The Hugon War Military Conflict in Hallowed Legacy | World Anvil

The Hugon War

They say all is fair in love and war, and the Hugon war had plenty of both. The story of Queen Livia and her barbarian enemy turned lover is full of blood, lust, and death. A story worthy of the bard's tales and the legacy of the Queens of Balonnor.  


Livia Aiza was already a legend when she began her conquest on the lawless borderlands that separated Balonnor from the sea. She had defeated every enemy that had stood against her and united the squabbling houses of her kingdom and believed no one could defy her might. But the highlands of the Hugon tribes were wild as were the people who called them home.   The first skirmishes and battles pushing into the wild lands were overwhelming victories for the Queen of Balonnor. The tribal villages were woefully unprepared to defend against the heavy cavalry and infantry that swept through the highlands like a tidal wave.  


Rather than allow his lands to fall into the hands of Balonnor, the king of the Hugon, Vaddon, mounted a daring plan. The Hugon used their knowledge of the land to confuse their enemy and convince them that the tribal numbers were far more significant than they were. Terrified of being surrounded, the queen's generals committed more of her forces to break through the Hugon lines. But those lines were decoys.   While the knights of Balonnor were bogged down in the fens and hills, chasing ghosts, Vaddon led his chariots behind the queen's forces. Faced with a likely defeat, Livia ordered the Balonnorians to retreat. Vaddon pressed his advantage and chased the queen's army all to way to the capital of Balonnor.  


The Hugon forces surrounded the city, burning crops and destroying trade caravans. Though they had little in the way of siege weapons, they had fast chariots and wild, vicious tactics. The siege did not last long, however. Despite the hasty retreat, Livia was able to rally her armies and break the siege.   Vaddon Hugon was captured, chained to his chariot with golden manacles, and dragged through the streets. When he was brought before Queen Livia everyone assumed he would be executed. But the queen was inspired by the strength, bravery, and cunning the Hugon king had displayed. Instead of death, she offered a compromise. The Hugon could keep their lands as long as they bent the knee and swore to guard travelers from the sea to Balonnor. Vaddon must have been impressed with the queen as well, for he agreed to these terms.  


The Hugon became a county of Balonnor from then on, and a steadfast one at that, though the other nobles of the court despised the barbaric tribesmen. But the queen was more than pleased with the outcome of the war. She gained a loyal county and, it was rumored, a lover. Though neither Livia nor Vaddon ever admitted as much, it was impossible not to notice the flaming red hair common among the Hugon on the heads of Queen Livia's children.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type


Hugon Tribes

Led by


15,500 Balonnorian soldiers 9,000 conscripts
30,000 warriors, 12,000 of which were civilian  10,000 chariots


8,000 soldiers killed 8,000 to 10,000 civilians killed 3,000 missing or unaccounted for
40,000 total killed, mostly civilian


To conquer the farthest border region and expand Balonnor's territory to the eastern coast.
To remain independent and hold their territory


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Aug 6, 2022 01:33 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

I liked the enemies to lovers trope applied to this piece. Styling is great too. I think I would cross link it into your world a bit more!

Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at to see my latest work!
Aug 21, 2022 18:49 by Ellysium

Thank you! I do plan on adding more after this month, I'll add an update to my feed.

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