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The Hidden Sonnets of Caedmon Briarheart

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It is well known throughout Valdys that Cademon Briarheart, Royal Guard and author of the many poetic works which have been posthumously compiled into the popular 'Bardic Lyrics of Caedmon Briarheart', was the long time lover and partner of the late King Velebor. Indeed it has always been amongst the most open of secrets, given how many of his published poems describe a lover of high rank whom he referred to by the (barely) alias 'my Prince'.
  Unbeknownst to the world however, alongside his published works Briarheart also wrote a series of sonnets which were never made public, and indeed may never in his lifetime have been shown to anyone at all. Recently discovered by an enterprising Palace archivist amongst his personal papers, these sonnets are presented here in the hopes that their historic relevance, as well as artistic merit, may be appreciated by the general public at last. They have been arranged by apparent chronology, and divided into what appear to be distinct periods in the poet's life. It is our hope that more may be added in future editions as they are discovered.