Ch. 13: Age of Defiance

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The Elder Ronin managed strangled curses, and Rowen, Sage, and Kento continued their protests to no avail. Ryo had completely surrendered to the energy lifting him up to the Death Barge above. Everything he'd worked for, everything he'd planned on, every last resort had come to nothing. Some distance away, his sister squirmed furiously.

"Let GO of me, you bastards! You assholes! You can't touch me! I'm immune to Dynasty magic!" Tanya shrieked, as if hoping the force of her insults alone would break her binds.

"Ah, see that's where you're wrong, Lady Ronin," Black Hawk said scornfully and grinned. "You claim your Armor can't be affected by Dynasty influence, but this isn't Dynasty magic you're dealing with. These wraiths embody dark forces that existed long before the Dynasty was even conceived. Powerful, ancient magic only Dygra can command." While Black Hawk continued her calm, smug explanation, Tanya snarled and seethed. "Yeah, they left that little tidbit out of the user's manual, didn't they?"

"I'LL PLUCK YOU BARE YOU-AAAGH!" A surge of pain cut off Tanya's cursing as the crackling black bolts drew her up quickly to the barge. The other younger Ronin rose closer to the hulls as well.

"My plan worked! Nothing can save you now, not even those Outworlders! AH HA HA!" Black Hawk crowed triumphantly and circled the Ronin in a wide arc.

"I never…thought I'd live to see the day…when I'd be defeated by someone…who makes cornier villain speeches than me," Sehkmet croaked. Cale managed a brief agreeing nod before swirling black portals sucked them through the hulls.

Ryo hung limp and listless in the grip of the dark bolts. He had no smart comebacks against Black Hawk, or words of apology to his friends. What hope remained for them if not even the Warrior of Hope could escape this doom?

"This is not good. I've heard of such spirits and their cursed vessels!" Kayura fretted from where she stood with the other women at the forests' edge.

"Dygra can't use the Ronin Armors. Their powers are too strong to manipulate," Mia argued.

"That is true, but those barges aren't meant to merely contain the Ronin. The energies channeled by the spirits can flay their minds till there's nothing left: no will, no soul, nothing!"

"What if I use the Cross? I can boost their power! It'll only work on the guys, but if they're freed, they can help the others-" Shannon began, but Kayura shook her head.

"I wouldn't dare. The magic used drains the Armors' power. It'd be futile."

"There has to be something we can do! Dygra can't just win that easily!" Yulie cried.

"Don't forget: The Thangiens are still out in the battlefield," Roxi reminded.

"And Cye! He wouldn't abandon his friends no matter what!" Brianna said with conviction. Roxi nodded then glanced out towards the Citadel.

"Whoa! We got problems of our own!" she scowled and pointed at three shapes approaching the camp. Shannon peered through the Strata Sapphire and confirmed Roxi's suspicion.

"Mutant Warlords! We gotta get out of here!"

"How? The area behind us ends in a box canyon, and we didn't drive here, we teleported!"

"What about the Cross? Shannon could use it to teleport, couldn't she?" Brit suggested.

"I'm not sure if it would work on all of us. Last time I used that was with the guys in Armor. Even if I could, I'd have to draw power from the Armors for the spell to work."

"We can't leave Anubis behind! Who knows what the Dynasty will do with his body!"

"Yulie's right. We might as well set the pyre. As for the Mutant Warlords…I'm not sure if the Staff of Ancients or the Ronin Cross will work against them, but we'll make our stand here," Kayura stated and looked at Shannon, who nodded grimly.

"There's one thing we can give the Ronin Warriors: our prayers. We have to believe something will turn the tide," Mia stated.

"Like that goddess Danae believes in," Yulie mentioned.

Brianna didn't say anything and looked at the battlefield. Cye will turn the tide…


"No….no no! Not again!" Cye stood on a low ridge, transfixed by horror. There had originally been nine vessels, since the Dynasty no doubt anticipated Anubis' death. Ryo destroyed one only to be disarmed and recaptured. Black Hawk seemed to have forgotten about Cye of Torrent. Now the ships turned towards the Citadel. By the time they reached the black spires, the other Ronin would be reduced to soulless shells. A shudder went through Cye like a blade.

"Not this time…" he set his jaw and tightened his grip on his weapon. "I won't be to blame for their suffering! Hang on guys, I'm coming!" Cye cried and took off running after the vessels. But first I'll need some help…Light blue rings of energy swept down around him and in an instant Cye found himself next to Danaetanera. "Danae! Danae! You have to help me!" Danae paused in skewering a soldier and glanced at Cye while Pegasus finished the job with his horn. "Dygra's captured the others! If we don't free them soon, they'll die!" Cye pointed at the ships. Danae scowled and glanced at them, but only for a moment as her gaze shifted, seemingly looking at something else moving in the sky.

"RyoTakin tasked us with keeping the vile hordes from reaching the camp," Danae said simply and reined Pegasus to the side and slashed at more soldiers.

Cye blinked several times, not sure if he heard what he thought he heard. "Are you bloody mad?! If the Ronin Warriors die, it won't matter if you keep fighting here! It'll be all over and the Dynasty will have won! All I'm asking is for you to fly up there with your Pegasi and blast those ships to shards!" Danae seemed to outright ignore Cye's pleas as Pegasus trotted a few steps away. Cye's left eyebrow started to twitch and his lips curled back in a snarl.

"Oh I know what this is really about…you want to fight Black Hawk again!" Cye accused. Danae sat up straight in the saddle and frowned. "I saw the way you two fought. You really had it out for her. To think I almost believed it when you said you fight to protect. Are all Thangiens as selfish and full of battle lust as you?!" Cye demanded.

Danae looked over her shoulder at him and narrowed her eyes. She tugged at the reigns and turned Pegasus around and trotted towards Cye. Go ahead…hit me! Run me through! I dare you to! Danae brought Pegasus alongside Cye and let the rein cord dangle in her fingertips. She leaned over onto the pommel of the war saddle and folded her arms in a leisurely fashion.

"Know this, Sean Waverider: We of Thanged do not overly concern ourselves with the safety of our friends." Cye's jaw almost hit the ground from the unwaveringly calm manner with which Danae spoke. "For Roth provides in mysterious ways," Danae glanced skyward then to the side, as if watching something, before returning her gaze to Cye. With a calm smirk, she sat back up, grabbed the rein cord, and rode off to aid Tornath.

Cye stood there for several moments, appalled. "….WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" he squawked angrily and whirled around only to see Danae even deeper into the fray. "Ooooh!" he growled in frustration and looked skyward. "It's like they say: if you want something done right, do it yourself."

"Sean Waverider!" Rona rode past and tossed something at him. Cye reached up and caught it, not sure what to make of the stack of three black discs. "These are Witheren's Tears. They should aid in your efforts. Luktikuk!" she said before veering.

"…why does everyone keep calling me that?" Cye muttered and looked at the objects again. Each looked no bigger than a hockey puck, apparently held together through magnetism. He held them close to his side and, sure enough, they clicked onto his Armor. Cye shrugged then looked up again as one of the barges drifted overhead. Cye steadied himself and stuck the tip of his trident into the ground. He closed his eyes and focused, breathing slowly.

The ground beneath Cye's feet erupted in a deafening roar. Even beneath the sickly ground of the Dark Territory, water still existed, and Cye used it to propel himself up towards the drifting barge. The geyser rose ever higher in a majestic plume. Cye rapidly approached the hull of the vessel, but frowned when he felt the stream weaken: He'd overtaxed the reservoir. He gripped his trident and screamed as he stabbed the wooden hull. The geyser receded, leaving him dangling by his weapon.

"Shit!" Cye squawked when the blades slid out slightly. The wood slats of the hull creaked in complaint from the sudden weight. The trident shuddered again and Cye tilted down further. He gripped the shaft tightly, trying to climb up and glanced from side to side, trying to find something to grab a hold of. He swung his body forward and tried to catch his toes against the slats in the hull without success. The blades creaked softly as they slid out the tiniest bit. No matter which way Cye tried to move, the trident slid out more. He searched frantically for an alternative, but teleportation required a line of sight view or a clear memory, and he'd never seen the exact shape of the deck. Cye's gaze snapped to the hull when he heard wood pop.

"Gyaaah!" he cried as the blades came dangerously close to sliding out entirely, yet before they moved further, something strange happened. Cye blinked when he felt something hard beneath his feet, and surprisingly he found himself able to stand, as if on the top rung of a ladder. He dared look over his shoulder and his eyes widened at what he saw.

It appeared entirely made of bright white light, and while it didn't seem to have a definite shape, Cye made out brilliant wings flapping through the air, and what looked like outstretched hands holding his heels in the palms, supporting him. Cye stared at the shape, utterly bewildered. "Are….are you an angel?" he asked the only question that came to mind. The eyes-narrow rectangles of light brighter than the rest-arched upward slightly in a kindly, almost mischievous way. Cye swallowed and nodded gratefully before bracing his feet. He vaulted himself up and onto the deck, pausing for a second to see if he saw what he thought he saw. He caught a glimpse of a white shape darting away and heard a high pitched bubbly whistle.

The demonic wraith looked up and screeched an unholy sound as Cye impaled it with his trident. "Get away from her!" As soon as the remains shredded into black mist, Cye walked over to the black altar at the center of the deck. Pulsing violet runes covered the surface and edges, and it hurt to look at directly. Tanya lay on the top, hands clasped over her stomach as if sleeping peacefully. Cye noticed several candles surrounding the altar and lashed out, knocking them all over. The runes went dim and Cye leaned over Tanya and grabbed her shoulders.

"Tanya! Wake up! Can you hear me? Oh come on, girl, snap out of it!" Tanya seemed to stir, but not quickly enough. Cye glanced from side to side and grimaced. "You'll forgive me for this…" *FOP*! Cye slapped her across the face suddenly.

"OWWW! What the fu-!" Tanya began but Cye shook her roughly.

"Tanya! Listen! We have to free the others before they reach the Citadel or the damage will be done! You take that side, I'll do this side. Go! We have to hurry!" Cye ran over to the left side of the deck.

"Wait! But-How am I supposed to get over there?" Tanya slid off the altar and looked from Cye to the ship looming off to the right side.

"Your line should do the trick. Go, now! I wouldn't remain on this ship if I were you!" Cye removed one of the black discs from his Armor and dropped it onto the deck, where it landed with a heavy thud, almost clinging to the wood. Cye looked off into the distance and got a good look at the distant deck before teleporting. Tanya eyed the black disc nervously then ran to the edge and crouched. She sprang into the air and fired her grapple. The golden cord whizzed through the air, the bladed tip aiming for the deck.

The black disc emitted a low hum. At the helm of the ship, black mist swirled together and the demon wraith manifested once again. It opened its mouth and hissed, focusing its will towards regaining control of the ship. Then it heard the hum from the black disc grow louder. The wraith didn't know what to make of it. Then the disc went silent.

A shuddering blast tore the barge in half, sending planks and splinters flying in all directions. Cye arrived at his destination before the device went off, but the explosion threw Tanya off balance, and the line missed its mark. She drew in a sharp breath and prepared to retract the line, hoping she could fire again and catch hold of the rail.

A mass of bright white light swept past and Tanya felt something grab the line and jerk upward, all but tossing her onto the deck. "Whoa!" Tanya staggered to her feet and retracted the line. "What the hell was that?" She heard an odd sound, like a bird's call, only higher pitched, but saw nothing else unusual. Tanya looked behind her and saw the wraith as it looked up at her, drawing its attention from Sage. It raised its gnarled claws, trying to weave a spell to subdue the Lady Ronin. Tanya narrowed her eyes and squared her shoulders.

Begone daemon! Ye have no power o'er her! The wraith shrieked in surprise when it saw eyes of a different color than Tanya's bronze-brown glaring at it, and springs of reddish hair dangling out from under the helmet. Tanya raised her blade launcher and sent five golden boomerangs arcing through the wraith before walking over to the altar.


"G-hey! What was that for?" Sage protested and sat up, rubbing his cheek.

"Because Cye's not around," Tanya replied simply and practically threw Sage's sheathed sword at him. "You'll have to carry me to the other ships while there's still time."

"Uh….okay. Well…hang on," Sage grabbed her waist and fixed his gaze on a distant ship.

Cye felt somewhat dismayed when he found himself rescuing Sehkmet. He hoped to arrive on Rowen's prison ship, as he could use extra help in the efforts. Before the Elder Ronin had a chance to argue, Cye teleported, depositing him on the battlefield below, before returning to the ship. He frowned when he saw the demon wraith start to re-materialize. Cye plucked a black disc from his Armor and tossed it onto the deck.

"A little present for you. Hope you enjoy," Cye said cheerfully and waved before blinking away to the next ship. He looked over his shoulder in time to see the blossoming explosion.

Danae glanced up, looking pleased with the turn of events. She glanced forward and frowned when she saw a familiar form hovering in the air.

Black Hawk watched as Danae promptly dismounted Pegasus and sent him away to battle in her stead. She flapped her wings slowly as she descended to the ground while Danae approached. "Ready to pick up where we left off?" Black Hawk grinned.

"Yes, and while, like our enemies, the Thunthen, you and your masters do not adhere to courtesy in combat, I will say this one rule to you: Il paura duor," Danae said and closed her eyes, bowing her head and holding her arms out to the sides.

"What's that mean?" Black Hawk asked, curious. Danae opened her eyes and smiled at her.

"'I play with an empty hand'," she replied smoothly. Black Hawk bit her lip and glanced to the side. The woman's winged horse had run off, and the other two riders remained engaged in battle in the distance. Black Hawk raised an eyebrow.

"All cards on the table…nothing up your sleeve….very well then, I accept your terms!" Black Hawk declared and drew two feather swords. "I'll have you know, I studied your moves from our last encounter, and I developed countermeasures."

"That is respectable to hear, but I should inform you: there are over a thousand individual moves in the school of Rait'chian, and yesterday, I only used two. AIIIEEYYOOOOO!" Danae screamed and lunged, sword colliding with Black Hawk's feather blades with a powerful shock.



"We're sorry to have to send you off like this, Anubis," Mia began softly and lit the road flare, holding it at arms' length as it spewed smoke and sparks. "I wished we could do better for you, but…well we remember how that turned out last time…farewell," she said finally and touched the flare to areas around the pyre. The flames didn't take long spreading across the dried wood sprinkled with lighter fluid, and walls of fire rose up around Anubis' still body.

"How much time before the Mutant Warlords arrive?" Kayura asked. Shannon peered through the Strata Sapphire again.

"A few minutes, tops. They sure are taking their time getting here…"

"They know we can't escape, and any help is too far away," Brianna commented.

"Hells bells!" Roxi swore from the other side of the camp. The other women glanced at her as she kicked her sleeping bag to one side in frustration. "I got one shot left! One! I knew I shoulda brought more..." she grumbled and loaded her rifle.

"You did everything you could, Roxi, don't beat yourself up over it," Shannon offered.

"Not everything…" Roxi walked past Shannon and Kayura to the forest's edge and took aim at the approaching warlords. Kayura glanced from the muzzle of the rifle towards the distant specks. The distance measured far more than a thousand yards, but Roxi took aim and moved her finger over the trigger. She narrowed her eyes to focus but frowned when she thought she heard a voice, a faint thought from the very depths of her mind.

"Fly straight and true, and lead me to the guys…"

Roxi swung up suddenly, aiming high into the air, and fired. Brianna looked disappointed, but knew better than to question the action. Roxi looked almost relieved, however.

The bullet sailed upward, almost piercing the clouds, before arcing down as gravity took over. It plummeted through the air, narrowly missing the rail of one of the death barges.

The demon wraith didn't respond at first when the bullet whistled through its body, entering from the top of its hooded head before impacting into the wood behind its seat. Suddenly it screamed and exploded into black mist.

"Huh?!" Rowen's eyes snapped open and he sat up off the altar. He glanced to his side and knocked over the vile candles keeping his power subdued. The second he felt strength return, he launched into the air and wheeled about, assessing the situation. The barge up and to the right held Cale, and the one to the left held Ryo. He spotted a light blue form he recognized as Cye teleporting onto Ryo's prison. Rowen swooped up and dove towards Cale's ship, scooping the Elder Ronin off the altar before the demon wraith even knew what happened.


"Was that really necessary?" Sage queried as he helped Kento sit up on the altar.

"If he's gonna be alert for battle, yes. The others will need our help soon," Tanya replied.

"Yeah, but did you have to slap him the third time?" Sage argued. Kento swayed to one side and shook his head, looking somewhat disoriented.

"Drop Kento off on the ground first, then we'll get Dais," Tanya nodded towards the rail.

"Allright then. Come on," Sage grabbed Kento by the arm and the two vanished. Tanya counted off seconds under her breath as she waited. Behind her, black mist swirled through the air as the demon wraith reappeared. Tanya aimed her blade launcher at it and, without looking, fired off two blades, silencing the wraith once more.

"Your plan failed miserably!" Danae taunted and danced to the side, avoiding Black Hawk's strike. So far neither combatant displayed a clear advantage, and despite Danae's claim, Black Hawk proved a quick learner, developing counterstrikes on the spot.

"It doesn't matter! The barges did their job: The Ronin are weakened, and without the Ronin Cross or the Staff of Ancients to replenish them, they'll be overwhelmed. I made sure to take care of that," Black Hawk smirked and deflected Danae's blade.

"What do you mean by that?" Danae demanded and scowled. Black Hawk chuckled.

"Even if the Ronin survive, what good is winning when those they care about most are gone?"

"What?! NO!" Danae whirled around and started to run towards the forest. Black Hawk grinned triumphantly.

A sudden breeze whipped dust up, pressing against Danae. The woman halted and stood still as the wind swept her hair back before letting it settle against her back. Danae's expression melted from fear to calm, and she closed her eyes and bowed her head.

Black Hawk blinked, surprised as Danae turned around. "Forgive me, Roth, for I doubted you," Danae whispered and smiled before looking at Black Hawk.

"I don't believe this…You're serious? You're actually not gonna try to save your friends?" Danae merely smiled and readied her blade. "Hah! This is gonna work out better than I thought!" Black Hawk crowed and lunged, resuming the battle.

Cye flinched as the barge exploded overhead. Ryo looked up from where he leaned against Cye with one arm slung over his shoulder for support. Cye glanced at him and smiled weakly. "Sorry about bailing on you. I hope you can forgive me."

"There's nothing to forgive, Cye. I should be the one asking for forgiveness for biting your head off," Ryo admitted.

"How 'bout we call it even?" Cye smirked and Ryo nodded in reply.

"Oh no…" he muttered and looked up past Cye. Cye looked skyward and saw what drew Ryo's attention. One of the remaining barges steered towards them.

"Unless you destroy the entire ship, the spirit just returns."

"Don't you have any more of those explody things you used on the others?" Ryo asked.

"I only had three!" The ship loomed closer. A few more seconds and it would pass overhead.

"Let it take me," Ryo began. Cye glared at him in protest. "I'm too weak to do anything, and I don't have my swords with me. As long as you're still free you can destroy the ship."

"I'm not sure I have the energy for a strong enough attack. All that teleporting really drained me," Cye worried. The two of them looked up as the swirling dark portal formed in the ship's hull. "Well…I trust the others will come rescue us again…"

Just when Black Hawk had knocked Danae down and prepared to run her through, Danae performed a curious maneuver, twisting her upper torso to the side and springing up, sweeping down with her sword with crushing force, snapping the feather blades like straws. Black Hawk recovered and drew out fresh swords. She didn't know which would run out first: her supply of tail feathers, or the Outworlder's stamina. Danae started to charge, but Black Hawk curled her fingers and pushed forward, launching an energy sphere. Danae gasped and managed to deflect with her blade, but at such close proximity, the force wave knocked her back, sending her stumbling onto her side. Black Hawk strode forward confidently and summoned another sphere. Danae glared at her, enraged that she'd broken the agreement.

"It's like they say; always keep an ace up your sleeve," Black Hawk smirked and fed more energy into the sphere. Danae remained on the ground and sneered at Black Hawk.

Far on the other side of the battlefield, Sage had just finished depositing Dais on the ground, and above him Tanya descended slowly, using her joined swords like helicopter blades. Kento and Cale fended off the pressing swarms of Dynasty soldiers. Cye and Ryo stood together under the shadow of the barge as it prepared to capture them both. Rowen cried out in alarm and put an arrow to the string, attempting to summon enough power for a charged shot to destroy the barge.

Sehkmet looked up when he heard a curious sound, like that of a jet engine. Kento glanced skyward when he saw something narrow and metallic whistle overhead, leaving a trail of smoke behind it. Cye and Ryo awaited their fates as dark energy crackled out from the hull of the ship.

Both of them flinched when something collided with the vessel, ripping it asunder. Black Hawk paused in hurling the sphere and glanced at the expanding fireball in the sky. Rona and Tornath dispatched nearby Dynasty soldiers and looked towards the fading smoke trail.

"That did not come from us," Tornath commented.

"Regardless, we should take it as a sign from the Queens to unleash the full power of our companions! Red Thunder!" Rona cried and swung her legs back, bracing her heels against flat metal pedals on either side of the saddle and pushing backwards. Rectangular segments flipped up until circular openings faced forward. Narrow conical spikes poked out of the openings.

"Grey Fury!" Tornath howled and leaned back in the saddle.

"What?! These things shoot missiles now!" Black Hawk looked aghast, completely forgetting about the vulnerable Danae. She watched in horror as four more spike-shaped missiles screamed overhead, impacting against the base of the Citadel. "No…No! NO NO NO!" Black Hawk took off running before leaping into the air. "STOP! GO AWAY!" she screamed in desperation, diving at Rona, almost knocking her out of her seat. "I won't let you ruin my plans!"

Black Hawk set her sights on Tornath, who lashed at her with his morning star only to nearly lose his weapon when Black Hawk grabbed the cord and tugged hard. She let go and rose higher, attempting to use her special attack. Rona and Tornath exchanged glances before steering their mounts in a wide arc, the Pegasi picking up speed then leaping into the air. Black Hawk watched with a mixture of disgust and shock as the Thangiens arrowed towards her with unnerving speed, proving every bit as maneuverable in the air as on the ground.

"Struggle all you want, vieke!" Tornath taunted as he came up on Black Hawk's left side.

"For ours is the will of Roth, and to her, you are nothing!" Rona hissed and brought the shaft of her spear hard against Black Hawk's right wing. Black Hawk screeched again when Tornath struck her in the side, sending her dropping like a rock. She regained control before she hit ground and swooped away, but Rona and Tornath didn't give chase.

Danae stood up and dusted her jacket off and sheathed her sword. All of the Death Barges had been obliterated, and all Ronin had been saved, but Black Hawk's earlier revelation had her worried. She looked to the forest, scowling before running swiftly.

"These Pegasi are just full of surprises," Ryo muttered. Cye started shaking his head.

"No…their Pegasi couldn't have fired that. Look at the smoke trail," Cye gestured to the horizon. The smoke extended far past the area Rona and Tornath's Pegasi occupied.

"Pegasus couldn't have fired it either, he's too close," Ryo added. Cye frowned.

"...I know…this sounds kind of crazy, but I saw something earlier. I'm not sure what it was, but I honestly think we have a guardian angel out there, watching out for us." Cye looked skyward, half expecting to see the glowing shape he'd seen earlier. The two of them winced when the fiery remains of a Death Barge crashed onto the ground several feet behind them. They both glanced at it then each other. "It's not a volcano, but it should do the trick," Cye commented and Ryo smirked.

"A good Arrow Shock Wave would clear the field, but right now I'm lucky if I can get a blast shot off," Rowen grumbled, reduced to grappling with soldiers close range with his bow.

"Think we should call the Incarnations?" Kento asked as he broke soldiers into spare parts.

"Ryo wanted to wait till things got bad, and as rough as today's been, we're far from seeing the worst," Sage reminded.

"Yeah, until Dygra runs out of tin soldiers and comes to face us herself, we need to conserve our energy. That goes for the AnimArmors," Cale added.

"Speaking of energy, can't your girl recharge us or something?" Sehkmet complained.

"The Cross wasn't intended to affect the Warlord armors, no offense," Sage added when Sehkmet and Cale glared at him. "But you have a point. We could do with a boost."

"I don't think I can teleport an inch, let alone all the way to camp," Kento admitted.

"I'll go," Dais volunteered suddenly. "Black Hawk's still out there, and she'll try and keep us from leaving the field, but I can use my power to cloak myself."

"Sounds good. We'll keep these creeps busy. The Thangiens are still here, so that gives us an edge," Rowen agreed and looked to the Citadel as four more spike missiles struck the cliff face. "Good luck!" he shouted to Dais as he faded from view.

"Where the hell is Danae? I see Pegasus out and about, but she's not with him. She wasn't killed, was she?" Tanya asked suddenly and looked over her shoulder, worried.

"I spotted her and Black Hawk mixing it up earlier, but since then, no idea…"

"Hey guys!" a familiar voice called out. Some of them turned around and were greeted by the sight of Cye running towards them. "Everyone safe?"

"Cye! Dude! I'm so happy right now I could kick your ass!" Kento grinned and pointed at him. Cye chuckled richly but hummed when he felt someone tap his shoulder.

"Yes?-" *KRAAK*! Cye stumbled back and landed on his butt with the other Ronin watching, stunned, as Tanya stood before him, fist outstretched.

"Okay, that wasn't necessary," Sage commented while Kento helped a dizzy Cye stand.

"Yes it was; the circle of slapping is complete," Tanya replied calmly and slapped her hands together.

"That wasn't a slap, that was an awesome right hook," Sehkmet remarked gleefully. Rowen raised an eyebrow at him, and Cale snickered quietly.

A soldier grunted when a neat chop took off its head. Ryo slipped his hand into the collar and grabbed the rim tightly and placed his other hand by the soldier's girdle, using it like a shield. It didn't last long, as other soldiers pierced it through with their spears, forcing Ryo to discard it. Ryo danced to the side as a soldier tried to skewer him from behind, grabbed the shaft of its weapon, and slipped it right out of the soldier's grasp, impaling it in the chest with its own weapon. Two more soldiers lunged from the side, and Ryo held the spear up to block, but the shaft broke in half from the soldiers' strikes.

"Jeez, no wonder the Dynasty lost the First War with such cheap weapons," Ryo muttered and hurled the blade head at one soldier and drove the broken shaft through the visor of the second. Without his swords, the Ronin Leader had to improvise.

"AAAGH!" Ryo cried out when something slammed into him from behind, feeling an intense weight crushing him against the ground before moving off. He rolled onto his back and sat up in time to catch a glimpse of a black winged form circling above him. "You've gotten pretty confident if you think you can take me on!" he called and stood.

"Oh I know I can take you, Ronin Leader! Without your weapons," Ryo glanced at his empty scabbards. "You're nothing but a sitting duck!" Black Hawk screeched and extended her legs, splaying her talons. Ryo grunted as they caught him by his arms and threw him backwards several feet. He shook his head to focus and looked around, searching for the Demon Warrior.

Where is she? "Whoa!" Ryo yelped again when he felt talons scrape against his back. Before he could retaliate, Black Hawk wheeled up and around for another dive. She aimed to shear Ryo's head off with her talons. Ryo tensed to roll out of the way.

"What the-!" Black Hawk stopped midair abruptly when a bright white shape nearly collided with her, forcing her to spin to the side as it hovered before her. She had no idea what to make of the glowing white wings and eyes. Ryo blinked several times in disbelief. In Black Hawk's eyes, she saw a furious winged being of light. It lifted what looked like a hand wielding a hammer then struck her square in the forehead, the golden crown taking the brunt of the impact.

While Black Hawk faltered on the air, the glowing shape sped away, but not before dropping something at Ryo's feet. Ryo looked down and saw both his swords sticking out of the ground. He reached down and closed his hands around the hilts just as Black Hawk recovered.

"NO!" she cried as Ryo raised his swords, spreading his arms, holding the blades straight.

"SKY FLARE!" Swirling globes of flame formed between the blades and Ryo unleashed them at the confounded Black Hawk. Fireballs struck her wings and chest several times before she decided she'd had enough and fled. "Hey Black Hawk! Don't you know you're not supposed to take the turkey out of the oven till it's done?" Ryo taunted, grinning when he heard Black Hawk scream in frustration. He laughed then paused when he thought he heard a distant bubbly cry and looked towards the forest.

"Ryo! You okay? I saw Black Hawk taking a pounding to you," Sage inquired and ran over.

"Yeah I'm fine," Ryo answered but kept his gaze on the forest.

"You sure you're allright? Is something wrong?" Sage furrowed his brow.

"…I think…I think I saw Cye's guardian angel. Only…" Ryo raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Angels don't whinny."



"AHH!" Shannon screamed as the powerful blow sent her and Kayura tumbling back. The translucent golden shield they'd erected snapped as easily as a glass pane after only a few hits. Roxi held her rifle up, hoping the sight of it alone would keep the enemy at bay. Brianna cowered behind her and Mia stepped forward and helped Shannon and Kayura to their feet.

"Is that the best you can do? You are powerless against us!" Chaizar sneered.

"Stay back! Keep away from them!" Yulie shouted and sprang infront of them.

"Yulie, what are you doing?! Get back here!" Mia hissed angrily.

"Oh ho! Look, the boy thinks he's a Ronin Warrior! Hah hah!" Chaizar teased. Balthazar and Scar guffawed heartily, oblivious to the way Yulie held his bokken: mimicking the way Danae held her sword during that morning's practice session. Chaizar had his eyes closed and didn't see it coming when Yulie sprang up and brought the wooden sword down hard right between the eyes with a loud smack. Chaizar howled in pain while Balthazar and Scar's jaws dropped.

"You little flea!" Balthazar's hand shot out and grabbed the back of Yulie's shirt.

"That actually hurt!" Chaizar snarled and massaged the darkening spot of fur on his face.

"You've got a lot of spirit, kid," Balthazar poked at Yulie with a claw. "You're so small and skinny though, I doubt you'd amount to little more than a mouthful." Yulie's eyes went wide. Was he really going to eat him? "But I've always wondered about kids like you; so full of energy and life. Why don't we see if you can bounce!" Suddenly Balthazar turned around and threw Yulie into the air, his enhanced strength catapulting the teen high off the ground.

"AAAAHHH! AAAAAHHH!" Yulie cried out as he started descending rapidly. At this angle he'd strike the ground head first, breaking his neck, and he had no Whiteblaze, Ryo, or Sage to catch him. "AAAHHH!" Yulie saw the ground coming fast.

"Now, where were we?-What?!" Scar and Balthazar were shocked to discover the absence of Kayura and Shannon. Chaizar spotted them running further down the tree line.

"I'll get them. You two can have these poor wenches," Chaizar sniffed and bounded after the escapees. Balthazar and Scar turned their beastly gazes to Roxi, Brianna, and Mia.

"AAAHH!" Yulie shielded his face with his arms, hoping maybe it would absorb some of the impact. Without warning, however, he felt something grab his pants and he came to a jerky halt. "Whoa!" Yulie pitched forward slightly, and he wondered A) why wasn't he a pancake, and B) what gave him such a horrific wedgie? He slowly glanced over his shoulder…

It glowed bright white and seemed to hold his pants with two glowing hands. Wings flapped laboriously to keep itself and Yulie aloft, and it made muffled snorting noises and soft squealing grunts. Yulie's eyes went wide, not sure what it was he saw. Then the light started to fade, patches of pale gleaming metal becoming visible at first before revealing red and blue wings with shiny white limbs. The "hands" grasping his pants turned out to be metal teeth. The glow faded entirely, revealing the shiny metallic equine form with white metal skin and red and blue detailing.

"Hey….you're…." Yulie blinked in realization. "You're the Pegasi I met back on Thanged! …but what are you doing all the way here?" he muttered to himself. "Whoa!" he yelped when the Pegasi colt threw him up suddenly, almost flipping him in the air. He grunted when he landed right on the creature's back. "Oww…huh?" Yulie stopped massaging his sore backside when the Pegasi shook its head and shrugged a thin gold cord out from a compartment under its chin and somehow tossed it up over its head and into Yulie's lap. Yulie picked up the cord gingerly and blinked in confusion. "Wait, I don't underst-AAND!" The colt dove down abruptly.

"Stay back! I will shoot!" Roxi threatened, aiming the Sharps right at Balthazar's face.

"You are very brave, but I can taste the air," Balthazar flicked his tongue to demonstrate. "And bravery doesn't load your weapon." Roxi screamed when Balthazar grabbed her rifle and yanked it out of her hands, tossing it away before pushing her to the ground. "It would bring Strata much grief, I think, when he finds his beloved has been defiled …" Roxi's eyes widened at that comment. Mia and Brit threw themselves against Balthazar, hoping to knock him off balance, but he merely shrugged Mia to one side and tripped Brianna with his tail. "You don't have to worry, it won't hurt…at first." Roxi turned away from the serpentine face, shuddering with dread. Balthazar leered at her, baring his fangs and chuckling deeply.

Roxi opened her eyes when she heard Balthazar cry out in shock and looked up in time to see Balthazar fall to the ground, chin first. "What the-Hey! Hey! OW! OW OW OW!" Balthazar's body moved away from her. "Who dares! OW! Let go of me!"

The little white colt held the tip of Balthazar's tail firmly with its teeth, and dragged him back a few feet before releasing the tail and skipping sideways and trotting to the front of the Mutant Warlord. "You'll regret that you-OW!" The colt lifted one foreleg up and brought its hoof down right on Balthazar's snout. "Quit that! OW!" The colt did it again, squealing angrily. It repeatedly stomped on Balthazar's face, springing up each time before bringing its full weight down on that one hoof. The colt let out a deep growl then reared up high, the gleaming blue plates on its front legs glowing briefly. *KRAAAAK*!

"OWWW! MY NOOOOSE!..." Balthazar let out a muffled howl when the hoof struck with such force, it almost crushed his face into the ground. The colt leaned down and sniffed at the warlord's prone form until he seemed satisfied he no longer posed a threat. Small hands tugged at the rein cord and the little white Pegasi turned around to face Roxi and Brianna.

"You two okay?" Yulie asked from astride the colt. Brianna's mouth hung open in shock.

"Yulie? You're-You're alive!" Before either of them could say anything else, a scream drew their gazes. Roxi's eyes widened when she saw Mia in the grip of the cruel Scar. The crocodilian warlord had dragged her away after Balthazar made his moves.

"Ahhh…fresh meat," he rumbled and opened his jaws wide. Mia cringed in revulsion more than fear. Saliva dripped down from the warlord's mouth and onto her shirt.

"NO!" Yulie screamed at the top of his lungs. He narrowed his eyes and bared his teeth, intense rage unlike anything he'd felt before filling his heart. "LEAVE HER ALOOONE!" As if echoing his emotion, or mirroring, rather, the little Pegasi tossed its head up and squealed shrilly. The tiny silver horn glowed briefly, but when the colt turned its head forward, energy erupted from the eyes instead, striking Scar in the back between the armored shoulders.

Scar pitched forward from the blast, grunting in surprise. Mia remained in place, just as stunned by the outburst. Scar stood up and turned to the side slowly. "That…hurt…me," he growled and took a step towards Yulie and the colt, ignoring Mia.

The colt's eyes looked almost as wide as Yulie's, and an odd strangled sound that somewhat resembled a troubled "uh oh" came from its mouth. Scar raised his arms and splayed his claws, his tail swishing behind him and mouth opening and closing. The colt stepped back and it ducked its head. "Come closer little one. I smell your fear, and I hunger for a meal…" Scar hissed. Yulie scowled. Smelled his fear? The colt raised its mane crest and flicked both ears.

He wasn't afraid! The colt pawed at the ground and shook its head. It fanned both wings at full stretch. Yulie tightened his grip on the rein cord and glared at the vile monster that approached. The colt sprang up suddenly, rising almost a foot off the ground, before coming down hard, splaying all four legs. Yulie almost fell out of the saddle as the colt did this repeatedly, growling angrily. "Whoa! Can you please stop doing that! I'm still up here!" Yulie complained. The colt stopped and spread its legs then stretched its head out, making high pitched barking sounds. Scar didn't seem the least bit intimidated, and loomed ever closer.

I WON'T LET HIM HURT YOU! Yulie blinked in amazement. Was that him telling the Pegasi, or the Pegasi telling him? Scar let out a low rumbling hiss…

He stopped abruptly, his gaze snapping to something behind Yulie, and cried out in dismay as something large and black leapt between him and Yulie and the colt. Long red wing plates beat at the Mutant Warlord, and a black metallic head thrust a sharp golden horn. Scar tried to stand his ground, but the older and more powerful Paigasurin roared and chased him away, pursuing him far out into the battlefield. The little white colt made a pleased squeal.

"Yeah! You show him Pegasus!" Yulie cheered, the little white colt nodding fervently.

"I've got you now!" Chaizar caught Shannon her by her jacket, throwing her off balance. He reached out and grabbed Kayura by the neck and pushed her to the ground before grabbing Shannon by the shoulder and throwing her alongside the Staff Bearer.

"Stay away from them, furball!" A maroon armored form stepped between the warlord and the two mystics and brandished a large six-bladed weapon.

"Dais! You filthy traitor! I thought Black Hawk's ships disposed of you!"

"Sorry to disappoint!" Dais sneered and slashed with his extensors. Chaizar moved out of the way quickly then reached out with one hand and grabbed Dais by the wrist, wrenching the weapon out of his grip with his other hand. Shannon and Kayura could only watch in horror as Chaizar slammed Dais against a tree then pulled the helmet off by the horns.

"I see the ships did their work, softened you up for me. It was a tradition amongst my people to consume the flesh of our enemies to inherit their strength. Perhaps if I devour you, I will gain what power you have, and expel the weakness as waste!" Chaizar snarled and leaned down.

Oh man, he's serious! He's really going to eat me! Oh wow, what a way to go… Dais closed his eye against the hot stinking breath as Chaizar leaned close, fangs bared.

Danae came to a halt when she saw Chaizar disarm Dais. Even if she ran her fastest, she wouldn't arrive in time to intervene. She drew out her sword then pinched the blade between thumb and index and middle fingers, letting the blade slip until the hilt hung towards the ground. Danae set one foot forward and the other back, bracing herself before turning her torso sideways and pulling her arm back. She swung forward, letting the blade slide between her fingers before releasing, hurling it towards the distant Mutant Warlord. The gleaming blade tumbled hilt over tip several times, whistling dully.

Chaizar's fangs hung less than an inch from Dais' face. Then Chaizar's body jerked up and backwards, and Dais found himself staring at the tip of a sword blade. Chaizar screamed in pain, face twisting in horror as he looked down at the blade poking out of his chest. He screamed again and again and staggered back a few steps before collapsing onto one knee.

Dais stood up slowly and retrieved his helmet and weapon, but paused in putting the helmet back on when he saw the woman standing some distance behind Chaizar. Her lavender hair drifted in the weak breeze, and amethyst eyes watched him calmly. Dais couldn't help but feel utterly stunned by the woman's bold and heroic act, as well as transfixed by her beauty. He could see no scorn or contempt in her eyes-that she had to save his life- but instead regarded him with admiration and wonder that he had placed himself in danger to protect the innocent. He thought he saw something else in her eyes: elation? Or hope?

Black Hawk patrolled the battlefield, searching for another Ronin to harass. She heard the anguished cry and glanced towards the forest edge, spotting Chaizar floundering about and headed that way. "Chaizar!" she cried in genuine concern when she landed and saw Chaizar crumpled on the ground, a sword stuck through his chest, the hilt embedded firmly into his back and the tip poking through his breastbone. She scowled upon recognizing the blade, and looked over her shoulder at Danae. Danae gazed back with the same calm as earlier. Black Hawk closed her eyes and slipped her arms under Chaizar's limp body, amazingly lifting him up with ease despite him being twice her size and weight. She crouched and launched into the air, screaming mournfully.

Danae watched her leave then noticed her sword land in the dirt blade-first. Danae walked over and gripped it, plunging the blade further into the ground before pulling it back out, satisfied when no blood remained on the flawless blade.

"Danaetanera!" Danae looked up and saw Rona and Tornath ride over. Tornath came up by her left side and nodded towards the distant Citadel. "Look at this woman! She places herself so high, as if mocking Thananagreia itself!" he sneered in disgust. Rona watched Danae expectantly and adjusted the reins in her grip to keep an impatient Red Thunder in check.

"Roth would not abide by such an insult…neither shall we!" Danae yowled, summoning Pegasus, who abandoned his chase and galloped towards his rider.

"YULITAKIN!" Yulie blinked when he heard his name called and saw the three Thangien riders readying for a charge. "JOIN US!" Danae cried in an unusually deep tone and belted out a fearsome wail that started out low then increased in pitch. Rona made a similar cry and Tornath emitted a deep echoing howl. The three wheeled their mounts about and took off in a fierce gallop, and before Yulie could say anything, the little white colt took off after them. The older Pegasi's legs churned rapidly before the three sprang into the air, Pegasus taking flight first, followed closely by Red Thunder and Grey Fury.

The little white Pegasi sprang up and flapped its wings rapidly only to fall back to the ground and resume galloping. It snorted in frustration and sped up and jumped again, only to falter once more and return to the same pace. Yulie frowned and glanced from the senior riders to the colt.

"What's wrong? Why can't you get off the ground?" The colt shook its head and snorted. "You can fly, I've seen you do it before, so what's different this time?" The colt glared at Yulie, almost looking exasperated. Yulie gasped when images went through his mind: of the colt struggling to stay in the air while holding Yulie by his pants and of it landing with the boy on his back. He's never done a takeoff while carrying a person before! Yulie frowned in worry. The colt's legs seemed fast and strong, of that he had no doubt, but the wings had yet to fully develop. He had no idea how old most Pegasi had to be before they could fly with riders.

The colt barely managed to keep up with the three riders overhead. Yulie bit his lip and searched about, studying the hinges that connected the wings to the body and the seams in the wing blades. "You can do it…You can do it! I know you can! You're strong enough, I believe in you!" The little white colt arched its neck and whinnied shrilly, picking up speed again. "You can fly! You can carry me! You can do this! I believe in you!"

The colt cried out and tossed its head to the side, maintaining a steady speed. Yulie almost felt as if his heart beat in synch with the Pegasi's legs. He had to blink to keep his eyes from drying out against the wind. "Jump! Jump!" The little colt sprang up and flapped its wings but landed again, but instead of faltering, resumed its pace. "JUMP! JUUUUMP!"

The wings flapped once, but the hooves didn't leave the ground. The wings flapped again, then a third time. The colt swung both forelegs forward then brought them down with a loud crack against the ground. The hind legs bunched up before kicking the hooves in a similar fashion. The wings flapped a fourth time, then a fifth, the seams parting and glittering exhaust trailing out from each wing blade. The hooves didn't touch the ground again.

Yulie had to close his eyes against the incredible speed and winds, but slowly opened them when the wind abruptly ceased. He caught sight of a faint shimmering glow surrounding him and the little colt and looked down at the ground rushing past beneath them. The little Pegasi kept his forelegs tucked under his belly, his body swaying from side to side, almost relaxed, and the wings beat faster and faster. Yulie felt a curious and exhilarating sensation: as if his arms were the Pegasi's wings, and he flapped them too, keeping them aloft.

"You did it! YOU DID IT! LOOK AT YOU! YOU'RE FLYING!" Yulie cheered. The colt made a pleased bubbly cry and glanced over his shoulder at him, closing his eyes in pride. "WOO HOO! WOOO!" Yulie howled and sat up in the saddle. Nothing before, or nothing since then would come close to the joy Yulie shared with the young Pegasi.

A Dynasty Soldier swung its crude chain and lashed at Ryo, trying to snag the Ronin Leader by the wrist. Ryo saw this, and just as the chain was about to make contact, he threw his sword up slightly and pulled his hand back, the chain whistling through the now empty space. The soldier's eyes widened, stunned by the maneuver, and Ryo smirked back at it as his sword hovered in the air for a second. As soon as the chain moved past, he grabbed the sword as it fell and slashed quickly. Already learning Impacting Asteroid level started to pay off…

Ryo heard a curious cry and looked up when he saw three winged forms streak overhead, followed by a fourth, smaller form. "Was that?...No, couldn't be…" he muttered and frowned.

The little white Pegasi caught up with the three older Pegasi, and they flew together in a rough diamond formation, with Danae ahead and Rona and Tornath to the sides. The three riders glanced over their shoulders at Yulie, looking pleased that he'd joined them so high. Danae smiled then threw her head back and let out another chilling battle scream. Rona and Tornath made their own cries, and Yulie tried to mimic the strange pitch, but his cry came out sounding shaky and strangled. The Thangiens laughed in good humor. Yulie chuckled to himself and held onto the rein cord as the little white Pegasi maintained its incredible speed.

At that moment in his life, he honestly felt like the luckiest boy on the entire planet: To share company with the fearsome Thangiens, who counted him as their equal, and to sit astride such a wonderful, brave little colt. It filled him with pride, and that in turn made him feel humbled. The little white Pegasi, as if Yulie had poured his emotion into him and the excess overflowed, threw its head back, whinnying ecstatically. Yulie laughed to himself, but his expression quickly turned serious when he saw the tall black spires of the Citadel looming ahead.



"Such grace, such ferocity…it is indeed beautiful…" Dais trailed off, whispering to himself. Kayura and Shannon exchanged awkward glances. "Oh! I almost forgot!" Dais snapped out of his daze and turned to look at Shannon. "The guys. They need your…erm…thingie," he stumbled and pointed at Shannon's chest. Shannon placed a hand on her hip and frowned at him.

"You mean this?" she growled softly and pulled out the Ronin Cross by its cord and closed her hand around it. Multicolored light poured out from between her fingers before fading.

Rowen started to buckle under the pressure of three soldiers bearing down on him with their weapons. Not only had the barge nearly depleted his Armor's power, but his own natural strength as well. Then, just as it seemed the soldiers would overpower him, deep warmth like a fever swept through his body, invigorating rather than weakening. The soldiers looked genuinely worried when they saw Rowen's pupils glow blue for a second. Rowen shot up into the air, flinging them away before turning around and nocking his bow. "ARROW…SHOCK…WAVE!" Soldiers looked up in time to see the brilliant light sweep through their ranks before their bodies collapsed and crumpled under the force.

"Oh yeah! Shannon came through!" Kento cheered and held his hand out at a battalion, curling his fingers towards the ground before flattening his hand. The soldiers grunted in surprise when the ground beneath them sank suddenly before the walls closed in around them, entombing and crushing them. Ryo struck the ground with his swords and sent a wave of magma in a narrow line through the ranks, consuming any in the path.

"Hey, anyone see what I see?" Sage called out after he downed several soldiers.

"Yeah, they're not reappearing as fast as before," Cye answered, actually looking for more soldiers to fight, and finding very few. Tanya held her arm up as her blades returned to the launcher. Even with her power diminished, the Armor of Typhoon's array of weapons did the fighting for her. Tanya glanced at the cliff face and the cracks marring the Citadel.

"I think all of those missiles messed up Dygra's focus," she commented.

"They're doing it! They're actually turning the tide!" Mia beamed. She, Brianna, and Roxi stood by the deserted camp site. The funeral pyre crackled and smoked behind them.

Roxi looked over her shoulder when she heard the wet wheezing sounds and gasped in horror when she saw something rise up off the ground. Mia and Brit turned around.

"Dun' tie ta muv!" Balthazar managed despite his shattered muzzle. His face looked like a nightmare, with one of his upper fangs staying attached to his gums by a delicate blood vessel. Bloody saliva and mucus poured out through the mouth and nostrils. "Tha' li' basta' mah haf boke mah nus, bah mah les wor' jus fin!" Balthazar stepped closer, hands outstretched to grab the women. Despite his threats, the Mutant Warlord seemed to be half out of his mind with pain. Roxi pulled out her knife and tensed, ready to plunge it into the warlord's chest. Brit held onto Mia for support and Mia stood her ground.

"I'll mak yu pah!" Balthazar reared up and raised an arm. Then he froze suddenly, eyes wide in shock and broken lower jaw hanging open. He shuddered and uttered a few soft gurgles.

"That's no way to treat a lady…" The three women's eyes went wide when they heard the familiar voice speak: so calm and soft and at the same time soul-chilling and ominous. Mia saw dark blue armored fingers grasping either side of Balthazar's hood.

Roxi grimaced, Mia turned away, and Brianna clamped both hands over her eyes. Balthazar let out a pained gurgling scream when the armored hands tore the flesh off of his hood, exposing the thin neck vertebrae. The warlord toppled forward, not quite dead, but much closer. His body thumped as he fell onto the ground, and he remained still save for a few nervous twitches. Brit parted her fingers and peeked out through her hands with her right eye. Mia slowly turned her gaze forward and Roxi's expression shifted from disgust to shock.

He lowered his arms to his sides, the fabric of his surcoat whispering as he moved. Fingers clenched, as if testing their strength, before relaxing. Behind him, the furious fires of the pyre swirled skyward, the flames casting a glow on his armor and reddish hair, and his glittering green eyes made him seem like a true demon out of hell. Seeing him then and there like that reminded Roxi and Brianna why he had once been known as the Dark Warlord of Cruelty.

Hooves scraped against packed dirt and rock as the four Pegasi landed on the shelf just behind the topmost spire of the Citadel. Paigasurin, Red Thunder, Grey Fury, and the little white colt turned around until they looked down at the battlefield. Danae, Rona, Tornath, and Yulie sat in their respective saddles. "What do we do now?" Yulie inquired.

"The Pegasi know what to do," Tornath replied simply and held the rein cord loosely. Yulie glanced at Rona and Danae, who seemed similarly at ease. He couldn't sense anything from the little white Pegasi, and the older Pegasi flicked their ears idly.

Then Pegasus let out a deep snort and struck his left fore-hoof against the ground. Red Thunder swished his tail and shook his head. Grey Fury neighed and scraped the ground a few times. The little white Pegasi shifted its wings and fidgeted in place.

Pegasus squealed and his front leg bunched up. The golden leg plate flashed and Pegasus' leg shot back down, the hoof striking the ground like a piston. The ground didn't crack right away, but Pegasus did this again, this time with the right fore-hoof. Yulie grabbed the edge of the saddle when the colt sprang up slightly on its hind legs, curling its fore legs before lashing out with both hooves at the ground. Red Thunder and Grey Fury started doing similar attacks, all the while Rona and Tornath remained relaxed, almost aloof. The erratic, incessant pounding slowly developed into a steady rhythm, and the ground started vibrating.

Ryo glanced towards the top edge of the cliff, startled by the sudden dull rumbling emanating from the rock. What the heck's going on up there?

"GET DOWN!" a voice called out, a strangely familiar voice. Ryo dropped to his stomach just in time to avoid the sharp, curved blade as it sailed over him. The head of the weapon smashed into the chest of a soldier attempting to catch Ryo off guard, and the force of the impact sent it crashing back against two of its fellow soldiers. Just as the weapon and the thick black chain attached to it started sagging towards the ground, something yanked it back. Ryo pushed himself up on his elbows and rolled onto his back when he heard heavy footsteps approach.

"You really need to pay attention to your surroundings, just like driving a motorcycle," the reddish-haired warrior chided and leaned down, offering a hand to Ryo. Ryo remained on the ground sitting up, face frozen in complete shock. "Oh come now, Ryo. I've gotten that expression enough times today, last thing I need is to get it from you."

"B-But…you're…you…" Ryo stuttered. Some distance away, Cale and Sehkmet paused and looked towards him. Their jaws almost hit the ground when they saw the man standing before Ryo. He grabbed Ryo by the wrist and pulled him to his feet.

"Died?" Anubis let out a rich, deep chuckle and shook his head. "I fooled even Shannon and Kayura, I see. I did not lie when I said I'd encountered that sort of poison before. It's called 'Waking Death'. Centuries ago a foe used it to incapacitate me. Ahh...that brings back memories...It shuts down the body's systems temporarily, giving the appearance of true death."

"You realize we almost cremated you?!" Ryo exclaimed, exasperated.

"Ah, a touching gesture, but needless. As long as my body remained alive, the Armor would not leave me, and thus protected me from the flame."

"…You could have at least told us! We could have waited for you to recover!"

"Now that wouldn't have been prudent," Anubis countered and put a hand on his hip and waggled a finger at Ryo. "If you had held back, would you have come this far? Would you have been as dedicated in your assault? Would you have driven the Dynasty forces all the way to the very foot of the Citadel?" Ryo stared at Anubis with a stunned expression, blinking slowly every few seconds. "Besides, if it weren't for the Thangiens, I might not have awakened so quickly. I suspect the Richtho tea accelerated my recovery…last time I was afflicted, I was out for a week." Anubis casually shrugged and folded his arms over his chest.

Ryo broke out laughing wildly, drawing disturbed looks from Sehkmet and Cale. "You sly old dog, you! The Thangiens'll be singing about a Fifth Resurrection now!"

"A what?" Sehk blinked in confusion. Anubis smiled and cocked his head to one side, surveying the battlefield and the remaining scattered Dynasty Soldiers.

"I could hear everything around me while drugged. The Thangiens referred to me as 'Wrathrider'. I suppose I should prove myself worthy of such a title…" Ryo stepped back to give Anubis room as the Elder Ronin crouched and sprang into the air. He held the scythe in one hand and began whipping the clawed chain around with the other.

"QUAKE…WITH…FEAAAAARR!" The other Ronin paused and looked towards the source of the echoing yell. Ryo skipped away from the impact site as the weighted claw plunged into the ground, winding deep under the blackened surface. Smaller holes opened in the ground nearby, and red beams arced up, materializing into lesser chains that seemed to form a canopy over the field. The claws sought out any soldiers, skewering every last one of them. By the time Anubis recalled his chain and landed, not a single Dynasty Soldier remained moving.

"That was Anubis… I don't believe it! He's back! He's alive!" Rowen exclaimed.

"Cye…am I dreaming?" Kento muttered out the corner of his mouth.

"Nope," Cye shook his head.

"Can you pinch me just in case?"

"Here, I'll do it," Tanya walked over and reached out with both hands for Kento's cheeks. Sage watched Anubis as Ryo patted the older warrior on the back and Cale and Sehkmet tousled his hair, grinning with joy. He frowned when he heard a loud crack, and slowly looked over his shoulder. The other Ronin likewise paused when a low groan echoed from the cliff.

The Pegasi's stomping reached a blinding speed, the forelegs appearing as blurs as they struck the ground repeatedly. The more disciplined Thangiens maintained poker faces, but Yulie could barely contain the emotions welling up inside. His lips drew tight in a snarl over his teeth and his eyes narrowed. He'd never felt such intense fury before. The little white Pegasi, as well as the three older creatures, poured out all of their rage for the Dynasty, channeling the power into their hooves. Crashing force rained down on the stone like a massive vat had been upended, like a tsunami…like a storm of meteors.

The Meteor Hoof! Yulie remained in his seat as the young colt kept stomping and screaming.

The ground split almost parallel to the cliff edge, a large, deep crack running almost directly infront of the Pegasi. The colt and the older Pegasi stopped and watched as more cracks appeared. The dreadful sound echoed across the battlefield, and chunks began falling away from the wall. Yulie shook himself out of the feverish trance and looked about frantically.

"What are they doing! They're bringing the entire cliff down right under them!" Sage cried.

"Oh no…Yulie's up there! He's with the Thangiens!" Rowen's eyes widened in horror.

"What?! Rowen, fly up there and bring him down!" Ryo ordered. Rowen nodded and crouched, but just as he prepared to take off, a hand clamped down on his shoulder firmly.

"Don't," Anubis said and held a confused Rowen back. "He's in good hands."

Yulie held on tight to the rein cord as the ground beneath the little colt sank and shifted. More splitting crunches echoed from further along the cliff edge as tons of rock and dirt peeled away. The Thangiens didn't look the least bit worried, and leaned back in their saddles as the shelf their mounts stood on gave way. Yulie pitched forward and clamped his arms around the little white Pegasi's neck. A tidal wave of earth rushed down towards the lofty spires of the Citadel, but rather than be swallowed by it, the Pegasi slid along the surface, as if skiing. They kept their legs splayed and the shiny hooves ground against the rock and dirt.

The young colt snorted angrily and threw its head back, almost bashing Yulie in the face with its mane crest. "Hey! What gives!" Yulie demanded. The little white Pegasi warbled and nodded towards the older Pegasi. Much to Yulie's surprise, the Thangiens leaned far back in their saddles, holding onto the rein cords with one hand. Yulie slowly leaned back, almost against the rear rim of the saddle. He kept both hands on the rein cord and tugged slightly, but when the little white Pegasi snorted in protest, he let go with one hand and moved his arm back. It felt like sledding down a snowy slope; just as relaxing, and just as fun…

The landslide cascaded over and past the black spires, snapping some of the smaller towers and washing around the thicker ones, the intense pressure starting to crack the stone. Thousands of tons of dirt and rock spewed into the vast colonnades and balconies. Just when it seemed the Pegasi's course would send them crashing into a tower, they crouched and sprang into the air, taking flight and soaring above the spectacular wreckage. Beneath them, the ground continued snapping and groaning as more of the cliff gave way, burying the Citadel almost entirely.

"YeeeAAAAAAAAUUUUGH!" Sage let out a throaty Kento-ish cry and pumped his arm at his side. Dais arrived with Shannon and Kayura in tow just in time to see the four shining figures soaring through the air and the massive cloud of dust drifting behind them. Cye noticed the smaller white form next to Red Thunder. The little Pegasi's body seemed to glow.

"Well I'll be…" he muttered to himself and watched the Pegasi glide towards the ground. The Thangiens wailed in triumph, and Yulie didn't bother emulating their cries, but instead whooped loudly as the little white Pegasi steadied itself to land. The four Pegasi trotted in wide arcs to slow themselves down then turned to face the ruins of the Citadel.

Ryo went silent and Anubis stopped clapping when they saw something hovering in the air above the wreckage. The other Ronin Warriors and Pegasi riders watched as a sudden breeze swept the dust away, revealing the two forms.

Anubis had mentioned once that Dygra had assumed the powers of a demoness, and now the Ronin saw why. The thin leathery "cape" she'd always worn unfurled behind her, the wings keeping her aloft. Tiny black spines ran along the limbs and sharp black spikes protruded from the lower edge of the wing membrane. Dygra had her hands clenched tightly at her sides and glared down at the Ronin and Thangiens, seething with fury. Black Hawk hovered behind her and to the side slightly.

"You….OUTWORLDERS!" Dygra screamed, referring to the Thangiens. "You ruined EVERYTHING! All of my plans, ALL OF MY HATE, WASTED!" Her shrieks echoed throughout the area. She clenched her teeth and breathed roughly through her nose before composing herself somewhat. "I will kill you. I will show you what awaits those who defy the Dynasty!" she threatened and splayed her fingers. Energy started to arc between the tips of the silvery claw plates. Danae tugged at the reins to keep Pegasus calm, and her fellow riders did the same as the Pegasi neighed in protest.

"WAIT JUST A SECOND, DYGRA!" Dygra hummed and glanced towards the Ronin Leader as he walked out past the Pegasi. "We Ronin Warriors came here to fight you, and now that you're here, you'll settle your grudge with us!"

"Yours is not the power to protect them, Ronin Warrior. If you wish to suffer first, then so be it."

"The only suffering today will be had by you! Let's do it!" Ryo clenched his fist and held it forward, displaying the ornate golden ring he wore. "LION!"






The Ronin had learned soon after acquiring the AnimArmors that they didn't need to change armor to summon the Incarnations themselves, and now colored light spilled out of the insignias onto the ground, slowly taking shape of the spirit beasts. Ryo twisted the onyx and gold design to the side slightly until it changed from lion to dragon, and he held his arm forward again.

"WHITE DRAGON!" Dygra watched calmly as white light swirled out from the ring onto the ground infront of the Ronin. Waves of energy swirled and spiraled upward, growing higher and higher. Golden yellow eyes formed amid the light and an echoing roar came from the mouth with teeth that hinged wide. Bands of light peeled away from the main column and took the shape of long, clawed arms. Two large swathes of light swept to either side and spread like wings. The Ronin and Thangiens and their allies watched and cheered as the column rose higher.

Without warning, the column collapsed and the light sped back into the ring. Ryo gasped when the insignia turned back on its own to lion, and the red flare that had started to materialize into Lyor retreated just as quickly. Rowen, Sage, Kento, Tanya, and Cye cried out in surprise and protest as Razor Wing, Iguadalupen, Boulderdash, Jaguaradina, and Foam Reaver returned to their rings before manifesting completely. Sage and Rowen stared at their rings, aghast, and Kento even thumped his, as if that would get it to work. Ryo looked up and saw Dygra with her hand outstretched, claws splayed in a gesture and an expression of disdain on her face.

"I am not known as the Dynasty Beast Warden for merely governing their minions, and while I cannot control the spirits you futilely attempted to summon, I will not permit you to call upon them in my presence," she stated firmly. Ryo's eyes widened. That had been their last resort! Everything had rested on calling upon the AnimArmors and their advanced weaponry, and the mighty Raurgoth, and just like that, they'd been struck down by the Dynasty Beast Warden.

"While my servants may have failed at exterminating you," Dygra cast a warning glare over her shoulder at Black Hawk, who gulped nervously, sensing that her master had something planned for her afterward. "I will not. You will defy me no longer!"

"AUAAAAAAIIIUUUUUUUHHHHNNNN!" Dygra halted in summoning an energy sphere when she heard the high pitched echoing howl. Rona and Tornath joined Danae in her challenging scream, making sounds far beyond the abilities of human vocal cords. Their Pegasi, as well as the little white colt, started flapping their wings.

Ryo had assumed the wings to be ornamental, and that only the intricate engines built into the wing plates afforded the Pegasi flight. He witnessed first-hand that the Pegasi could fly. Their hooves left the ground, and it looked beautiful, yet dreadful seeing them hover…

Flight came easier to the little white Pegasi this time and he sprang into the air, still carrying Yulie, and joined his seniors as they rose higher and higher. Pegasus shrieked in defiance and he and Red Thunder and Grey Fury moved in a tight spiral before spreading away from each other then streaking towards Dygra at startling speeds. The young colt followed close behind, and the Pegasi screamed in rage as they arrowed up towards the haughty Beast Warden.

I won't let you fall! Yulie had clamped his arms around the colt's neck, afraid he'd slide out of the saddle as the colt flew almost straight up. Yet upon hearing the reassuring voice in his head, so similar to his own, he realized something kept his butt firmly planted in the saddle. Yulie looked to Rona and Tornath, and noticed not even their hair seemed affected by the backward pull of gravity. Their hair hung towards their Pegasi.

Dygra sneered in disgust and pulled her hand back, energy enveloping her fist. She pushed forward and released a huge crackling sphere at the Thangiens just as they reached the halfway point between her and the ground. The Ronin watched in horror as the sphere collided with Pegasus and exploded, consuming the four Pegasi in a cloud of black inky smoke.

"You Outworlders are more foolish than brave. As you said to my servant about your gods; you are nothing to me! Hmm?" Dygra frowned when she saw the smoke swirling. She watched in anticipation, thinking the wind played tricks on her sight. Her eyes widened when Pegasus erupted from the cloud, followed closely by his companions. Danae had her sword drawn.

"GUELVAAAAT!" she screamed, and Dygra and Black Hawk found themselves surrounded by the four furious Pegasi. Black Hawk looked like the proverbial deer as the Pegasi flew in a tight formation, dipping and wheeling, diving and banking.

"That is why the Dynasty cannot subdue them." Cye looked over his shoulder at Dais, who watched the assault, totally awestruck. "They are the perfect warriors: not driven by bloodlust, or ambition, but love! The mere thought of enemies causing harm to those they care for enrages them, and that drives their fury to greater heights!" Cye frowned and glanced back at the four Pegasi, unwilling to believe that Yulie participated. Then he looked downward. Was that why Danae had fought Black Hawk so fervently? To take her hatred of Shannon upon herself? Make her fight the Thangien instead of coming after the Guardian? Cye shook his head. No. Danae had fought too fiercely for it to be anything but personal. And yet…

"You meddling Outworlders! You will suffer for this insult! AAUGH!" Dygra cried out when Tornath bashed her in the left wing with his morning star, and Rona lanced her right with her spear. Black Hawk's feathers had started to break under the repeated strikes from Danae. She snarled in frustration, deciding she'd had enough.

Rona yelped when Black Hawk clamped her talons around her shoulders and shoved her out of the saddle. A horrified gasp went up from onlookers when they saw someone plummet from the formation. Red Thunder wheeled about and prepared to dive after her, but Black Hawk snared him by the neck with her whip. "I won't let you save her, beast!" Black Hawk declared triumphantly while Red Thunder struggled. Unknown to her, the little white Pegasi flew up behind her.

"OWW! OWW OWOWOWWOW!" Black Hawk screamed and let go of her whip when she felt something grab a huge chunk of her feathery hair and start tugging from side to side rapidly. Red Thunder dove down towards Rona, folding his wings to quicken his descent, and swept under her, catching her in the saddle. He spun about in the air on a dime and extended his wings, flapping them furiously. "STOP THAT! OW! STOP! STOP! OWW!"

*RIIIIP*! Black Hawk's eyes widened when felt cool air against her scalp and reached behind her to feel the now bare part of her head. She turned around to glare at the little white Pegasi, and the brazen human teen that sat on its back. The young colt held a large clump of metallic feathers in its mouth, and oddly enough, chewed on them like a snack. "Why you LITTLE-!" Black Hawk snarled in rage. Just as she moved her wings back to send a rain of feather swords, a terrible red metallic form rose up infront of her, growling in anger. She gasped when Red Thunder lifted one fore-hoof and brought it down on her forehead, as if striking her crown with a hammer. Black Hawk grunted from the impact and dropped towards the ground.

"Get away from me! Vermin! Defilers! Away!" Dygra cried to no avail, sounding frantic as Paigasurin and Grey Fury glowered at her. Danae and Tornath pushed back with their heels on the pedals that controlled the missile launchers built into their saddles. Dygra reeled from the impact as they fired four small missiles at her, point blank. Red Thunder let loose a salvo of his own.

Yulie didn't know what to think when the little white Pegasi whipped its head to either side and nipped him on the kneecaps. "OW! Why'd you do that for-?" Yulie started and pulled his legs up. The rectangular structures behind where his legs had been swung up on their own and two small conical missiles shot out from the openings. Yulie watched amazed as the projectiles struck Dygra in the wings, leaving them tattered. "Whoa…"

Dygra looked forward and saw Danae rising up before her, astride her terrible black mount. "TUVO VEIQUA!" Danae pulled her sword back and swung down at Dygra's head. The blade buried itself in the black crown, almost splitting it in two.

The Ronin cried out in horror when the formation scattered from a sudden burst, sending riders flying from their saddles. Grey Fury and Red Thunder recovered quickly and dove under their companions, catching them. Paigasurin flew beside Danae and she reached out and grabbed the pommel of his saddle and hauled herself back onto her seat. The little white Pegasi tumbled through the air but steadied himself in time to avoid crashing to the ground. It rose to all fours and stretched its neck up, openings its mouth wide. Metal teeth clamped around cloth and Yulie stopped just a few inches short off the ground as the young colt held him by the pants with his teeth. "Wedgie," Yulie croaked, and the little white Pegasi dropped him onto the ground, burbling apologetically. The other three Pegasi landed close by.

"AWAY FROM ME, VILE OUTWORLDERS!!" Dygra howled and spread her wings. The sky became darker, and black bolts of lightning arced down and struck the ground. The Ronin and their allies found themselves surrounded by tens of thousands of Dynasty Soldiers. "Fight all you want, Ronin Warriors. You will not escape your doom," Dygra declared.

"We spent all day yesterday and today fighting these goons. We're not gonna last fighting a second time!" Kento fretted and held his bo ready as soldiers closed in around them. Dais and Sehkmet took up defensive positions around Kayura and Shannon, and the four Pegasi snorted in anticipation. Ryo glanced from side to side and scowled.

"What do we do now, Ryo?" Tanya whispered.

"Do we use our special attacks? Shannon can keep recharging us, but even the Cross has its limits," Sage reminded.

"Form the Inferno!" Rowen, Sage, Cye, and Kento didn't believe their ears. "Do it! The only way we'll win is if we take out Dygra herself, and Inferno's the only thing powerful enough to match her!" Cye looked disappointed, and Kento looked torn.

"Why do you hesitate!" Cale snarled.

"If it means getting rid of the last of the Dynasty Lieutenants, I'll gladly give my will over to the Inferno!" Sehkmet stated and closed his eyes, his armor glowing.

"No! Wait! You don't know what happened last time we used Inferno! We can't trust it!"

"Would you have us do nothing? SERENITY!" Dais howled, unleashing his Armor's spirit.


"OBEDIENCE!" Despite Cye's protests, the three Armor powers flowed into Ryo. Anubis narrowed his eyes and started concentrating. He stopped when he noticed a faint pinkish glow out the corner of his eye and looked at Tanya. The Lady Ronin stood still, eyes on her brother. Her Armor pulsed with light at the same frequency of Ryo's. Anubis watched, amazed, as Tanya threw back her head and arched her back.

"HOPE!" The fourth power surged into Ryo's body, and the Armor of Wildfire glowed with white light instead of red. The other Ronin and allies watched in a mixture of awe and worry as Ryo staggered to one side, as if burdened by an immense weight. He curled his fingers and his body twitched, almost appearing wracked with pain. Bright light poured out through the seams in the metal plating, and for a second it looked as if the Armor would explode. Something felt wrong…

"AHHHAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Ryo screamed and threw back his head as parts of his shoulder plates seemed to shift and rise up. His helmet crest appeared to lengthen. Streams of light erupted from his lower back and swept down around his legs. Plates on his arms, legs, and waist changed shape, and a brilliant disc formed on the top of his helmet. Spikes of white light burst from his back, and Ryo pitched forward as the spikes spread out evenly, like the spokes of a wheel. Sparks flew off in all directions.

Large black and white plates trimmed with gold adorned the waist and forearms and upper arms close to the shoulders. Smaller plates positioned in a winged design hung down from the hip plates, and long strips of fabric hung down from the waist. Small gold designs shaped like tongues of flame decorated the leg plates close to the knee and ankles. Small beveled plates composed a triangular design on the front chest plate, and long, wide golden blades formed a ten-pointed star that spread from the back. The helmet crest looked similar to Wildfire's, only longer with more pronounced curves. A crescent-shaped design occupied the space above the center, with a golden disc above that. The helmet itself seemed oddly shaped, formed of wider plates that sloped towards the shoulders. The tips of the lower rim curved over the chest past the chin.

"Hau-iyo…" Danae whispered, and Kento glanced at her, raising an eyebrow. "Sun Pharaoh!"

Ryo held his arms at his sides, standing still as the wind whipped the embroidered strips of fabric about his legs. The shining silver faceplate concealed all but his eyes and mouth, and somewhat resembled the mask of an Egyptian king.

"*Snik* You look like a friggin' Gundam!" Tanya giggled.

"Shut uuup…" Ryo grumbled, annoyed. The appearance of the White Armor did nothing to daunt the incoming hordes of soldiers, however. Ryo took a step back and swept his arms infront of his chest, crossing them and clenching his fists. The Ronin watched nervously as Ryo started harnessing the latent power of Inferno. The Armor seemed to suck in all light from its surroundings, adding it to its own. Far above the battlefield, Dygra watched, curious about this desperate tactic. The area almost went pitch black, with the only light emanating from the Armor and the ten blades on Ryo's back, as well as the Pegasi's eyes. A low rumble pulsed through the air, growing in pitch to an earsplitting crackle. Ryo threw open his arms and spread his fingers.

"EMBRACE THE CORONA!" Wakes of white hot flame and light radiated out from Ryo. The other Ronin stood there unharmed as the light swept through them. Far away by the forest's edge, Roxi, Mia, and Brianna watched the spectacular display.

All around the Ronin and Thangiens stood tens of thousands of Dynasty Soldiers. Then, one by one, the soldiers collapsed, helmets rolling off their collars and arms and legs popping out of their sockets. Smoke billowed out from the openings, and metal rattled and clanged as the entire army crumbled into a vast expanse of empty metal shells.

Dygra shuddered slightly, unable to believe what had just happened. She spread her fingers and tried to rebuild her army, but the flames of Inferno had consumed the very Nether Essence itself, rendering the armor shells useless.

"Your power is broken, Dygra!" Ryo called. Dygra narrowed her eyes and twisted her mouth in a sneer. She raised one arm and began drawing a claw around in a circle.

"The only thing that shall be broken is your soul! CRIMSON WHEEL!" Dygra moved her arm faster and faster, each pass thickening the ring of reddish smoke. Lightning crackled all along the edges. Dygra stopped moving her arm then thrust her finger at Ryo's direction. The ring moved, following her motion, and swirled towards the Ronin and their allies.

Ryo blinked when he heard a sound coming from behind him. The other Ronin leapt to either side to make way as two feline forms bounded towards the Ronin Leader. Whiteblaze arrived at his right side, and Blackblaze came around the left, stopping infront of Ryo. Blackblaze crouched slightly, offering the sheathed Soul Swords to his master. Ryo nodded and reached down, closing his hands around the hilts. Ryo drew out the blades adorned with runes along the edge close to the crossguard.

Behold these blades I have forged by my hand, Ryo blinked when he heard a feminine voice echo in his thoughts. USE THEM TO SMITE ALL EVIL THAT WOULD STAND BEFORE YOU… the voice changed to a deep booming echo, but Ryo didn't have time to question the blessing or the identity of that voice. He readied the swords and looked up as the spinning ring of smoke and hate passed the halfway mark. The two tigers stepped back to give Ryo room as he swept the blades sideways.

"RAGE…OF…INFERNO!" Ryo howled and swept the swords up. Brilliant white flames swirled up around his feet into a funnel that extended high into the air to meet the onslaught. The fiery column seemed to take on the shape of a dragon, with a long sinewy neck and jagged teeth. It roared just as loudly as it approached Dygra's Crimson Wheel, and when the two attacks collided, they did so with an echoing snap. Dygra and Ryo had to shield their eyes from the resulting explosion, and it seemed as if the two super powers had canceled out each other.

The light faded to reveal a pitch black hole in the air. Air surged towards the strange void, taking any loose objects with it, starting with the dead shells of Dynasty Soldiers. "Look at what you have done, Ryo of the Wildfire! You have torn asunder the veil between Realms! The void you created will devour everything until nothing remains! You have doomed the very world you swore to protect! I hope you are happy!" Dygra crowed as the winds tugged at her body. Ryo glanced all around frantically and watched as the howling tempest lifted up chunks of rock covering the Citadel, drawing them into the vortex.

Pharaohn worked laboriously with his elixirs and spells, trying to formulate a way to revive Dygra's army and fortify it. He looked up when he heard a distant rumble and frowned. All of a sudden the walls of his laboratory cracked and peeled away, exposing him to the ghastly storm. He roared in protest as the winds sucked him towards the pitch black disc.

Black Hawk rose to hands and knees shakily in time to feel the wind tugging at her. She tried to tuck in her wings to resist the pull, but the wind lifted her body off the ground. She scraped and scrabbled, trying to get a grip on the ground, but the winds seem to suck up the very surface of the field itself. Her wings snapped open and she found herself tumbling up towards the void. "SHANNON!" Shannon watched sympathetically as her former friend vanished into the black hole.

"What's happening? I saw Ryo summon the Inferno now it looks like the entire area's going to collapse!" Mia cried above the roaring tempest. She and Roxi and Brianna stepped back into the relative safety of the tree line and watched as the black tainted ground of the Dark Territory crept back, leaving behind clean loam and grass. The wind had whipped their hair about, but now they appeared untouched and unaffected.

"I may be undone, but I will take what is rightfully mine!" Dygra splayed her fingers and curled them slightly, an invisible force bursting around her hand before she let the winds take her. The ruins of the Citadel rose up and swept towards the vortex.

"No! I won't let the Armor of Inferno be responsible for destroying the world!" Ryo reached up towards the vortex and splayed his fingers, as if trying to grab it. His arms shook from strain as he squeezed the air, and amazingly enough, the black hole seemed to shrink. He felt armored hands touching his arms and back, keeping his body steady as he focused on sealing the breach.

"You are not alone, Ryo! Your friends are with you!" Dais called sincerely. Ryo smiled, feeling emboldened by the words. He started to close his fingers, bending all of his will to closing the rift. It seemed as if the might of Inferno would prove superior…

A sudden backlash of force sent Ryo sprawling back, taking his companions with him. They got up just in time to see the vortex assume its original diameter.

"We have to get out of here while we still can!" Kayura hollered. Shannon held up the Ronin Cross and closed her fingers around it. The gems didn't respond to her commands.

"What's wrong! I can't use the teleport spell!" She looked up at the void. "That vortex…its interfering somehow!" Shannon jerked her gaze back forward when she heard hoof beats and a loud whinny. Danae came up beside her and reached out and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her onto the saddle behind her neatly. Rona likewise picked up Kayura, and the four Pegasi galloped away towards the edge of the storm, followed by the two Blazes.

"What about the Ronin!" Kayura fretted and glanced towards where the ten Armor Bearers knelt on the ground in a huddle, arms locked and heads bowed against the winds.

"They have armor to protect them," Shannon began and she and Danae ducked when a scrap of armor plate whistled past. "We don't!"

"That black hole's only consuming anything touched by the Dynasty! If we sit tight until it blows over, we should be fine!" Ryo cried. Rowen nodded in agreement and squeezed his eyes shut against the dirt blowing around his face. He opened his eyes when he heard Anubis grunting in discomfort. The Elder Ronin didn't wear his helmet, and he kept shifting his grip.

"Hey Anubis, you okay?" Rowen asked, concerned. Anubis opened one eye slightly.

"I'm…I'm not sure. I'm having trouble…holding on, for some reason…"

"Ryo! Something's wrong with Anubis! He keeps losing his grip!" Ryo glanced at him, looking worried. The other Elder Ronin looked confused. Then Dais' eye widened.

"Ryo! The storm! It's trying to take Anubis!"

"What? No! Why?! It's supposed to only take anything Dynasty-related!"

"That's just it! Anubis has been touched by the Dynasty!" Cale exclaimed.

"Then how come you're not being sucked up?" Kento demanded.

"We purged ourselves of that taint long ago when we renounced Talpa, but Anubis…the only reason he exists now is because of the Dynasty power used to revive him! And now that it's leaving him…" Sehkmet trailed off sadly.

"No! NO! We just lost you and got you back, we won't let you go again! Everyone, hold on! Don't lose your grip!" Ryo ordered. Arms twined around Anubis's shoulders, and hands grabbed folds of his surcoat. Anubis smiled, heart-warmed by their support and love, and for a moment it seemed as if that would be enough to hold him against the storm.

"Nnnngh! AAHAAAGH!" Anubis cried out. The others opened their eyes and were horrified when they saw bits of Anubis' face seem to break away like flakes of stone from a statue.

"Anubis! Oh no!" Kayura gasped and her knuckles went white as she gripped the Staff. "His life force is leaving him."

"We have to do something! You're the Ancient: Can't you use the Staff to restore him, or something?" Shannon demanded.

"Such things are beyond my ability!" Kayura shook her head sadly.

"Oh come on! I know how powerful the Staff of Ancients is! There's got to be something-"

"I CAN'T!" Kayura snapped. Shannon recoiled slightly from the sudden outburst, yet it faded just as quickly, and Kayura seemed like a desperate, helpless girl. "Reviving him would require binding a life force to him. I can't do that! I'm sorry…there's…there's nothing I can do…" Kayura finished and shook her head. Shannon peered out into the battlefield.

Anubis could hear them begging him to stay, urging him to fight against the force sucking his flesh away. He couldn't see the parts of his cheek bones and nose cartilage exposed by the wind, but he felt the strength leaving his body. He could hear them crying, despairing at the thought of losing their friend. The vortex would take everything from him until only a dried corpse remained inside the Armor. Anubis opened his eyes and managed a smile.

"I-I'm sorry I couldn't have spent more time with you, my friends. The time I did I will take with me into the Afterworld. We will yet meet again…farewell….nnnngh…aaah!" Anubis squeezed his eyes shut from the pain. Ryo screamed his name above the roaring winds, but the vortex wouldn't relent.

"Vai taag moretan tel athan," Brit raised an eyebrow and looked over at Rona when she heard her speaking. "Vai taag moretan tel daitia. Vai taag moretan tel amesdal. Vai taag moretan tel ruundar." The Thangien student of lore held her hands close with thumb and index fingers locked together, as if forming a knot of some sort. The other fingers wove together in an arch above, and Rona held her hands infront of her chest and had her eyes closed.

Rona opened her eyes and looked up at the sky and the deep black rift. "Ond es til moretan viltaag, viltaag moretan en taag. Thon es daal moretan viltaag, viltaag moretan en taag. List el van moretan viltaag, viltaag moretan en taag." Kayura blinked and looked to the ornamented head of the Staff when she heard metallic clinking. The rings moved, swinging up and around. Shannon looked down at the Ronin Cross when she saw the gems blinking. "Orinest el com moretan viltaag, viltaag moretan en taag. Vand es hel moretan viltaag, viltaag moretan en taag." Out on the battlefield, unknown to themselves, the Ronin's Armors started glowing.

Not like this…not this way… Anubis thought as he felt certain he'd crumble to dust any second. As much as he resented being resurrected by Dygra in the first the end, he found he did not want to leave so soon after all, and if fate determined he should die, he'd much rather it come from a blade. I don't deserve this… he squeezed his eyes shut.

"En taag el hel, en taag el com, en taag el van, en taag el daal, en taag el til. Vai taag, vai taag, moretan und tael taag!" Rona shouted and the Staff rings moved faster. The gems of the Cross flashed like a LED panel. The Armors continued pulsing with light, and Anubis closed his eyes tighter, awaiting the last of his life force to leave him. His Armor started flickering rapidly.

He felt something deep inside him, like a tight elastic cord being cut in half and snapping away. The outer layer of his skin peeled away, revealing smooth flesh instead of bone. Thick reddish hair flared out behind him. Ryo dared to open his eyes and blinked away tears, surprised to see Anubis still alive, and apparently intact. He pulled Anubis close and tightened his grip.

The walls of the vortex started to contract, and the outer edge of the storm moved past the Ronin. Some of them stood up and watched as the winds sucked up every last remaining scrap of blackened ground through the rift before finally abating. The black hole shrank bit by bit until it vanished entirely, and the dark clouds filling the sky started to disperse.

"Rona…what did you do?" Kayura asked, amazed. Rona lowered her hands.

"Roth severed the ties to his former life, so he may start again anew," she replied simply.

"It's over! It's really over! We're alive! We did it!" the Ronin started cheering ecstatically. Anubis stood off to one side and looked at his hand.

"That was some magic that saved you, eh?" Kento asked and slapped Anubis in the shoulder heartily. Anubis glanced at him then back at his hand.

"It wasn't magic. It was something else…I'm not exactly sure how to describe it …" Anubis clenched his fist, feeling strength like he'd never felt before. "My life is my own once more…"

Kento looked more or less clueless and bit his lip. Then he patted Anubis in the shoulder once again. "Well what matters is you're back, and you're here to stay," he stated cheerfully.

"Yes…yes, I am," Anubis smiled and nodded.

Ryo felt Inferno vanish, leaving him in Wildfire. Rowen watched Dais, Cale, and Sehkmet's armors glow, then looked to Tanya. Despite not being one of the Nine, she'd been able to contribute her Armor's power. He found that curious…


"Jennifer…" Shannon whispered and looked to the sky with sad eyes.

"I would not grieve for that vieke," Danae said and walked over. Shannon glanced at her.

"How could you say something like that? She used to be my friend, you know."

"She chose her own doom. It is as we say on Thanged; Enturate. No tolerance. We do not suffer the weak willed, the over-ambitious, the excessively cruel…"

"Here on Earth we're taught to forgive each other," Cye spoke up as he and the other Ronin arrived. Ryo glanced from him to Danae but kept quiet.

"Understand this, CyeTakin; ours is a history replete with anguish and suffering caused by deceivers and war-mongers who have committed acts so heinous, they can never be forgiven. We do not forgive. Only those who truly strive for forgiveness are ever afforded it, and in our culture, that is very seldom," Tornath explained grimly.

"You must ask yourself, ShaTakin: did the Dynasty turn your 'friend' into a monster? Or was she always a monster, and the Dynasty simply brought it out," Danae stated and regarded Shannon levelly.

"Danae...I'm going to be asking myself that question for the rest of my life!" Shannon argued, her voice cracking.

"...I think you already know the answer," Danae replied, her expression softening. Shannon averted her gaze and said nothing at first, staring at the ground for several moments.

"They're right…they're right," Cye glanced at Shannon, surprised to hear her say that. "Jennifer could have stopped at anytime, but she kept causing harm to innocent people. She didn't care who she hurt...she treated it like a game! She…she enjoyed what she was doing, all of it. Even when confronted with the truth, she kept clinging to her fantasy. She has no forgiveness from me," Shannon gulped and wiped away tears, setting her jaw. Cye looked disappointed that she'd taken the Thangiens point of view. 

Ryo and Tanya turned around when they heard a loud commotion from the now-grassy field. Rona chased around the little white Pegasi, trying to grab its rein cord. The colt swung to the side each time, yanking the cord out of reach. Rona threw her hands up in exasperation and backed away and looked at Danae. "Danaetanera, elig ond is pel uron Thangea!"

"Danae, what's wrong?" Ryo asked, curious. Danae narrowed her eyes.

"He does not want to return to Thanged…" The little white colt sprang from side to side and tossed his head, squealing shrilly. "Ane! Oure un! Iyeh! Iyeh! Sehli tan emord!" Danae called to the little white Pegasi. The Ronin and civilians watched as the little white Pegasi looked in their direction and shook his head. His ears flicked back and he seemed to be looking for someone. Yulie stepped out from behind Anubis and Sage, wondering why the colt sounded so upset.

"If you think about it, that little guy turned the tide almost as much as the Thangiens," Kento commented absently and watched as the colt started trotting towards them, going in a wide arc. He passed Rona, who tried one last time to snag the rein cord, but the colt skipped sideways and retracted the cord into his chin. Ryo and Rowen watched, confused as the colt came closer. The colt moved past Tanya, then Sage, then Anubis…

Yulie didn't register at first the fact that the little colt had stopped right infront of him until he felt his warm breath on his face. The colt reached down and touched Yulie in the shoulder with his muzzle. The chin compartment opened up and the cord spilled back out, and the colt moved his head up, looping the cord around Yulie's wrist and pulling his arm up slightly. "I don't get it. What's he want?" Yulie asked, unsure about the soft burbles the colt made. Danae's face lit up with a smile and she walked over and leaned forward. She reached out with both hands and moved the cord into Yulie's palm and closed his fingers around it.

"You should feel honored," she said softly. Yulie blinked several times at first, at a loss for words. Then he dropped the cord and staggered back suddenly.

"No! I can't!" he cried. The colt snorted in frustration and stepped closer.

"You can, and you will," Danae said sternly and stood up, folding her arms over her chest, nodding her head to the side slightly. "A Pegasi's choice cannot be denied or refused. He has chosen you to be his rider!" The colt nuzzled Yulie in the chest and whinnied softly.

"But…I don't deserve him! He saved my life, yeah, but I don't-"

"You're wrong, Yulie. Remember when we went to Thanged, and you went inside the pen? He war danced with you," Tanya brought up suddenly. Danae glanced at her then back at Yulie.

"Is this true?" she asked and raised both eyebrows.

"I heard about that. Skybolt would not let anyone interfere," Tornath mentioned.

"If this is a pairing ordained by Skybolt Sunhammer himself, then there can be no objection. You see, it is not the rider who chooses the Pegasi, it is the Pegasi who chooses the rider. When you faced him, and he war danced with you, he saw your courage, and he was impressed!" Yulie opened his mouth to speak, trying to argue. Danae leaned close and put a hand on his shoulder. "He will ride with you, he will fight with you, and he will die with you," she whispered softly. "He will be your friend for all the years of your life and he will never leave your side."

Yulie didn't know what to say. The colt nosed him in the shoulder again, and Yulie reached up to stroke his cheek plate. The colt whinnied cheerfully and swished his tail. Yulie chuckled softly then laughed aloud in joy. The colt burbled and bobbed his head.

Cye smiled at first upon seeing Yulie enjoying the colt's company, but couldn't get that last bit out of his head: the part about fighting and dying together.

"What I'm curious to know, is how did the little one procure himself a war saddle…" Tornath muttered. Tanya shrugged.

"You figure the air shield malfunctioned and he snuck out on his own?"

"That would seem logical, except the shield never malfunctions," Rona stated cryptically.

"Sean Waverider." Cye's gaze snapped up when he heard Danae refer to him. "It pleases me that you found your passion."

"I didn't go out to battle because I enjoyed it. I did it to save my friends," Cye grumbled.

"All the same, you could not wield your weapon unless you wanted to, nor could you have achieved all that you did without friends to save. One cannot exist without the other."

"Haven't you ever heard the phrase 'Live by the sword, die by the sword?" Cye demanded and folded his arms over his chest, sounding irritated.

"'Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.'" Cye looked startled by the remark. "You have heard that phrase, have you not?" Danae countered. Cye frowned and kept quiet. Danae throat-clicked to summon Pegasus and hopped onto the saddle. Rona and Tornath also called their mounts over and the three Thangiens prepared to depart. "Find the battle, Sean Waverider, lest it find your friends," Danae cautioned and reined Pegasus about.

"Thu the thakka Raeo Flamerider! We will see you again!" Danae howled and Pegasus took off galloping with Red Thunder and Grey Fury following. The three Pegasi gained speed then launched into the air, flapping their wings as they ascended on course for the Transgalactic Gate.

Cye watched them leave, looking disappointed. He blinked when he felt a reassuring hand on his shoulder and looked back to see Ryo smiling at him. Cye snorted and shrugged his shoulder away. Ryo frowned in worry but kept any comments to himself.

"You were so awesome out there! You flew so fast, almost faster than Pegasus!" Ryo raised an eyebrow and looked back at where Yulie stood with the colt. "You need a name now that you'll be staying. It'll have to be something legendary, something cool…how about…White Wind?" The little colt nodded and whinnied. "You like that, don't you! White Wind…has a nice ring to it, right?" Ryo exchanged glances with Tanya and Rowen then looked back at Yulie.

"Uhh, Yulie," Yulie looked up when Ryo leaned down beside him. "Look, we're all real happy that you found yourself a new friend and all, but where're you gonna keep him?"

"Uh….oh…hadn't thought of that…." Yulie muttered and looked at White Wind, who perked both ears up and closed his eyes mischievously.



"Yeah?" Yulie looked up from where he lay on his belly over his bed, studying for next week's test. His father stood in the doorway and kept glancing from Yulie to something down the hall. "What's up Pop?" Yulie asked innocently.

"Where did you get that thing? The big horse thing in the garage?"

"Oh, one of the guys got it for me. It was part of a game display at a store. They were just gonna toss it out, so I asked if I could have it. Looks cool, huh?"

"I guess…feels a lot heavier than cardboard, though…" Mr. Yamano muttered to himself and shut the door, apparently satisfied with the explanation. Yulie smirked and shook his head and went back to highlighting passages in his book. White Wind had proved exceedingly smart, and able to maintain statue-like stillness in the presence of any prying eyes.

"I wonder if he's hungry…" Yulie hummed and tapped the marker against his book. He should have asked Danae about proper care for a growing Pegasi, but she seemed to be in a hurry to get back home the other day. She'd once said they practically ate anything organic or metal. White Wind could probably take care of himself…


White Wind had to resist the urge to kick out in protest when the older human male Yulie referred to as "Dad" slipped both arms under his belly and attempted to lift him. The man had paced all around the rigid Pegasi and scratched his balding head, confounded by the metal body. He'd eventually given up and exited the garage, leaving White Wind by himself in darkness. White Wind's eyes flickered to life and cast a soft white glow over the room as soon as he felt sure. He spotted long metal objects that looked like tools and extended his neck just far enough to touch them with his lips. He warbled softly and clamped his teeth around a wrench and pulled it off the table. The light went out abruptly as White Wind closed his eyes and chewed contentedly, muffled sounds of crunching metal filling the darkened garage.

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