Crystallization Corruption

The use of arcane spell components and potions poses the risk of accumulating crystals in the body and developing the condition of Crystallization.   As players use potions or spells, they expose themselves to the dangers of this arcane disease. This will be tracked as a separate pool; Corruption. Corruption can be saved against (Fort save vs DC = 10+potion/spell lvl+1/10 Corruption), though the use of potions or crystal materials for spells will always accrue at least 1 point. Further points can be suffered if the player fails their save, the number being determined by the level of the spell or potion.   The threshold for drastic effects begins at 25 Corruption, and Corruption can be healed through various means though these methods themselves can be dangerous or expensive. As long as players exercise restraint, it is likely they won't suffer ill consequences often if at all.   Potions are always considered maxed. For example, a healing potion will not require a roll, it simply heals for the maximum amount. Or an enlarge person potion will last twice as long. The stronger the potion, the more difficult it will be to resist the Corruption.   For arcane spells, players must track their material usage. Arcane Crystals can be used as materials for any spell and will allow the caster to cast that spell at 1 level higher per crystal. However, the crystals pose a risk of Corruption. The more crystals are used, the more powerful the spell but the greater the risk. As with potions, this Corruption can be saved against, to a minimum of 1 except in the cases of critical success or failure.   Materials without arcane crystals are not as powerful but rarely cause Corruption except, again, in the case of critical rolls.  

Corruption levels

  Level 1: 25   Level 2: 50   Level 3: 55   Level 4: 100   Level 5: 150   200 is lethal


Chronic, Acquired


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