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War for the City

In the world of The worlds of mera

Visit The worlds of mera

Completed 1547 Words

War for the City

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Chapter 1

In a world of chaos amidst the shifting sands of time a cruel and evil sorcerer lay siege to the city of amun. The battle raged on for nearly a mullenia  the young prince Mera and his brothers were separated in order to save the kingdoms successors in the event of the city being taken "quickly now!" the king yelled to his most trusted guards of the throne of Meru, "take the boys and disperse into the caves of anguin across the desert sands of time" without delay they divided into three groups and escaped the halls of amun and started their journey toward the caves of anguin through the shifting sands of time, a perilous journey even for the stoutest of heart. If the kingdom falls darkness will reign forever as the great zerstorer will stop at nothing to destroy all life. 

Leading the young princes the guards took to their horses and enter the storm that raged forever behind the walls of the great city, The desert stretched an unknowable distance across an unknown plain. The only one to have ever come out was Meru himself who crossed the sands of time to be crowned king of the city of amun. since that time not a single person to enter has ever come out again.

In the darkness of night the groups split off into the sand storm that raged on forever, Quickly Mera realized he might never see his family again. Cold and affraid he clung to the guard and lowerd his head and began to drift off as the night closed in around them.

Woken up by the sound of swords clashing Mera quickly rose to his feet realizing he was no longer on the horse nor was it night and amidst the storm he could faintly make out 3 men fighting 2 against one, he assumed it was the guardian who was under attack. Barley able to make out the direction he stood fast and drew his sword. although a young man of only 15 he was trained in the halls of amra-sil. Mera charged into the field of battle and found the enemy was not man at all but something much more terrifying. The assailants covered in a black shining armour looked like jackals with bodies of men they snarled at Mera as he approached,  Gaining the upper hand the guardian struck a blow to one of them and killed it.

Unaware of Mera's presence the guardian continued to fight with all of his might against the dark assailant but to no avail, As Mera came to assist the guardian warned him to stay back losing his focus for only a second the jackal pounced at Mera lunging a spear that appeared in the form of black smoke toward the prince. The guardian let out a battle cry that shook the foundations of the planet and disappeared into the sand only to reappear in front of the spear.

Now mortally wounded the guardian wrapped a chain of light around the jackal and pulled him into the spear holding him there to die together the guardian yelled for Mera to run! run for your life! Mera without hesitation turned into the storm and began to run like never before.

On his heels were the snakes of the sands of time fierce and fiery serpents their length un measurable their fangs filled with a vile venom that turns to ash anyone unlucky enough to be bitten by them. Mera knew he had little time before they caught him and he would need to use the magic of the sands to escape. Whispering to himself talking to the sands of time he asked them to take him to the temple of Alduin where he would be safe the secret temple hidden in the sands.

Suddenly the winds kicked up and the storm became so strong he could not move any further he felt the snakes beneath him preparing to strike but the wind now was battering him he couldn't see his hands in front of him. Mera's whispers turned to loud prayers and he screamed out into the sand "I command you! Bring me away to the temple of Alduin ! " and in a flash the sands calmed to a mild wind and the snakes had seemingly dissapeared from beneath his feet, a temple shrouded in light was before him. the temple of alduin secret of the desert sands.

After entering into the sands of time the guardians split off form each other heading in different directions. Codir was bitten by the sand storm as the darkness of night closed in. The rider would not stop to make camp even as the darkness turned to pitch black and nothing could be seen in front of them Codir knew that whatever was happening he might not make it through this desert and come out of the other side.
Out of nowhere came the stench of the black flags of the army of the black sun an assassin within the sands hunted the pair in the darkness. they could not see him but they could feel his presence and taste his blackness on their tongues. snarling and ravaging a jackal headed figure emerged in a ghastly light a sword as dark as obsidian drawn he cursed the guardian with wicked words of darkness and attacked with a ferocity unmatched. the guardian stood strong against the assassin and fought with everything in him dodging blows and landing blows on the savage attacker. Codir still on his horse watched in horror as a second assailant appeared form a misty black smoke with a flaming spear and a black shining shield. The guardian turned to face the second jackal and yelled for the horse to take off! "Go varanur ! ride like the wind!" Codir knew the time was now and he held on for his life as the great horse took off at breakneck speed and dissapeared into the pitch black.
long was the ride seemingly endless in the dark nothing could be seen around him Codir grew weary of the sands and fell from his horse left alone in the desert to die. He remembered the words his father told him. " Great sands of unlimited time and space I command you to take me to the temple of Alduin! lead me to the master Venshir and save me from death lord amun!"


a light came in the darkness and a temple arose from the sands the temple was before him ready to enter Codir stood up and walked wearily toward the entrance met by a figure in the doorway. The master venshir

The youngest of the brothers was in the most danger for he was hardly old enough to hold his own against any assailant as they rode into the darkness of the sands of time leaving behind the only thing he had known. Quickly they came under siege by 3 jackal warriors riding on the backs of the great snakes. The guardian knew if he left Konora alone he would not be able to find the temple of Alduin.

The guardian could not leave him to die and could not out run the assassins. Left with no choice but to stand and fight the guardian stood upon his horse with Konora in the front he drew his sword with the jackals on their backs. jumping into the air the guardian spun and twisted slashing and letting out a battle cry he landed swiftly on the back of the snake and struck down the mighty beast with a single blow in between the nostrils, Before the snake fell the guardian leped to the next and now the jackal rider was prepared for his attack, The guardian released a barrage of throwing knives distracting the jackal as he landed directly into the chest of the jackal the guardian kicked him off the snake and watched him fall into the sands left behind the battle scene. the third jackal had already reached the stead Konora was riding. Though only a child Konora knew the danger he was in and without hesitation he drew the spear at the side of the horse and jabbed it into the belly of the snake. letting out a great cry the snake came to a halt throwing the jackal into the air directly toward the young prince who now was prepared for a second attack. The jackal threw his spear at the prince who deflected it and drove his spear between the eyes of the jackal disappearing into black dust the battle was won. 

The guardian was wounded from his fight with the jackals and he knew his time was short for the sands of time had a strange effect on the wounded. The sands fed off of death and caused anyone with the slightest affliction to fall quickly into despair and death. uttering the words of the temple the guardian fell flat on the ground and told Konora to enter the temple that appears before him. 

The temple arose from the darkness and Konora entered greeted by the master of the temple he would spend the next 100 years learning the ways of the temple.

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