forth. He tried to contain his thoughts, barring them from leaking out, "No, stay. I can stand you a little while longer."

There was more than lust in that tone. She winced, Reciting the steps once more in her head, "That's a good sign," she said, forcing a laugh. Now or never. She smiled, reached down with her fingers, and pulled him forward by the belt loops of his jeans, arching her back as her lips met his.

She remembered the dance well. She gave a steady, gentle push on his chest, stepping forwards as it forced him back. The bed caught the back of his knees, forcing him to sit. She relished the delicate, unsure tracing of his fingers on her frame, his hands nearing but never quite committing.

She closed her eyes, reached down, and pushed the back of his hands, forcing them to wrap around her hips. She let out a sigh, mostly for his benefit rather than actual relief. She tugged at his shirt, and pulled it up, and off. She let the straps fall, the dress sliding off porcelain.

He admired the full piece, the red words that lined her body in illegible red threads. The words blurred together, as if they didn't want to be understood. He followed the lines as they traced under Morrigan’s bra and down her side. “They’re beautiful.” He said.

Morrigan laughed and gave him a playful push against his shoulder, forcing him to his back, “You best be referring to the ink, boy." After his nervous chuckle, she pressed on, leaning over him. She kissed like rain, falling lightly, hitting their target and then dispersing into nothing. She left not, but the sound and moisture to mark the passing. She arrived at his neck and stopped.

She felt his palm stroke down her back, wind tracing valleys and hills, but stopping abruptly at the curve, making a reluctant attempt to slide off her laced boy shorts. She chuckled and grabbed his hand, raising it above his head and pinning it down. She did the same with the other hand, and kissed him. He bit her lip then, causing a sharp intake of breath.

This felt natural. The thundering sounds of heavy breath and moans, their bodies like shuddering earth, a longing for oblivion. She released her grip, allowing his hands to explore once again. She ventured down undoing the button and zipper on his jeans.

Tyler tried to control his breathing. Questions began to organize, plotting in open rebellion. He glanced down and met her eyes. She kissed him leaving the zipper halfway zipped.

He felt overwhelmed, considering all the possibilities and not a single one bad. Her touch lulled him into a state of bliss. It was, as always, intoxicating. In those moments she could make any request, and she would have it, just so long as she continued her touch. For a single moment, he felt a strange sensation. When he looked at her, he had an urge to run, to leave and never look back. He felt as if he lay trapt in a spider’s web, prey for a predator.

"Hi." he said playfully.

"Hi," she laughed in reply, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he began, embarrassed, "Sorry, I-" She placed a finger on his lips, forcing silence.

"Don't worry," she began. The words hurt rising from her throat. She traveled back down, taking the jeans and boxer shorts with her. Tyler felt even more exposed than he usually felt around her, but she disrobed in kind.

Her alabaster skin glowed bright as ever. He looked at her and attempted to sit up, but she rushed forward, forcing him back down. She could feel his body coiling up. He felt the warmth as soft skin aligned with his. She reached for his face, gently caressing it as she leaned in to kiss him.

The minutes stacked up, the speed and motions changed. Morrigan caught fire, letting out soft moans and allowed the sensation to build with senses flared. Tyler's tension slowly dwindled until he was having about as much fun as she was.

Morrigan, luring him with her ruse, remained focused. She had her goal set, focusing all her being into this goal. She picked up speed, keeping her eyes forward and her right hand on his shoulder for balance and leverage. She gave a slight shudder followed by a series of moans exponentially increasing in volume and sincerity.

Tyler grabbed her hips, adding his own strength. She felt electrical signals firing from the brain with no purpose, jolting through every muscle and every cell. It crept near, a collapsing dream cascading down and folding her thoughts deep into the recess of her mind.

She took in the smell of Tyler's Cologne. The musky scent with earthy tones that blended with her own, a scent of roses. She gave another light shudder, tensing up, hyper aware of each spasm as they occurred. Latching onto the feeling. Her head drooped down as she exhaled.

Her hand grasped onto the back of Tyler's head. Her fingers tangled in the short curls of his hair, pulling his head into her shoulder as she descended into the void. Within those few moments, the moans and heavy breathing, like rustling leaves, slowed to a crawl. Morrigan exhaled a final low pitch of breath. Time stopped.

She looked into his mind, seeking to find this strange man among the common thoughts. As she thought, so it was. She filtered through all the feelings and images in his head. She gazed out at the street the way Tyler saw it, surprised at how urban the environment was compared to her time. She saw the figure, and indeed, it wasn't human. Its walk and manners were off-putting, too unnatural. She pulled herself together, receding back into her own mind.

Shit. She received the faint images and thoughts pertaining to her. She tried to pull away and shun the images. She tried to refrain from invading his privacy any more than she already had. It was too late.

Curiosity, got the better of her, and the various feelings of anxiety, admiration, attraction, fear and to Morrigan's surprise, a mutual attachment rushed forward, forcing her out of his mind. With time now restored, she had realized she was completely still. She struggled to regain her thoughts, still reeling in the agony of bliss. She was looking down at what she imagined was the confused and possibly somewhat startled face below her.

Why did he stop?, she thought, Did I hurt him? Her thoughts were interrupted as Tyler reached up and gently brushed aside a thick, sweat soaked string of hair that stuck to her face. Her mind was still connected to his in a small way. She felt he was about to speak, as if he would question what was wrong.

She began to kiss him violently, Her voice, calling out in ecstasy, was sweet. Her touch intoxicating, forcing him to lose control. His breathing increased and Morrigan smiled. He felt a strange sensation, achieving a state of bliss all his own.

Morrigan stood outside Tyler's apartment on the stairwell. She took routine puffs of her fifth cigarette while she listened to the nighttime symphony around her. She left Tyler sleeping naked in his bed, stealing his shirt as to not seem too inappropriate when she stepped out. The night was cold, probably too cold, but she barely noticed.





Her thoughts were scattered. She pondered what it means now that she can officially say she is attached. Does she ride it out, or leave? Should she just tell the truth? She never tried that before. She cursed herself for being so reckless. She never tried that on someone who wasn't in the know. She had no way of knowing what would happen. She managed to crack a grin in between puffs.

"Must've been a wild ride." she said aloud. She sighed and heard footsteps and dragging across the street. She listened closer gazing in the direction of the sound, hoping to see a shift in color under a street lamp. Finally.

The thing stumbled about obviously uncomfortable in its poor attempt at a human disguise. She stood and rushed down the steps with her cane in hand. Once she got to the ground floor she approached the strange outline in her vision. She heard it turn to run and quickly raised her cane, pointing it in the creature's direction.

She tilted her wrist clockwise and a burst of green light tumbled out of the cane's tip. It hurdled itself to its mark, missing it by an inch, and shattering the brick of the building behind the monstrosity. She smelt a sick odor of pine, rotting food, and mowed grass.

"Stop!" she commanded as the shattered bricks fell.

It replied in a scratchy, raspy voice that croaked out the words the way a bird would, "Messanger...Four Seasons"

It removed the facade. What stood before her on webbed birds feet, was a creature that resembled a humanoid crow. Its arms and legs were gangly, and unnaturally thin. Its body however was covered in malted, greasy black feathers. Its face was black save for two white eyes and a mane of slightly graying feathers surrounding a stubbed black beak. She knew what it was from the smell. A pitiful creature, abused and often tortured if the limp is as bad as it sounded.

"Not kill." 

"Your message?"

The creature trembled, laying a small parcel down on the pavement. It turned and ran as best it could away from Morrigan, the sounds of its departure slowly drifting away as Morrigan retrieved the package. Inside was a small gold ring and a letter written on the most ornate stationary.

"Expensive." she said, while feeling the ring for any kind of maker's mark. What she found instead sparked a silent rage. Within the band, the names Rose and Nate were etched. She knew this ring. She wanted to open the letter on impulse. Then again, perhaps burning it without giving it the time of day was better.

She made her way back to the apartment. She got to the door, put the ring on her finger, and suppressed her emotion. They were lucky, it was just a messenger.



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Oct 31, 2020 02:31 by Jacob Billings

It's not too NSFW. I think. I don't know. I don't really read adult romance of any kind, so I wouldn't know. I like the descriptions for their vague but clear nature.   I'm not sure what to think about Morrigan doing this to find out about what Tyler saw. I'd presume that she also just wanted to do it, but you kind of suggest this isn't true with the line "luring him with her ruse...her goal set" but equally contradict that with the line "exponentially increasing in volume and sincerity."   I am curious about the ring and the letter. Who are they from? Does Morrigan know? How will she read the letter, she's blind after all?   It wasn't too uncomfortable to read, I think. And I don't think it's overly NSFW as it slightly avoids direct language. Still, a bit much for something I'd normally read. But I like the rest of your work.

Oct 31, 2020 03:02 by R. Dylon Elder

I realllly wanted the nsfw stuff to be low key. It's the only scene like this in the novel and you kind of hit the nail dead on there.   Tyler is meant to be a fish out of water, like the cliche suggests. This is flipped very quick. Morrigan is meant to be placed on a pedestal for the most part. This scene is supposed to reiterate she's not the most moral of people, especially when the equivalent of snooping through your lovers phone is worse than the slaughter in the opening scene for her. This a turning point in the novel. My wife hared Morrigan for several chapters after this. More importantly, this is when the relationship is official. If I may, at this point is their relationship realistic and believable? From thismpoint on, their relationship evolves, rather than just building it. This is when the book starts getting darker and the action picks up.   If any of this wasn't done well, do say so!

Oct 31, 2020 03:17 by Jacob Billings

That makes sense. I'm glad it won't be too NSFW since that kind of thing isn't usually my favorite.   Ahh. You're using this chapter more so for characterization and romantic milestones. That makes sense and I would definitely say that Morrigan's snooping is rather impolite and immoral.   As far as the realism of the relationship, I don't really know. I'd say that it feels moderately realistic. The only questionable bit is the lack of time that it takes for Tyler to have sex with Morrigan considering he's been struggling to keep his memories. Beyond that, I think it feels fairly realistic.   I've got literally 0 experience with romantic relationships, so I can't really comment on this. I think it seems fine, however.

Oct 31, 2020 03:29 by R. Dylon Elder

Exactly. Well that's another problem I've run into. For him, its been a week or so, for her, its been nearly 2 months. Expressing that is a challenge. I'll see what I can do. Regardless, thank u for the kind words! Any opinion in valid, as anyone could find the book in their hands.