Binding Promises

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Sub-Lieutenant Renkash Alenahs stood at attention, his black furred shoulders protesting their confinement within the stiff white fabric of his dress uniform. He couldn't help but swell with pride under the stern gaze of his sponsor, Admiral Kydell, who had managed to convince the Fleet Admiral herself to preside over the ceremony. His ceremony. A five decade Soul Oath in exchange for advanced training as a Void Mage Necromancer, the highest level of magical prowess available. And soon he would be one of them.

It had been a long time since he had experienced happiness, but today came close.

"Would the Initiate please step forward."

The flat tone of the Fleet Admiral's words did little to dampen Renkash's spirits as he marched stiffly towards Kydell and the Administrating Necromancer, who carefully unrolled the Oath Scroll for his review. This was his first time seeing the actual scroll, although Kydell had given him a summary of its contents the night before. It was larger than he expected, the Runework pulsing with powerful binding magics.

"Has the Initiate reviewed the terms?" the Fleet Admiral droned, and Renkash responded with the customary salute. "Then extend your arms to your sponsor. Will the attending medic please step forward."

He did as instructed, submitting himself to Kydell's vice-like grip as the Admiral placed Renkash's right palm upon the binding Oath Stone before beginning to carefully roll the dress uniform back from his left wrist in preparation for sealing the Oath. A multicolored fae wearing the hat of a field medic flitted towards them, a large needle gripped within their pinchers, disapproval clear across their face.

What's gotten into him? Renkash found himself wondering, but then the Administering Necromancer drove the needle deep within the veins of his wrist and the Sub-Lieutenant found himself directing his full energy to maintaining his composure. He barely noticed when Admiral Kydell rotated his arm to slide it across the Oath Scroll, blood now smeared across the parchment, mixing with the ink of the runes.

And then he felt it, the tentative tendrils of the tether which would anchor him to the Oath Stone for the duration of his bond. Closing his eyes and shifting his awareness to the Void beyond the Veil in an effort to fully savor the moment, Renkash allowed the tether to bury itself deep within his soul. It's done, he marveled, admiring the deceptively fine gossamer thread of the link as the Oath Scroll dissolved beneath his arm, its magic spent.

He was faintly aware of the Administrator's spiritual presence beside him inspecting the strength of the bond, and felt a sudden drain on his Imperium reserves as the tether repaired itself from the Necromancer's poking. Satisfied, the Administrator returned his attention to the mortal plane and Renkash followed, just in time to watch his attending fae medic gaze upon him with a mixture of pity and sadness before moving to mend his wound from the needle. What is that guy's problem?

But the Fleet Admiral was speaking again. "The Soul Oath has been successfully administered, and the Initiate's Oath Stone will be transferred to the Vaults. The Initiate will henceforth be recognized as Lieutenant Renkash Alenahs, Oathbound Void Necromancer of the Glorious Sparnell Armed Forces, in personal service to Admiral Kydell. May your accomplishments bring glory to us all."

Lieutenant Renkash saluted again as Admiral Kydell approached to pin the three clawed mark of his sponsorship on Renkash's lapels. The mark of the Oathbound of Kydell. This is the day my life truly begins.

Facets of Fillimet is an ongoing project containing all the short stories included within articles spread across Filliment. More volumes will be added as required.
  Periodically I will also include patron-only stories originally intended for inclusion on an article page, but later removed due to length or other factors.
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