Masquarade Earth

Ricci's Mirror

Ongoing 11441 0 0 1781

Image Credit: NASA APOD 2022 Nov 21, ESA, Hubble; Processing: William Ostling
  People say they want forever. But even a few hundred into the start of it becomes a weight. Society needs those willing to push that weight upwell and downwell, and plenty sign up for the first run sure.
  Only to disappear on leave the moment they run the return.
  It's not for everyone, forever. But it is for some, and by the time they have navigated the space between, putting a few hundred light years under their feet strapped to a fountain of gamma, they start to wonder if forever is all they know.
  So it was for the first man to sprint across the black between stars, chasing forever almost as hard as he chased the past.