Chronicles - The Standing Sons in Hallowed Legacy | World Anvil

Chronicles - The Standing Sons

Here are recorded the lives and deaths of the Lost Sons. I, Ismail Mansouri, have taken up the duty of this record after the Pass of Mists. A duty, I fear to admit, I am wholly unqualified for. Yet it is mine to bear after so many were lost in the pass and I am confounded by the weight of history in my hands. I have taken up this duty from the first loss I shall record; Matsumae Kiku, ancient and wise, has gone to the far shore to dine with the sons who went before. May she find peace.  


This is the record of the Sons as they stand; The Company Master is Arcas, the Old Man, who has been with the company longer than all but the Sorceress. In his youth, he was as wild and brash as a boar and he found more than his fair share of trouble. With a red mane and beard, he stood head and shoulders above nearly all other Sons. As he has aged, the wildness has tempered, if only a little, and still he towers above most. Where he was the spear that led the charge in his youth, now he is the bulwark the company rallies behind. And always he leads from the front. He took command during the Three Maidens War, when all the officers of the Sons were assassinated, and led the company's success against the Dancing Prince. Though he is much older now, he is still strong in body and sharp of mind. He led us through the Pass of Mists, against the foolishness of the crowned prince, and saw us through once again. However, he is troubled by all the sons lost in that pass and blames himself for taking this cursed contract.   There is no Banner Bearer. The Sons take turns. At the moment, that snarky Bellend, the Liir'ellar, is carrying it, though if he lets it nearly touch the ground again I believe the Company Master will skin him and wear his ears for shoes.   The High Sorceress, Shade, has been in these annals for a long time. No one is quite sure how old she is but she is believed to be in the two-hundreds. She is an ellar, though what kind is a mystery. She was rescued by the previous Master, Starbreaker. Shade, for being the company sorceress, is one of the sweetest and caring members of the company. She loves to take part in banter and any schemes Sons can come up with. She also loves games of chance. Not much is known about her past, and she insists her life before the company does not matter. In any case, she is a beloved Son, a guiding light, and a fixture of the company for as long as any can remember. The rest of the Sorcerer corps was devastated, with only a few new bloods remaining. Wriothesley is the longest-standing survivor and so would be up for the next promotion. A few more new bloods have shown promise with magic as do a few surviving members of the baggage train.   In the Pass of Mists, we lost the entirety of our Shepherd corps and all but one of our medics. As it stands, the strange and enigmatic Sawbones is our highest and only ranking physician. He has taken to the role well, though he is still considered a New Blood at the time of writing this. There are two hippiatroi, both of whom have been moved to medic detail considering all of our horses and bok walkers fell in the pass. There were some concerns about their abilities to translate from equine to human forms, but they seem to be doing well enough. Anna has more to learn but is eager. Sokhatai was excellent with the horses, and while she knows her stuff, her bedside manner can do with some improvement.  


Sergeant Sebastian is one of the old hands. Not quite as old as the Old Man and certainly nowhere near Shade, but he has been in the company for about 30 years. He is favored by the men to take the lead should the Old Man fall. He insists it should be Shade, but she often disagrees much to Sebastian's dismay. He is content at his rank and has turned down several promotions. He says he enjoys training the new bloods and would prefer to be with them than be "saddled with officer shit" as he so elegantly puts it.   Aymer is a younger Sergeant who rose through the ranks quickly. He's often called Sergeant Klutz, for obvious reasons. He hates the name, of course, but it suits him well.   Then there's Sergeant Folles, Iron Fist Folles, who rose through the ranks as a man with the reputation of getting things done. "The oldest sins in the newest ways." If something needed raiding, he was the man to do it. He'd lead the sappers, the saboteurs, the bloody blades in the dark. He is the kind of man the others look up to, but also have a healthy fear of. He once ran across an entire battlefield to connect with a squad that had been cut off. The enemy was so shocked they didn't even attack him at first. Even more shocking, he ran back to his squad and led them to victory unscathed. Not even the plague that ravaged the company could kill him, though he carries the pox scars to this day. The man is like a force of nature and a good weapon to have on our side.


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