Where did the South Wind Go? Myth in Hallowed Legacy | World Anvil

Where did the South Wind Go?

O where, O where did the South Wind Go? What dreams she whispered upon warm breath, Promises of power, wealth, war and death. For now, the night is cold, O where does the South Wind Blow?   Where dreams of glory turn to woe, So, too, the South Wind turns to dust, A whispering breeze you dare not trust, She waits in the dark below, O Where did the South Wind go?
  The story of the South Wind, Somnion, a demon or deity of dreams and nightmares, is whispered across the world of Ior. She inspired warlords and Kings yet disappeared without a trace many centuries ago, taking the wind with her.  


It was said that when someone makes a wish to the south wind there was a chance that Somnion would hear it. She may grant part or all of that wish, but as with many beings of such power, she would have her own plans in mind. Children were often discouraged from making such wishes, for even those that seemed harmless could have awful consequences.  


Catching the interest of a god-like being is not always a good thing. Somnion, like the south wind itself, was fickle and prone to violence and malice. Should she decide she disliked someone, or merely felt bored, she would twist the wish and the dream into a nightmare. These nightmares would not flee upon waking, and in at least a few instances, resulted in plague and destruction.  

Raging Winds

Finumeyn is not known for his wrath, but he is still the god of the sky. When Somnion proved too capable of causing mayhem, she showed herself to be a threat and Finumeyn answered. He fashioned a trap of lost dreams and desperate travellers, a lure too tempting for the mistress of nightmares. Somnion was imprisoned in the earth where she could not manipulate the wind and thus lost her power over mortal's dreams. So she has been, for many years. Yet there are rumors that someone unwittingly let her escape and dark dreams fly on the south wind once more.


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Aug 10, 2023 18:07 by Sapha Burnell

I would love to hear this as a little song, too. I enjoyed the fickleness of Somnion. Where did the south wind go?

Aug 12, 2023 03:43 by Ellysium

Not where she's supposed to be ;) Thank you! I'm not great at poetry, but I thought this turned out well.

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