The Demios

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The Baleen Class bulk freighter Demios floated silently in the small uninhabited binary star system deep in the Outer Rim of the Empire.   Off to its port side there was a flicker of pseudo motion as an obsidian-colored Lancer Pursuit Craft with sapphire and gold trim dropped out of hyperspace and began approaching the Demios.

The droid piloting the Demios clicked on the coms, opening a channel to the Lancer Pursuit Craft, “Demios to incoming craft please identify yourself.”

On board the Lancer Pursuit Craft Iz’aphine reflexively leaned forward in her co-pilot's seat as she keyed the coms on.  “Bulk freighter Demios, this is the Wandering Star.  We are transporting your requested specialized medical supplies.”

There was a pause on the other end and then a human voice responded, “You’re early Wandering Star.  I wasn’t expecting you for another few hours.”

Iz’aphine smiled, “We made good time Demios.  That’s why we were hired.”

“Indeed so.  We’re opening the bow bay now.”

Ar’lissa began to bring the Wandering Star around as Iz’aphine responded. “We copy, see you inside in a bit.”  She keyed off the coms, looking over her console at Ar’lissa, “You still think there’s going to be trouble?”

Ar’lissa nodded looking concerned as she guided the ship into the now open bay, “I wish the vision was clearer and that it didn’t come while we were already on route.”

Iz’aphine looked out the cockpit at the bay as they entered.  It was crowded with crates and one Rho-1 Limulus-Class courier ship, “Well, we’re both armed, armored, and we got that message out to Va’lana though she was already investigating our contacts.  We’ve got all the bases covered that we can.  Let’s just make this as quick as possible.”

Ar’lissa nodded as she brought their ship gently down in the spot available.  She and Iz’aphine quickly unstrapped and headed to the Wandering Star’s cargo bay.  As they entered it Ar’lissa looked over at 2V-S5 who was finishing getting the medical supply crates onto load lifters for delivery.  “Hopefully I’ll be wrong but be ready to lock down the ship and hide as needed Two-Vee.”

Two-Vee nodded to her, “Yes ma’am, please do be careful.”

Ar’lissa smirked as she stepped onto the ramp near the ramp’s control console, “If we were careful, we’d still be in the Ascendancy.”  She then pressed the hidden button on her helmet, her faceplate and visor quickly slid into place.  Iz’aphine grabbed the cargo manifest and stepped onto the ramp as well. Ar’lissa nodded to her and hit the ‘descend’ button.

The ramp descended to the deck, and both took in their surroundings.  The various crates crowding the bay looked to vary in condition from pristine to barely holding together.  The recycled air had an almost metallic smell to it, the filters in the bay probably hadn't been replaced in a while.  As they looked around a lone older human with slightly graying hair and covered in cybernetics quickly walked around one of the larger crates holding his arms out to his sides.  The large smile on his face along with his outfit reminded them of a used ship salesperson.  “Welcome aboard the Demios.  I’m Dr. Westbane, you must be Iz’aphine.”  He looked over at Ar’lissa with a cautious expression.  “Who’s your companion?”

Iz’aphine nodded as she quickly stepped off the ramp and moved towards Dr. Westbane.   Ar’lissa continued to look around trying to spot any threats as Iz’aphine spoke, “I am.  This is my pilot Ar’lissa.”  She held out the datapad politely to him.  “If you will give this a quick look over and make sure this is the number of crates you were expecting, we’ll begin off-loading them for your inspection.”

Dr. Westbane nodded to Ar’lissa, her obsidian and gray armor with glowing sapphire sections making an imposing presence.  “Nice armor.”  He took the datapad, gave it a quick look over and handed it back to Iz’aphine, his salesperson smile returning.  “Looks like it.  I’ve been looking forward to these supplies for a while now.  Do you need assistance unloading?  I can call a couple of maintenance droids.”

Iz’aphine shook her head politely, “We’ve got them prepped we just need to get them down here.  Give us a minute.”

“Of course, that’s very efficient of you.”

“Thank you, we’ll be right back down.”

Ar’lissa stood there watching him as Iz’aphine walked up the ramp behind her before turning herself and heading up.  She glanced over at Iz’aphine as she walked over to one of the load lifters and maneuvered it to the ramp whispering, “Still can’t shake the feeling.”

Iz’aphine moved the other load lifter onto the ramp as she subtly flipped the catch off of her holster keeping her voice low as well. “I’ll be ready.”

The two descended back down with crates and as they stepped off of the ramp Dr. Westbane gestured for them to put them over to the side near a couple of the larger crates that looked like they could fall apart at any second.  Iz’aphine and Ar’lissa set the crates where Dr. Westbane had indicated and stepped back as he checked the seals on the crates.  He turned back to them, “I must say it’s refreshing to see the supplies come in such pristine condition and that the manifest was unaltered.  The last few shippers selected by my contacts, well let’s just say they weren’t as scrupulous.”

Iz’aphine smiled, showing some pride in her expression, “I’m glad we were able to provide satisfactory service.”

Dr. Westbane nodded, his smile turning sinister.  “That you were…” He touched a button on his mechanical arm and the panels on two of the larger crates suddenly fell away with a large bang revealing two Droidekas that immediately opened fire.  Blue bolts whipped past Ar’lissa, but Iz’aphine wasn’t so lucky as two struck her directly in the chest before she could even pull out her blaster.  The stunning bolt’s multiple impacts caused her to topple over backwards to the deck twitching slightly before she stopped moving.

Ar’lissa snarled out a curse.  Acting more out of reflex and emotion than actual tactical thought she quickly unslung her rifle, and with smooth practiced precision she brought it up to her shoulder, taking aim she fired at the closest Droideka.  The bolt slicing through its shield and badly damaging it.  Dr. Westbane looked startled by Ar’lissa’s deadly accuracy, taking cover as the Droidekas fired again, this time several bolts found their mark, their disruptive energy burning past the cortosis infused plates, shorting out her neuro motor system.  Ar’lissa toppled to the deck, her weapon clattering beside her as her body twitched slightly before she fell unconscious.  Dr. Westbane looked relieved as he stepped back out.  “We’ll I certainly wasn’t expecting that.  Now I have to have a Droideka repaired.”  He clicked another button on his arm and several utility droids appeared along with a squad of B1s.  “Take these two to cyber lab 1 and prep them.  B1s: check the ship for any additional crew and if there are, capture them.  D dash two: go to the maintenance container to get repaired.”

The lead B1 nodded, “Roger, Roger.” And they started marching up the ramp.  Dr. Westbane sighed as he turned and started to follow the utility droids that had grabbed Ar’lissa and Iz’aphine.  “I have to get some smatter security droids."


On board the Wandering Star Two-Vee, having seen Ar’lissa and Iz’aphine go down, quickly ducked into the cockpit and closed the hatch, locking it as the B1 droids marched up the ramp.  He just as quickly began the lockdown process using a code procedure that he knew only the four of them would know how to unlock.  He startled slightly heard a metal fist banging on the door.  “Hey!  Is there anyone in there?”

“Maybe they locked it when they left the ship?”

Two-Vee glanced back at the door, his photoreceptors indicating his disbelief as he finished the lockdown, the B1s continued to talk to each other.  “Probably, let’s search the rest of the ship.  You two guard the door just in case.”

“Roger, Roger.”

Two-Vee let out small sigh, it was only a matter of time before they either brought in a slicer or forced it open, all he could do now was wait and hope to get a signal from the others.


Thirty minutes later Iz’aphine was startled to consciousness by Ar’lissa’s screams of agony.   She could feel her eyes snap open, but she couldn’t see anything but darkness. “What…?”

She heard Dr. Westbane’s voice nearby sounding annoyed.  “CT-4: Up the paralytic.  I can’t have her squirming as I work.”

A robotic monotone voice responded, “Increasing the dose to maximum safe limits.”

Iz’aphine struggled violently against the restraints as Ar’lissa screamed in agony again, “What are you doing to her!?!  Why can’t I see?”

A female voice next to her spoke in what sounded like a slightly dazed voice, “She’s being partially disarmed, something he seems to be taking delight in doing.   As for why you can’t see, well your eyes are on another table looking at me.  It was a little unnerving honestly because I thought you could still see through them.”

 Iz’aphine turned her head toward the voice, “Before you ask, I’m just hanging out here like you.  Well except for the part that I can still see.  Trust me if you care about her you don’t want to see this.”

Ar’lissa let out another agonized scream after a sickening pop as Dr. Westbane finished removing Ar’lissa’s arm and with an almost gleeful satisfaction placed it on a medical tray, “Take the arm to Dr. Xan and tell her to be quick, it’s fresh like she asked.  Tell her also she better be ready to amaze me this time.”

Another medical droid nodded as it picked up the tray and hurried for the door. “Yes sir.”

“CT-4: give her some local anesthetic.  Then bandage and keep the area clean.  I want to talk to both of them.”

 The woman next to Iz’aphine spoke in a sarcastic tone, “What am I chopped convor liver?”

Dr. Westbane waved his blood covered hand dismissively in her direction, spraying Ar’lissa with droplets of her own blood, “One, you aren’t one of the legendary Chiss species, and two I want to talk to them about some of their tech.”

Ar’lissa softly moaned in pain, finding she still couldn’t move, her voice hoarse from screaming, but there was an intense fire to the glow of her eyes, “If you’ve hurt Iz’aphine…”

Dr. Westbane rolled his eyes looking unimpressed as he removed his surgical gloves and placed them into a container, “Oh, spare me the bravado since you can’t move and don’t have a right arm.”  He casually moved over to the table that had Ar’lissa’s armor laid out on it along with her gear. He picked up the helmet as if to study it a little more.  “I find it interesting that you have such an advanced suit of armor and jet pack, yet the cybernetics are so mundane.  Who made the armor?”

Ar’lissa grunted slightly as the CT-4 tended to what remained of her right shoulder before responding, “I don’t know, it was a gift.”

Dr. Westbane set the helmet down “It’s impressive, I look forward to taking it apart and learning how it was made.”  He walked over to Iz’aphine’s cybernetic eyes sitting on another table and picked one up casually studying it.  “I would have thought a race capable of producing something like this would have better cybernetics.  Ms. Iz’aphine’s eyes and arm look like they’re stock models you could find in Imperial Space.”  

Iz’aphine turned her head towards Dr. Westbane’s voice, there was no mistaking the mixture of anger and disgust on her face. “That’s because they are.”

Dr. Westbane snorted as he set the eye back down, “Dr. Xan can whip up something more elegant in her sleep.”  He walked back over to the armor, “It’s also intriguing that your weapons are also from here and not from the Unknown region.  I would think if you’re trying not to have your advanced tech captured you wouldn’t be walking around in that armor.”

Ar’lissa managed to smirk, “Didn’t plan on getting captured.”

He rolled his eyes, “I’m sure not.  If you had managed to destroy one of the Droidekas instead of severely damaging it, you may have stood a chance.  Honestly, I’ve never come across someone with your deadliness with a rifle, it was impressive.”

Ar’lissa’s eyes narrowed, she was practically seething as she almost hissed out. “Give me a rifle and I’ll give you another demonstration that you’ll remember for the rest of your life.”

He patted her on her intact shoulder giving a soft chuckle.  “I think I’ll pass on that.”

Iz’aphine tilted her head, she needed to see if she could gather any more information from him, “So why do all of this?”

He shrugged, “I need the test subjects.  Slaves rarely have the stamina or willpower for the experiments that I need to conduct.”  He started walking over to the woman bound next to Iz’aphine.  “Most of the time my supplier sends me the more disreputable smugglers or even new shippers such as yourself, so they are rarely missed.”  He brushed some of the woman’s crimson hair back and then gently grabbed her chin turning her head slightly so he could see her piercing emerald eyes.  “Sometimes I’m lucky enough to get ‘special’ individuals paying me a visit like Ms. Moria here who’s overconfidence was her downfall.”

Moria shook her head free of his grasp trying to look at him defiantly but the drugs she was under caused her to look less serious than she wanted to be, “You got lucky with me as well Westbane.”

He quickly backhanded her glaring as he growled out, “It’s Doctor Westbane.”  He seemed to compose himself before continuing, a sadistic smile coming across his face. “I’m going to take even more pleasure in cutting you up.  I wonder how much can be replaced with cybernetics before you lose your abilities?  Maybe you’ll go mad first like the others.”

Moria smirked back at him as blood trickled from her split lip, “There are some who think I’m pretty crazy to begin with.”

Dr. Westbane shook his head.  “Well, I grow tired of this.”  He walked over to stand between Iz’aphine and Ar’lissa.  “We’ll talk more once I’ve had a chance to look at some of your equipment.  I think I’ll start with that lovely Nightstinger first when I’m done with my current projects and then move on to the armor.  CT-4, knock them all out for a bit.  I need to go see what progress Dr. Xan is making.”

“Yes sir.”


Hours later Ar’lissa awoke and opened her eyes, trying to focus them through the grogginess she was feeling, there was a smell of fresh sterilization in the air mixing with the smell of bacta.  She heard another woman’s voice next to her trying to sound reassuring.  “Easy, I’m Dr. Sivul Xan.  I had CT-4 wake you up as I need to have a good readout on your conscious neuro functions, but you are still temporarily paralyzed.  Before you ask the others are still unconscious, I have to work on putting back Iz’aphine’s eyes after I’m done with you.”

Ar’lissa tried to shift her gaze and could just barely see a figure next to her.   It looked like it could be a Falleen in a surgical outfit, but it was hard to tell with the blurriness she was still suffering from.  Her voice, still sounding hoarse from the earlier screaming, was trembling slightly. “What are you doing to me?”

“I’m attaching an advanced cybernetic limb to replace the one Dr. Westbane removed.  The process will take another few hours and I still need to stimulate the advanced hybrid synthflesh and bio-fibers to make sure the various blood vessels are connecting to the rest of your body to avoid scaring, or worse, rejection.”

Ar’lissa looked confused, “Why are you doing this?”

Dr. Xan gave a frustrated look, “Dr. Westbane wants me to create cyberlimbs that look and feel exactly like flesh and blood.  He keeps brining in ‘volunteers’ for me work on.”  Ar’lissa could hear the disgust in Dr. Xan’s voice, she definitely didn’t sound like a willing participant. “He seems to take some perverse pleasure in removing being’s limbs.”

Ar’lissa grimaced, “So I noticed.  What happens to me after?”

She heard Dr. Xan sigh, “I really need to focus, this would be tricky enough under ideal conditions.   But if I’m successful then he’s probably going to make me repeat the procedure on your friend Iz’aphine to be sure it’s not a fluke.  I suppose then he’ll force me to start working on figuring out legs and you’ll probably be the first subject.  Now try moving your right hand’s middle finger.”

Dr. Xan watched as Ar’lissa’s hand’s middle finger curled and uncurled.  “Good, the nerve relay there is calibrated and working perfectly.  You can continue the interrogation of me later while I put Izaphine’s eyes back in, if he didn’t damage them too badly, but for now I need to focus if you want perfect limb functionality and no scaring, just follow my directions.”


Four hours later Ar’lissa, still restrained to the table, was staring at her right arm as she opened and closed her fist tentatively as Dr. Xan installed a new set of cybernetic eyes into a now awake Iz’aphine.  Dr. Xan made a quick glance over to Ar’lissa, “How does it feel?”

“Sore, like someone’s used my whole arm as a punching bag, but tingly as well.”

Dr. Xan nodded as she checked the calibration for one of the eyes, “That’s good.  It means your body is treating the area properly. The tingling is because of the drugs I laced the advanced hybrid synthflesh and bio-mechanical fibers that form the limbs muscles and tendons with.  The drugs will promote integration and stimulate nerve connections.  As for the tingling, that will go away as your body ‘fixes’ the last of the nerves and the integration is complete.   After that a simple stimpack injection will take care of the injured feeling as normal.  It’s fully functional and all tactile sensations will return if they haven’t already.”  Dr. Xan seemed to look relived, “There’s no sign of rejection.”

She looked over at Ar’lissa and a small smile formed on her lips, “As an added benefit you should find that your overall agility should be improved because of the implants to control the arm.”

Ar’lissa looked at her curiously.  “Appreciated, but it doesn’t sound like I’ll get a chance to try it out.”

Dr. Xan looked around for a moment before finishing the other eye, making sure CT-4 was still powered down and recharging.  Taking a chance there were no other recording devices she looked at the others.  “He’ll be back soon to scan my work on your arm, but then there’s a transfer happening shortly that he’s going to have to handle from the bridge so he won’t be doing any cutting until that’s done which will take around thirty minutes.  Take me with you and I’ll help you escape any way I can.”

Moria looked at Dr. Xan with a bit of disgust, still sounding a little out of it, “More ‘volunteers’?”

Dr. Xan shook her head, “If there are they aren’t brought here.  The ship comes on a regular schedule, drops off a large bulk container and then takes one back with them, sometimes they take the ship from the crew that was captured.  Dr. Westbane then has his labor droids transfer the cargo to one of the fixed containers.  I know he has the droids load the old container before they come back and pick it up.  Before you ask, I don’t know what’s in them.  I’m usually restricted to the labs, and my quarters.  Both are in this block of containers, and I’m escorted by B2 battle droids to make sure I don’t wander.”

 Ar’lissa looked over at Iz’aphine who gave her a subtle thumbs up, “You have a deal.” And then asked, “Do you know what his contingent is here?”

“No, I know the ship is fully staffed with droids but there’s at least one other being here that I’ve heard him talk to via coms, but I’ve never seen them.”  She began removing the tape holding Iz’aphine’s eyelids open.  “You’re all set.  These should be a slight bit better than the ones you had.”

Iz’aphine blinked a few times getting adjusted to the new eyes, “Thanks, where’s our gear?”

Dr. Xan gestured to one of the walls, “It’s locked in the next container, except for what he tinkers with in his private lab.”

They all quickly went quiet as one of the doors to the lab slid open and Dr. Westbane stepped through holding a portable medical scanner.  “Ok let’s see how you did this time.”  He walked over to Ar’lissa as he activated the scanner. “No scar line or obvious cybernetic connection…”  He traced a hand along the back of Ar’lissa’s neck and then her around her shoulder.  “Not even a bump…”

Dr. Xan quickly started putting her cleaned medical tools equipment away, “It would be easier if I was the one doing the amputating and using a bacta tank instead of patches and injectors for healing.”

He waved a dismissive hand at her.  “I’m sure.”  He turned back to his scanner as he ran it along Ar’lissa’s arm, “I think this is some of your most impressive work yet doctor.  However, I do detect that the bone structure is a polymer-covered alloy, and the muscles give an odd reading…”  he reached down with his free hand and squeezed Ar’lissa’s bicep causing her to wince slightly. “It feels and reacts like regular muscle and flesh would, if I didn’t know what to look for it would probably be missed on a cursory scan, remarkable!”  

Dr. Xan nodded, her voice having just a touch of defiance and sarcasm to it. “Thank you.”

He looked over at Iz’aphine, “Of course we’ll have to see if you can duplicate it.”  He looked back at Ar’lissa with a sadistic smile.  “Perhaps we can trade information for using anesthetic when I remove Iz’aphine’s other arm.”  He reached into his lab coat pocket and pulled out the Csilla crystal that partially powered Ar’lissa’s armor and housed Ra’lya.  “This is truly fascinating.  At first, I thought it worked much like the crystal in a lightsaber but on further analysis it carries an odd faint energy signature and when removed causes the armor to almost shut down completely.  What is it?”

Ar’lissa tried to shrug as best she could while being restrained to the table, “I’m just a pilot, not an engineer.  Like I said it was a gift.  I just know that something with the crystal amplifies the energy from the power source and maybe modulates it?”

Dr. Westbane gave her a strained look, “Really?  I give you the chance to make the procedure less painful on your friend and you feed me that? I’m disappointed, I was hoping for at least a better lie.”

Ar’lissa’s eyes narrowed as her expression hardened and her eyes glowed with fierce intensity, “How about I give you a deal instead?  You let us go with our belongings now and I won’t end you.”

He looked startled for a half second before giving her a dismissive look as he set the crystal down on a nearby table. “Again with the threats Ar’lissa?  Hard to accomplish any of that while strapped down.”

Moria rolled her eyes for a moment but then caught Iz’aphine’s expression, it was a look of someone who knew that it wasn’t a threat, it was a promise and it concerned Iz’aphine.  Moria gave a small smile, something to keep in the back of her mind to possibly use later. Dr. Xan glanced over at the chronometer on the wall and gave a quiet sigh of relief as a droid’s voice came over the com.  “Dr. Westbane, sir, you wanted me to give a five-minute warning before the expected container arrival.”

Dr. Westbane gave a frustrated sigh as he pulled out his com.  “I’m on my way.”  He clicked off the com and turned to Dr. Xan, “Return to your primary lab and get ready.  Once this deal is done, I’ll start work on your next sample.  Oh, and I want to see your designs for legs next.”

Dr. Xan nodded, giving him a hard look before gathering her medical bag.   She turned and headed out of the lab the way Dr. Westbane had come in.  Iz’aphine could just make out the B2 Battle droids falling in behind her as the door closed.  Dr. Westbane turned and gave them his best mock apologetic look.  “I’m sorry, but I have pressing business to attend to.  I’ll be back soon.”  He looked at Ar’lissa, “I’ll let you think about the pain that you suffered and decide if it jogs your memory on what the crystal actually does.”

They watched as he walked out of the lab and the door closed behind him.  Ar’lissa took a few calming breaths as Iz’aphine spoke, “So we now have about thirty minutes to free ourselves, sneak or fight our way to our gear in the next pod if what she said was true.”

Moria glanced around the room.  “If only he had left some of your equipment, those guard shoto blades would have been very handy.”

Ar’lissa nodded, not sure how much she should truly reveal about them, including the fact that they would only work for her. “They would have been, but we still would have had to get them into someone’s hands, and I doubt he would have been nice enough to do that.”

“We’ll I could have used the Force to try and pull them, the problem is the drugs he’s been keeping me on makes it so my depth perception and control is screwed up so I can’t be accurate.  It would have taken me a few tries.  I’m guessing that’s why they don’t leave any medical tools around as well.”

 Iz’aphine looked over at her, “I don’t know much about the Force, but can you use it to deactivate my restraints or Ar’lissa’s?” Moria narrowed her gaze on Ar’lissa’s restraints, “I couldn’t do it on ours but hers are different, and it feels like the drugs are starting to wear off, maybe…”  Her brow furrowed in concentration and Ar’lissa could feel the right wrist restraint begin to wiggle on its own and then with a groan of metal followed by a slight metallic pop the lock broke and Ar’lissa’s arm was freed.  Moria gave a sigh of relief as Ar’lissa quickly managed to use her free hand to help give her enough additional leverage to work her way quickly out of the other restraints.

Moria looked impressed as Ar’lissa got up off of the table, readjusting her blood-stained medical gown.  “I saw a contortionist slip out of restraints once.  He was more skilled but not as graceful.”

Ar’lissa nodded as she scooped the crystal off of the table.  “Thanks, I think.  Let’s get the two of you freed.”  She walked over to the wall control panel hidden just out of sight of the others and after a moment of studying it pressed a couple of buttons and the force field energy holding Iz’aphine and Moria restrained to the wall disappeared, they dropped slightly to the deck landing on their feet with a jolt. Ar’lissa looked at the door cautiously, “So now, if she was telling the truth, we just need to get into the other crate without being spotted.”

“Given the drugs she gave me that were supposed to keep me out of it are wearing off much quicker than they should normally I think we can trust her at least a little.”

The others nodded as Ar’lissa walked up to the other hatch door and gestured for the others to stand over to the sides as she herself tried to listen at the door.  Hearing the sound of metal footsteps near it she quickly held up her fist to signal the others to hold fast as she continued to listen as the footsteps passed the door and faded away.  She lowered her hand before carefully cycling the door latch and slowly sliding it open.  Ar’lissa cautiously checked the hallway and to her relief there were no guards stationed at the other door.  She gestured for the others to follow her and after closing the door they rapidly moved to the next container that hopefully held their gear.  Iz’aphine pulled a couple of small tools out of the hidden compartment in her arm and quickly began working on the electronic lock as the others kept watch.  After a few moments Ar’lissa glanced back to Iz’aphine and saw three of the four red lights had turned green on the panel she was working on.  “He’s one paranoid bastard.”

Iz’aphine nodded, “That he is, but he’s not as good as me even without a full tool set, I still can’t believe he missed the hidden compartment.”  The final red light flickered to green, and the door slid open.  The trio quickly moved into the container and closed the door behind them, the container’s lights flickered on automatically illuminating three rows of lockers that appeared to have data sheets attached to them.  Moria stepped up to one of the lockers and looked at the Aurebesh markings on the sheets, “Looks like a subject number, dates, time, and coded inventory of the locker.”

Ar’lissa shrugged, “I guess we start by looking for the date we were captured.  Let’s each take a row.”

Moria nodded as she moved to a larger locker and looked at the datasheet, “Call me inquisitive, I would like to know what’s in the other ones.”

Iz’aphine shrugged as she quickly looked at the datasheet on another locker. “Same, but we can save that for later if we have time.”

As they continued to search Iz’aphine asked, “When were you captured Moria?”

“I’m guessing by when the droids dragged you in it was around the same day you were captured, otherwise he would have disarmed me first.  So, I think we’re looking at the same possible date…”  Moria stopped and smiled, “Which means I might have found one.”  She checked the locker’s latch, looking at the electronic lock with a red light on.  “Paranoid enough to lock the lockers as well.  Iz’aphine, you think you can unlock this one?”

Iz’aphine nodded as she quickly walked over and began working on it.  A moment later the light switched to green, and an audible click was heard as the lock disengaged.  Moria flipped the latch and opened the door.  “Yep, this one’s mine.” Iz’aphine’s eyes went wide as she saw the contents, “Is that an Inquisitor’s uniform?”

Moria nodded with a sly smile as she started quickly getting dressed, “Indeed.  I told you; I was the inquisitive sort.”

Ar’lissa glanced nervously over at the two of them as Moria gave Iz’aphine a look, “Close your jaw and find your stuff while I get geared up.”

 Iz’aphine blinked and then checked the locker next to Moria’s glancing nervously at her.   Moria gave an exasperated look at each of them.  “What, did you think I’m just going to suddenly slaughter you once I have my lightsaber?  Mother of Kwath, I’m not short sighted, narrow minded, and as power obsessed like most of my ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’.  We need each other if we’re going to get out of this alive.  After that if you want to have it out, we can discuss it then.”

Ar’lissa raised an eyebrow as Iz’aphine started working on the lock of another locker.  “Well, that’s semi comforting.”

Moria fastened her inquisitor jacket, “About as comforting as letting you get your hands on a blaster rifle Ar’lissa.  Nearly taking down a Droideka in one shot?  There are few beings in the galaxy that are that accurate and fewer still that have a Nightstinger as their weapon of choice.  There are stories about bogeywoman or man, but they tended not to leave survivors except for one Wookie Bounty Hunter who managed to flee, and another Death Trooper left for dead.”

Ar’lissa stiffed up slightly, “Interesting.”

Moria gave an evil smirk, “Yes, yes it is.  They were also rumored to have skillfully liquidated at least one Inquisitor according to that Death Trooper that survived an encounter.  But then those are just stories, right?”

Ar’lissa nodded trying to hide her nervousness, “Yeah, sounds like they’re trying to make excuses.”

Moria chuckled as she finished getting dressed and checked over her lightsaber, “Indeed, no one’s that good.”  She glanced at Ar’lissa to see her reaction and to her surprise Ar’lissa didn’t look insulted at all, if anything Ar’lissa seemed to look like she hoped Moria believed that very line.

Iz’aphine opened the locker and grimaced slightly, “Ar’lissa, I’ve got some of your stuff here.  No rifle or armor though.”

Ar’lissa quickly walked over and pulled out the equipment and the two lightsabers.  “It’ll have to do.  Maybe one of these other lockers has a rifle and some clothes I can use.”

Iz’aphine began working on the lock of the locker slightly further away from Ar’lissa, “I wasn’t relishing fighting in my underwear either.”

Moria finished putting on her helmet and checked the seals, her smirk returning.  “But you both look so hot in your respective underwear and medical gowns.”  She softly chuckled as they both blushed slightly and then looked annoyed.  “I’m good to go here.  I’ll watch the door.”

As Moria stepped away, Ar’lissa looked over at Iz’aphine keeping her voice to a whisper as she put on the gear that she had, “Ra’lya, I want you to take the driver’s seat until we find a rifle.”

Ar’lissa could hear Ra’lya’s concerned voice in her head, “Are ya sure?  What about the Inquisitor?”

“That’s one of the reasons why I need you to.  I would be no match for her without a rifle and you said it yourself, you’re a master with the blades.”  Her quiet voice pleading, “Please, we have to protect Izz.”

Ra’lya sounded reluctant, “Ok.  But only until we find you a rifle.”

Ar’lissa let out of sigh of relief, “Thank you.”

Iz’aphine glanced over at Ar’lissa as she unlocked and opened the locker in front of her.  She could see that Ar’lissa’s posture had quickly changed.  It looked more experienced, mature for her age, but there was also almost a cockiness to her stance.  Ar’lissa was twirling the two shoto guard hilts in her hands as if loosening up for a fight and that she had used the blades almost all her life.  Iz’aphine realized that Ra’lya had possessed Ar’lissa, given Ar’lissa’s mindset she had little doubt who initiated it.  Iz’aphine quickly looked back at her locker, “Found the one with my stuff in it.  Give me a minute to change.”

Ar’lissa walked over near Iz’aphine and Iz’aphine could hear Ra’lya’s accent and cadence in Ar’lissa’s voice confirming her suspicions.  “Good.  I’ll help watch the door.”

Moria glanced over at Ra’lya as she moved over to the other door, also noticing the change in Ar’lissa’s posture.  “Are you ok?”

Ra’lya, trying to act as Ar’lissa nodded, “Ya, just tense, I guess.  Nothing like fighting in a medical gown and utility vest.  Beats fighting in the buff though.”

Moria raised an eyebrow, not quite believing her.  “There is that…”  She looked over at Iz’aphine getting dressed as an idea flashed in her mind, “Iz’aphine, did you see any alarms attached to the locks?”

“They aren’t attached to a system, but they will put out an audible alarm.  It’s built into the keypad box.”

Moria nodded and ignited one of her lightsaber’s blades as she walked over to the nearest locker.  A quick stab into the keypad to destroy it and then another more precise slash into the lock allowed her to open it.  She looked in, “Trinkets, nothing useful.”

Ra’lya nodded and with a precise stab and slash she had opened another locker, “Got a robe and a lightsaber in here.  Robe should fit me.”  She quickly shutdown her lighsabers and started changing to put the robe on, tucking the lightsaber from the locker into a pocket on the robe.

 Moria nodded, “Not much protection but it’s better than nothing.” She quickly cut open another locker, “Dirty clothes, generic tools, no weapons.”  She looked over at Iz’aphine, “You got weapons in your locker?”

Iz’aphine nodded as she finished getting ready, “My pistol is here, I’m almost ready to go.”

Ra’yla and Moria each opened two more lockers finding nothing useful inside as Iz’aphine finished getting ready.  “We have to find where he’s keeping Dr. Xan and the rest of Ar…my equipment.”

Iz’aphine nodded, “Ok but we still have to be careful, you don’t have any armor.”

Moria headed over to the door, noting the strange slip-up from Ar’lissa.  “Yeah, I do not want to deal with those Droidekas until Ar’lissa has a rifle.”  She listened at the door for a moment and then hit the release button and the door slid open.  She quickly checked both directions and gestured for them to follow her.  “Ok so how do we find our objectives?”

Iz’aphine shrugged, “We go back into the room where we were held and go through the other door.  I’m hoping there are markings, or that we can find an open terminal to pull up a schematic.”

“Works for me.”  Moria quickly led them back into the other room and over to the opposite door.  She again listened at the door and then slowly pushed it open and poked her head out checking the corridor.  “I’ve got what looks to be a couple of doors...”  She smiled behind her mask, “Clever girl.  I’ve got a series of active panels leading up to a door that has two B2s guarding it.  Guessing that’s Dr. Xan’s lab.”  She ducked her head back into the room.  “I don’t think we can do this without it getting noisy and likely shot at.”

Ra’lya poked her head out and then ducked it back in. “They’re not too attentive, they didn’t hear the door.  I, I mean we, might be able to sneak up on them.”

Moria shrugged, “Ok, worth a shot, well hopefully not getting shot.”

To their surprise Ra’lya was the first one out the door, making hardly a sound with her bare feet on the deck grating as she quickly yet stealthily moved up on the two B2s.  As the others quietly moved out into the hallway Ra’lya suddenly leapt forward, igniting both lightsabers, she closed the last couple of meters with surprising speed.  The two B2s had just enough time to turn towards the sound of the lightsabers igniting before she was already on top of them.  She slashed out, cutting through one of the B2s and then spinning to the other one she twirled the handle and made a reverse stab up and into the central processor of the other B2.  Both collapsed to the deck, making the loudest sound of the attack as their metal bodies hit the floor grates.  Ra’lya flourished both lightsabers before shutting them down as Moria’s felt her jaw drop, glad it was hidden by her faceplate.  That couldn’t be the same woman, that was something only a Ataru specialist and master with lightsabers could pull off, but there was no record in the files about the mystery markswoman having any force powers or even using lightsabers.  Adding to the whole craziness the color of the blades was strange, a black core with a blue outer glow that seemed to absorb light instead of emitting it. “How…?”

Iz’aphine quickly moved past the stunned Moria, trying not to give her time to process what happened. “The droids must have been faulty.  Come on, we don’t have much time.”

Ra’lya waited for the others to get to the door before opening it.  The inside of the huge two-story container had been converted into a massive lab.  Cybernetic limbs and implants lined the walls with various incomplete pieces sitting on small work benches.  The floor beneath them looked to have various vats, tanks, and mold dyes of limbs as well as several lab tables and the air reeked of various chemicals including disinfectant.  Dr. Xan looked up through the floor grates at them and gave a huff of relief as she threw a couple of datapads into a nearly full duffle bag.  She quickly pulled on a medical backpack and then grabbing the duffle bag, she started up the stairs.  “I was hoping you guys would escape and find me.  I set a nasty virus to wipe all my research data from the mainframes...”  She nearly tripped on the stairs when she spotted Moria in her Inquisitor uniform, “Uh…”

Moria tilted her head slightly, “Yes, yes…scary Inquisitor lady, get over it.  Where would Westbane keep Ar’lissa’s armor and weapon?”

Dr. Xan quickly found her voice again.  “He, uh, probably has them in his workshop.  I can take you to it.”

They started following her back out of the lab as she nearly tripped on the B2 wreckage, as Moria asked, “How much security between here and his workshop?”

Dr. Xan gestured to the nearby door. “His workshop is the next container over.  I’ve seen a couple of roving patrols of B1s in this area, usually in groups of two to four.  He mostly keeps the remaining B2s with him or guarding the midsection of the ship.  The Droidekas in this section are usually stationed around the hanger, but I know he has a few in the midsection on patrol as well.  He’s not as quiet as he thinks he is when giving orders to them.”

Ra’yla tilted her head for a moment as if listening and then pointed to the B2s, “We should probably drag those back in the lab so they aren’t discovered right away.”

Moria nodded and gestured to one of the B2s, using the force she lifted the body up and carefully set the body back inside the lab. She quickly repeated the process with the other body. “Wonder why he’s got all that firepower stationed there?”

Dr. Xan shrugged as they walked down the cooridor, “Don’t know, he won’t tell me.  Maybe it has something to do with that other being he talks to.  I’m just glad they’re not here.”

When they arrived at Westbane’s workshop Iz’aphine quickly started working on the security lock on the door.  “He’s certainly got a better lock on this one.  Might take me a minute or two.”

Ra’lya stepped over to the side of Iz’aphine, dropping into a defensive stance and igniting her lightsabers. “Got ya covered.”

Moria moved over to the door igniting her double-bladed lightsaber and scanning the other length of the corridor. “Same.”

After a tense few moments Iz’aphine gave a slight smile as the lock’s last indicator light turned to green.  “Got it.”

Moria turned back to the door just as there was a warning beep and it slid open without anyone touching the controls.  She just barely had time to bring her lightsaber up as a BX Commando droid snap fired at Moria, the blast partially deflecting off of her blade causing the shot to hit her in the side instead of the chest, piercing through her armored uniform.  She could feel that her side had been badly burned causing her to feel winded, but the pain told her she was still alive.

Reacting quickly before it could get another shot off, Moria rushed forward closing the distance and slashed out with her lightsaber, cutting deep into its torso and with a twirl of movement she jabbed the other blade through its chest with a backwards thrust.  The droid’s eyes went dark as it collapsed into a heap, the rifle clattering to the deck.  

Dr. Xan quickly moved into the huge container behind her, “Are you ok?”

Moria winced as she shut down the blades and looked down at the burned patch on her uniform. “Better than I would have been if Ar’lissa had been shooting that rifle.”

Ra’lya strode into giving Moria a look as she walked over to the remains.  Shutting down the lightsabers she quickly stowed them as best she could in her vest and picked up the rifle.  Ra’lya mumbled silently, “Back over to you.” Before releasing control of Ar’lissa’s body back to her.

Dr. Xan set her duffle bag down and pulled a couple of medical tools from her backpack, “Let me check the wound.”

Moria nodded, opening up her uniform and wincing at the fabric peeling away from the wound with a stickily sound.  “Yeah, you got clipped pretty good.”  Dr. Xan quickly began tending to the wound, spraying some topical anesthetic as she knelt down. “Just stay still and I’ll patch you up.”

“Not going anywhere doc…” Moria said through gritted teeth as she looked over at Ar’lissa standing there checking over the rifle.  She seemed disoriented for a moment and her posture had changed again.  The slight cockiness and extra maturity were gone and the military bearing she saw earlier was back.  Moria looked down at Dr. Xan speaking in a low tone. “You didn’t do something funky to her brain did you?”

Dr. Xan gave her a strange look matching her quiet tone, “No, just the advanced neuro interface for the cybernetic arm.  Why?”

Moria looked back at Ar’lissa, “Nothing, just curious.” She gestured towards Ar’lissa’s rifle raising her voice to her normal level, “Everything ok?  I’m assuming that’s your baby?”

Ar’lissa gave Moria a look, “Looks like it, but he replaced the lightweight components and changed the barrel to an augmented spin barrel. I’m surprised he didn’t change out the grips first.  I need to find my armor and see if he’s mucked with it too.”

Iz’aphine started to look around the container.  It reminded her a lot of Dr. Xan’s only with various weapons and gear on this level, some of which were in various states of repair on benches and the chemical smell was different, more mechanical oils and lubricants.  “He might keep the armor on the lower level.”

Ar’lissa nodded, “I’ll check it out.”

Moria watched as Ar’lissa walked down the stairs with her rifle at the ready as Dr. Xan continued to attend to her.  “So Iz’aphine, what’s the story with the two of you?  You married or just lovers?”

Iz’aphine whipped around, trying to keep herself composed, “What gave you that idea?”

Moria reached up and pressed the button to retract her faceguard and visor so Iz’aphine could see her slight smirk.  “Oh, I don’t know, the fact that Ar’lissa was ready to rip Westbane apart with her teeth if that’s all she had available if he had harmed you?  You yelling out your concern?  The two of you don’t look like sisters and it’s pretty clear to me the way you look at each other you both have feelings.”

Iz’aphine rubbed the back of her neck, “What does it matter to you?”

Moria’s smirk grew, “Besides the fact that I’m inquisitive as I said before?  I just want to know if something happens to one of you if the other’s going to do something possibly reckless and stupid that will get us all killed.”

Iz’apahine glanced down through the grate as Ar’lissa walked over to another table below them and let out a sigh, “Yes, we probably will.  I know you heard that promise Ar’lissa made to Dr. Westbane.”

Moria rolled her eyes, “Sorry I refuse to call that hack a doctor, unlike the present company doing an excellent job of patching me up, he probably forged his certificate.”

Dr. Xan gave a slight smile and chuckle as Moria continued, “Yes, I heard what she said.  She knows he’s got an army of droids?  We’ve been lucky as it is.”

Ar’lissa called out, “Found the armor.  It hasn’t been messed with yet, so I just need a couple of minutes to get suited up.”

Iz’aphine called back, “Copy that.”  She looked back over at Moria, “I think she knows.  Note, she never said when she would end him.  I just wouldn’t be in her line of fire if she does have a shot at him.”

Moria gave an evil smile as she nodded, “I’ll be sure to remember that.”

Iz’aphine went back to looking at the assortment of pistols on the wall.  After a minute of looking at all the pistols her eyes went wide for a moment as she took one of the blasters down and looked at it.  “Woah a modified Raider Arms Model-1!  These things are rare, I wonder who he took this from?”

Dr. Xan shrugged as she finished placing a bandage over Moria’s wound. “Whoever it was they probably won’t need it anymore.  I don’t know what he does with the beings when he’s done with them, but I can guess it isn’t good.”  She stood up. “I’ve got you field patched up as best I can.”

Moria gave her a disbelieving look as she sealed up her uniform, “That was the best you can do?  Seriously, I know certified surgeons who couldn’t have done a better job in a full operating suite.”

Dr. Xan shrugged but looked appreciative of the complement, “Thanks, I’ve had a lot of practice especially since I was forced to work for him.”

Moria made a slight face, “At some point you’ll have to tell me how you got roped into all of this.”

Dr. Xan shrugged again as Iz’aphine grabbed various grenades and data spikes off of the walls, before spotting an open terminal and sitting down at it, going to work. “Short answer:  I needed the credits, and the job said I would be working on creating advanced cybernetics at a legit medical research station in the outer rim.  I might be willing to discuss the full deets if we make it out of here.”

Moria nodded, “Our odds have certainly improved.” She turned to look down in the direction where Ar’lissa was finishing getting dressed.  “Shake a leg, we’re running out of time before our breakout is noticed.”

“Just checking the helmet, I’ll be right up.”

Alarms started going off and Iz’aphine grimaced, “We’re out of time…”

Dr. Westbane’s voice boomed over the speaker. “Security breach!  Intruder spotted leaving container 4987, possibly heading for midships.  All droids be on alert, engage and report in when spotted.”

Ar’lissa ran up the stairs, putting her helmet on, her hooded cloak billowing behind her.  Moria raised an eyebrow before turning to the door.  “Woah he wasn’t kidding about the armor.”

Iz’aphine glanced over at Ar’lissa, “You think that’s Va’lana?”

Ar’lissa gave her a look, “You know anyone else who would be crazy enough to stow solo aboard a container?”

Moria made a face as she gestured defensively toward Ar’lissa, “Hey! It’s a legitimate tactic.  Didn’t work for me either but how was I supposed to know the ship was crewed by all droids? And who is Va’lana?”

Ar’lissa responded as Iz’aphine worked quickly on the terminal, “Another member of our team.  She uh didn’t trust the being who setup our runs so she was doing her own investigation.  How far to midships?”

Dr. Xan shrugged as she quickly grabbed a pistol off of the wall and after fumbling with it for a moment loaded a power pack into it, “Not sure. I’ve never been allowed any further than this area.”

 Iz’aphine plugged her newly acquired datapad into the terminal. “I’m downloading a schematic now.  Looks like it’s two sections away from where we are.”

Ar’lissa walked over to her, “I doubt our coms can reach her with all the containers interfering.  Can we patch our coms through their system?”

Iz’aphine shook her head, “Probably, but he’ll be able to pick up on it and possibly try to hack our encryption…”

Ar’lissa nodded finishing Iz’aphine’s sentence, “And he would know we escaped.”

Moria started for the door closing her visor and guard, “I’m surprised the bastard didn’t have another exit out of here.”

Dr. Xan grabbed her duffle bag as she glanced around, wishing she had time to put some armor on.  “Probably has it well hidden.”

Ar’lissa placed a hand on Iz’aphine’s shoulder, “We should get moving if we want to find her before she gets in over her head.”

Iz’aphine nodded as she closed the connection down, “Right give me a sec and I’m right behind you.” she got up and checked the schematic on her datapad, “Ok we need to hang a right out the door and then another right at the next junction.”

Moria quickly listened at the door and then cycled it open as Ar’lissa closed her visor and guard.  The ship’s alarm echoed louder in the hallway as she checked the corridor.  “Let’s move.”

The four of them had barely made it out into the corridor before four B1s marched around the corner of the junction they were headed towards.  “Intruders…” was all the lead droid managed to get out before four precise blasts nearly blew them apart as Ar’lissa reflexively called out, “Contact front!”. 

To Moria it sounded almost as fast as a repeater had fired behind her and she glanced back to see Ar’lissa in a shooter’s stance, still sighting in through her scope.  The only indication she had fired was her finger moving off of the trigger.  Ar’lissa quickly moved up, her rifle in the depressed muzzle position as she scanned for more targets.  “Tangos down. Clear.” She glanced over at Moria, “You ever breached and boarded another ship?”

Shaking off the amazed shock at what happened she responded, “In a fashion, usually with Storm Troopers.”

Ar’lissa snorted dismissively, “I’ll take point when we have any length of corridor to traverse.  Cover each other and call out as soon as you see a hostile and its direction if someone hasn’t already called it out.  We’re looking for someone who’s probably dressed the same as me so please try not to shoot her.”  

“We’ll try not to.”

Ar’lissa started moving down the corridor, keeping close to one of the walls.  Moria fell in behind her, followed by the others.  “I take it you’ve done this before?”

“Feels like a lifetime ago, but it was drilled into me enough.”

Ar’lissa moved up to the junction and quickly scanned the other corridors.  Iz’aphine looked down at her datapad, “After we make the turn, we just have to pass one junction and we’ll be amidship.”

Ar’lissa nodded and turned the corner and started moving carefully down the long corridor, her eyes constantly sweeping the junction far ahead of her.  As she got to the middle of the corridor four B2s stomped into the junction.  Ar’lissa snapped her rifle up, and taking quick aim, fired as she called out, “Contact front!”  The lead B2 exploded in a shower of sparks as Ar’lissa quickly fired three more shots before the remaining B2s could turn and bring their arms up to fire.  The blasts hit with near pinpoint precision and the remaining B2s fell to the deck, light fading from their optics.  She scanned for more targets before calling out, “Four down.”

Dr. Xan looked shocked, “I thought B2 were supposed to be tough.”

Moria shrugged, “Compared to B1s they are.  We’ve also got miss sharpshooter there picking them apart at range with her custom rifle.  The bogeywoman stories are looking less like stories.”

Ar’lissa glanced back, “Lucky shots.  Let’s keep moving.”

Moria gave Ar’lissa a look behind her mask, “You seem to have a lot of good luck for getting ambushed.” As they moved forward Ar’lissa’s and Iz’aphine’s coms came on to the sound of three clicks.  Iz’aphine glanced back down the hallway before responding with three clicks on her coms and was answered by two clicks back.  Ar’lissa let out a sigh of relief as she activated her com, “Wraith three, we’re approaching midships how copy?”

“Loud and clear.  Good to hear your voice Wraith Two.  I was worried I was going to have search container by container.”

“We’ve got a couple of additions with us.  One of whom is ‘interesting’.”  Moria shot Ar’lissa a look, but her expression was again concealed by her visor and faceplate.

“Was that you shooting?  If so, you have a couple of those roller destroyer droids heading your way.”

Iz’aphine quickly called out to the others, “We’ve got two Droidekas incoming.”

As she finished her warning, they could hear the sound of the Droidekas rolling along the grates getting louder and then switch to the mechanical sounds of their metal foot spikes as they walked out of the junction.  Ar’lissa immediately took quick aim and fired almost at the same time Iz’aphine did catching the lead Droideka before it could even turn to face them.  Ar’lissa’s more powerful blast blew one of the arms clean off as it burned deep into the torso.  Iz’aphine’s shot hit nearly the exact same spot, destroying the remaining components that were keeping the Droideka functional. 

As the one Droideka collapsed to the ground Dr. Xan fired a couple of wild shots at the other Droideka distracting it slightly as Moria ran forward slashing out with her blade and cutting into its torso as it tried to back up from her, spitting out rapid fire as it activated its shield.  Moria managed to deflect the fire harmlessly away from her and the others as Ar’lissa took careful aim and fired again.   This time the blast blew completely through the Droideka’s body causing it to tumble backwards as it shut down, it’s weapons, still locked in autofire, sprayed fire into the corridor’s ceiling as it fell back causing the lights to short out and plunged the corridors into darkness as the Droideka finally deactivated and its blasters fell silent.  Va’lana’s voice came over the coms, “About to turn down the hallway they just came from.  Everything just went dark.”

“Yeah, it was a last gasp from one of them.” Ar’lissa then quickly called out as she moved up to the junction, “Friendly coming down the right corridor they just came from!”  

Va’lana rounded the corner, her double-bladed blue-black lightsaber blades giving little light to the dark corridor.  She skidded to a halt and brought her lightsaber up defensively as she spotted Moria being illuminated by her crimson red blades.  Moria made an exasperated expression behind her helmet and shut down her lightsaber.  “Yes, for the third time I’m a scary Inquisitor lady, and we can discuss fighting each other later if you want but for now, we’re all on the same side.”

Va’lana shrugged sounding slightly sarcastic as she resumed walking down the corridor to them, blade still ignited. “Well, if that’s settled.  Let’s get the frack out of here...”

They felt the deck lurch slightly as Westbane came over intercom, “I must commend you on escaping your confinement but it’s for not.  I’ve just jumped us into hyperspace so there will be no escape.  You’ve been lucky so far, but eventually my Droidekas and my modified B2 battle droids will defeat you.”

The intercom clicked off and for a moment no one spoke.  Moria walked back over to the group, “Ok so what are our options?”

Iz’aphine waited for Va’lana to get to them.  “There are three options I can think of; we try to take the bridge, we try to sabotage the hyperdrive, or we can try to get back to our ship and blast off while we’re in hyperspace.”

Dr. Xan glanced nervously around, “I would guess he’s going to bring the bulk of his forces to the bridge to protect himself.”

Moria nodded, “Even if we get to your ship and somehow override the doors, we would be trying to fly out in front of the ship that’s traveling through hyperspace.  That sounds like all kinds of bug on a windscreen to me.”

Ar’lissa moved up to the junction and began checking the corridors it was connected to, “Then we push to the aft section and hope the defense is lighter.  Iz’aphine, you have the schematics.”

Iz’aphine quickly checked her datapad, “Ok we need to advance past two junctions and then we’ll be in the aft section.”

The group carefully moved down the corridor and passed the first junction without further incident.  The audible alarm had finally been turned off but once they got out of the darkened sections the alert lights were still flashing.  As they approached the second junction a sinister voice echoed in the corridors.  “Dr. Westbane said you might be a worthy challenge for me. I look forward to finding out.” 

A dark robed figure stepped out, the red glow of his lightsaber giving him an eerie look as Ar’lissa called out. “Contact front!” and immediately fired.  The robed figure reflexively managed to partially deflect the shot but in doing so the lightsaber emitter caught part of the bolt and nearly exploded in his hands as the rest of the bolt burned past the faltering blade and into his chest.  He barely had time to register the shock as Iz’aphine’s follow-up shot deflected off of his forearm guard shattering the control panel on it as the remainder of the bolt burned into his side.  He staggered back into the junction wall for a moment before collapsing against it.  Moria and Dr. Xan stood wide eyed as Iz’aphine quickly replaced the power pack in the blaster.  “I like this blaster, seems to have more of a punch to it.”

Moria looked over at Va’lana, “So, your job must be pretty easy when she’s around.”

Va’lana smiled behind her helmet.  “We’re not always lucky enough to have nice long shooting corridors.”

Moria shrugged, “True.”

Ar’lissa cautiously moved forward checking the corridors once she got to the junction, “Eyes up, he can’t be the only defender.”

Moria moved up to the body and knelt down, pulling back its hood to examine his face.  “Well, this was my original target.” She picked up the remains of the lightsaber and clipped it onto her belt.  She then surreptitiously reached into one of her belt pouches and pulled out a small needle from its container and poked it into his wrist, injecting the poison in the needle into his bloodstream to make sure he was beyond saving.   She then quickly began searching the rest of his body, pulling his coms device and then an injector and several vials of liquid from his belt, “Got something here.  Coms, an injector, and several vials…”  She held up one of them trying to read the label, “Some sort of antidote.”

Iz’aphine grimaced, “Great so he could have been working on some sort of bioweapon.”

Dr. Xan shrugged, “Could be that’s what he was doing with the crates in this section.”

Moria continued to study the label, “Unfortunately the name is a medical code: RXP-T4398.”

Sa’rai practically shouted in Va’lana’s head, “That’s an antidote for the Rakghoul plague!”

Va’lana’s eyes went wide as her mind flashed to the stories Sa’rai and Ra’lya had told the two of them.  She whispered, “Are you sure?”

“Definitely. Republic Medical mass produced it under RXP-T4398 and it was standard issue to anyone going near a possible hotspot as well as mass produced at medical stations for purchase.  I thought the plague had been eradicated.”

Va’lana looked over at Moria, “How old are they?”

Moria looked curiously over at Va’lana before looking back at the vial, “Looks like they expire in two galactic months.”

“Ok so they aren’t that old, which means he was worried about infection…”  Va’lana started racking her brain trying to think of a way to warn the others without having to explain how she knew what it was.  Moria retracted her faceplate and visor giving Va’lana a questioning look.  “You know what this is?”

“Possibly, something I came across during my wandering.  An old reference to that code as the antidote to something called the Rakghoul plague.”

Ar’lissa stiffened up as Ra’lya cursed in her head and nearly shouted, “You gotta be kiddin’ me!  What the hell is he doing messing with those things?”

Moria spotted Ar’lissa stiffening up, “Something you want to share with the class?”

Ar’lissa looked at Moria for a moment as Ra’lya started describing them to her before answering, “Just that I’ve heard stories about Rakghouls dating back to the Old Republic.  They say it’s bite and possibly even a scratch can infect you and once infected you undergo an agonizing transformation that can last hours or days and then you become one of them.  If not contained it could spread like wildfire.”

Moria grimaced, “Well that’s...horrifying.”  She looked over at Dr. Xan and held up one of the vials, “You think you can replicate more of this?”

Dr. Xan nodded, “I think so, if I have access to a medical lab and enough time.”

Moria stood up and strode over to Dr. Xan, handing her the vial.  “Then hold onto this one.  The others can be used if one of us gets infected.”  She quickly handed one of the remaining vials to each of the others, then turned and walked back to the body and finished searching it.  Ar’lissa continued checking the corridors when the communicator Moria took from the body clicked on.  “Aracain, what the hell is going on?  I’m getting reports of Rakghouls lose in the aft section attacking maintenance and security droids.”

Moria brought the com up near her lips sneering slightly, “I’m sorry but Aracain found he wasn’t up to the challenge.”

There was a pause on the other end before Dr. Westbane spoke again, “No matter, now it’s just a matter of whether you fall to my droid’s blasters or become Rakghoul food.  You’ll never make it to the hyperdrive alive.”

Moria looked at the others, “Oh, I’m liking our odds right now, but we might just decide to pay you a visit instead and then you’re going to wish you had taken Ar’lissa’s deal.   We’ll be seeing you soon.”  She clicked off the com and tucked it into her belt as she closed her facemask and visor.  “That should buy us a little time before he sends more droids.”

Iz’aphine nodded, “Hope so, let’s get moving.”

Ar’lissa nodded and the group quickly moved into the aft section of the ship.  It was dimly lit with emergency lighting and eerily quiet, with only maintenance droids moving about on their programed activities, seemingly paying no attention to them as they moved through.  As Iz’aphine directed them towards the hyperdrive core they began finding dead creatures and battle droids that had been ripped apart.  The air started to smell more and more of burnt flesh and plastic.  Dr. Xan moved closer to one of the dead creatures looking at it curiously, “Is that a Rakghoul?”

Va’lana nodded as she gently grabbed her shoulder, stopping her. “Matches the description I saw.  You don’t want to get too close without biohazard gear just to be safe.”

Dr. Xan nodded as her sense of self-preservation overcame her curiosity as she took a couple of steps away from it. “Good point.”

A pair of howls put everyone on alert as a pair of Rakghouls charged out of the dim lighting of one of the corridors at them.  Va’lana called out, “Contact Left!”

As Va’lana and Moria ignited their lightsabers Ar’lissa swung around, snapping her rifle up she took aim and fired.  Her shot drilled one of the Rakghouls and sent him sprawling to the deck as the other one continued charging forward with a snarl.  Va’lana stepped up into its path and swung her lightsaber in a wide arc, but her timing was off, and she missed the beast completely as it ducked under the blade.  Moria quickly moved in and just as the beast was about to swipe at Va’lana she jabbed out with her double-bladed lightsaber piercing though it’s hide and in an agile move she twirled the blade around, slashing into it with the other blade, the Rakgoul tumbled to the ground dead as Ar’lissa called out, “Tangos down.”

 Moria glanced over to Va’lana smirking behind her mask.  “A little rusty relying on Ar’lissa?”

Va’lana shrugged, trying to look nonchalant about it. “Wanted to see what you could do.”

Moria tilted her head, her tone sounded sarcastic, “Sure, you did.”  She glanced back to Iz’aphine, “Where do we go from here?”

Iz’aphine gestured to another hatchway.  “That way, it should be another 40 meters to an access hatch.”

Moria started moving toward the hatchway Iz’aphine gestured to, “It’s getting pretty narrow in here.  I’ll take the lead.”

Ar’lissa nodded following her, “Just remember I won’t have as clear a shot.”

Moria snorted, “I think the only time you don’t have a clear shot is if there’s a bulkhead in the way.”

“Firing into the chaos of melee is also problematic.”

“Noted, I’ll try to get some separation if that happens.”

Moments later Moria opened the hatchway to the hyperdrive core section and peered into the haze of the room as the hyperdrive continued to hum just below the other machine noises.  “Not seeing anything.”

She stepped into the core moving carefully around the cables hanging from the ceiling and walls.  Ar’lissa followed close behind as Va’lana and Iz’aphine moved around the other side.  “Iz’aphine, you think you can disable the hyperdrive?”

Iz’aphine nodded, “Yeah, I think so, going to need to some time to work…”

Multiple howls interrupted her, and they quickly readied their weapons as Moria called out, “Not sure how much time were going to have, I’ve got five coming at us!”



 Arlissa took up a firing stance.  “I see them!”  She took aim and fired, sending one sprawling backwards dead as the other four raced past the fallen beast.  The new leader of the pack charged at Moria, swinging wildly causing Moria to take a step back to avoid the blows as Va’lana quickly moved around closer to support Moria, engaging one of the other charging Rakghouls.  With two deft slices of her double-bladed lightsaber it fell dead at her feet as the third Rakghoul got to her and lashed out with its claws, raking them across her armor trying to find a weak spot but before it could Va’lana slashed out with one of the blades, forcing to recoil back as Iz’aphine fired at the last Rakghoul charging through the hatch, catching it in the side and causing it to stumble slightly as Dr. Xan sent a couple of wild shots in its direction trying to dissuade it from continuing to advance, but it just staggered forward trying to lunge at Moria as she stepped towards the Rakgoul that had missed her and nearly cut it in half with an efficient swing of her double-bladed lightsaber.   The lunging Rakgoul lashed out wildly with its claws but only managed to have them glance off of her reinforced Inquisitors unform as she partially twisted out of its path causing it to stumble past her.  Taking advantage of the situation Moria quickly swung her lightsaber around as the Rakgoul passed, driving the blade into the Rakgoul’s back, it continued towards the others for another half step before falling to the ground dead.

The remaining Rakgoul seemed oblivious to the fact that the rest of had been cut down, still swiping at Va’lana trying to find a weak point but its claws only finding the armored plates.  Va’lana responded with a quick double slash of her double-bladed lightsaber, and it dropped to the ground spasming for a moment as the last of its life left it.  Iz’aphine quickly moved over to the control console and started working.  “Do you think that was the last of them?”

A couple of faint howls echoing through the hatchways followed by rapid blaster shots seemed to answer her question.  Moria glanced back to her, “Nope.  I’m starting to think I know what happened to the other test subjects.”

Iz’aphine cursed as she worked on the computer and Dr. Xan moved over to her, “What’s the matter?”

Iz’aphine gestured to the screen and the red failure messages popping up. “He’s set up some type of strong firewalls to prevent unauthorized access from in here.  I don’t think he really trusted the other guy.”

Dr. Xan nodded as she studied the readouts.  “Did you try an asymmetric algorithm solo, or did you put in some decoys?”

Iz’aphine glanced at Dr. Xan and nodded, “Tried just the asymmetric algorithm.  Let me couple it with a brute force symmetric attack decoy...and that did it!  I can trip the safeties into thinking there’s a mass shadow.”

Ar’lissa nodded as she continued scanning the hatches, “Can you disable it so he can’t jump again?”

“I can try.”

Moria gestured with her lightsaber, “If you can’t let’s be ready for the 400-meter sprint.”

 Iz’aphine typed in some commands, “Ok, bringing us out in three, two, one.”

The ship felt like it shuttered under their feet as the Demios dropped out of hyperspace and the machine noises around them subsided.  Iz’pahine finished what she was doing, “Ok, I’ve got him locked out of the hyperdrive for now unless he comes here.  Let’s get moving.”

The group quickly moved out of the aft section of the ship and back into the latticework of corridors the various cargo containers attached to.  Looking down the corridor they saw a Droideka standing at the other end of the corridor, blocking their direct access to the bow.  Ar’lissa called out, “Contact front!  Take cover!”

The Droideka’s shields shimmered to life and its weapons started tracking them as they took cover at the access point.  Dr. Xan peeked around the corner curiously, “Why hasn’t it fired?”

Ar’lissa smiled evilly behind her helmet.  “We’re out of its weapon’s range.”

Moria nodded looking down the corridor, “Were out of most blaster’s range.  You know if we try to go around it’ll just move, it may have more friends coming as we speak.”

Ar’lissa dropped to a kneeling position and took aim through the scope of her rifle, adjusting the nobs.  Moria looked down at her, “I doubt it’s going to come to…”

 Ar’lissa let out a breath and gently squeezed the trigger.  The shot ripped down the corridor, piercing both the Droideka’s shield and its armor, shattering internal components.  The Droideka staggered for a moment like a punch-drunk fighter before it collapsed to the deck.  The others looked at Ar’lissa in shock as she stood up, her weapon trained for a few more moments on the downed Droideka to make sure it stayed down before almost casually calling out. “Tango down.”

  Moria dramatically looked down the corridor and then back at Ar’lissa in disbelief, “I did say most.”  As Ar’lissa started down the corridor Moria fell in behind Ar’lissa, “And by the way, you don’t help the case that you’re not the mythic bogeywoman when you shoot like that.”

 Ar’lissa grimaced behind her helmet as they continued to move quickly down the corridor, “Lucky shot.  I figured it would take a few tries to hit it much less put it down.”

Moria sounded sarcastic as she replied, “Uh huh.  You’re a terrible liar, insane shot, but a terrible liar.”

They continued down the corridor, checking each junction but to their surprise there didn’t seem to be any further patrols.  “You think he pulled all the droids back to the bridge?”

Moria tilted her head slightly, “If he has any active security cameras, I think that’s probably a good bet after what we’ve done.”

Iz’aphine pulled out her commlink, “I’m going to try and raise Two-Vee.”  She clicked her com three times and paused, listening, as they proceeded forward.  She tried one more time and was rewarded with a quick three clicks back.  She responded with two clicks and moments later Two-Vee’s voice came over the coms.  “Thank the maker!  Are you all ok?”

“We are Two-Vee, glad to hear your voice as well.  We have Va’lana and two additional beings with us and we’re headed back to you.”

“The droids guarding the cockpit left and I have run a cursory scan of the interior of the ship and can confirm there are no further intruders or devices on the ship.”

“Good to hear.  We’re almost to the bay ourselves.  Any hostile bots in the bay?”

“There are some of the of the larger biped droids near the small shuttle in the bay and I saw someone run into it earlier.  I think their prepping it for launch.”

Ar’lissa scowled behind her mask picking up her pace to almost a run, “He does NOT escape…”

Moria and the others quickly caught up to her, “Your feelings are clouding your judgement.  Anger can be useful, but rage clouds the mind.  You can’t get your revenge if your dead.”

Va’lana nodded in agreement as the rest ran to catch up. “Surprisingly, I agree with the feelings part of what Moria said.”

Ra’lya also chimed in in Ar’lissa’s head, “Remember my warning about the darkness.”

Iz’aphine softly pleaded, “Please, he’s not worth it.”

Two-Vee interrupted the conversation, “Mistress, I will get on the dorsal turret and try to stop it.”

Ar’lissa took a deep breath as she slowed back down to a more tactical speed, “Belay that.  If you ground the shuttle, he may try to force his way aboard our ship to take it, you don’t have the firepower to repel his droids if they get aboard.  Make sure our ship is buttoned up until we arrive and prep for immediate launch.”

“Right away mistress.”

Iz’aphine’s face became a mixture of loving relief.  “Thank you.”

Ar’lissa nodded, her expression softening for a moment before a new determination came over it as a thought suddenly occurred to her.  She started picking up the pace again.  “I should be thanking you, but we should get moving faster anyway.  If he’s abandoning ship, he might have set some sort of self-destruct or remote detonation.”

“Sith spit!”


Iz’aphine almost yelled out as they came as close to running through the bay passages as beings could, “Two-vee!  Scan the exterior for any anomalies!”

“Yes ma’am.  Scanning now.”


The group made it into the bay just as the Rho-1 was heading through the magnetic field.  Ar’lissa acting on impulse more than anything else snap fired at the Rho-1.  The blast hit it just under the tail section, burning through the armor and causing sparks to fly.  The ship immediately started into an uncontrolled spin as it finished passing through the magnetic field.  Ar’lissa’s expression was a mixture of surprise and disbelief for a moment before turning into a malicious grin as she continued running for the Wandering Star, it’s ramp already descending back down to the deck.  “Something to remember us by.”

Moria nodded “Dam straight!  We might even get a crack at him now before he jumps.”

As they ran up the ramp Ar’lissa responded. “One can hope.”

As Ar’lissa and Va’lana ran into the cockpit as Iz’aphine pointed to the seats in the lounge.  “Strap in!”

Moria grabbed her shoulder, “Let me take a turret.”

Iz’aphine pointed to the shaft for the dorsal controls, “The dorsal turret has the laser cannons.”

Moria nodded as she ran over to the shaft as they could feel the ship quickly lifting off.  She jumped onto the ladder and quickly climbed up to the turret controls, strapping in as Iz’aphine and Two-Vee took their seats.  “I didn’t detect any anomalies using the ship’s sensors.”

“Good to hear.”

The Wandering Star shot out of the bay banking hard in the direction Ar’lissa saw the Rho-1 spiral in.  Va’lana quickly checked the scopes.  “Got his ship on short-range sensors trying to bug out of here.”

Ar’lissa banked the ship hard towards the Rho-1 lining up a shot with the advanced targeting array, her expression one of angry determination.  “I’ve got him.” She pulled the trigger and twin lasers shot out, burning through the shield and nearly hulling the smaller ship, its engines starting to flicker and die.  Moria swung the Ventral turret around and lined up her shot also using the advanced targeting array.  She pulled the trigger and the triple blasts of the turret’s laser cannons shot out towards the stricken Rho-1 once again burning into the hull and nearly turning the Rho-1 into smoking wreck, but to their shock there was a flicker of pseudo motion and the Rho-1 leapt into hyperspace leaving a trail of debris behind it.

Ar’lissa continued to look on in shock for a moment and then cursed as she reached for the hyperdrive controls.  Va’lana quietly hissed at her, whispering. “No!  Not with the Inquisitor on board.”

Ar’lissa hesitated and then pulled her hand back to the other controls, “Let’s calculate his trajectory, see where he was headed.”

Va’lana nodded as she started the calculations.  “We’ll get him, don’t…” she was interrupted by the ship’s proximity warning sensors as a Star Destroyer came out of hyperspace almost right on top of them.  Ar’lissa quickly broke hard to starboard, rolling away from the ventral side of the huge ship.  “This is the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera to all ships.  Hold your position or be fired upon.  I repeat all ships hold station.”

Ar’lissa glanced back at Va’lana who shook her head.  Moria got on the intercom, “Patch me into the coms.”

Va’lana hesitated for a moment and then patched her into the coms.  “This is the Eleventh Sister on board the Wandering Star to Chimaera.   We are in pursuit of a criminal that fled the Demios.”

There was a pause and then a cool male voice came on, “This is Admiral Thrawn.  I trust you have credentials to prove your identity.”

Moria started unstrapping herself, “Let me get out of the turret and up to the cockpit and I’ll transmit them.”

“No need, you may present them when you’re aboard the Chimaera.  We will tractor you in shortly.”

Ar’lissa grimaced, flexing her hands on the controls as Moria responded.  “He just jumped away.  We have a limited window to pursue him.”

“Your craft is not equipped to capture him at his destination without our help.  I will explain more when you have been brought on board and your identity confirmed.”

Moria tilted her head slightly, “Now I’m intrigued.  With any other Admiral I normally would put in a threat about not wasting my time, but your reputation proceeds you.”

Ar’lissa sighed looking nervous as she slowly turned their ship towards the Chimaera, powering down the weapons and shields as Thrawn responded, “Thank you.  You came from the Demios I take it?”

Moria reflexively nodded, “We did.  We also though it would have self-destructed by now with his departure.”

Va’lana and Ar’lissa watched as the Chimaera rolled slightly and began firing ion shots at the Demios, hitting the aft section with precision she hadn't seen in a Star Destroyer before. Thrawn continued, “We are reading a possible cascade failure in the reactor and several containers are now detonating so your assumption is not wrong.  We are attempting to disable that section.”

Ar’lissa gripped the controls a little tighter as she interjected, “Do we need to get clear?”

“The current explosions appear to be designed to eliminate evidence rather than cause wider destruction.  However, we will begin to move away as soon as we have you in our tractor beam to be safe if we fail to neutralize the overload.  I will see you onboard, Chimaera out.”

Ar’lissa felt the ship shutter as the Chimaera’s tractors caught it.  She quickly shut down the engines, “Well, we’re in it now.”

On board the Chimaera Admiral Thrawn walked to the aft turbolifts with Lieutenant Commander Eli Vanto following close behind.  “…Have ready pilot’s ready room 4 prepped for our guests.”

Eli nodded logging the order in, “Yes sir.  I pulled up the information on the Wandering Star.  It was formally the Scarred Messenger, used by a group of raiders involved in several incidents near the Outer Rim.”

Thrawn nodded, “You said formally the Scarred Messenger, why was the name changed?”

“Looks like the raiders we’re reported killed during an altercation and the ship was taken over by two Pantorian women who were involved in defeating them, Arlissa and Izaphine.”  Eli noticed that Thrawn actually looked surprised for a moment when he mentioned Arlissa as if he recognized the name, but he had already recovered as Eli continued.  “They went through a lot of bureaucracy and credits to get the name changed and claim ownership of it.  It’s now listed as an independent trader, no serious record since then but it’s noted the ship has some restricted modifications from its prior owners that need to be removed.”

Thrawn raised an eyebrow. “Like the Nightshadow coating?”

“Yes sir, that is one of the items listed.”

“It will be interesting to hear why this Inquisitor was on a civilian vessel.”  He turned back to the bridge, “Commander Faro, status of the Demios?”

Faro quickly checked one of the displays, “The ship has been disabled and the cascade failure in the reactor seems to have stopped sir.  Shall I send over a boarding party?”

“Not just yet.  I want to hear what the crew of the Wandering Star have to say about it first, just make sure it stays disabled.  Contact the Shyrack and have them come to our current location at once, they will head up the recovery effort.”

“Yes sir.”

Thrawn turned back to the turbo lifts, “Now Commander, let us go see if we can shed some more light on this mystery.”

On board the Wandering Star Ar’lissa and Va’lana walked out of their rooms to where the others were standing. Moria gestured to them, “Good, I would have suggested stowing anything that could be considered ‘controversial’.  Shall we go out and greet our hosts?”

Ar’lissa sighed as they walked to the ramp and Two-Vee activated it, “So much for staying off the scopes.”

Moria confidently strode down the ramp and out onto the Chimaera’s hanger deck.  Thrawn and Eli were flanked by two squads of Storm Troopers.  Moria reached into her belt and pulled out her code cylinder as she approached them.  “Admiral, this should confirm my identity.”

Eli took the code cylinder and slipped it into the ID reader as Moria reached up and pressed the button to retract her face shield and visor as Eli verified her identity.  “It checks out ma’am.”  He took the code cylinder out and handed it back to her.  To his surprise she politely took it back instead of swiping it out of his hands.  “I appreciate the prudency.  Most of my brothers and sisters will probably not.”

Thrawn nodded, “They also wouldn’t be travelling on a civilian ship.”

Moria inclined her head, “True.  The circumstances are certainly unique, but where are my manners?”  She gestured to each one as she spoke their names, “The fully armored individuals are Iz’aphine, Ar’lissa, and Va’lana.  They are the crew of the Wandering Star along with their droid who I hadn’t had a chance to be formally introduced to, but I believe is referred to as Two-Vee.  The Falleen is Dr. Sivul Xan, who was forced to work on the Demios and was helpful in our efforts on the ship.  All of us would like to apprehend or eliminate the owner of the Demios who calls himself ‘Doctor’ Westbane, but he jumped to hyperspace in a critically damaged Rho-1 just before you arrived.”

Eli noticed Thrawn was studying the armor that Ar’lissa and Va’lana were wearing as he gestured to the ready room, “Indeed, and I believe I know his destination.  If you would all follow me, we can discuss our best course of action.”

Ar’lissa and Va’lana looked at each other for a moment, their concerned expressions hidden behind the visor and face shield, before quickly falling in with the others.  He led them into the ready room that had been prepared for them.  Moria noted that no guards followed them in as the door slid shut behind Thrawn and Eli.  Thrawn’s eyes narrowed at Ar’lissa, “Before we begin, I’d like to hear what happened on the Demios.”

Moria gave him a look, “I was ordered to track down a rouge force user and eliminate him.  I tracked him to the Demios…”

Thrawn listened to Moria’s quick retelling as Moria placed a vial of the antidote on the table.   Both Ar’lissa and Va’lana were revealed when she left out their possession and use of lightsabers.  He turned to Ar’lissa, “Why was your ship there?”

Iz’aphine started to speak, “We are independent….”

Thrawn smoothly interrupted, “I want to hear it from Ar’lissa.”

Ar’lissa seemed a little surprised, “Uh, Sir, as Iz’aphine started to say we’re an independent transport.  We were given a job to transport specialized medical supplies to the Demios.  Everything seemed on the up and up until it wasn’t.  He had two modified Droidekas hidden in crates attack us, I wasn’t good enough to stop them and we were both stunned.  Two-vee then locked down our ship per our instructions.  Pretty much after that our paths linked up with the Eleventh Sister as she said.”

Thrawn nodded and activated his coms, “Commander Faro, status of the Demios?”

“Still disabled sir.  I ordered a barrage of Ion fire at the bow to keep that section disabled as well.”

“Very good.  Have Major Ayer send over two boarding teams, make him aware that they will be facing battle droids including Droidekas as well as the possibility of loose Rakghouls so he should equip his teams appropriately.  Make him aware they have a fatally infectious claws as well as their bite.  They are to secure the ship so when the Shyrack arrives it may send a tech team over to get it running again.  They are then to take the ship to the shipyards at Corella for further repairs and analysis.  Make the jump to hyperspace once the Shyrack arrives and has their updated orders.”

“Yes sir.”

Moria looked at him, “What about Westbane?”

“The Shyrack will be arriving momentarily to continue the recovery operation.  Once they arrive, we will be heading to rendezvous with the rest of my task force for the operation.”  Thrawn punched up the tactical showing several old CIS warships and two small freighters orbiting a small space station.  “This is where Westbane is heading to.”

Moria tilted her head slightly, “You know this how?”

“We intercepted a freighter attempting to return to the station.  The container had illegal weapons as well as cages that contained several of the Rakghoul creatures.  We were backtracking the ship’s origin to this point.  It was fortuitus that you brought the Demios out of hyperspace at this location.” 

The other’s eyes went wide as Dr. Xan gestured, “There’s no telling how many of those things are on that station.  Dr. Westbane made me work on a number of test subjects.”

Thrawn updated the display, “The prisoners indicated the Rakghouls are being moved to the smaller warships and freighters.”

Ar’lissa practically growled out, “They’re going to use them as bioterror weapons.”

Thrawn nodded, his expression hardening. “Indeed, and without the antidote that you have the loss of life would be catastrophic.”

Dr. Xan grimaced, “It will take time to replicate the antidote for mass deployment to worlds.  They still have plenty of time to make it catastrophic.”

Thrawn nodded to her, “Which is why we have to stop them now.  The Wandering Star will be critical in my plan.”

The others looked slightly confused as Ar’lissa spoke, “Sir?”

“Your ship’s Nightshadow coating, Wisperthrust Engine, and Advanced Subspace Encryption Array.  It’s a good thing you haven’t removed them yet per the Bureau of Ships and Services instructions.”  Ar’lissa and Iz’aphine grimaced as Thrawn continued, “All ships and the station are using passive sensors to limit their chance of detection.  Your ship can slip through undetected to the station and destroy its short-range transmitter which will stop them from sending orders to the droid ships.  My taskforce will then engage and disable or destroy the transports and then the warships while you slip into the station’s hanger bay.”

Ar’lissa studied the display, “They don’t have any fighter patrols?”

“They do but there is a blind spot in their coverage.”  Thrawn manipulated the display so it showed a red path through the perimeter and to the station with the transmitter highlighted at the end.  Ar’lissa nodded as she studied the route, “It’s difficult but not impossible, we can do it.  The problem is if they have an alert sensor operator on the station, they could still detect us before we hit our effective weapons range.”

“They are not paying attention to their inner security.  They are relying too much on the outer ships and fighter patrols.”

Moria looked at the map, “Won’t they shut the blast doors?”

“Not initially, the bay is their only means to launch ships.  If they close it, they will be trapped in the station with only escape pods.  I believe they will try to evacuate as soon as you hit the transmitter as the station has limited defensive capability.  You will take two squads of Storm Troopers with you.  They will help you secure the bay and then advance and secure the bridge and engineering.”

Iz’aphine grimaced, “We don’t have the seats for that many, and this calls for Ar’lissa to pull off some complex maneuvers at speed.”

“Our technicians will modify your cargo harnesses for that purpose.  Any further questions?”  He looked at their faces which seemed to be showing a mixture of surprise and disbelief.  “I’ll have quarters provided for Dr. Xan and the Inquisitor; I trust the rest of you will want to get your ship prepped while we travel.”

“We will sir.” As they got up and prepared to leave Thrawn gestured to Ar’lissa, “A moment Ar’lissa if you will.”  He turned to Eli, “Commander, please take our guests to their quarters and make the appropriate preparations.  I will join you shortly.”

Eli gave him a questioning look for a moment but nodded, “Yes sir.”

Ar’lissa watched nervously as the others filed out and Iz’aphine gave her one last glance before the door closed.  Thrawn’s eyes narrowed slightly as he spoke in Cheunh, <I take it Iz’aphine and Va’lana are also Chiss.>

Ar’lissa nodded as she retracted her facemask and visor, not sure what she should say as Thrawn continued, <How did you lose your family status?>

Ar’lissa sighed, it felt weird to speak Cheunh outside of Iz’aphine and Va’lana especially on an Imperial Star Destroyer, <For my actions, which broke protocol, I was made an Agent of the Ascendancy and sent to Lesser Space to hunt the Grysk and their surrogates.  Iz’aphine is an Agent as well.  Va’lana is a bit of a longer story, and one I can’t talk about on an Imperial warship, but she works with us.>

Thrawn looked at her strangely, <Has the Council changed their policy?>

Ar’lissa shook her head, <No sir, but there are several Admirals who believe that the Grysk threat is serious enough to bend the rules.  I would also guess that we are all individuals who can be disavowed if captured or killed.>

Thrawn nodded looking thoughtful, <And what have you uncovered so far?>

Ar’lissa shrugged, <We’ve uncovered some surrogates but I’m just a warrior, those we capture get taken to the interrogators.>  She looked down for a moment trying to decide if she should tell him anymore but then looked up, <The problem is we have had at least one higher level agent that was corrupted by the Grysk and tried to interfere with our operations.  We learned of this when Iz’aphine was compromised on an information gathering mission.  We managed to recover the data and eliminated two armored Grysk near the edge of Lesser Space.   Apparently, their operation was both important and sensitive enough that they actually sent warships in and destroyed several civilian ships to try and cover it up.  They gave chase to us, but we managed to give them the slip before returning and uncovering the identity of the corrupted agent.>

Thrawn nodded, <That is indeed troubling, but not surprising.  Thank you for being honest with me.  When you served under my command you were on track to become a promising markswoman and now you’re a pilot?>

Ar’lissa nodded, <I still have been perfecting my rifle accuracy, but there was a need for a pilot in the group I was associated with for a time. I’m honestly surprised you remembered me sir.>

<Of course, you served aboard the Springhawk through the Sunrise incident, volunteering to accompany me even off of the ship.  You were also one of the few warriors who knew about the Skywakers from the start.  I assumed it was because you were one.>

 Ar’lissa nodded again, <I was.>

<And how exactly did you and Va’lana come across ancient Chiss Commando Armor?>

 Ar’lissa grimaced, <It’s a long story involving a crypt in lesser space, but it’s actually my ancestral armor as Va’lana’s armor is hers.> She looked down at the table for a moment, when she didn’t hear a follow-up question she asked, <So what happens to us after this is all over?>

Thrawn raised an eyebrow, <That is an interesting question.  You unknowingly aided in a bioterror plot and have not removed the restricted equipment from your ship.  But you have been cooperative and your assistance in stopping this threat will go a long way towards balancing the scales.  We will speak more after this engagement is over, but for now we both need to prepare for our roles in the coming conflict.  Warrior’s fortune be with you.>

<And with you as well sir.>

Ar’lissa closed her faceplate and visor before she followed him out.  She wanted to say so much more about what was possibly to come but knew deep down she couldn’t.  She just turned and headed for her ship.


A few minutes later Thrawn walked onto the bridge and spotted Moria standing on the command walkway gazing thoughtfully out into the hyperspace swirl.  Faro walked up to him, “Sir, she came up a few minutes ago and asked what our ETA was and then walked to the end of the command walkway.”

Thrawn nodded, “Thank you Commander.  How does she seem?”

Faro looked down the walkway for a moment. “Not what I was expecting sir.  She doesn’t seem to carry the arrogance and self-importance that seems to prevail among the other Inquisitors.”

“Yes, she does seem unusual for an Inquisitor.  Any word from the rest of the taskforce?”

Faro nodded bringing up the information on her datapad. “They are still holding station and the scouts have seen no change since the damaged Aro-1 arrived and was then tractored into the station, which would confirm that the bulk freighter was indeed involved.  The Shyrack reported the boarding crews have secured the ship, but they had to deploy additional troops and took several casualties against the battle droids.  They didn’t encounter any living Rakghouls but found several corpses.  The repair teams are making progress with getting the bulk freighter functional.  Its mainframes, unfortunately, were completely destroyed.” 

Thrawn gave her a nod, “Thank you Commander.”  He calmly walked down the walkway to Moria.  She glanced over to him, “I’ve always loved the swirl of hyperspace.  How did your talk with Ar’lissa go?”

Thrawn started to study her face, trying to get a read on her. “It was enlightening.”

Moria smirked, “I’m sure.  Before I was reassigned to this most recent task, I was tracking a ship that has been causing a bit of trouble for the Empire.  I believe that Ar’lissa was the pilot for that ship for a time.”

Thrawn’s eyes narrowed, “Really?”

Moria nodded, “I also believe she was also the group’s markswoman.  There was a lot of chatter recently about it being stories and legends to make up for incompetence, but my experience hunting the ship and working with her on the Demios tells me otherwise.  She has a talent and natural ability a rare few achieve and very little hubris about it, which is unusual.  I also believe that Iz’aphine was also involved with the group briefly as well.”

Thrawn stared out into the hyperspace swirl, “Interesting.”

Moria smirked broadened a little, “It is a quandary that’s for sure.  If I had brought it up when we were in the ready room it would have been easier to arrest them, but then we would have lost the use of a decent pilot and possibly the Wandering Star.”

Thrawn raised an eyebrow as he looked over at her, “You don’t want them arrested.”

Moria’s smirk turned into a small smile, “Your right, I don’t.  Most of the other Inquisitors are backstabbing and power hungry, trying to curry favor with Lord Vader and take the top spot.  I like to think that I see the broader picture and they were extremely helpful on the Demios.” 

She turned to Thrawn, her face stern. “If they succeed well enough, they will be free to leave as a reward and, if necessary, I’ll track them down another time.  If not…well if we survive, I need you to come up with a plan to arrest them that will involve the least amount of carnage.”

“As you wish.”

Moria nodded and turned to head back down the walkway.  “I will be joining the boarding team.  I want to be there for the outcome.”


 Ten minutes later Ar’lissa watched as the Storm Troopers marched into the hold and started strapping into drop harnesses.  Moria stood next to her watching as well, “Admiral Thrawn certainly can come up with some crazy plans.”

Ar’lissa shrugged, “Timing’s going to be tight, but if he says it will work it’ll work.”

 Moria cocked her head to the side looking at Ar’lissa, she couldn’t read the other’s expression because of the closed helmet but she could hear something in her tone, a possible familiarity with Thrawn? “You seem confident.”

Ar’lissa reflexively nodded, “My only worry is the two squads won’t be enough.  If they’ve got Droidekas it could get nasty.”

“That’s why I want you, Iz’aphine, and Dr. Xan to come with me...”

Ar’lissa turned to her as she continued, “The four of us should see this through.”

Iz’aphine walked up behind them as Ar’lissa nodded, “I can’t speak for anyone else, but I want to see that bastard pay.”

Iz’aphine nodded, “I’m in as well.”

“We just need to talk to Dr. Xan before we drop out of hyperspace.”

To their surprise Dr. Xan walked up the ramp and passed the Storm Troopers.  “I know I can’t shoot the broad side of a bantha but I want to be a part of this operation.  I need to see Westbane pay.”

Moria smiled, “We were just about to try and track you down and ask.”

Ar’lissa nodded and turned to the cockpit, “Well I have to get ready to get this show on the road.  You guys better get strapped in and figure out who’s on the turrets.”

Ar’lissa climbed into the cockpit and quickly strapped in.  Va’lana looked at her as she started the preflight sequence.  “You’re going to join the boarding team?”

Ar’lissa nodded starting her part of the preflight, “I have to see it through.  He can’t be allowed to harm anyone else.”

Va’lana sounded concerned, “I know, and I want to come with you, but I won’t be as effective without my, uh, specialized weapon.”

Ar’lissa tried to sound reassuring, “I think someone should stay behind with Two-Vee anyway, help protect the ship.”

Va’lana smirked behind her helmet, “And come to your aid when things go sideways like last time.”

Ar’lissa snorted, “There is always that possibility.”

They finished their preflight just as their com came on, “Wandering Star, we have exited hyperspace and you are cleared for launch.  Good luck and good hunting!”

Ar’lissa clicked the coms as she eased on the repulser lifts, “Good hunting to you as well.”

Moments later the Wandering Star flew out of the bay and started towards the station.  Ar’lissa clicked on the internal com as she throttled up.  “We’re approaching the start of our ingress point, everyone brace for aggressive maneuvering.”  She clicked the com over to her secure channel to the Chimaera, “Chimaera, this is the Wandering Star.  We will be starting our ingress on my mark.  Three, two, one, Mark.” Ar’lissa pushed the throttle to near maximum speed as Va’lana started the countdown timer.

“Acknowledged Wandering Star the clock has started, we’re jumping back to the assembly point.”

Ar’lissa’s hands stayed steady on the controls as she followed the heading right towards the largest of the ships.  “On your count Val.”

Va’lana checked her readouts as she adjusted the power distribution, “First maneuver in three, two, one, mark!”

Ar’lissa quickly banked the ship hard to the port side and then rolled it, pulling hard on the controls she reversed the bank, so she was heading between two of the warships on the precise path they needed to be.  “We’re good, no sign of detection, fighters are still on their patrol path.  Second course change maneuver in thirty seconds.”

Ar’lissa nodded, “How’s our time look?”

“We’re on time….”  She checked one of her readouts, “Got a fluctuation in the starboard engine, adjusting, ok it’s good.”

The next few seconds ticked by quietly before Va’lana quietly called out, “Stand by for second maneuver on my mark.  Three, two, one, mark!”

Ar’lissa pulled up on the controls and banked hard to starboard before pitching the ship up and rolling it so they were heading straight for their target on the station.  Va’lana checked the passive sensors again, “We’re clear and on vector for a clean shot.  Throttle down to at least 3/5th or we’ll be easier to detect.”

Ar’lissa pulled the throttle back, “Dropping to 3/5th throttle. How long until they can start detecting us?”

“Twenty seconds.  We’re another thirty seconds after that to effective weapons range at this speed.  Let’s hope the Wisperthrust Engine works.”

The time seemed to slowly tick by and Ar’lissa contemplated taking a longer shot using the advanced targeting array but looking at the mission clock it would be too early and Thrawn’s plans usually involved precision timing.  She turned her attention back to keeping on the proper course. “Tell me when the countdown hits zero.”

Va’lana reflexively nodded, “Ten seconds!”  She checked the scopes one last time.  “No sign they’re alerted, their shields are still down.  Fire in three, two, one, mark!”

Ar’lissa had already locked in the transmitter in the advanced targeting array, she made a slight tweak in the course and squeezed the trigger.  The twin heavy lasers streaked out making a direct hit on the antenna, shattering it in a fiery explosion.  On cue, Thrawn’s taskforce jumped in right on top of the other ships.  The Chimaera opened fire with pinpoint accuracy, disabling the two transports before engaging the other ships.

Ar’lissa rolled the ship as she dove hard for the bay calling out on the intercom, “Heading for the bay!”

Va’lana quickly adjusted the power output, “Let’s hope he’s right about them leaving it open…and that its only ray shielded.”

Ar’lissa throttled back the ships speed as they approached the hanger, “More worried about our speed right now, this is going to be a hot landing...” She clicked on the intercom, “Everyone brace for a hard touchdown!”

Ar’lissa rolled the ship and pitched it up as they entered the bay, trying to bleed off as much speed as she could before cutting power to the engines and switching to replusers as Va’lana deployed the landing skids.  The Wandering Star bounced hard on the deck and then skidded with the shriek of metal on metal for a few meters before coming to a rest.  She could see various beings running around the deck trying to get to various craft, skidding to a halt at their surprise arrival.   She called out into the coms, “We’re down!”

The Storm Troopers hit the quick release on their harnesses and as the ramp dropped, they charged out weapons blazing.  The beings in the hanger did their best to take cover and return fire but many were caught flat footed and cut down before they could even fully draw their blasters.  Those that could began quickly retreating towards the hatchways as Ar’lissa unstrapped from the pilot’s seat.  Va’lana nodded to her, “Warrior’s fortune.”

“You as well.”

Iz’aphine readied her blaster as she and Dr. Xan joined Moria at the ramp.  Moria flicked on both blades of her lightsaber and started striding confidently down the ramp, “Let’s join the party.” 

Ar’lissa shook her head and sighed, “Dr. Xan you might want to wait until we’ve secured the bay.”

Dr. Xan nodded, “Right, not getting shot would be ideal.”

Ar’lissa started down the ramp, taking a quick shot that drilled one of the defenders firing at them from the cover of a hatchway.  The Storm Troopers had started to fan out into squads of four firing into the other hatchways as Moria used the force to grab a large crate and slammed it into another group of defenders near what looked to be a Y-Wing.  Iz’aphine scanned around the bay as the last of the defenders retreated down the corridors behind the hatchways.  She quickly checked her datapad and then pointed towards one of the now empty hatchways.  “The quickest way to the bridge is that way!”

Ar’lissa nodded as she scanned the bay, not seeing any more hostiles she gestured back up the ramp, “Dr. Xan we’re moving.”  Ar’lissa tapped on her com, “Val, we’ve got casualties down here, can you and Two-Vee get them up into the ship and give them first aid?”

Va’lana unstrapped and got up from the copilot’s seat with a surprised look, “You’re talking about the Storm Troopers?”

Ar’lissa lowered her voice as they moved to the hatchway Iz’aphine had indicated, her tone was slightly sarcastic, “Yes, they are our allies on this mission.  I’m not saying you can’t take care of other casualties but if you want even a small chance in the Chaos of us not ending up in a prison, we need to take care of those were currently allied with.”  Ar’lissa’s expression hardened, “Also remember these bastards we’re fighting were going to use bioweapons that would have affected civilians.”


Ar’lissa and the others followed a team of stormtroopers as they made their way through the passages and Ar’lissa grimaced every time they charged around a corner or past a hatchway instead of checking it.  She finally couldn’t take it any more and called out as they charged through another junction, “Slow down and check openings! You’re going to get killed racing ahead like that!”

One of the Storm Troopers condescendingly called back, “We know what we’re doing, we have them on the run!” Another said, “The bridge is just around this corner.” 

Taking Ar’lissa’s advice, Moria started slowing her pace and as she did a wall of blaster fire erupted cutting down the four storm troopers as they charged around the corner.  Ar’lissa cursed as she brushed past Moria to the corner and peaked around to spot the Droideka and two slightly larger B2s blocking access to the bridge.  She quickly took aim and fired at the Droideka.  The blast blew through its shield, burning into its chassis, it staggered for a moment trying to stay upright before collapsing to the ground as Iz’aphine dashed to the other side of the corridor.  Taking quick aim she fired at one of the B2, the blast burning into its armor and damaging some of the internal components.  As the B2s started tracking targets Moria charged down the hallway as Dr. Xan fired a wild shot at the B2.  With two quick slashes of her double-bladed lightsaber the B2 that Iz’aphine hit split apart into pieces.  She turned to the remaining B2 just as it leveled its wrist blaster nearly point blank and fired a burst at her, but Moria managed to deflect the blasts away from herself with only one of them grazing her armor as Ar’lissa’s next shot nearly blew the B2 into dust.  “Tangos down.”

Moria gestured to them to move up to the door and as they passed the Storm Trooper bodies Dr. Xan stopped to check and see if any of them were still alive.  “They’ve locked the door.”

Iz’aphine nodded as she pulled out her tools. “On it, give me a moment.”

Ar’lissa took up position on the other side of the door, checking down the corridor.  “I was expecting more resistance.”

Moria nodded, “I was too given the number of defenders in the bay.”

The door control panel light when from red to green and Ar’lissa looked back at Dr. Xan.  “Doctor, you might want to take cover.”

Dr. Xan nodded, quickly moving out of view of the doorway as Iz’aphine hit the door release and as the door slid open.  Ar’lissa poked her head around the corner and was greeted by a single blaster shot that went wild.  Moria rushed through the doorway and using the force, pulled the blaster pistol out of the terrified tech’s hands.  The others started reaching for their weapons but Ar’lissa and Iz’aphine pointed their weapons at them as they pushed in, and the others in the room quickly threw their hands up.  “Where’s Westbane?” Moria growled as she threatened one of them with her blade.  The tech looked terrified as she pointed to the far corner of the room where there was a large locker as Dr. Xan entered the room.  Ar’lissa leveled her blaster at the door of the locker and nodded to Moria.  Moria gestured to the locker door and using the force, yanked it open.  Westbane quickly leveled a rifle at Ar’lissa and fired at the same time Ar’lissa and Iz’aphine did.  His bolt went wild as Ar’lissa’s shot nearly gutted him as Iz’aphine’s shot hit him squarely in the shoulder piercing clean through.  Westbane tumbled forward to the deck unconscious, his rifle clattering on the deck as it fell from his hands.  Moria nodded to both of them as she activated her coms.  “This is the Eleventh Sister, we’ve secured the bridge.”

A Storm Trooper’s voice responded back, “We’re mopping up the last of the resistance.  A few B1 battle droids and a couple of humanoids.”

“Very good sergeant.”

Dr. Xan practically stomped over to Westbane’s body and kicked it, “Bastard.”  She was surprised when a pained huff came from him.  She quickly knelt down and checked for a pulse, “He’s still alive, but barely.”

Moria raised an eyebrow behind her mask, “That can be rectified.”

Iz’aphine glanced over at Ar’lissa, unable to read her expression but her body stance and the fact that she was aiming at the body was a clear indication she was ready to follow through on her threat.  Ra’lya’s voice echoed in Ar’lissa’s head practically pleading, “He’s not worth it.”

Ar’lissa took a breath.  “Patch him up enough so he doesn’t die before Admiral Thrawn and then the ISB can have a ‘chat’ with him.”

Dr. Xan reluctantly nodded as she started pulling tools out of her medical backpack.  Iz’aphine tried to mask her relief as she walked around the controls until she found the shield and weapons controls and deactivated them.  Moria glanced at the sensor readouts, “Looks like Admiral Thrawn just wrapped up out there, the Chimaera is on approach to the station.”  

“Once we get some Storm Troopers in here, we can get the prisoners down to the hanger bay for pickup.”

“Warn them they’ve got four dead in the corridor.” Dr. Xan added.

Moria nodded as she relayed the information and then turned back to the others.  “We’ll have troopers up here in five and be back aboard the Chimaera in no time.”

Twenty minutes later they were back aboard the Chimaera in Pilot’s Ready Room 4 as the techs finished removing the drop harnesses from the Wandering Star.  Thrawn and Eli stood there quietly as they finished up their debrief and Moria stood up, “Well I’m guessing the crew of the Wandering Star would like to depart and find some quiet part of the Empire to hide out in.  Unfortunately, there are serious matters that are still outstanding that need to be resolved.”

The others looked at each other nervously as Iz’aphine spoke up, “What matters?”

“Your ship has several restricted components that you have yet to remove despite the warnings to do so.”

Iz’aphine grimaced, “We’re trying to get the funds to replace them, it’s not cheap.”

Moria continued as if she hadn’t been interrupted, “And Ar’lissa, according to some reports, could match the description of a woman who has been involved with known terrorists as their pilot and talented markswoman, armed with a Nightstinger rifle that’s been dubbed by some as the ‘Stormie Killer’.”

Ar’lissa sunk back a little in her seat looking to the door, waiting for the Storm Troopers file in but Moria just continued on, a slight smirk on her face, “However, in light of recent events and working closely with her on the Demios and the boarding of the station it is clear to me that Ar’lissa is not this fabled markswoman and her Nightstinger rifle, while similar, has subtle differences including different modifications and is not the same one.”

Ar’lissa tried to hide her relief as she straightened up in her chair.  “Furthermore, the Wandering Star has proved a useful asset to the Empire ‘as is’ and it would be a shame to lose that asset if needed in the future so I think we can tell the BoSS they are authorized to have those modifications, Admiral.”

Thawn nodded.  Eli wasn’t sure, but he thought Thrawn’s features softened for a moment in relief, but his face had quickly returned to its usual stoic look.  “I would recommend that as well Inquisitor.  Commander Vanto, please make a note of the Inquisitors findings and we will transmit them to Command and the Bureau of Ship and Services.”

Eli quickly logged the orders in his data pad, “Yes sir.”

Ar’lissa and the others looked at each other in disbelief for a moment before looking back at Moria and Thrawn.  Moria pulled out a data chip and handed it to Iz’aphine, “This is the decryption codes for Imperial encryption G23 which is reserved for my personal use.”  She turned to Thrawn, “You are authorized to use this encryption to contact me or the crew of the Wandering Star for now and they are likewise to use it to contact you or myself if needed.  If I give it out to any others, I will let both of you know.”

Iz’aphine stared at the chip and Moria gave her a look, “I’m not asking for you to be at my beck and call.  There may be times where we’re in the same neighborhood and could use each other’s ‘unique’ talents or need to prevent a misunderstanding from escalating.  It’s never a bad thing to have options.”

Ia’aphine nodded, tucking the data chip into a belt pouch.  Moria smiled, “One last thing.  Dr. Xan will need transport off of the Chimaera.  I trust you would be willing to help her?”

Iz’aphine nodded, turning to Dr. Xan. “Certainly, if she would like.”

Dr. Xan looked relieved, “That would be appreciated.”

Moria smile grew, “Excellent.”  She turned to Thrawn, “Admiral, when do you wish to depart from here?”

Thrawn turned to her, “As soon as I’ve collected all of the evidence, which I expect will take a few hours.”

Moria nodded turning back to the others.  “You will need to depart before then.”

“We’ll head out as soon as we are cleared.”

Moria turned and headed out of the ready room, “Safe journeys then.  I’m sure we’ll see each other again.”

Thrawn gave a nod to them before he too headed out of the room, “Speak with hanger master Xoxtin when you’re ready to leave.”


Twenty minutes later the Wandering Star flew away from the Chimaera, but the air was still tense inside the ship.  “I can’t believe we helped the Empire.” Va’lana grumbled from the copilot’s seat.

Ar’lissa stayed silent as she continued to pilot the ship away from the debris of the battle as Va’lana continued.  “It’s just bioweapons?  Why would they sink so low?”

Ar’lissa let out a sigh, “Don’t know.  Desperation? Unfortunately, there are people who believe the ends justify the means and there are those with the ‘your either with us or against us’ mentality.”

Va’lana grimaced, “That’s…” she sighed, “Very true.”

Ar’lissa tried to sound reassuring, “Look, I have no illusions about how bad the Empire can be, and I’ve killed my share of bad guys working for them.  As an Agent I’ve seen and delt with the resistance’s darker side as well.  You and I both know the Grysk will prey on both sides to get what they want and it’s part of our mission to stop them.”

Va’lana gave her a concerned look, “You think the Grysk were involved in this?”

Ar’lissa shrugged, “I wouldn’t put it past them.”  She looked at her scopes, “We’re going to be clear for hyperspace in a minute.”

Va’lana nodded and activated the internal coms, “Dr. Xan, do you have somewhere we can drop you off?”

“Yeah, actually if you don’t mind there’s a place nearby.  There’s an old cluster of asteroids that use to have a huge mining presence but when the Doonium ran out the mining guild up and left.  There’s still some mining going on, but the location is so out of the way it isn’t bothered by the Empire or the Guild.  It’s become an interesting location with a huge thriving black market, I figure it’s a good place to lay low for a while.”

Va’lana reflexively nodded, “I think I know the place you’re talking about, and it would be a good a place for us to stop and refuel if everyone else is willing?”

Iz’aphine chimed in, “Works for me.”

Ar’lissa nodded.  “Plug the coordinates in and let’s get out of here.”

“I’m going to plug a short jump in first so if the Imps are thinking about changing their minds, we won’t lead them to that place.”


Moria stood on the command walkway of the Chimaera with Thrawn and watched as the Wandering Star jumped away.  “Do you disagree with my decision to let them go and give them access to one of our encrypted channels Admiral?”

Thrawn looked over at her, once again studying her expression, “It is your call to order such things, though I am curious as to your reasoning for doing so.”

Moria gave a half smile, “Well for one they are an anomaly, being Chiss in Imperial Space, which intrigues me.  Two, they proved useful assets during this whole mess.  I for one believe you don't throw away useful assets and resources because of their past, don’t you agree?”

Thrawn nodded, “I do.”

Moria turned to him, “Good.  I’m sure we can persuade them to assist us in the future as needed.  Now, are you headed to Corella once you’re done here?”

“Yes, to make minor repairs and replace the lost TIE fighters and pilots.  I also want to inspect the Demios personally.”

Moria nodded, “Excellent, I’ll travel with you and pick up my ship there.”

Senior Lt. Lomar called out, “Sir, we have an urgent secure communication from the Grand Inquisitor for the Eleventh Sister.”

Thrawn turned to him, “Acknowledge the transmission and let him know she will be responding shortly.”  He turned back to Moria, “My aft office is at your disposal.”

Moria nodded. “Thank you, Admiral.  And don’t worry, I think the outcome of this was more than satisfactory and my report will indicate so.”

She turned and walked back towards the office, a smile still on her face.  While her mission hadn’t gone as planned, she had ended up with a few extremely useful assets she could cultivate and an interesting mystery to solve with Ar’lissa.  She was sure they would be most useful to her and her plans in the future.

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