Day 6

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I awoke to the sensation of shaking and opened my eyes to see Mom over me. Groaning tiredly, I tried to turn over, but Mom wasn't having it.

"Good morning, deary. It's time for school." she said, shaking me again. I groaned again, and steadily moved to sit up. I could see the morning sunlight shining into my room, the bright rays of light brightening up the place. Mom helped me stand up on my feet, and I slowly headed out of my room.

Laying against the wall right by the door was my pack chest. As I picked it up, I took a peek inside and could see a few different things. Mom had packed up a cooked porkchop, some bread, and a bottle of water. There was also a few blocks of wood, cobblestone, and some sticks. I slugged the pack chest over my back, where it stuck in place.

"Everything you might need for the first day of school is in that pack chest, dear. Now, let's go. Emily's waiting for you at the door." Mom informed as she guided me to the door. I didn't see Dad anywhere. He must've left for that expedition he and the other knights had to go on. As she opened it, I could see Emily's pack chest on her back facing us before she turned to see me.

"Hi David!" she greeted, grinning cheek to cheek. I greeted her back as I stepped down the steps and looked back at Mom.

"See you later, Mom." I told her as she nodded, then I turned to head off.

"Have a great first day. Oh, and David-" I looked back at her. She had a confident smile. "Remember what we talked about last night." One of her eyes were closed, and I remembered how last night she had told me not to worry about today. That the teacher was going to keep an eye on things. I nodded in response, and we began to go towards the school, tugging our pack chests on our backs. A single moment passed before Emily spoke up, her body filled with excitement.

"I can't wait to meet the teacher. What do you think she'll be like? Maybe a super awesome warrior, or a very smart scientist? Or maybe she'll be calm and mysterious?" she speculated, spouting different ideas. She seemed to have completely forgotten about last night, with how excited she was.

Speaking of last night, I tried to remember what I had dreamed about. For some reason, it stayed on the back of my mind, and I couldn't forget that I had a dream about something, but couldn't remember what it was about either. Something about diamonds, and yellow stone? Maybe I had been mining in my dreams?

In the middle of my thoughts, I noticed another boy come up from behind us and quickly recognized he was Andrew.

"Hey David. Hey... Emily..." he said, pausing as he noticed Emily. I could see a slight blush on his face as he looked down nervously.

"Hey Andrew." I said back to him. Emily became distracted from her thoughts as she noticed him.

"Yo Andrew! Where have you been? I haven't seen you around in over a week." she said, playfully hitting his arm with her fist.

"I, uh... Well, just been doing what I do best. Causing chaos, messing around with the adults. Stuff like that..." he replied, shrinking down. I couldn't help but smile at the interaction. It was clear that Andrew had a crush on Emily, but somehow she never seemed to notice.

"That's pretty cool. Anything funny happen?" she asked.

"Well-uh, two days ago I took some fish from a bunch of different fishermen, and one of them, uh, noticed and ran after me. I-I managed to get him angry enough to chase me until he fell down into a cave. Though, he did get out-I helped him get out!" he proclaimed, looking at her face to see her reaction. She chuckled.

"That's awesome. Did his face get all red? Was he really angry afterwards? Come on, spill the blocks!" she ordered.

"Oh, um. Yeah, his face was pretty red. And he was still really angry. I... uh... ended up getting grounded..." he replied meekly. "Anyways, I'm going to go to the school. See you guys there." Andrew rushed ahead, leaving us behind. I could see the school right up ahead, with other village kids going inside the building. I also started to hear a note that sounded somewhat like a bell, but lower, playing a few times each moment. It must've been the school morning bell. School was probably about to start.

"Andrew's quite the goofblock, isn't he?" Emily giggled. I nodded.

"Yeah, I wish I could be as free-spirited as him..." I replied, trying to talk him up to her.

"Nah, you're cool as you are, dude." she said, giving me a friendly punch to the shoulder. I wasn't sure what to say in response, but I didn't need to, because we were right at the school.

As we approached the door, I remembered my manners and quickly went to open the doors for Emily. She smiled as she went inside, followed by me as I closed the doors. We went towards the classroom that had an open door with an adult woman standing right by it. I assumed she was the teacher. She had dark blue pants and a dark green shirt and wore grey boots. On her face was a stern expression that told me she had a lot of experience with conflict. Emily approached her eagerly.

"Hello, miss. Are you going to teach us?" she asked, putting on a closed-eyes smile as she looked up at the teacher. Immediately, the woman's stern face softened as she knelt down towards Emily.

"Hello there, little girl. Yes, I am your teacher. Go on inside and find a seat, and we can all introduce ourselves." she requested. Emily nodded and pulled me into the classroom before I could think about saying anything to the teacher.

The classroom was full of over a dozen other village kids, and many seats were taken. We tried to find two that we could sit right next to each other, but unfortunately, all that were left were single seats. Emily and I split off to different chairs. I picked mine, one of the ones right next to the window, while hers was close to the center of the seats. The teacher came into the classroom once the last of the kids entered the room. She said something, but I couldn't hear her over the loud talking and screaming of other kids.

"Everyone, quiet!" she yelled, her authoritative voice broad and cutting through all the others. The conversations quickly died down. "Now then, everyone take a seat in a timely fashion." The kids that were up went to their seats with differing amounts of urgency. Some kids were quick to sit down while others took their time, but ultimately after a moment, everyone was in their seats. "I want everyone to set their pack chests on the floor right by their desks." she instructed. Along with everyone else, I took my pack chest off my back and set it right down by my desk.

"Good. Keep in mind that these seats will be yours for the entirety of this school year. Now, my name is Alice Sanddye, but you'll be calling me Ms. Sanddye. I will be your teacher. I recognize that none of you have attended school before, and so I'll explain how this is going to work. School will last for nine consecutive months out of the year. There will be occasional breaks within that year for holidays and holiweeks, but for the most part it's all about learning during that period. For five out of seven days of the week, you will be coming here. If you need me to repeat, raise your fist." She waited for a moment, but no one raised their fists, and she continued.

"You will have two different classes this year. One is focused on teaching you combat in order to help you survive should you need to fight, and one is focused on teaching you the different crafting recipes so you know how to craft various things. For today, we will focus on combat and go over the basics. However, before we do that I want everyone to introduce themselves." She pointed at a boy sitting at the rightmost corner. "From here to the window, I want everyone to say their names. And then we'll move down to the next row. Now go." The boy spoke up.

"My name's Liam." he said. The next student said her name, followed by another girl, another boy, and another girl. She then gestured to the next row.

"Calem." said the boy. Next up was Emily, who said hers. She was followed by another boy, and then another two girls.

"Heather." said the girl of the third row, and then the three were boys. The last one was myself, and when it came time to say my name...

"David!" I said, hoping I didn't sound too anxious. The last thing I wanted was to make a fool of myself on the first day.

Fourth row had Andrew as the first boy, followed by four other boys that I immediately recognized to be the Bad Bats. I felt my mouth go dry as I realized that the seat I had chosen had Drake almost directly behind me. I could see the look on his face as he smirked at me. Suddenly, I no longer felt safe as the pressure of having him so close next to me made me shiver. After all the students had said their names, Ms Sanddye spoke again.

"Okay class, now let's head outside. And do so in a steady fashi-" she was cut off as over half the class immediately rose and began chattering again. We followed her outside to the field behind the school, the afternoon sun shining down on us. There were a bunch of armor stands set up with leather armor on them. Unlike any armor stands I had seen before, these ones weren't missing arms, which surprised me, but also made me realize that they looked just how they should be. They were also holding wooden swords in their arms.

Looking up to the sky, I noticed that the sky was darker than usual and hoped that it wouldn't rain while we were outside.

Ms. Sanddye stood in front of one of the armor stands. She grabbed the wooden sword from the armor stand.

"This is a sword. Swords are one of many different types of weapons. There are also axes, tridents, bows, crossbows, and others. Over the course of your curriculum you will learn how to use these. However, for now we are focusing on using a sword. Now, I want each of you to grab a sword." she directed. Every one of us approached an armor stand and grabbed a sword from the stands. I held mine in front of me nervously, remembering what had happened when I held a wooden sword yesterday.

"Now, for starters, you have your basic guard, which is this-" She held her sword and held it across her chest. "Holding your sword like this will allow it to protect you from any hit that would have struck you in the chest. It won't shield you from the full hit, but it will reduce the damage that you'll take. As you become more used to using a sword, you'll be able to implement this guard in other ways, with other attack combinations." she instructed, then changed her position with the sword to holding it in front of her.

"Now, you have your basic attack. You'll swing like this-" Ms. Sanddye swung her sword from above downwards. "Of course, it doesn't really matter right now which direction you swing it. It's basic for a reason. Now, I want you each to find a partner to practice the two moves with. If anyone is hurt, let me know. I have healing potions and food." With that, the class broke off to form several groups. I quickly found Emily. She smiled.

"Want to be partners?" she asked. I was about to nod when I noticed the Bad Bats in the distance. They were laughing amongst each other and weren't paying attention to me, but I remembered how they had made fun of us for being together. The last thing I wanted was for them to do it again in front of a crowd. Looking down in defeat, I shook my head.

"Sorry but... no..." I told her. Her smile went away as she noticed me having looked at them. "It's just..." I started but she interrupted.

"No, I get it... The Bad Bats are real jerks." Emily grumbled.

I turned around to see Andrew approaching, but he wasn't coming towards me, he was going to Emily.

"H-hey, you wanna be partners?" he asked her shyly. A grin formed on her face as she nodded.

"Sure!" she accepted. That left me all by myself, and I couldn't help but feel a little bitter about it with him not even considering his best friend first.

Sighing in annoyance, I looked around for someone who didn't have a partner. After a moment, I found another boy and came over to him hesitantly.

"Um... do you... wanna be partners...?" I asked him. I couldn't remember his name and hoped I wouldn't have to. I usually wasn't good with remembering names unless I really knew the person. He nodded.

We went to work and started training. I made sure to remember blocking his attacks with my crossed sword whenever he attacked, and he did the same whenever I attacked. Overall, I felt a little better about my training today than yesterday when Emily and I were just mindlessly swinging our weapons.

A moment into the training, I was struck in the back by something fragile that broke apart as it knocked me forwards a bit. Once I regained my footing, I looked back at the perpetrator and saw it was Drake holding eggs in his fist, who was with the rest of his gang giggling. A scowl covered my face as I tried to ignore it and went back to training with my partner.

After I swung my wooden sword at him and was blocked, another egg slammed against the back of my head. The force was enough to knock me down to the ground, and I grunted in pain, spitting the dirt particles out of my mouth as I heard the clucking of a baby chicken right next to me. The Bad Bats began to holler with laughter. Even Ralph was laughing with them like he always did.

I looked over for the teacher, my body filling with anger as I saw her giving a potion to another kid, seemingly unaware of what was going on. Drake aimed another egg at me and threw it. I ducked under it and heard Emily yell.

"Leave him alone!" she shouted, stopping her and Andrew's training.

"No, I don't think I will." Drake laughed as he threw another egg at me. It hit my arm and I stared angrily back at him. "In fact, I think I wanna be David's partner now." The moment he said that, my anger faded and I froze.

"No, no, no, no, no! That's fine! I don't need a partner..." I stammered, trying to say anything I could to prevent what was coming.

"Hah, do you really think you can beat David in a fair fight, Drake?! He's way out of your league!" Emily challenged smugly.

"No, I'm not. I mean, I just think-" I couldn't come up with what to say as Drake responded.

"Really? How about we see about that?" he challenged back.

"He can do it. His dad's a knight. I bet he's trained him so much that you'll be-"

"EMILY!!!" I shouted, my voice even louder than I meant it to be. Soon, everyone had their attention on us and people gathered around us. Emily's face changed as she realized what she had gotten me into.

"Come on then, David. Fight me. Prove that you aren't a complete loser." Drake challenged, approaching me. I began to sweat nervously as I looked over at Ms. Sanddye, only to see her just watching us. So much for keeping an eye on me, I thought. I couldn't turn Drake down now, unless I wanted to look like a total wimp.

"F-fine..." I mumbled as I gripped my wooden sword tightly.

"You can do this, David." Emily encouraged. "Remember our training. Do whatever you did." I knew what she was talking about, but I still had no idea how to pull that off.

"David's gonna lose and prove to everyone once again that he truly is the village loser." Drake announced confidently to everyone. Breathing in deeply, I put on a stern face and glared at him, pushing down as much of my fear as I could. I stood with my sword ready.

Drake ran at me with his sword raised. Feeling my panic beginning to overwhelm, I ran to the side and managed to dodge his attack, quickly turning to face him as he swung at me again. I was struck in the side and grunted as I fell on my back.

Drake came up to me and brought his sword down, but I quickly pushed myself back far enough to avoid the hit and got back up to my feet. I can't keep running from him, I have to fight back now! I thought, and I swung out my sword with a yell. My blade struck him in the shoulder. With another yell, I swung again, striking him a second time in the waist. Drake hollered in pain and backed off, glaring at me with hate.

"Bastard! You really think you can beat me? You're just a loser!" he snarled as he threw away his wooden sword. I looked at him with confusion.

"You just threw away your weapon..." I pointed out, but he shook his head.

"That stick isn't worth nothing." he said, before pulling an iron sword out of his inventory. "This on the other fist can do damage." Seeing the military weapon come out of nowhere, I panicked and turned to run, but ended up tripping. He approached with the sword, raising it up. "You're not the only one with a knight as a dad, loser!"

"That's enough!" a commanding yell boomed. Drake froze, and I looked back to see Ms. Sanddye approaching, pushing past the kids with a furious look on her face. "How dare you bring an iron sword to class! Your parents will hear of this." She stood between us and grabbed the iron sword. He tried to wrestle with her over it, but she was much stronger and easily ripped it out of Drake's fist. She then looked over all the other kids.

"Combat is over. Everyone head back inside. Except for Drake and David." she ordered. Everyone began to make their way back to the school. Ms. Sanddye gave me and Drake a healing potion each.

"I don't know what beef the two of you have, but you need to work past it." she scolded. "And Drake, what you did was illegal. If you were a little older, you would be put behind bars. Now, I will be talking to your parents about this, and-"

Just then, a shrill noise cut through the sky, instantly silencing her. The sky seemed to grow even darker than before, and I could hear screaming in the distance. The village bells began to go off rapidly, and fear filled my body as I recognized the alarm as those that go off when the village was under attack.

I could see explosions bursting against several buildings. Looking back at Ms. Sanddye. there was a look of genuine fear in her eyes.

"Oh no..." she muttered, and then quickly snapped out of it, turning to both of us. "You two come with me right now." she ordered and ran towards the rest of the class, which had mostly stopped.

"EVERYONE, GO INSIDE THE SCHOOL, NOW! BACK INTO THE CLASSROOM, NOW!!!" she yelled as the top of her lungs. I had no idea what was happening, but I knew that whatever it was, it was bad-terrible, even. Drake and I ran along with her and the rest of the class as we went into the school. Every now and then, I heard a shrill sound from an unknown source, accompanied by several explosions.

We went into the classroom to hide, and the teacher looked at us all. Several of the kids whimpered. I found Emily and Andrew and stayed right next to them. The fear in their eyes didn't help me with mine.

"We need to stay quiet. Don't make a sound." she instructed. The shrill scream vibrated throughout the building, followed by more explosions. "Everyone, stay under your desks." Slowly, several of us moved to our desks, and she helped bring others who didn't have the courage to move to theirs.

Moments passed, but the explosions continued. I trembled at the thought of what was happening in the village. Was Mom okay? Were Bob and the other golems protecting the village? Ms. Sanddye had a full suit of iron armor equipped, with an iron sword of her own in her fist. Even so, I was scared that whatever was attacking the village would find us.

A moment later, the explosions started getting closer. Then closer. And even closer. Until suddenly, an explosion fell right upon us, and the building shuddered. A few of the kids cried out in panic. Another explosion, and light burst through the ceiling. A dark figure with glowing white eyes hovered in the space, looking straight down at us. A glowing mouth shaped into a grin as it saw us.

"Kids, run!" Ms. Sanddye roared as she jumped to her feet. Immediately we all began to scatter. The figure let out a shrill shriek as it broke through more of the roof. Something flew from it and landed close to me, causing an explosion that had black particles, and as I breathed in the air, I began to cough. I started to have a hard time breathing. In a blind panic, I acted on instinct. While a lot of kids were trying to get through the door, I noticed something from the figure exploded against the window, completely shattering the glass panes. I slipped through, sprinting outside and taking the chance to look back. It had begun to rain, as though that monster's appearance had brought down the storm.

The creature looked unlike anything I had ever seen before. It didn't seem to have any legs, and there were two other heads at the end of its arms, each with their own set of glowing white eyes and sneers. The closest mob that resembled it was vaguely a skeleton, as it looked bony as well, and had three sets of ribs. The creature was completely black, and dark particles floated around it.

I could see Ms. Sanddye jump up from the building, using a desk to jump up and grab the creature by the bottom of its spine. She climbed up the creature as it shot its two heads at her, both somehow missing. She swung around and grabbed onto it by one set of its ribs, and climbed onto its back. The creature let out an enraged roar as it hovered around, trying to throw her off it.

I coughed again, trying to get air into my lungs, but it was getting harder. I noticed the school was emptying itself as kids fled, Ms. Sanddye using the time she was on the creature's back to distract it from the rest of the kids. I prayed to Notch that Emily and Andrew had gotten out. Looking back at the village, I could tell it had been thoroughly ravaged by the creature.

Thundering footsteps grew as several iron golems approached the school. Many of them were covered in cracks as though they had taken much damage. Two of them reached the school, and one jumped onto the other as they helped the golem to reach the roof. The creature continued flying around with Ms. Sanddye on its back until it slammed its back against the roof, taking the breath out of her as she fell to the ground.

With horror, I watched as all three heads looked down at her, and with a high-pitched roar, it fired its projectiles down onto her. She vanished in the explosion, and once the smoke was gone, there was nothing left. Letting out a cry in terror, I stumbled back as one of its head turned towards me and fired what appeared to be a skull straight at me.

"Oh Notch!" I stammered, jumping to the side and just barely avoiding the blast. The iron golems began to attack the creature, and it quickly focused on them.

"David!" a familiar voice called out to me. I spotted Mom sprinting full-speed to me from the ruined village.

"Mom!" I cried out as I coughed even more. I could feel my strength beginning to disappear, and fell to the ground.

"David, stay with me!" she ordered as she quickly picked me up and held me in a tight grasp.

"Mom." I stammered as I entered a coughing fit.

"Quiet, David. We're leaving now!" she said, her voice filled with barely-disguised panic. She carried me and went into the woods.

After a moment, I could feel my consciousness beginning to slip.

"Mom..." I groaned, and Mom set me down. The coughing only got worse, and I could barely get any air into my body as I gasped for breath.

"David, what happened to you!? You're turning..." she trailed off. "Stay right here, Mommy will be right back!" With that, she left. I was left on the ground, trapped in constant agonizing coughing. Through the gasps, I could see that my body was beginning to turn gray. My vision was darkening. I was losing the feeling in my arms and legs too. Was this really how it was going to end?

Another moment passed before Mom returned, and held something to my mouth.

"David, open your damn mouth now!" I faintly heard her say in her frantic voice. With what little strength I had, I parted my lips, and felt something cold and hard brush past them. A liquid entered my mouth, and became consumed. 

All of a sudden, I felt my body beginning to recover. My vision soon returned to normal, followed by my arms and legs regaining feeling. Looking back at them, my skin was turning back to its normal coloration. And I could finally breathe.

I heard my mom let out a sigh as she held an empty bucket.

"Thank Notch that bucket of milk worked..." she said, then grabbed me again.

"Mom... what was that thing..." I asked her. She shook her head.

"I don't... I don't know, David... I'm just as confused as you." she pointed out. "But one thing's clear. We needed to get out of there." As she carried me and went along, she talked to herself. "We need to go to Stonefield Village. They must be able to take us in..."

"But what about the others, Mom?" I asked. "What about Emily, and Andrew, and Bob, and-"

"David-" She set me down on the ground and knelt on one knee. She had a stern face, but I had a feeling it was a mask. "What's important right now is that I get you to safety. I hope everyone else is okay, but right now we need to get as far away from that thing as we can." After all that I had gone through, and hearing her speak this way, I felt tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"Mom, I-" I began to sob. "I... I hope they're safe..." I whimpered. She nodded, tears forming in her eyes as well as she picked me back up. She continued to run.

Eventually, the sun had set, and Mom built a makeshift shelter out of dirt. She set down a campfire and closed off the outside, so hopefully the monsters of the night wouldn't know we were here. For a moment, there was silence between us, until I broke it.

"I-I wish Dad were here..." I whimpered. She stared into the fire.

"Me too, dear." she replied, and then pulled a map out of her inventory. "Stonefield Village should be another day away. I really hope that-no, I shouldn't say that..." she said, immediately deciding against whatever she was about to say.

"Mom? Will we be able to go back home?" I asked her.

"I... I don't know, David... I really don't know..." she responded sorrowfully.

"But what if... what if that monster finds us?" I asked, terrified at the thought of seeing that glowing face again.

"I don't think it will, dear. We got pretty far away." she assured me.

I spent the next moment listening to the falling rain outside the shelter before I heard a sniffle from her as she moved right up beside me.

"I'm just... so glad that you're okay..." Mom sighed in relief as she hugged me tight. I hugged her back. "I was so scared when I saw that monster attacking the schoolhouse... If something had happened, I wouldn't have been able to live with it... You mean the world to me, David." she sniffled.

Another moment passed before she let go, wiping away the tears from her face.

"Here is some food." she said, giving me two cooked porkchops. She took two more out and we both got to work munching on them. The succulent meaty flavor of the porkchop was a nice but very short-lived distraction from today's events. Soon, I could feel the lingering pain fading from my body.

Once we were both finished, Mom spoke up.

"It's late. We need to sleep. Tomorrow, we'll be traveling until we hopefully reach Stonefield Village." she told me. I laid down next to the campfire, but not too close to it, while Mom leaned against the dirt wall.

A short moment later, I nodded off to sleep.

When I opened my eyes, I was standing on pale stone. The sky was dark purple, and there were massive black pillars that burst from the ground, as though stabbing into the sky.

When I blinked, a skeleton wearing full diamond armor with a golden sword and a shield appeared in front of me. Its piercing gaze hit me, and I immediately recognized it as the Spectral Hero from the night before.

"You have had a rough couple days, it would seem." it pointed out. "You foolishly lost track of time, and managed to survive the night by the skin of your teeth. Truly a reckless mistake. However, that cannot be said about today's events. You survived an encounter with a beast of great power. The Wither." it explained.

"What's a Wither? And who are you?" I asked, my head filling with questions.

"Unfortunately, I am unable to answer the many questions you have, as with nighttime being limited, so too is our time together. However, those two I shall answer." it assured as the skeleton stared into my eyes.

"As I have told you, I am your predecessor. Once, my name was Steve. But that was a long, long time ago. And now, it is my responsibility to train you to become the new hero. Starting tomorrow night, I will begin to train you. Until then, you must be wise. Do not make foolish mistakes like you had the night before tonight."

"Yes sir..." I told him, trying not to grin. The fact that this really cool skeletal knight's name was Steve was funny to me.

"Now, as to your other question. The Wither is an undead being, much like I am. However, it is an unholy being, one that desires one thing and one thing only-to spread its mist of death upon the denizens of Minecraftia. If I were alive, I would take it upon myself to bring an end to such an abomination, but I am not." He fixed me with a stare. "However, you will not attempt to do such. A fight with a Wither is a fight against death." he pointed out. I thought about how Ms. Sanddye had sacrificed herself to keep the Wither from killing the kids. The Spectral Hero noticed my pause.

"Your thoughts, they dwell on your teacher." he said, as I looked at him, stunned. Was he able to read my mind? "It is tragic that such a fine warrior met her end. But at the same time, it was for a most noble cause of defending the youth. She is sure to receive proper memorial rites in Diamond City."

"I... I want to know something..." I nervously said to the skeleton. "Was... was there something I could have done? Something that I should have done?"

"No, you made all the right choices... for now. As I said, a fight with a Wither is a fight against death. No child can overcome such a foe." he sternly explained.

"How then...? How is this Wither going to be stopped, if no one can defeat it?" I asked him.

"The answer is one I cannot tell you. Although I am your mentor, I cannot be the one to determine your chosen path. All I will say is that your path is not currently tied with the abomination. Allow Minecraftia to deal with its foe, while you focus on your training." he answered. My path isn't currently tied with the Wither... Did that mean that it would eventually? One more question came to mind.

"One more thing, when I woke up, I couldn't remember what I had dreamed about the night before. But now I can. Will I forget this dream when I wake up too?" I questioned inquisitively. He nodded.

"You will continue to forget these sessions until your mind has grown to accept your destiny. The reason for that is because this plane of existence is inside of your head. Your memories within this place are locked away until you access this place again. But it matters very little, in the long run. Where your mind forgets, your muscles do not, and so your training will continue to be of benefit." He straightened himself and raised his sword upward.

"Morning draws near. We will meet when Moon rises again. And your training will begin. Stay vigilant, and do not falter. Farewell, young one." With that, he lowered the golden sword, and the dreamscape faded away.

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Dec 2, 2022 17:06 by Nobody liveshere

I think your PSA is sufficient, and it does not give away any story details. Looks good to me.

Dec 2, 2022 19:07
