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Chapter 12: A Promise

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Tyler muttered something that couldn't be heard and, given how exhausted he was, probably couldn't even be understood. He turned to see Morrigan staring back at him cracking a grin as she stroked his arm. 

"They're rapping at your chamber door, boy," she said. Tyler heard banging on his bedroom door, Charles and Anthony whispering beneath poorly hidden laughter.

"Can I help you?" Tyler called, and Charles burst into the room. Morrigan didn't bother to hide herself. The same couldn't be said for Tyler, who jumped and ducked his body under the blanket.  

Charles let out a mild cry of relief, "Oh, thank you Jesus. You had me worried. I didn't know if you were dead or alive.”

Anthony came out from behind, “So, how’d it go?”

"How’d what go?" Tyler asked.

"The satanic ritual you two were staging last night," Anthony began. "Could have sworn I heard the goat before its sacred passing. Did the devil show up?"

"Not quite,” Morrigan explained, trying to control her laughter, “We're getting there, don’t worry. Practice makes perfect." She nudged Tyler with her arm, "You wouldn't believe the mess." 

Anthony laughed, then whistled, "Damn, Tyler. Your looking good boy." Morrigan let out a gasp, feigning offense as she displayed what was visible of her body. "you cute, but Sorry girl. Chicks aren’t my thing," he replied, "I'm Anthony."

“Morrigan,” she replied, shaking his hand, then wrapping her arms around Tyler, squeezing, and glaring in Anthony’s direction, "He's mine."

“I know better than to mess with a redhead. Standing down," Anthony said with a salute. 

"Anthony's making breakfast," Charles said, "get your asses up. If you ain't starving, it couldn't have been that good."

When they left, Tyler gave a sigh of relief and turned to Morrigan, "why do they keep forgetting you. You've met them several times, and they keep reintroducing themselves."

"They don't have the candlelight. Like I said, some want, or need to forget." She brushed the hair in her face back, and Tyler noticed the ring.

"A ring?" He asked, "It wasn't on your hand last night."

She replied as she reached over and felt for the letter on his night stand, "Yes. Prepare yourself. I need you to read this to me. Enjoy what little you get to know about my history."

"Where did this come from?"

"I took care of your 'fake man' problem. Nothing to worry about. He was looking for me to deliver this." 

Tyler broke the red wax seal. When he opened the folded pages,  the scent of roses and honey filled the room.

Morrigan’s eyes lit up as she lost herself in a memory, “Lisbeth.” 

"I don't understand," Tyler said, reading through the letter. 

"You don't have to. Just read it. What does it say."

"I guess someone wants you to meet them at their house and discuss 'matters of the movement' concerning someone named Gemma. Is someone dying?"

Morrigan turned her head, "Gemma is…" Morrigan stopped, "...the oldest of my family but not ill. Why do you ask?"

"You're family? Like your sister?" 

"Why do you ask, Tyler," she repeated. 

"It says she doesn't have much time left, something else too but I can't pronounce it. It looks like Spainish," he tried to pronounce the words. 

"La Streghe Rossa," morrigan said, cutting him off, "that would be Italian, not Spainish." 

"What does it mean?"

"The red witch," she replied, her smile now gone.

Tyler waited for her to continue, staring at her face as worked through the news, "You gonna elaborate?"

"This is a little close to home. I'm trying to figure out what it means. Awefully rude to send a letter I cant read."

"Oh," Tyler said, "Sorry. You're going to see her, aren't you?"

She nodded, "I'm sorry."

"What the hell for? I can occupy myself just fine."

"I'll explain when I get back."

"I look forward to it," Tyler said, “do you need a ride to the airport?”

“I wouldn't mind a ride,” Morrigan said, then she let out a short burst of uncontrollable laughter,


“This is going to sound strange, but I need you to take me to the library.” 

“Are you getting a book for the flight?”

“We will talk when I get back.” she said, “I promise.” 

"No," he said, twirling the keys by the keyring on his finger, "You gotta give me something."

"Oh, is that so?" she said. He couldnt tell if she was surprised, or offended. 

"Please," he added. 

She scoffed, crossing her arms and turning her head away before giving in, "Okay. One thing. Choose wisely."

Tyler blinked, her posture giving him second thoughts, "uh-" he stopped and shook his head, "You speak italian?"

"I..." She began, "What?" She stared into space for a moment, smiled, and stood to kiss him, "Le piace giocare con il fuoco."

He helped her find her clothes, guided her to the car, and was happy to get a kiss goodbye before she got out. 

"Goodbye?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied, "This is where I leave you."

"It's a library."

She shrugged, "Yes?" 

Tyler sighed, "Just remember: You promised."

She nodded, made her way to the door, and it was like she was never there. When Tyler returned, he noticed that despite Anthony saying goodbye to her, he only prepared three plates. 

“Hey, Tye,” he began, “Where were you?”

“What?” Tyler replied. “I was dropping Morrigan off.”

“Morrigan? Is that your girl?” Anthony asked, “When are we gonna meet her?”

Charles chimed in, "Youre telling me that you brought her here, and didnt even bother to introduce us?"

"But-" Tyler began.

"She doesnt exist," Charles concluded. "Called it."

"Leave the boy alone," Anthony said, with a booming laugh "He's already turning red."

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Oct 31, 2020 04:59 by Jacob Billings

Ooh. I like the additional character relations between the friends as well as the whole "who are you?" thing. A few small things: how do you spell Gemma/Jemma. You spelled it one-way last time and this time I don't even know if this is the same character. Second thing, you didn't number this chapter like the others. You just called it "A Promise". I don't know if this is indicative of your plans to re-arrange chapters or what, but I was a little confused.   I'm also not sure whether to like or dislike the forgetting bit at the end. It's amusing when used in moderation, but the whole thing at the end seems unnecessary. Though, it's perfectly fine. It was just something that stood out to me a bit.   Lovely work, again. I'm loving getting to read through this as you publish it.

Oct 31, 2020 06:07 by R. Dylon Elder

Ahhhh, yes. I fixed the chapter when i finished chapter 13. Also good catch on Gemma, i didn't notice that one. I'm glad you're enjoying it, and I am as well. The action is next!. Finally, some weird and horrifying things. I may have been too excited and rushed the last few chapters. I am now working on organizing them and then spotting you back! thanks again my friend. I cant express how much i appreciate it.

Oct 31, 2020 15:32 by Jacob Billings

Very exciting. I'll be interesting to see how you do action and horror, especially with the difference between the character's sight. As far as spotting me back goes, don't worry about it. I do believe you've already hit pretty much everything there is in Aesontis and that's my primary world at the moment.

Oct 31, 2020 23:06 by R. Dylon Elder

The character's sight is hard to handle. It's very hard to resist describing visuals past small details. I hope I did well. Also, that may be so, but I'll be keeping track for what you publish in the future.