
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Zero Chapter 2: A Legend Chapter 3: A Normal Day Chapter 4: Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt

In the world of The Familiar of Zero

Visit The Familiar of Zero

Ongoing 5414 Words

Chapter 4: Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt

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"My sides hurt..." Saito moaned, walking slowly.

Louise glanced over at Saito. "You're useless. How have you never been on a horse before?"

They walked along the streets of Tristania, the capital city of Tristain. They were paved with white cobblestone. Old-looking buildings lined the streets around them and street vendors were yelling out deals for fruits and meat.

"And you're annoying." Saito glanced back at Louise. "We were on that thing for three straight hours!"

"We can't just walk here, now can we?"

Despite the aches, Saito looked around the city in wonder. He was reminded of the theme parks back on Earth. Men and women of all ages walked the narrow street.

"It's a bit tight here..." Saito ignored Louise's last comment.

"Tight?" She asked. "This is one of the widest streets."

Just this? Saito thought. It's not even five meters wide. With everyone walking around them, every step they made felt cramped.

"Bourdonné Street: Tristain's widest avenue." She explained. "You can see the palace straight ahead."

"Can we go there then?"

"What business do we have visiting her Highness the Princess?"

"I want her to increase my food portions." Louise laughed at his joke. Saito was shocked. I think that's the first time I've seen her laugh.

Saito couldn't take his eyes off of all of the buildings and signs. Each new one they passed, he would ask what it says. He quickly learned that this world used a different writing system than what he was used to, so he couldn't read anything. As he approached one sign, Louise grabbed him by the ear.

"Stop running off." She demanded. "There are lots of thieves and pickpockets around here. You are looking after my wallet, aren't you?"

"I am. I am." He replied. "Very carefully too. It's in my jacket. But it's not like anyone can steal something this heavy."

"With magic, it can be done in a second." She retorted.

"Aren't they all commoners though?" He looked around and nobody looked like a noble. With his time at the academy, Saito learned how to discern the difference between a commoner and a noble. Nobles always wore capes and looked arrogant as they walked.

"Of course. Nobles wouldn't be caught dead walking in a slum like this." She instantly recognized the irony in her own words. "But not all mages are nobles. For whatever reason, some nobles may be disowned from their family... or leave the family on their own... or become a mercenary or criminal... Hey! Are you listening?" She watched him run over to another sign.

"What's this one?"

"Brewery." She glared at him and grabbed him by the wrist.

"Hey!" He yelped as she pulled him along down the street. "You don't have to be in such a hurry. Where is this shop anyways?"

Louise looked around. "This way." She dragged him down a narrow alley. A revolting stench his their noses.

At the fourth intersection, she stopped. "There's Peyman's Potion Shop. The blacksmith should be around here somewhere." She scanned the area. "There it is!"

They approached a shop with a sword-shaped sign out front. They walked up the stone steps and into the shop. Despite the bright sun outside, the inside of the shop was quite dim. Weapons lined the walls and shelves, and a detailed suit of armor decorated the room. A man in his fifties stood behind the counter, smoking a pipe and eyeing them suspiciously.

"My lady!" He cried out. He seemed to recognize Louise was a noble. "All of my wares are great quality and reasonably priced."

"I require a sword." Louise replied.

"Oh? A noble buying a sword. That's strange."

"It's not for me. It's for him." She pointed at Saito, who at this time had been captivated by all of the weapons in the shop. "I'm not very knowledgeable on swords, so please show me anything reasonable."

"Of course!" The man called as he went back into his warehouse. I can raise the prices so high with this. He returned with a thin sword that was exquisitely decorated. It had a hand guard covering its small hilt. "Come to think of it, it seems many nobles are starting to have their servants equipped with swords. This is the usual type they select."

A shiny, glittering sword. Well suited for a noble. Louise thought. "Is that the trend?"

"That's right." The shopkeeper nodded. "It seems there's an increase of thievery lately."


"Yes. Some mage called Fouquet has been stealing a lot of treasures from nobles, so a lot of them are arming their servants."

Louise had no interest in talk of thieves and focused on the sword instead. It was much smaller than the one Saito had fought with against Guiche. "I'd prefer something bigger and broader." She said.

"My lady, please forgive me for being blunt, but your servant doesn't seem able to wield anything heavier than this."

"I said bigger and broader, didn't I?" Louise demanded.

Oh, the laymen... The shopkeeper went back into his warehouse and came out with a two-handed sword decorated with fine jewels and a mirror-like blade. "This is the best sword I have."

Saito approached, mesmerized by the sword. "Awesome. That sword looks really powerful."

Seeing Saito's reaction, Louise sighed. I guess this is fine. "How much?"

"This is a famous sword made by Germanian alchemist Lord Shupei." The shopkeeper began. "It can cut through metal like butter thanks to the magic infused into it. You can't buy a sword like this cheaper anywhere else." He finished with a smile. "Two thousand écus."

"What?!" Louise's jaw dropped. "You could buy a holiday home and a garden with that!"

"A famous sword is worth as much as a castle, my lady." The shopkeeper reasoned. "A holiday home is quite cheap compared to something like this."

"...I only brought a hundred écus." Louise grew dizzy. I didn't realize how much swords cost.

"So we cant get it?" Saito looked at her.

"We'll have to go for something more affordable."

"But I really like this sword..." Saito mumbled.

"Do you realize how much potions cost?" She glared at him. "Because someone just had to get himself seriously injured."

"I'm sorry..." Saito thought back to what Siesta had told him about the cost of the components. But I thought Louise came from a rich family. How does she not have the money?

A deep male voice suddenly spoke from a nearby barrel. "Don't make me laugh!"

Louise and Saito looked towards the sound. The shopkeeper put his hand over his face.

"You?" The voice came again. "Wield that sword? You're only fit for a stick!"

"What did you say?!" Saito yelled at the voice, but there was no one there. "Where are you?!"

"Are your eyes just for decoration?" The voice spoke. Saito saw as one of the swords in the barrel moved back and forth in rhythm with the voice.

"Is that..." Saito pulled the sword out of the barrel and looked at it. It was an old, rusty sword.

"About time." The metal band above the crossguard of the sword moved up and down with the voice.

"A talking sword!" Saito's jaw dropped.

"Derf!" The shopkeeper yelled. "What did I tell you about scaring off the customers?!"

"Customer?" The sword spoke. "You've got to be kidding me."

"Could it be..." Louise spoke. "a sentient sword?"

"Yes, my lady." The shopkeeper answered. "I wonder what sort of mage could make a sword speak. But it's got a rotten tongue, always arguing with customers." He turned his attention to the sword. "Derf! If you don't stop this insolence, I'll melt you down!"

"Sounds good to me!" Derf replied. "I'm getting kinda tired of this world. I'd love to be melted down."

"That'd be so wasteful." Saito spoke, mesmerized by the talking sword. "Isn't a speaking sword pretty important? You're called Derf, right?"

"Wrong!" It called out. "It's Derflinger. Get it right."

"It even has a real name." Saito laughed. "My name is Saito Hiraga. Nice to meet you!"

The sword fell silent for a while, then spoke. "So you came... partner"

"Partner?" Saito cocked his head to the side.

"Hmm... You don't even know your true powers yet, huh?" It asked. "Whatever. Buy me, my friend!"

"Alright." Saito agreed. "Louise, I'll take this one."

"You want this thing?" Louise was reluctant. "You can't pick anything that doesn't talk?"

"You don't like it? I think a talking sword is pretty cool."

"That's exactly why I don't like it..." She shook her head and turned to the shopkeeper. "How much?"

"I'll let you take it for a hundred écus."

She nodded to Saito and he presented the wallet from his jacket. The shopkeeper counted out a full hundred before finally nodding.

"Thank you for your business!" He said as he sheathed the sword and gave it to Saito. "If it gets too noisy, just shove it in the scabbard and it'll shut up."

Saito and Louise had arrived back to the Academy that evening just before sunset. Saito spoke loudly and laughed with Derf for the rest of the day, annoying Louise while she sat on her bed practicing her knitting and trying to relax.

Eventually, they got so loud and obnoxious that Louise couldn't stand it anymore. She took off her shoe and flung it directly into the side of his head, knocking him out cold.

"That had to hurt." The sword laughed.

"Shut up or you're next." She glared at Derf, and he promptly sheathed himself.

Retrieving her shoe from next to him, she heard a thunderous crash that shook her. What was that?! She ran to the window to look around. Across the Austri Court ahead of her, beside the Central Tower, was a giant golem made of dirt and clay. It towered far above her despite her being on the third floor. It's huge! Whoever made this must be a powerful mage.

She watched as the golem reared back its fist and pounded the Central Tower. The same thunderous noise shook Louise, and the tower started cracking where the golem had punched. Several professors could be seen starting to cast magic and fight the golem, but they proved ineffective as the golem absorbed their attacks and swatted them away.

With another strike against the tower, a hole formed. At that time, Louise noticed there was a figure standing on the shoulder of the golem. It leapt off into the hole and quickly retreated with something in its hands. The figure jumped over the wall of the courtyard and took off on a horse. Louise looked back to the golem and saw all of the professors battling with it. Students had also started to come out and watch the spectacle, causing the other professors to focus on keeping the students away. No one even noticed the thief escape!

Louise put her shoe on in a hurry and rushed over to Saito. "Wake up!" She cried.

"No good." Derf popped out of his scabbard. "Partner's out cold."

Drat! She looked over at the wand on her desk. It's my duty... She grabbed her wand from the desk and took off out of the room.

"Oi!" Derf shouted. "Where are you going without your Gandálfr?!"

But Louise was already out of earshot.

A loud knock came at the door. Saito woke up groggy. His head was pounding. What happened?...

The knock came again. Saito stood and shuffled over to the door. After opening it, a tall woman stood in front of him with her green hair done up into a bun. "You must be Saito." She smiled at him.

"Huh- Uh..." He was confused. "Yeah, that's me. Why?"

"I'm Miss Longville, the headmaster's secretary. Pleasure to meet you. I wish it were under better circumstances."

"Why?" Saito was just getting more confused. "What happened?"

"Are you aware of the events last night?"

Saito stared blankly at her.

"I see. That must be a 'no' then."

"Maybe Louise would know." He turned to wake up Louise, but noticed she wasn't there.

"That's actually why I'm here." She remarked.

Saito turned back to her, his groggy face replaced with a sudden serious expression. "What happened?"

Miss Longville explained that Fouquet had attacked the Academy last night and stolen a powerful artifact called the Staff of Destruction. A battle ensued with the giant golem while Fouquet escaped. Louise was seen shortly after riding off after the thief, and she hasn't returned since.

"Ah!" Derf spoke up from Saito's hay-bed. "So that's where the master went last night."

"Derf! You knew about this?!"

"Nope!" Derf slid back into his scabbard.

"Where is she?" Saito turned back to Longville.

"We don't know. But the headmaster is requesting your help."

"What does the headmaster want with me?" Saito's eyes narrowed.

"Sir Osmond says you have a special ability to use any weapon."

I see. Saito thought to himself. So this headmaster knows something about me.

"The palace has issued an order for the Academy to wait for the imperial guards to arrive to begin their search. Sir Osmond believes this will give Fouquet time to escape... and put Lady Valliére's life at risk. He's asked me to enlist your help in finding Lady Valliére and recovering the Staff of Destruction."

Saito had already put Derflinger on his back. "Let's go."

Saito and Longville departed the Academy swiftly in an open carriage that Longville drove. They drove through the grassy plains and deep into forests. Overall, the journey took four hours. Saito sat silent in the back of the carriage the entire ride.

The carriage stopped. "This is where our investigation told us Fouquet was last seen." Longville spoke back to him.

Saito hopped off the carriage and looked ahead. Past the trees was a clearing that contained a small house, no bigger than a large shed from Saito's world. It was made out of wood and looked to be rundown and abandoned.

He put his hand on Derflinger's hilt and could feel the power of his runes surge through him. He breathed a sigh of relief as he drew Derflinger out. He wasn't sure it would work again. But apparently he was supposed to have this power, according to Longville. In fact, she mentioned any weapon...

"I'm going to scout around." Longville said as she stepped out of the carriage.

"I'll investigate the house." Saito went straight for it before she could tell him it was a bad idea.

He approached the house from the side. Coming up to a window, he peered inside. It was a small, cramped room with a table and chair in one corner, firewood and a stove in another corner, and on the far wall was a bed... with Louise in it.

Saito's eyes went wide and he bust through the window, landing on the floor of the house. He expected a wild attack or trap of some sort to lunge at him, but there was silence. Not questioning his luck, he ran over to Louise. She was breathing, only asleep. He shook her awake. "Louise!"

Her eyes opened in shock and she screamed. Saito locked his lips to hers and the screaming stopped almost as soon as it started.

Crap! Saito only now realized what he did. Why couldn't I just use my hand?! Well, at least it worked...

Smack! Saito toppled to the floor, seeing a very red and very angry Louise above him.

"H-how dare you... k-k-kiss me... like that!" She screeched.

"Quiet!" He yelled back up at her.

But what responded was a loud crash as the roof above them flew off. Saito stared up at the open sky slowly being filled with the image of a giant golem.

"Wh-what's that thing?!" He yelled.

"Fouquet's golem." Louise responded quickly. She grabbed her wand from the bedside and started chanting.

Saito quickly sprang to his feet. The golem was bringing its fist up, ready to slam down on top of them. He quickly picked Louise up to leave, but she pointed to the bedside.

"The staff!" She yelled.

Saito gritted his teeth as he reluctantly grabbed the large case on the bedside. Then he leapt back out the window just before the golem's fist crushed the whole building.

Saito put Louise and the case on the ground. "Stay here." Then he leapt towards the golem. He moved like the wind, passing between the golem's legs and slashing each one off.

But the golem didn't fall. The sliced legs just joined back together.

"Not good." Derf spoke up. "The mage controlling it must be mending it."

How dare he! Louise was furious. First he kisses me out of nowhere, then he runs off and tells me to stay put?! She stood up and looked around. Her attention turned to the case beside her. Maybe I can use the staff to destroy it. She grabbed the staff out of the case and took off towards the golem with it.

Saito jumped back again and again, dodging each incoming attack from the golem. He'd occasionally swipe a limb as it passed, but it would just regenerate. Crap. What do I do?

His attention shifted as he saw Louise approach from the side, carrying a weapon. Is that a... He jumped out of the way of another strike.

Louise attempted to swing the staff at the golem, even reciting incantations with it, but nothing would come out. The golem turned towards her and approached.

Not good! Saito and Louise both thought.

Saito leapt past the golem's legs, swiping again. He knew it wouldn't do any real damage, but he hoped it'd slow it down or divert its attention. "What are you doing?!" He cried out. "Get out of here!"

"No!" She screamed back. "I need to do this! I don't want to be a zero anymore!" Tears fell from her eyes as she continued trying to use the staff without luck. "I don't want to be the one to run away. I'm always treated like the fool." She collapsed to the ground as the golem stood over her. "Even my own familiar..."

Saito felt an immense pity for Louise. She was constantly belittled by the others at the Academy, given insulting nicknames and treated like an idiot. He even did it to her... No one could take that sort of treatment lying down. Saito even almost got himself killed just because he didn't want to be belittled by Guiche. Louise had it much worse.

Saito jumped to Louise and swept her up just before the golem's foot came down on her. He wanted to console her, to apologize to her, to tell her it'll all be alright, that she's not a coward, that she's brave, braver than he is. He didn't have the time.

He put her on the ground and took the staff from her. Any weapon... His runes glowed as he touched it. This wasn't a staff. It was a weapon. A weapon from his world. He took out the arming handle, opened the rear cover, and pulled out an inner tube. He flipped up the sight and took careful aim. Placing the weapon on his shoulder, he released the safety latch and pressed the trigger.

Louise was astonished at the speed and precision Saito displayed using this magical artifact. A thunderous wave came from the staff as a winged projectile flew out of it, connecting with the golem in a deafening roar. Louise blinked in awe. As the smoke cleared, the top half of the golem had disappeared while the bottom half began crumbling in front of them.

Saito threw the staff to the side and knelt next to Louise. Before she could react, he hugged her. "I'm sorry..." She was about to push him off, but relented. "You're not a zero. You're Louise."

"Amazing." Saito turned to see Miss Longville approach them and pick up the Staff of Destruction. "It truly is powerful."

"Miss Longville?" Saito asked. A chill ran down his spine.

"Fouquet." Louise answered as Longville let her hair down. "She's the one that captured me."

Saito grabbed at Derf's handle.

"Nuh-uh..." She pointed the staff at the two of them in the same manner Saito had when he shot the golem.

"I was hoping you would show me how to use this, Gandálfr." Fouquet said with a nasty smile. "That old man was right about something."

"What's the meaning of this?" Saito demanded.

"Despite retrieving the staff, we couldn't figure out how to use it." Fouquet smirked. "Thank you for teaching me how to use Tristain's most powerful artifact, now goodbye."

Louise stared up at Saito, who didn't seem to worry at all. Why is he being so brave? We might die here. She grew annoyed at this bravery. She closed her eyes as Fouquet clicked the trigger.

But nothing happened. Fouquet stared at the staff in confusion. "Huh? What's wrong with it?"

"It only has one shot." Saito spoke up. "It won't be able to fire again."

"What do you mean by 'one shot'?" She looked incredulously at him.

Saito shrugged. "It's not like you'd understand if I told you. This isn't from your world."

"What?!" She looked at him bewildered.

"It's from my world. We call it a rocket launcher." He pulled Derf and charged at Fouquet, who was too shocked to even react.

A strong wind blasted Saito just before he reached Fouquet, knocking him to the ground. A tall figure dressed in loose robes and a hooded black cloak slowly descended next to Fouquet. Covering the face was a white mask.

"Impressive." A man's voice spoke from it. "Matilda, leave that thing. It's useless to us now." Fouquet dropped the rocket launcher. The cloaked man turned around and began walking. Fouquet followed after him.

"Hey! Wait!" Saito yelled at them. With Derflinger still in hand, he got up and charged.

Another gust slammed against him, throwing him to the ground again. Louise stood and grabbed her wand. As she started an incantation, the ground below her turned soft and she quickly started sinking into it.

"Louise!" Saito, seeing this, ran towards her and leapt over the quicksand, grabbing her and bringing her with him. He got up and turned to face the pair that attacked them, but they were gone. Damnit!

Louise likewise got up and faced the pair, but she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw them missing. There's no way we could've defeated them, even with his power. She looked over at Saito who bit his lip in anger.

Louise stood before Headmaster Osmond as he sat at the desk in his office. Saito stood behind her as she explained the events that transpired. Flanking them were several professors, including one that Saito recognized as being there when he was summoned: Professor Colbert.

"Hmm..." Osmond's face lowered to rest on his hands. "So Miss Longville was actually Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt. That explains her interest as my secretary."

"How did you go about hiring her?" Colbert looked at him.

"She came to me as a refugee of the Albion civil war." Osmond closed his eyes. "She claimed to be a member of the nobility ousted by Reconquista after she refused to support them. I believed her and offered her a job, but I feel she may have been a part of Reconquista this entire time."

"I see..." Colbert looked depressed.

"Reconquista?" Louise was confused.

"It's nothing to worry about." Osmond avoided the question. "For now, we have the Staff of Destruction back and Fouquet shouldn't be troubling us anymore." He leaned back in his chair and clapped his hands together. "The Ball of Frigg will continue as planned. Thanks to your efforts, Lady Valliére, you will be named as this ball's guest of honor."

"What about Saito?" Louise looked behind her at Saito.

"I'm afraid not, because he's not a noble..." Osmond replied.

"It's ok." Saito said back to Louise. "You deserve it the most." He smiled at her.

"Now go get ready." Osmond spoke. "The ball will begin soon."

Everyone proceeded to leave the office, except for Saito. Louise stopped and looked at him.

"You go on ahead." He looked down at her. She hesitated for a moment, then nodded and left.

"You have something to ask me?" Osmond questioned after everyone left.

Saito nodded.

"Please ask. It's the least I could do to show my appreciation for your accomplishment."

"That Staff of Destruction..." Saito began. "Where did it come from?"

"From my savior." Osmond replied. "More than thirty years ago, I was attacked by a dragon while strolling through the forest. It proved a formidable enemy, besting me in battle. I was saved by a man in a strange green uniform. He used a strange wand to kill the dragon. He was already injured at the time. I transported him back to the Academy and treated his wounds, but he didn't make it."

"So he died..." Saito grit his teeth.

Osmond continued. "I buried the strange weapon he used with him. But he had a second one, so I named it the Staff of Destruction and stored it in the treasury room in order to commemorate my savior." Osmond's face looked as if he were remembering a long-lost friend.

"That weapon: it's originally from my world."

Osmonds eyes gleamed. "From your world?"

Saito nodded. "It's not from this world, and neither was he."

"Is this true?"

"Yes. I was transported to this world by Louise summoning me."

"Hmm..." Osmond stared into empty space. "While my savior was resting, he kept repeating questions about where he was and saying he wanted to go back to his world. At the time, I took it as his wounds getting to him, but maybe there was something to it. He must've been from the same world as you."

"Who was he? And how did he end up here?"

"I don't know." Osmond sighed. "Up until the end, I never learned anything from him. Not even a name."

Damn! Just when I thought I had a clue. He looked down at the runes on his left hand. "Another thing."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Before we fought, Miss Lon- Er... Fouquet told me that I had the power to use any weapon. That's how, I think, I was able to use the Staff of Destruction."

"I see. So Fouquet also spied on us." Osmond closed his eyes and relented the information he had been researching. "Yes, she is right. You have on your hand the legendary runes of Gandálfr."

"Huh." Saito thought back. "That's what she called me during our fight as well. What is it?"

"Gandálfr was a legendary familiar of the Founder Brimir." Osmond explained. "He was able to use any weapon at will."

"But why was I chosen as this Gandálfr?" He asked.

"That... we do not know." Osmond sighed. "Though we believe it might have something to do with your master."

"Louise?" Saito looked confused.

"Correct." Osmond nodded. "It seems there might be more to Lady Valliére than meets the eye. I ask that you watch after and protect her for now. In exchange, I will look into how you arrived in this world. And how you might return."

Saito looked determined and nodded.

Above the Alviss Dining Hall was a spectacular grand hall. It was currently decorated for the Ball of Frigg being held in it. Throughout the giant room, students and teachers alike danced and spoke with one another. Tables were lined with exquisite food and drinks.

Saito stood outside on the balcony. He had ascended the outside stairs onto the balcony, but upon seeing all the finely dressed nobles enjoying themselves, he felt he wouldn't fit in. Instead, he decided to stand against the balcony rail and just speak with Derflinger. Siesta had brought him a bottle of wine earlier, and he had been drinking it.

"Sure you should be drinking?" Derf asked. "You can barely swing me sober."

As usual, Derf had a rotten tongue, but his personality made for wonderful company. Despite only knowing the sword for a day and a half, it had quickly become his best - and only - friend.

"You're noisy." Saito complained. "I almost had a clue about going back. Can't I just drown my sorrow away?"

"Tonight's guest of honor," A loud voice rang out through the hall. Saito turned his head to look at the far door begin to open. "The daughter of Duke de La Vallière, Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière!"

Saito held his breath. Louise was dressed in a gorgeous white evening gown and matching white gloves. Two strands of her long pink hair draped over her shoulders while the rest of it was tied into a ponytail at the back. Her petite face was adorned with makeup and sparkled like a gem.

After confirming the arrival of the guest of honor, the musicians began playing music again. Surrounding Louise were all manner of guys captivated by her beauty, each asking her to dance.

Saito scoffed. Before this, none of them even noticed how cute she was. They just called her a 'zero' and made fun of her. Now they suddenly want to win her heart. He blushed at his jealous thoughts. He shook his head and turned away.

Louise turned down everyone's invitation for a dance. She looked around the ballroom frantically. Where is he? She soon noticed Saito staring at the night sky on one of the balconies and quickly headed over.

Louise came up behind Saito. "Looks like you're enjoying yourself."

"Not really..." Saito turned around and saw Louise standing a meter away from him. He instinctively blushed and averted his gaze.

"Haha!" Derflinger laughed. "Fine feathers for a fine bird, eh?"

"Shut up!" She glared at the sword and crossed her arms.

"Aren't you going to dance?" Saito asked, still avoiding looking at her.

"I don't have a dance partner." She replied.

"Didn't a lot of guys just ask you for a dance?" Saito's voice sounded flustered.

She shook her head and extended her hand towards him.

"Huh?" Shocked, he looked back at her.

"As a reward..." Blushing, she avoided Saito's gaze. "For your kind words today."

"Don't you mean: Could I have this dance?" He rolled his eyes.

After a quick moment of silence, Louise sighed. Just this once. Louise held the ends of her dress and made a curtsy in front of Saito. "May I have this dance, mister?"

Saito was both shocked and mesmerized by Louise at that moment. Trembling, he held Louise's hand and the two of them walked to the dance floor.

"Um..." Saito hesitated. "I've never actually danced before..."

"Just follow my lead." Louise smiled at him and gently held Saito's hand. She placed his other hand on the small of her back and grabbed onto his shoulder.

Saito imitated Louise's movements and followed her lead. His movements were stiff, but Louise didn't seem to mind.

"I believe you, Saito." She said, looking up at him.

"What?" Saito was confused.

"About being from a different world." She answered, dancing gracefully.

"Huh? Didn't you already believe me?"

"Sort of..." She replied. "I wasn't sure whether to believe you. But after today... with the Staff of Destruction... It's a weapon from your world, isn't it?"

Saito nodded at her.

"After I saw that, I had to believe it." She looked down. "Do you want to go back?"

"...I do."

Louise's eyes went wide as she looked back up at him. He was staring off at nothing.

"I want to go back, but I can't. At least not yet." He looked back down at her. "So I'll have to get used to life here for a little while."

"I guess..." Louise muttered to herself as she continued to dance. "Thank you." She blushed.

Why is she acting so strange today? Saito was puzzled. "For what?"

"Well... For saving me." She replied sheepishly. "If it weren't for you, I'd have been crushed by Fouquet's golem..."

"Or drowning in quicksand." Saito reminded her.

She glared up at him, but he just smiled at her.

"That's what I'm here for: to protect you."


"Because I'm your familiar."

Louise smiled back at him.

At the balcony, Derflinger continued to watch. "Unbelievable!" The sword cried out. The twin moons shone brightly into the grand hall, creating a romantic atmosphere as the two of them continued to dance. "Partner, you amaze me! A familiar dancing with their master? That's the last time I'd seen that was six thousand years!"

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