Ar'lissa's Force Vision in the Tunnels Part 3

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Ar’lissa felt and simultaneously heard her jetpack hit stone and quickly glanced back to see that a stone slab had closed the passage off.  She looked at her sister as she slowly side stepped along the wall, “That sounds an awful lot like what the Grysk want to do.” 

 Va’lana gave her a dismissive look, “Please, the Grysk want to rule over the Chiss, make them lesser to their people or simply destroy us.  I want to make the Ascendancy the most powerful empire in the universe.  I will make sure no one would be treated how we were.” 

Ar’lissa’s hands started to tremble slightly as she brought her rifle back to her shoulder and took aim, thumbing the selector switch.  Her thoughts conflicted between her loyalty to the Ascendancy and feeling like Va’lana’s words were ringing true.  “Va’lana, please!  I can’t be a part of that. There are times I don’t think the Syndicure and even the families themselves act in the best interests of the Ascendancy, but what you’re talking about is not the way!” 

Va’lana shook her head as one of the ends of the double-bladed lightsaber ignited in a blood red blade, the glow adding to her already malevolent look.  “I’m sorry you feel that way, but perhaps I can persuade you to see things differently. I know the others are just ‘assets’ to you but perhaps maybe Izaphine, or should I say Irizi’aphi’ne might mean something to you.” 

Ar’lissa’s eyes widened briefly as she realized she actually was starting to have feelings towards Izaphine, “Please, there has to be another way to get them to listen!  We can figure it out together, away from this place.” 

Va’lana gave a sadistic smile as she took a menacing step closer, “You do have feelings for her, I can sense it.  I wonder what it would take to convince you to join me?  I mean she’s got a cybernetic arm, what’s a couple more limbs? I promise to work my way up from the digits.” 

Acting more on instinct and her gut Ar’lissa practically shouted, “No!” as she pulled the trigger.  In the confines of the chamber the shot was nearly deafening and echoed through the chamber even after the bolt struck Va’lana in the chest.  Ar’lissa stood in stunned horror, her hands shaking even harder as Va’lana clutched at the smoldering burn in her chest for a moment, her glowing red eyes wide in shock and disbelief, before collapsing to the ground, her lightsaber tumbling away into the darkness as the mist started to slowly dissipate. 

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