Grandmaster mouserzero
They call me Jake...

In the world of Cylinder

Visit Cylinder

Ongoing 4428 Words

Ch.1 Fall of Draconia

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The Destruction Of Draconia

In the far north is a ring of volcanos sacred to the ancient red dragon families of Cylinder. Over tens of thousands of years, the dragons built the volcanos into the origins of their sprawling empire. The dragon's gold paid for terror and slaves and they spread their influence, the gold making its way back to start the cycle again. The constant running of the engine of war, the interplanar trade of slaves and technological advancements needed to manage millions, and the harnessing of ever greater powers by greedy overlords built a strangely modern city in a world still wild and free.  Liliend, the favorite elf slave of Dreadless Carnionexus, does her best to act the part of someone under the influence of the city's slave suppression field emanating in from the outer walls.

She notices things for the first time in decades while walking across the tops of the buildings, Draconia looks like a city in hell. Lava lit corridors of urban sprawl sit between mountainous volcanic buildings that services its red dragon rulers. It was from the air and in the great palace volcanos that the Red Dragon City earned its impressive and opulent reputation away from the slums and slave traders. It was common to the skies filled with dragons and flames, their deafening roars would drown out the clamor of the city, and for just a moment silence would overtake a million souls as the world waited for the fire and death that followed the anger of the red dragon lords. Around the city in glowing hot corridors powered by lava and steam, draconian warriors ordered around humanoid slaves that did the work needed to tend to a thousand dragons and a million draconian warriors, the main fighting force of the chromatic dragon empire. The boiling temperatures cook the uncovered skin of humanoids so sheets of “Ice Cloth”, paper thin sheets cut from the ever frozen lake Kdbrachtca, are used to compensate. The clear flexible ice was as much a curse as a necessity, as it was a delicate art to add enough insulation and wrap it correctly without letting it touch the skin, freezing solid in seconds. Many die accidentally wrapping themselves too tightly just trying to escape the deadly heat. An even worse fate is to wrap themselves completely leaving a small hole in the cloth to breathe through just to have the cloth slowly go stiff with the building frost. They scream in their ice cocoons locked in place breathing the scorching air. Unattended the frost builds up around their mouth and they suffocate before they freeze.

Liliend was walking alone in a crowd of people after she had left her entourage to walk down the common path. Atop the buildings, she couldn't help but feel pity for the poor and enslaved who huddled in cooler areas. She was one of them until a month ago, though she had rarely been outside the palace. They seemed so hollow and broken, just as she must have been. Most were taken from their homes in dragon raids, the epic and powerful beasts leading groups of humanoid warriors that have been millennia long bane of the north. Now draconian warriors, humanoid sized warriors made from cursed dragon eggs, were becoming the loyal legions of the dragon overlords as the humanoid slaves were being replaced and worked to death in cities like these. At least their suffering would soon be over. Or at least that is what she told herself. 

She passed groups carrying buckets of water to throw onto a Dajin who was taking his time deciding who he would purchase and lamenting about the quality of them. She caught eyes with him for a moment, just as the smug look on the water genie's face was washed off by an ill timed bucket as he was speaking. She let out a small laugh just before the man was thrown from the building to his death, the enchanted slaves unable to resist as tears of the trapped souls inside fell down their faces. If Liniend had a spear in hand she would have ran him through. But she wasn't here for him. She was here for the whole city and such an outburst would have given her away as no longer under their control.


A tower rises above the slums to her right. The wealthy often built these because the updraft from the city was much cooler than being down with glowing cobblestones. They used slaves and servants to do their bidding down below and only traveled by airship to other higher-up and prestigious locations. Many of them had sold their own kind, none were innocent. Liliend felt proud to walk the common path below, though she was not accustomed to it being a slave of the royal family. She was born a free elf who’s forest was burned and her and her family were taken. Magics were used to influence her behavior and track her movements, these were suppressed by the elven military she was sent to as a gift but they were still in place enough to fool her masters. She was under her own control for the first time in decades. The dampening slavery magic didn't completely remove someone's awareness so even as a child she knew the war was turning and the time of the dragons was at an end. Only she remained now of her family, she wasn't sure what she owed her life to, but she had been ready for death for a long time. She passes a noisy draconian shop filled with weapons and meat and various smelly tinctures. Aging draconians pick through the wares while younger warriors boast and try out weapons. The dragon humanoids eyed her as they passed whispering to one another. She started walking faster. The sun was starting to fall. That wasn't good, she needed to be at the meeting of the dragon lords before it was dark. 

A loud roar was followed by the massive shadow of the great red dragon general Lucidiouser. In the cloud giant war he was known to set entire floating citadels on fire with a single massive breath and seemed large enough to burn down the world should he be set loose. She could only imagine what was about to happen. Her legs felt heavy. Did she take the slower path on purpose to keep herself from her goal? She had to shake off doubt and fear but she was walking through hell incarnate and this last mile seemed an eternity away. She felt nauseous, she stumbled off to the side and slumped down away from the crowd. And there in front of her was a small scorched wooden doll. A children's toy. Who’s, she didn’t know. Were they even still alive? Looking up she felt new determination to destroy this place. “This ends today” she said to herself as she joined the precision again.

The audience chamber sat inside the caldera of an active volcano. Over the past 10,000 years, since the beginning of the giant dragon wars when it was the site of the declaration that the dragons would kill all giants on Cylinder, buildings had all but covered the mountain's base and sides leaving only the top exposed which shined light into the massive inner audience chamber. The interior also housed the high family Carnionexus, high ruler of chromatic dragons on Cylinder, and hundreds of lesser dragons from all over the planet who acted as dignitaries and delegates. These hundreds to thousands of dragons consumed enormous amounts of food which was brought in by the common road. Agitated livestock and huge ornate containers on carts holding goods for the royal dragons were being brought in by an endless caravan, currently at a standstill. Magical creatures flayed and their raw flesh decoratively displayed on top of golden platters were surrounded by flies and servants furiously defending their hard work while they waited. Several huge draconian warriors are checking every shipment using a variety of magical devices as Liliend tries to walk ahead of the line. A tall dark Bozak held a chain with several magical monocles attached. Each crate is being thoroughly inspected inside and out to make sure no poisons, unknown magics, objects of divine power, or people of suspicious nature were allowed to enter. Each individual has to have papers stamped at different checkpoints and had to be checked at each, but this checkpoint was special. It was the last checkpoint, the royal checkpoint. Her royal crest wouldn’t get her ushered through uninspected. The Bozak holding up the monocle snapped to look at her. His draconic face gave little away but the way he looked down at her waist she could tell he could see the small glass egg she carried. A nod, and her shoulders dropped. That was it, she was about to end a war. For a moment she wondered how many draconians were in on the plot. Likely most in the city will die, likely most involved knew this all along.


 She was sent as a gift of good will with the envoy of the house Carnidionexus, a slave in chains sent bearing gifts and a promise that they would either release every elven slave or kill them if the elven army refused to halt their march on the city. She was chosen almost at random, cleaned and dressed in fine clothes, and given to the king's favorite Toumaz to give to the armies. Ironically, she was escorted by draconian traitors who had been consorting with the elves and were using this pointless gesture as an excuse to plan the final attack on the city and bring in an elven weapon of enormous power. Once the dragon city falls any chance the dragon empire had at maintaining a government will crumble. Liliend was onboard before they ever met the elves who had to do little to convince her to give her life to strategically destroy the draconic royal families. The dragons were too careful and wouldn't allow anyone to get close especially at this very secretive meeting of the high families, but their arrogance would be their undoing.


As she walked the long bridges beside the caravan, the sound of rolling lava slowly gave way to the roar of the auditorium. Not a humanoid roar but harsh and booming draconic auditorium. Just beyond the half  mile tall opening of the mountain, hundreds of platforms with piles of gold and jewels act as dragon thrones each holding several. The usually empty auditorium was packed. Largely these were red dragons, but blue and green dragons covered in house insignias also surrounded the room, each with their own specially curtailed location and surrounding slaves keeping the royal dragons comfortable. Even the great black dragon Gleamstiglil the corruptor sat on an actively decaying throne smiling with his obsidian black teeth. Liliend smiled at each face she recognized knowing this gathering would be their last.


The dragons roared, laughed, and threw insults so loudly that the voice of any individual would be swallowed up in the cacophony of the greater audience. So a method was worked out long ago of using a wand, which was the size of staff for a medium sized creature, that had a voice amplifying magic. If an individual wanted to speak they could be patient till they could “mage hand” the staff to themselves or simply scream it into the audience chamber with everyone else. Constant fighting and bickering over the talking wand was tedious but it has been the only way found to create order in a room of dragon lords. Currently Balaughimitious, the pompous fat red dragon nephew of some higher lord that acted as the high counsels treasury, had the staff and was addressing a relatively quiet crowd. 


“Well the news isn't good.” The dragon sat on a pile of gold like an overweight cat sitting up with his short arms on his tummy holding the staff and his immense frame covering the gold pile he sat on. Dozens of empty containers of foods and treats lay around him as his servants hurried to keep up with removing the garbage. “We can not afford to pay or feed our armies. Already dissension has been observed and dealt with but we must act quickly if we are to fix this budget crisis. My plan is to stop all payments from the treasury to the various lords of the court and to,” an uproar of protesting dragons interrupted Balaughimitious. Hissing and draconic insults drowned the sound of the speaker. Bolts of lighting and fire filled the chamber as individuals tried to outdo the outrage of others quickly turning into a  match threatening to shake apart the colossal volcanic castle. 

“SILENCE!” A booming voice shot out over all others as a dark form stood up from the royal subchamber. The scarred horned brow of the red dragon king was inlaid with gold that filled the cracks. King Dreadless Carnionexus had ruled a thousand years and promised the world to rule a thousand more. A jewel filled crown of pearly ceramic and gold sat on his head. It was carved into the shape of Tiamat tearing apart Bahamut, each of her heads holding another part of the torn apart dragon god. It was a symbol of the king's domination over the other chromatic dragons. As he stood he stretched his wings and gold coins scattered over the cliff's edge. The talking wand snapped to his grasp from across the auditorium. “I did not bring you here to laugh and pass around the spoils. You have failed, and now we are here to deal with what your armies have failed to.” The room fell silent for the first time since Liliend could remember. “Not since the cloud giant wars have we had to call the great families to this place and this problem will not be solved by witches and blood magic. Balaughimitious is right, all money for the time being will be redirected to the war. You will conscribe all of your servants and patrons other than the very old and young. I am also calling for a major draft of all dragons to fight and act as generals in this new collective dragon army. We will crush the elves and the dwarves and put these pests in their place.” Murmuring carried through the room with an uneasy tone.


 Liliend now near the central platform was stunned by the announcement, such a force would surely be enough to overwhelm the elven armies who only hold a tentative superiority. Standing on a small bridge over the lava pits she could feel the soles of her shoes melting into the bridge causing her to hurry toward the magically cooled auditorium central platform. Usually the stone slab would be covered in draconian guards but the dragon families were so suspicious of outsiders involved in the great royal dragon family meeting that only two highly trusted draconian generals stood on the platform who were to speak on the war effort. She was greeted by Toumaz the Aurak who she now considered a close friend. Next to him was the dark Cordiaz, she did not know him other than that he worked for The Corruptor Gleamstiglil. Toumaz walked over and took her hand smiling as Cordiaz stood like a statue. Toumaz gestured towards Cordaz and whispered, “don't worry, he won't be a problem.” flashing a wand that he quickly hid in his robe.

“I’m ready.” She whispered, patting the glass egg at her hip. Toumaz smiled as the auditorium exploded in fire over their heads. 


“I said SILENCE!!” Dreadless’s ceramic and gold crown glowed and every dragon in the room bowed quietly cowering before its magical right of domination. “I am king of dragons! Who here defies my decision? Step forward and die!”


“No one defies you my lord.” Suddenly Gleamstiglil’s voice boomed out as if he had the talking wand though he did not. The black dragon stepped forward out of the shadows, a pale green light glowing around him. Gleamstiglil was an ancient black dragon of immeasurable magical power. His eyes, claws, and teeth were all replaced with magical obsidian replacements and his black skeletal wings were feathered with tiny obsidian shards that jingled like ominous wind chimes. His inky black frame almost disappeared if not for his sickly pale green glow.“We only wish to understand the reasoning of your actions so we may better serve you.”


“SILENCE GLEAMSTIGLIL!” The huge red dragon wreathed himself in flames as he pointed at the black dragon lord. “You do not speak until you are asked. Never again shall you corrupt this council like you do the world.” These words seemed to put a smile on Gleamstiglil’s face. Though his skeletal appearance and protruding black fangs made that hard to determine. Dreadless allowed himself to extinguish and continued calmly.”Do not forget the evil that we fight and maintain the balance with.” Gesturing towards Gleamstiglil. “Undeath would consume this world if not for us holding back the torrents of hell. We were shown this, in this very auditorium, the last time we were called to gather by the night hags of Hades. My blood and the blood of the cloud giants still holds back the dark magics that are the real threat. These ignorant arrogant tiny races do not understand the powers they play with trying to change their place in the world. We do not gather because of our interests, but because we are the guardians of the past and the future. We are here to save our world because any cost would be better than the oblivion that will be the cost of failure.”


A roaring applause erupted from the crowd. Just as the colossal frame of the great dragon general dropped into the chamber. Three times the size of any dragon he required a special platform to hold him. Covered in scars the great dragon had been enhanced and stitched back together so many times he was more a monster than dragon. The other dragons leaned away from him as he steadied himself. “Lucidiouser, my friend.” The smile that appeared on Dreadless’s face was skin curling. The proud employer of death incarnate. “So, what is the news from the front?”


Lucidiouser didn’t need the talking wand. His voice could shatter windows and he did not whisper. “It’s  confirmed, 50 miles, 100,000 wood elves, they have made it Concind. They must have some new magic to teleport so many so fast. I am sorry but we must end this and evacuate the royal families.” Suddenly the crowd started yelling and talking loudly amongst themselves. Lots of commotion and movement took over the auditorium. “We will listen to the king and then we will evacuate. Not a moment sooner!” Lucidiouser’s voice was drowned out by the crowd. Several had already lifted themselves. A great foot of Lucidiouser pinned down a lesser blue dragon lord. “NOT A MOMENT SOONER!” Then Dreadless stood at the cliff's edge and leaned his divine crown of draconic domination toward the center of the room.

“Tiamat, I ask for your aid in helping my brethren.” The crown glowed with power as every dragon winced with pain. Even Lucidiouser bowed in submission, sliding his massive claws off of the blue dragon dignitary. Liliend noticed that Toumaz bowed but he didn’t wince with pain like the others. “Good, now we will conclude but first I want everyone to see a run down of current numbers and our expectations. And then, we will do what we must to defend this city and others from just such raids.” 

He waved to the lower platforms and magically placed the talking wand onto the platform at the bottom. Dragons had to move forward on their individual perches covered in golden thrones to see the smaller races who were only allowed to speak on the lower platforms in the volcano. The looking down effect and the punishing heat was all intentional. Dreadless knew Toumaz, he raised him from egg and saw to his education as he was always to be the leader of the humanoid draconic forces, but Dreadless didn’t know Toumaz’s traitorous intentions. Even Toumaz, leader of the rebellion, had to push away the knowledge of what he was about to do to his father figure, but this had to end. Draconians were slaves just like the elves, dwarves, and humans. He felt a kindred with them and didn’t agree with the dragons perspective of their superiority. Toumaz walked to the staff sized ‘talking wand’ in the middle of the platform.

“My lord.” The humanoid gold dragon stood with long fleshy whiskers that draped down to his waist. “I have something to show you. To show you all really. I knew I needed to be the one to present it as it is my duty, and I would humbly ask you all to come look at this.” Gesturing toward Liliend she stepped forwards her hand on the crystal egg. Her heart was racing. This whole time she had entertained the idea that she was somehow going to escape. She wasn't sure how but maybe an opportunity would present itself. But here she stood in front of hundreds of dragons on a platform in the most heavily guarded city in the world. This would be her death. She knew it now. She stepped forward looking down to avoid the gaze of the evil tyrants above her. Toumaz grabbed his hood and pulled it over his face, and to Liliends surprise so did Cordiaz who she thought was paralyzed.

“NOOOO. Look AWAY!!!!” Gleamstiglil suddenly threw up his arms casting a spell in front of him. Runes and magical light created a shield and green lightning started shooting off of him. “DRACORAGE!!!”

It was too late, Liliend pulled the glowing crystal egg from her waistband and held it high in the air. A red light glowing from the powerful magic egg shined a light of a far away commit that captivated the majority of the auditorium. “On behalf of the millions who deserved better than your tyranny, I condemn you all to death!” Liliend threw the crystal onto the platform, shattering it. The blinding light exploded and all at once the dragons roared with bloodlust and insanity. Toumaz, with his face still covered, cast a wall of ice just as the coliseum filled with the fire from the raging dragons. The deafening roars for a moment were muted by the singular ground shaking roar of Lucidiouser which echoed doom through the entire city, causing the initial panic and mass exodus that would overtake the city. Sweeping his massive claws across several of the platforms a shower of viscera and gold fell to the lava pits from the ending of several dragon dynasties.

Though her view was obscured by the wall of ice and the smoke and flames behind it, Liliend knew she had succeeded in her mission. The platform she stood on suddenly shook as a large stone fell onto a corner breaking off one of the iron bridges, the impact throwing her to the floor. Toumaz, still casting spells, loses his concentration being thrown as well. The two of them look up to see the smoke part and a beam of light shine parting the smoke and the chamber. Dead dragons and gore already covered every surface. Lucidiouser, still raging, covered in rubble and blood looked more monster than dragon. A frame of a large red dragon ran into the light on the high royal platform. Dreadless his eyes still shining with an enchanted glow calls out with sheer force of will.

“Tiamat, your servant calls for your power!” The ceramic and gold crown glowing and rippling with power suddenly bursts with flame as Dreadless’s eyes become white hot coals. The vast lava pit of the caldera roared to life with waves crashing on the speaking platform tossing it like a ship on the ocean. Toumaz leaped into action creating a circular wall of ice around the platform.

“I can’t hold it and that was the last one I could cast.” Toumaz looked at Liliend. He had hoped it wouldn't have turned out this way. She could see that in his eyes. “I’m sorry,” he said sadly, bracing for the end still holding the ice wall against the crashing lava. A red light exploded beaming up from the volcano below. An opening like portal to the abyss formed and out came an inhuman roar and red light of pure evil that shined upwards towards Dreadless. The enchanted dragons all stopped their carnage for a moment looking up at the dragon with white burning eyes and a crown of flames. A smile on his face could be seen by Liliend who’s stomach sank at the sight of it. Then suddenly his smile faded. 

“I AM BETRAYED!!” The dragon king bellowed as his eyes and the flames of his crown turned green and spectral skeletal arms rose from the ground grabbing hold and tearing at his flesh which seemed to putrefy and slough off in chunks. A sickly lightning shot all around him from his opulent golden surroundings as his form dissolved and his last cries of betrayal gurgled out of existence. In seconds the king dreadless, last of a royal bloodline older than history, fell a pile of blood and rotted tissue and bones. The crown, still wreathed in flames, fell from the skeletal head falling through the 2000ft chamber while every dragon watched in silence.

Toomaz, still holding back the raging volcano, reached out a golden image of his arm shooting out from his sleeve. The magical hand rose a hundred feet in the air and grabbed the falling crown bringing it to Toumaz as the auditorium still stared with red enchanted eyes in the glowing destroyed auditorium. The churning lava tossed back and forth, the open magical portal still screamed with demonic energy, but a moment of success beyond belief overtook Toumaz and he lifted the crown above his head. A flash of steel, however, and the smile faded from his face as his body suddenly crumbled before a shocked Liliend. The dark form of Cordiaz stood behind the fallen Toomaz. How he had slipped behind Toumaz she wasn't sure, she had been looking right at him but wasn’t aware of him until he struck. An obsidian smile crept across Cordiaz's face as the ice wall fell. The last thing Liliend sees as the crashing wave of lava falls upon her, is Cordiaz activating an unknown rune on his chest and disappearing with the crown.

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