A Single Drop of Rain

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~Written 2021/3/14

Jack's eyebrows raised in intrigue. His face had always seemed catlike to Lana, which his equally catlike curiosity only accentuated.

"Oh, it's raining." He said, almost dismissively— as if he were bored of this fact. Lana knew, however, that he was simply too occupied with his observations to inject emotion into his speech.

"Is it?" She glanced up from her book, which she'd had her head buried in— so closely that she just about clipped her nose as she moved away from it. As far as she could tell, there was no rain outside.

Still staring out the window, Jack pointed at a peculiar grey smudge above the driveway. Lana squinted. "Is there something on the window?" Jack shook his head, and gestured for her to come closer. She sighed, set her bookmark into its temporary home, and got up to see what the smudge truly was. "This better be worth it..." She said under her breath. She then leaned over Jack's shoulder to get a closer look.

"Is that...?" She asked incredulously. Jack nodded. Inexpicably floating a few feet above their driveway was a tiny, solitary, little raincloud. Or, at least, she assumed it to be a raincloud— Jack had said it was raining, after all. Yet as she looked closer, there appeared to be no rain beneath it. The portion of driveway it had taken residence over was completely dry, even.

"You told me it was raining." She said, almost disappointed.

"It is, look." Jack pointed towards the space between the cloud and the driveway.

Lana squinted. "I don't see anything?"

Jack sighed. "Move side to side, you'll see it."

She felt silly doing so, but, sure enough, she noticed something she hadn't seen before. Suspended in the air beneath the raincloud— as if frozen in time— was a comically large raindrop. "Huh." She said.

Jack nodded in agreement. "It's raining." The two stared in silence for a few moments.

"What is it...doing there?" Lana finally asked. Jack shrugged. "I'm going to go touch it." Lana said sternly, and left the window to do exactly that. Jack stared after her in disbelief, turning interestedly back to the window after she disappeared around the corner.

Lana looked curiously at the sky, which was spotless— save for the sun. Where had the cloud come from? She looked back to the cloud, which sullenly floated in its place. Cautiously, she took a single step towards it, and froze. Neither the cloud, nor the raindrop, moved in response. So, she took another step, waited, and then took yet another. Eventually she gained the courage to adopt a normal pace towards the quite abnormal thing floating above her driveway.

She waved to Jack as she got close to the cloud. He timidly waved back. Rather than do as she had initially planned, however, she held out a hand beneath the raindrop.

The raindrop then fell directly into her outstretched palm.

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Mar 27, 2021 03:03 by J. Thorne

Adorable little emoji cloud: I have no idea why thinking about it makes me happy, but it does.

Mar 27, 2021 03:22 by Grace Gittel Lewis
Apr 13, 2021 03:15 by R. Dylon Elder

Ooo nice little story here. I find it hilarious that her reaction was, im gonna go touch it. Got a real laugh out of me there. I like the lighthearted tone of this one. Well done.

Apr 13, 2021 06:47 by Grace Gittel Lewis

Thank you! I wrote it in a weird mood, and I think that came through here.