Ar'lissa and CLR-1K talking in the Barracks

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CLR-1K looked out at the guard as Ar’lissa stat down on the bunk, her red eyes glowing softly in the dim light. “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this.”
Ar’lissa sighed, “Nor am I, but the fact they haven’t tried to shoot us yet while we are unarmed is promising. They did also leave you with your medical equipment.”
“But they took away our weapons including your rifle.”
Ar’lissa shrugged, “My rifle is a tool, extremely customized, but a tool none the less. Put one of their rifles in my hands and I should perform more than adequately if the need arises until I’m able to recover mine.”
CLR-1K glanced back at her, “How are you so calm?”
“I’m not but lashing out will get us nowhere. As a warrior I have to put my faith in the others to be the negotiators.” Her eyes narrow, “If it becomes time for action, I will be ready.”
As the guard moved onto his patrol CLR-1K nodded and made his way back over to the other bunk. “More words of wisdom from that warrior you admire?”
Ar’lissa looked up almost wistfully, “In a way. He was actually the commanding officer of the ship I served on for a time. He is a different sort of leader, there was an air of confidence about him but there wasn’t the arrogance that many times comes with it. He valued opinions and those who worked hard. I don’t know how to describe it other than I would trust him to lead us to a military victory and follow him into battle any day. My sister seemed to like him but worried his lack of political expertise and tendency to step over protocol and rules lines would be his undoing.”
“You have a sister?”
Ar’lissa winced slightly at her slipup, “Yes, my older sister still serves in the defense forces as far as I know. I had a younger sister, but she was killed when the transport she was on was lost in a hyperspace mishap when I was 12. A computer malfunction I was told.”
CLR-1K studied Ar’lissa, he could tell from the change of her expression the loss of her younger sister bothered her. “My condolences.”
Ar’lissa reflexively brushed some hair back, the unpleasant memory of when she was told coming back to her. She tried to push it back down again as she focused on the door, “I…Thank you. It’s not good to dwell on such things in our current situation.”
CLR-1K nodded, “My apologies.”
Ar’lissa sighed, “Not your fault. Why don’t you get some rest, I’ll take the first watch.”
CLR-1K sat on the bunk. “Thank you, ma’am. Shutting down.”
Ar’lissa waited until CLR-1K’s eyes stopped glowing and the tale-tail hitch his body made when he dropped into standby and self-repair mode before she looked back at the door and whispered softly to herself some of the words Thrawn said to her before she was transferred from his service, “A warrior may retreat. She does not flee. She may lie in ambush. She does not hide. She may experience victory or defeat. She does not cease to serve.” She absently traced a small version the multi-circle symbol of the Ascendancy on the wall as she whispered. “I serve the Ascendancy.” She touched it respectfully for a moment before wiping it away.
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