
In the world of Stories from the Mulitverse

Visit Stories from the Mulitverse

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Chapter 2: A Strange Morning

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Chapter 2: A Strange Morning


The rhythmic beeping roused me from the deepest part of sleep. The comfort of a bed was a welcome, fluffy pillows, warm blanket and a pleasant floral smell. My left side was noticeably numb. Opening my eyes I found myself in a comfortably lit room. Wood beams framed the celling, soft orbs of light illuminating the room. The walls were cream, some kind of plaster, with dark wooden beams supporting everything. A sound to my left drew my attention and I was face to face with Austrian Girl. I froze. She had nuzzled up shoving her shoulder in my armpit her face resting next to mine. I didn't want to disturb her. It was clear she was the source of the floral smell. 

"You're a wake, this unit will notify the sisters." I turned my and saw a wooden robot looking at me. it's face was projected over a small wooden barrel. A larger barrel formed the body with rough cut logs to form arms and legs. It approached me, "This unit will remove your IV now. Is there any thing else this unit can do for you?" In a smooth movement it removed the IV tube from my right arm a faint glow emitted from the robot's hand.  I was utterly confused what was real, or was I trapped in some kind of dream within a dream thing. The rifle was sitting on the nightstand to my right, which was comforting. I reached over to flip the selector from full auto to safe. 

"What are you doing?" A shrill voice pierced the fairly quiet room. On reflex I rolled out of bed and raised the rifle, pointing towards the sound. Expecting to see an altercation instead I saw  a nine foot tall woman pale ghostly blue skin in a brown habit. I glanced over to Austrian girl who was now sitting up holding the blanket to her chest. Looking around I didn't see any danger. The face of the large nun was uncanny but not threatening. 

"Ärztin." Austrian girl said sleepily. I gave her a confused look. She adjusted the blanket and pointed at the nun. "Friend." I safed and lowered my rifle. She nodded "Come, bed" she said patting the spot where I was lying. 

"Bathroom." I said, putting the rifle back on the nightstand. I turned to the robot, "Where's the bathroom?"

The robot turned and pointed towards the door that didn't have a giant stunned nun in it. "That way sir."

I nodded and went on my way. I realized I was in my boxers, but that would be a question for later.  I looked myself over in the mirror. Where I had been stung turned into a coppery green circle with copper colored roots spreading out across my shoulder and pec. It looked cool. I returned to the ward. Austrian Girl was talking to the nun. I couldn't be bothered to try understanding her rapid German.

"If we use you as a base line and account for standard female-male morphology he seems to be fine. I don't know anyone who could survive a Gubtasian's sting and dying injection. I must apologize on behalf of the Sisterhood of Utris for not believing your explanation of both your species and Earth." The nun said, as I sat down on the bed. My stomach growling. "Ah the man of the hour. Do you know how much worry you caused Ms. Buhl?" she said addressing me. 

I blinked, "No, I assumed we were being kidnapped. The fact we weren't is a relief. Unless this is some kind of strange kidnapping?" I said looking at her as 'Ms. Buhl' looked at me peering out from under the covers.

"No, this is not a kidnapping. Some paladins of Eorr found the two of you fleeing the chaos at the abandoned space dock. You seemed to think they were hostile. Thankfully you only clipped the armor of Brother Yavurri, which spared his life."  I could vaguely remember shooting at some tall thin thing. "After running a more consensual experiment with Ms. Buhl here we deduced you must have reacted to his telepathy as some kind of attack and responded in kind." I nodded along. "Once you got here to the Temple of Life we treated you for the Gubtastian poison and a few broken bones. That was two days ago." As if queued my stomach growled again. "You must be famished." I nodded. 

"This unit will go retrieve food." The robot said as it walked out of the room. 

"Thanks?" I said.  I got back into the bed and leaned back into the pile of pillows. 

The nun spoke up "I should introduce myself, I am Theribus."

"Bryan Williamson." I replied. 

"Anja" My Austrian friend chimed in. 

"With introductions complete I do have some questions." Theribus said, "According to Ms. Buhl you two are a species known as Human, a new one on Circuchron, that grew up on what appears to be a death world. The gravity alone is close to three times the galactic standard, it's almost five times what I grew up with. Ms. Buhl said there were some problems with your species and low gravity."

I nodded. I turned to Anja, "What did you say?" 

"Weak body." She replied completely in German. 

"Ah," I turned to Theribus, "Low gravity weakens our muscles, bones, and can cause problems with our digestion. Although this room feels right. I'm assuming space technology?" 

"No, there is very little technology in the temple. Everything here is done though magic." Theribus replied. "Although there are technologies that would allow for your level of gravity should it be required. Most spaceships use technology as it is slightly more reliable in the void of space than magic is." She clearly saw my confusion, "Is there not magic on your world?"

"Sie ist eine Hexe." I hear Anja whisper to me. 

"Yes, she's a witch." I echo. 

"I will have you know that's very offensive language." Therbious said. 

I heard a 'heh' before Anja and I, pointed and shouted, "She's a witch!", and "Sie ist eine Hexe." in sync before bursting out into laughter. It would have been funny even if we hadn't switched languages. Our outburst of laughter softened Theribus' expression. 

"If you two are well enough to joke like that, I assume you two can be processed and put to work." she quipped in a motherly tone. "Once the construct returns with food; we will go though the paperwork and get you two registered, and situated." 

As if queued the wooden robot returned with food "Thank you Barry." I said taking one of the trays from him. I felt something, like the wind was knocked out of me but it didn't last. My confusion didn't last long enough to stall me from attacking what looked like a turkey leg. 

"You are very welcome Master Williamson." Barry said with a silky British accent. I turned to Barry, confused. 

"How did you do that?" Theribus said, confused. 

"Do what?" I said swallowing a bite of the not turkey leg.

 "Name the construct?" Theribus said, her voice taking on an inquisitive tone.

"I just called him Berry? It seemed like an obvious name for a robot made from a barrel." I replied taking a spoon full of some kind of cooked beans. 

"No, constructs are like monsters. They aren't named, to name one takes a large amount of magic. Usually they only get named after a tragedy or miracle, even then the first person to use the name dies." Theribus blurted, her hands nervously danced, "I have to prepare some tests. Barry bring them to the training room once they are ready. The paperwork can wait till afterwards." 

"Yes Madam Sister." Barry replied, as Theribus left the room in a hurry.

"Berry; why are you calling Bryan, Master Williamson?" Anja said. 

"Master Williamson named me thus I shall serve him and any designated successor until I am no longer able to function." Barry stated. 

"What are you planning to do? I thought you were a medical robot of some description." I asked.

"Firstly Master Williamson I am not a robot, robots are prices of technology. I am a construct a magical artifact. While we share functionality we differ greatly in form and capabilities. Secondly I am a general use construct. I do have medical knowledge I am not specialized in medicine. It would be best to compare my services to that of a knowledgeable butler, with a secondary role as a body guard. Although I doubt you will ever need a body guard." Barry replied, his voice taking on an instructional tone. "It may be worth mentioning that by granting me a name we have entered into a pact. Due to your overwhelming power I could only have been a servant. If we were closer in power we would have a more symbiotic pact." 

That was interesting. I decided pondering could wait as I inhaled the rest of the food. "Barry, could you fill Bryan in about our... situation?" Anja said as she picked at her food.

I turned to her, "I understood that." I turned to Barry, "Why did I understand that? I don't know that much German." Before Barry could respond Anja jumped in, "Yah why can I understand him? I can recognize English at best." 

Barry's head cooked slightly, "My apologies Master Williamson, Ms. Buhl, I was unaware of the full details the naming pact brought. It appears that Master Williamson has been granted my comprehend languages and speak all language magic. I am sure Madam Sister Theribus will be able to enlighten the three of us." I wasn't sure to be relieved or concerned. 

I turned to Anja, "What is this situation?" I said trying to figure out why Berry had picked up a British accent of all things. 

Anja's face turned a bright red. "You see during our escape... well you passed out and, my..." as she gestured the embarrassment spread down her neck. Her shoulders were bare. There weren't even straps. I half jumped half fell out of the bed we were in. 

"I am sorry." I stammered from the floor "I should have said something." I fought against my imagination to keep the blanket on her. Feeling blood rush to everywhere I didn't want it I spun around and looked out the window. "Barry where are our cloths?"

"Your pants are in the drawer to your left. However your shirt and Ms. Buhl's dress were casualties of the medical procedures. Would you like me to retrieve you some fresh cloths?" He replied all business like. 

"Please." I replied watching the various flying vehicles out the window. Barry didn't reply but I did hear him leave the door shutting behind him. 

I heard Anja moving around, "Can you still understand me?" She said, her voice soft and meek. I nodded. Not knowing what else to say. "You don't have to be sorry. I refused to leave your side, and didn't make a fuss when we had to discard my dress. I should have said something about the culture of clothing." Her voice getting closer but no stronger. 

"I'd guess you were overwhelmed, aliens, a ring world, magic, and having to run for your life?" I sighed, "That's a lot." We sat in silence that last sentence hanging in the air. 

After a moment she broke the silence, "They asked if we were a bonded pair." I fought the urge to turn and look at her. Instead I stayed cross-legged on the floor. "I said yes." she said getting out of the bed, "I said yes. I don't know why I said yes. Fear probably. I was afraid of everything, and, overwhelmed as you put it. You saved me not once but twice. And then I thought I lost you. Hell they thought you were dead when they got you here." I felt her sit down behind me, her bare back pressed up against mine. "I don't know if that was right or of we are or could be or should be." 

Those words hit me hard. I knew I didn't know Anja, but I understood. I racked my brain in the silence as she leaned into me. "Lord help me." I mumbled. "Lord help us." 

"Amen." She said, leaning her head back and touching it to mine. "So what's the plan?" 

I shrugged, "I don't know. Fill out the paperwork, get settled in and find a way home? Or do we stay here? Although that does lead to the first question. Are we a we?"

Before I could form an answer Anja spoke, "I've had one reoccurring nightmare, chased by a monster. With a princely man resucing me." A knock at the door cut her off. 

"Master Williamson, Ms Buhl I have returned." Barry said from the otherside of the door. 

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