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Chapter 1

In the world of Liminal Chronicles

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Chapter 1

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My magic mentor, Date Hoji, asked me to visit Kyoto Jidai Arcane University, aka Kyoji, and apply to the pilot program for exceptional middle and high school students. I was hesitant. They had bullied me at my last school. But mom insisted Monday would be a good occasion to check it out.

On the bus, we prepared a list of what to learn about the campus, especially how the students treated each other. Hoji would meet me there, so I could ask to peek in on a classroom or two, since the program was in its second year.

Hoji greeted us warmly as we entered his office, asking if we were ready for the tour. 

I took a deep breath. “If the teaching style here is like yours, I’ll do ok with classes. But it’s essential that professors not tolerate abuse.”

He paused. “I know what you went through. While I can’t follow you around to be your protector, I’ll do what I can, including tip off your professors. Last thing we want is for you to settle back into being a victim. You need to choose how you’ll react.”

Memories of the adventures in Sumichou stopped me in my tracks. Those were do or die times. We didn’t back down then, why should I now? And Mom said a companion helps you walk through the tough things.

Hoji put a hand on my shoulder. “Are you ok Jiro-kun?”

Startled, I nodded. “I think so.” But my mind raced as I tried to wrap my head around how I might try to do what Hoji had said. I’d learned to trust and rely on him. 

He was already out the door to show us around. But I took a moment to organize my thoughts in a note on my phone.

My hesitation crumbled as we toured the campus. Not only was it right off the gorgeous Gion district in Kyoto. It was hidden away in the spirit realm—a refuge for yokai, which I was now. The professors were interested in their students and the classes were small.

Students moving back in for the second year of the pilot program asked if I was coming to KyoJi. They were so friendly. By the time we ended the tour, I’d made my decision. Hoji asked if I wanted to stop by the bookstore. I nodded and purchased a school t-shirt and uniform. 

April, the time of new beginnings, arrived in the blink of an eye. Hoji was true to his word and helped haul my belongings into the pilot program’s dorm. Anxiety still tormented my thoughts. 

While we were in line to get my schedule, he asked about an idea I’d texted him on calculating ki energy. 

All eyes in the room glued to me as the dreaded whispers started. Shit. I froze with a scowl plastered on my face.

Hoji smiled. “We’ll talk later. Looks like you’ll be pretty popular here.”

What the? 

An older student meekly shuffled over. “Need help with research, Sensei?"

Hoji put a hand on my shoulder, “Ask Jiro-kun. It’s his idea, and I was hoping it’d be his semester project.”

Twenty hands shot up. As I surveyed the requests, eager eyes pleaded with me. An upperclassman in the back shouted, “Hey Jiro-kun, don’t put that dweeb on your team!”

The requestor wilted, slinking away.

My eyes narrowed, and a glance at Hoji showed he felt the same. He said, “What’s your choice?” 

All the shame of not being able to stick up for myself before welled up, turning stone cold in my gut. I’d kick off this year with a bang.

I asked, “What’s your name?”

The loud mouth tengu said, “Kigawa. Kigawa Kin-“

“Not you.” I gestured to the dejected student. “You.”

He blinked, then bowed. “Ha-hayashi Masahiro.”

I returned the respect. “Nice to meet you. I’m Suzuki Soujiro. You any good with math?”

Hayashi, an ushirogami with long hair and a single eye, nodded as his grin tried to spread beyond his face. Finally, someone like me that wasn’t an adult! Maybe I’d adjust to school here?

The next day, as I came out of the bathroom, Kigawa flicked my ear. “Your ki well is pathetic. Not even a threat without Date-sensei, are you?”

His meaty fist grabbed the collar of my uniform jacket and his dark feathers fluffed, adding apparent bulk to his threatening stance. His beak jutted into my face. “Just a puny magical human.”

“Not as pathetic is your ego…” I spit back at the tengu warlock.

The school, like the others before, valued harmony over keeping bullies at bay. So, Hoji and I had chatted yesterday about what I could get away with and not be punished for fighting. I’d prepared, even stuffed an extra ki-battery into my pocket for just in case.

Kigawa jabbed his fingers under my ribs. Pain shot through my chest, knocking the wind out of me. My eyes scrunched shut as I wheezed and my ki-well didn’t give me the energy I needed to create a portal like I’d planned. I swore the skin where he hit was burning.

I slapped the ki-battery in my pocket, commanding “open”. Pop! I coughed as the well allowed energy to flow once more. Before he could do that again, I had to act! Scribing an arc into the air, I hurled myself through the portal, dragging Kigawa with, so it looked like he was tackling me.

“Leave me alone!” I wheezed, shoving the tengu off. “Or I will defend myself!”

The dean shouted at the sudden encounter, “What’s the meaning of this? Why are you hooligans fighting in my office?”

Before Kigawa could gather his wits, I pointed. “He ki blocked me!”

Kigawa spat, “He’s lying! We, tengu, always get blamed!”

Narrowing, the dean’s eyes settled on me. 

So, I glared at Kigawa. “Dean Ando, will you accept proof from the data in a device by Date Hoji-sensei?” I asked.

The dean nodded. “We’ll contact Date-san.”

Kigawa forced a telepathy connection. He asked, ‘What type of fool do you think I am?’

“Bullying through a mental link won’t help you,” I said aloud.

‘He can’t see the connection.’ The tengu smirked.

I had a choice: involve the dean more or cut the link?

Considering just took a second. The only real option was to prove Kigawa was the liar. But how? A devious plan hatched. I shot back, ‘Really now?’ Stealthily opening the connection to another presence, I waited for Kigawa’s reply.

When he did, I put my phone on the dean’s desk as it blared Kigawa’s threat. ‘You won’t be able to shut it down or bring the dean in on it. I’ve perfected…’ His connection cut off as his beak turned red. 

“I warned you I’d defend myself.” My arms crossed, marking my victory.

Ando tapped his fingers on his desk. “What was that? You look awfully smug.”

“Sir, it’s a routine I wrote on the fly in Sumichou to broadcast magical input.” At his raised eyebrow, I added, “Date-sensei can verify, along with the leader of that area. I have his cell number.”

“What’s your name, young man?” Ando asked.

“Suzuki, sir.”

“Suzuki-kun, step into the hall while I deal with this tengu ruffian.”

“My father’s gonna kill me.” Kigawa slumped, sliding down the wall to a protective crouch.

A sour taste filled my mouth. “You’re serious…”

Kigawa met my gaze, then hid his face as he shook.

I’d heard bullies were often bullied themselves. But this was my first proof of it. I froze. Memories flooded in. Devastation and terror, that’s what I remember and why mom divorced my dad.

Finally, I regained my voice. “Uhm, Sir?”

Ando cocked his head.

So, I dared to speak again. “What if…Kigawa’s family doesn’t find out?” My dad had threatened me, too. 

“You didn’t tumble into my office for revenge?”

“Just wanted him to stop bullying, sir.”

The dean shook his head. “He will be punished.”

I was pushing my luck. But something inside drove me. “He’s terrified. Please, Dean Ando. His family can’t find out. I’ve been as scared as him. I don’t want anyone to go through that.”

For a moment, the dean studied Kigawa before saying to me, “I accept your assessment. How old are you, Suzuki-kun?”

“Just turned 13.”

He added, “Where did you get a wisdom and boldness beyond your years?”

My gaze fell to my shoes as I shrugged. “Not old enough to be wise, sir. I’ve just been through a lot.”

“Have you read the Art of War?”

“Memorized it.” Hoji’d said it would be required reading at Kyoji.

“Interesting. Suzuki-kun, fetch Date Hoji-san.”

I bowed quickly and scrambled out of there. Standing up for myself today was consistent with the aftermath of the Battle for Sumichou. My bravery was all used up and my knees wobbled. It didn’t feel…what was the word…realistic?

Hoji wasn’t in his classroom or office, so I crammed a note into the door and tried texting him. His reply, ‘On my way. You ok?’

‘Yeah.’ Now that I’d calmed down.

The next time I saw Kigawa, he nodded as he passed. We’d never be close, but there was at least a little respect.

Hayashi became my first and best friend at Kyoji. We dove into our research and students clamored to join us. We let a few in to be test subjects if they were the type to stand up for others. 

A year later, we applied for a patent, then sold the rights to fund our own lab. Hayashi never knew how hard it was that day I stood up for him. But I’ll always be glad I did.


The end.

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