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The Missing Sultan The Missing Sultan Characters

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The Missing Sultan

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The Sultana of Jing Ba floats cross legged above her beloved Sultan’s throne frowning. He went on a trip to see to some outlaying villages but hasn’t returned. The Janissary she sent to make sure he was okay came back reporting that the Sultan had never reached the villages. She should have gone with him and clearly needs to enhance the Janissary further if they couldn’t stop whoever took him. She could easily eviscerate any mortal foolhardy to kidnap the Sultan in her presence. But he insisted she stay behind to deal with matters around the palace. She also has diplomats from various nations wanting to make a trade deal with her ‘great’ nation. Of course, her nation is great. She is its Sultana. A full-blown djinn. Still as great as her kind is there are limits. Especially for her due to those spineless guppies from her home deminsion. Her Janissaries still need time to set up the information network she requires in this world so their knowledge is annoyingly limited outside of Jing Ba…outside…Ah perhaps she can make those foolish mortals that came for those trade deals do her bidding. She looks do one of her Honor Guard Janissaries “Bring the little diplomats and representatives to me. I thought of an agreeable deal.” Without uttering a word the Janissary goes to collect the foreigners.

            Soon enough, foreign diplomats from Solarium, Lunarium Empire, Amazonia, Krate, and Rornora as well as representatives Holy Order of Leyline Paladins, Artainian Investment Corporative, Red Dragon Adventures Guild, and Exile’s Knowledge Soceity, along with someone familiar to her but not who she summoned. The Sultana says “I have decided to agree to potentially agree to some of what you filthy mortals and,” She glances to the angel from Rornora, “and lesser immortals want, and strongly urge my husband to hear you out on one condition and only to those that fulfil the condition.” The Diplomat from Amazonia asks “What is that condition oh great Sultana.” Sultana glares down at them. She says “My Husband is missing. Find him and either bring him back to me in perfect health OR if your too weak to retrieve him inform me of his whereabouts but I will lessen the terms of any agreement. Those who don’t wish to bother are to leave my great nation without hesitation. I’ll incinerate any of you that are found in our borders without my husband. Those that agree are to wait in the rear courtyard. My head Janissary” She motions to a man with black hair, brown eyes and brown skin and has the shadow of beard. He is wearing outfit of a Janissary captain and seem as serious as all the Janissary the foreigners have seen so far, “will be assigning lesions to you. If you choose to work together then that’s fine. Now begone from my sight” They quickly are escorted out of the court room except for the familiar figure.

She says “So ‘greed’ was it? What does that thing that calls herself my daughter want?” The figure with fire red hair and eyes like emeralds says “Nothing. She is doing something for the Raakshas Hatyaara and is not aware that her father is missing. I come for myself. If I help find the Sultan, will you alter me?” The Sultana smirks “Oh. I can sense what you want. Technically me making such a thing would normally get those layabouts to come punish me for ‘stepping’ out of line, however…If it’s done as the result of keeping a wish like the sultan’s fulfilled…” her grin grows “Oh yes. Okay deal freak. So long as you understand what happens if your bond with that thing is ever severed” Greed nods “Trust me I know the risks. But Ziva is strong and so is my bond with her. I’m sure I’ll be destroyed well before she ever is.” The Sultana says “Yes that thing is annoyingly resilient.”

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