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Look at that booty Disguise Home at Last Reflection

In the world of Venari

Visit Venari

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Look at that booty

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"Ooh, look at that booty!" Glintsprock said as he admired the reflection of his wiggling butt. Goblins weren't known for being the most modest people around, and Glintsprock was no exception on that front. Self-proclaimed musical genius, Glintsprock the Frog Licker had a lot to be proud of...  so why waste time being modest? He was his own biggest fan.

In her tank in the corner of the room, Ribbit croaked. Perhaps she was a fan too. Ribbit was Glintsprock's newest frog and, while she didn't have the same tone as the frog he'd played previously, he thought she was a more than worthy replacement. Plus, she hadn't tried to eat him like her predecessor had. That was always a plus.

Since the final night of his band's tour, the Shit-Stained Lizardz had been in high demand. Half a dozen taverns in Skrillbrat had already booked them for shows, and Glintsprock had been asked for his autograph more times than he could count (which, to be fair, wasn't very high). Now that he was a public figure, he thought he'd better do something about his image. His stained old smock and breeches were fine, but they lacked something. He needed a look that showed how much of a star he really was. Something with the WOW factor.

So, he'd done what any other self-respecting goblin would do: he'd nicked a load of clothes. Some he'd stolen from market stalls in Greenrust Market, some he'd liberated from washing lines around Red Fern, and others he'd stealthily swiped from other goblins in Skrillbrat... sometimes when they were still wearing them. There was even a massive fur coat that he'd lifted from a sleeping, and drunken, orc. Once his wardrobe was overflowing, he'd started his private fashion show.

"I look wonderful in all of them,” he said to his reflection, as he twirled around to see everything. The room spun around, and his vision swam. All this twirling was making him dizzy. There had to be a better way.

"That's easy,” he said, staggering towards the pile of clothes. "I just need another mirror.”

Ribbit croaked in agreement. Well, he thought she agreed. It was hard to tell and Glintsprock didn't speak frog.

Walking like a pirate who had just made port after a long voyage, Glintsprock stumbled out of the house he shared with some gnomes and a human. Most gnomes and humans were annoying as fuck, but these ones were alright. Mostly because they left him alone to do whatever he wanted.

Before he stepped into the street, he summoned his invisibility. Goblins were famous for being able to turn themselves invisible, no matter what they were wearing. It made scaring folk and sneaking around ridiculously easy. As far as Glintsprock knew, no-one really knew how it worked; it just happened. It was a gift from Volkdrow, and everyone knew it was stupid to question a gift from the gods. Especially that one. He was a bit of a dick.

Trying not to whistle while he walked, Glintsprock all but skipped to Greenrust Market. If ever he needed something, he could find it at that market. Folks brought and sold stuff from all over Venari. Before moving topside, he'd thought he could get anything from the underground city of Skrillbrat, but Greenrust Market was something else. There were foods from all over the world. Shoes that could make the wearer fly - although when he'd tried to steal a pair of those, they'd flown back to the stall owner. Snitches. There were cloaks and capes. Scarves and masks. Hats and cats. Sometimes cats wearing hats. Sometimes cats sitting in hats. Glintsprock wasn't sure what the connection was with the feline and headgear, but it seemed to work.

Rubbing his invisible hands together with glee, he approached the stall he'd been seeking. This one didn't have any particular theme, the owner just sold whatever they had in stock. One time, Glintsprock had heard the owner say that most of their stock had 'fallen off the back of pirate ship'. None of it looked water damaged, so Glintsprock didn't know what she'd meant. Then again, his knowledge of ships and the sea was limited. He'd only ever seen it in pictures, so maybe it wasn't as wet as everyone claimed. Bloody liars. No wonder he didn't trust anyone.

Well, except for Shadowbane, his orcish friend. He trusted her with his life... and his frog. He was less trusting of the frog though... especially after what happened with the last one. The memory made him shudder.

The stall was covered with all kinds of items, many of which were an absolute mystery to Glintsprock. Usually, he would have helped himself to a few of the weirder goodies, but today he had a shopping list to stick to.

He needed another mirror.

It didn't take long to spot one; mainly because it looked posher than anything else in the market and stood out like a sore thumb. Its frame was ornate with delicate and complex patterns carved into a dark, strong wood. He didn't know much about wood, but it looked expensive. It was the kind of thing that wouldn't look out of place in one of the rich folk mansions up in Sovereign Heights. It would also look perfect in his cesspit of a bedroom in his shithole of a house. It would go perfectly with all the other shit he'd pilfered.

Not wasting any time, he walked towards the mirror...

...and stopped.

That was odd. He could see his reflection in it. That wasn't meant to happen.

Panic rose in his throat as he looked down to check his body was still hidden away. It was. But the mirror still revealed him to anyone who happened to be looking at it.

'Bugger,' he thought. A new plan was in order.

Glintsprock did his best thinking when he could chew on a toenail, so he crawled underneath the market stall, sat down and brought his foot up to his mouth. One of the larger toenails looked ripe for a chew, so he started nibbling. Some say that feet can smell of cheese. Goblin feet certainly smell of something, but it's something far worse than cheese, making the flavour an acquired taste. And Glintsprock was a connoisseur.

As he chewed, ideas started to form.

He could approach the mirror from behind and carry it that way. But that left him with another issue. The gnome who owned the stall would surely see the massive mirror floating away and try to stop him.

At this point, some may have come up with a sensible plan. Perhaps they'd just purchase the mirror or get someone else to do the dirty work for them. Or maybe they'd go and steal the money to buy the mirror and then take it away with no fear of being chased.

But not Glintsprock.

He was a little more imaginative than that.

He wanted to wear a disguise... and he had a whole wardrobe full of clothes to make one.

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