Magic of Valjeta

The fickle powers of magic have all but abandoned the mortal races. At least in the way they once held unfettered command of spells and enchantments. Some blame the sorcerer cabals that brought the Turmoil on the waning of magic. The truth is, it was already fading long before that.   Now the only reliable way to utilize magic in any way is to harness that power borne by the arcane crystals that form in the wild and dangerous parts of the world. Some less savory practitioners will even stoop to harvesting the crystal deposits from the corpses of overindulgent mages or worse.   The effects these crystals can have on the body are severe. Whether through overconsuming potions or through dangerous experiments to augment one's magical talent, small fragments of those arcane crystals find their way into the blood and organs. As they build up they can lead to Crystalization, a horrific condition that slowly turns the body to pure crystal.  


There are still those born with a certain talent for magic, though it manifests in two ways. Those with an innate ability to stave off or even fully resist Crystallization and those whose very bones are inundated with arcane minerals.   The sorcerer lines that have existed for so many generations have slowly built a resistance to the negative effects of using their magical materials. Each new generation has an even greater chance of developing the ability to absorb dangerous fragments in their bodies, slowing or even halting the effects of Crystallization. These lines are few and far between and tend to be concentrated in places like Tikar or through ancient bloodlines of Ellar.   Still, the chance for latent magical talent to bloom in those with no clear bloodline exists. For those sorcerers, the risk and reward can be very high indeed. The understanding is that these First-Born sorcerers already have potentially dangerous deposits of arcane minerals deep in their bones. Sometimes called merrow sorcerers, these people can wield magic just as naturally as those with magical lineage. However, the chances that the source of their power becomes malignant is a looming threat to all First-Born.  


Not all those who wield magic are of sorcerous descent. Most must find ways to harness the power of the arcane through other means. This requires diligent study and meticulous experimentation.   Some wizards will create tools, gloves, or jewelry inlaid with arcane crystals. The power fades over time, however, and they must be replaced. Others will choose to inject crystals into their bodies through tattoos. Still, others will replace whole limbs or body parts with crystalline duplicates.   No matter the method the wizard chooses, the threat of Crystallization is ever-present.


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