Chapter Thirty

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Outside Chinook, Grand Foyer of the War=Kin Manor, Mid October


    Annik was surprised at how many people lived in the huge mansion. While she had guessed that it was more than the five people that she had met the night before, but she hadn't expected there to be so many. If she counted right it was about thirty people. Annik had literally never seen so many people at one table. not really a surprise considering she had been home schooled. It was still a huge group to Annik. Being shy Annik had a hard time sitting with so many people at once. So she kept her head down and focused on eating.

     Almost as overwhelming to Annik as the number of people sitting at the table was the room itself. A table that Annik was fairly certain could double as a landing strip for a plane dominated the room. A crystal chandler that sparkled above the table like a galaxy was the main source of light. Matching crystal sconces twinkled on the walls adding a cheerful comment to all of the formality the room invoked. A sideboard was placed next to the swinging doors into the kitchen as well as along one wall. A more ornate chair was at the head of the table and its mate was placed along the long wall between the two sideboards. All of the furniture looked like it was from a BBC special on Buckingham palace or some such.

    The whole thing was almost too much for Annik. She wished now that she had decided to eat in her room. The only thing that kept her from doing just that was how informal all the people sitting at the table were. The clothes they all wore were in the same vein of leather and muscle or tee shirts that Nic was wearing. The majority of them had also slung leather jackets of some sort and holsters on the backs of the dark wood chairs as well. They didn't act formal either, the group of them sounded more like a family than anything that She had seen on t.v. in her whole life.

    There was such a dichotomy between the room and the people sitting at the table that Annik was more than a little surprised. No one was acting like they were sitting in this beautiful room. It was more like they were in a cafeteria at a school. They were joking back and forth with each other, the love they had for each other was clear. The teasing they engaged in only made it more apparent. The joking atmosphere actually put Annik at ease enough that she could eat. If everyone had acted as formal as the room warranted Annik was fairly certain she wouldn't have been able to eat at all. And that would have been a shame considering how good the food was.

     Even with the joking everyone at the table had the most beautiful manners that she had ever seen. Every one of them acted like they had been raised by Emily Post or some such. At least on that front she felt up to the standard. Her mother had always insisted that she use proper manners at the table no matter what they were having, so she fit right in. At least I'm not getting embarrassed by not knowing good table manners. Even if just about everything else embarrasses me.

   Manners notwithstanding Annik was glad when the meal was finally over. It meant that she could finally leave the fancy room. Even though it meant going back to the fancy bedroom suite that she had been put in. All of the servants that the household had made her nervous as well. She had never had anyone doing for her in her life. At least not when she wasn't sick and Annik didn't get sick all that often. She hadn't had any of the quote unquote childhood diseases. As far as she could remember she hadn't had any of the vaccinations for them either. When she had asked her mother about that Ingretta had just told her not to worry about it.

    Annik was just stepping into the foyer when she saw something coming down the stairs that she had never seen before. The long and skinny creature was coming down the stairs next to one of the servants. It's long lanky, almost skeletal form looked like something from a horror movie. The monstrosities head was smallish but it's mouth was disproportionately large for the head size. Annik could see enough teeth in its mouth to give a shark dental envy. Everyone one of those teeth looked sharper than most knives that Annik had seen in her life. Annik did the only thing that she could when she saw that monster coming towards her on its long,spidery legs. She screamed. The sound echoed off of the third floor ceiling, ricocheting around the large foyer like a gun shot.

     As soon as Annik started to scream all heads turned her direction. It was obvious to everyone even without the resounding scream that Annik was terrified. Even when she had found out that she wasn't Human or at least not totally Human, she hadn't screamed. Run like a jackrabbit? definitely, but she hadn't screamed. This time Annik was frozen in pace, unable to move. Terrified that if she did move the monster in front of her was going to kill her. In most situations a persons fight or flight response would have a clear answer as to what action was required. In this instance however she froze because her instincts had zero idea about what to do.

      At Annik's scream the creature reared back and then ran back up the stairs the direction it had come from. Leaving the servant that had been walking beside it looking around in confusion. It looked even skinnier as it retreated up the stairs than it had coming down towards her. It took Annik a couple of moments to realize that the frightening monster had run away, from her. As soon as she realized the creature wasn't in front of her, Annik pulled in deep dragging breaths. Shaking from head to toe Annik looked around the foyer at everyone who had turned up at the commotion she had made. Many with weapons in their hands.

     Annik looked for and found Nic's eyes, holding on to them like a life-line. Annik reached out towards Nic as she started to lurch in his direction. As soon as Annik started to move in his direction, Nic moved almost too fast to see. Taking her in his arms. As soon as Nic had his arms around her, Annik sagged into him. She turned her face into Nic's chest too embarrassed to look at everyone that had come running at her scream. Annik felt safe with Nic's arms surrounding her. She was so glad Nic was there. Especially since Annik was fairly certain that his arms were the only thing keeping her up off the ground.

     Annik took a deep shuddering breath before looking up at Nic. She couldn't believe that she had lost it so badly. Sure she had been frightened of whatever it was that she had seen coming down the stairs towards her. That didn't mean she had to act like the stereotypical heroine in a movie. Waiting for some man to come rescue her. She had never been the type to wait for rescue from anyone, but now she was huddled in Nic's arms like a shrinking violet. Not only had he rescued her, had it really been last night? But he had come to her defense as soon as she had screamed. Annik could feel herself starting to blush. She was certain that it started at her toes and went all the way up to her nose. Annik knew that Nic was well aware of the red that was spreading all over her. All she could do was pray that none of the others gathered in the foyer could see it as well.

      Nonetheless Annik was so glad that Nic was there. He would keep her safe and boy didn't that make her feel like a loser. This was just too embarrassing for words, Annik really wished that she could just disappear like Nic had the night before. That would have been wonderful, it so would have. Instead she was going to stay with her head buried in Nic's pecs. And as embarrassed as she was her fear kept her tight in Nic's arms. A haven she had only felt in her mothers arms when she had been young. A feeling of safety that she feared she would never feel again.

"We're good here everyone," Nic said. "Pyetr? I need to talk with you before you go out on patrol. OK? Bree go ahead and check on Glinda. I'm sure she needs to go out. We'll do intro's later, when both Annik and Glinda are calmer."

     Annik was gad that Nic had asked everyone to leave. She had absolutely no desire to see any of the people that were gathered around her and Nic. The sound of footsteps heading out of the ornate foyer was music to Annik's ears. Thank god that Nic had cleared the room so she wouldn't have to look at anyone, Nic was going to be hard enough to face. And who the heck was this Glinda that Nic was talking about. She didn't remember being introduced to anyone with that name but she didn't really know or care right now. Maybe he was talking about the staff member that she had seen one the stairs with that monster. Nic couldn't be talking about that creature, could he?

     For the longest time all Annik could do was stand shivering in the warm circle of Nic's arms. As embarrassing as it was she couldn't stop the shakes that raked her body and mind. Her thoughts spiraled around themselves in a maelstrom of chaos. occasionally one would pop up like a cork for her to notice it. But they never stayed long enough for her to actually know what they were. Only giving her brief glimpses of what they were. Only her shame at how weak she was stayed around. Covering her like a coat of paint.

     Eventually her thoughts slowed and she became more aware of where she was. Who's arms were holding her so gently in their embrace. Once again the shame she felt came back to her full force. Making her even more aware of everything she felt for him. And what he didn't feel for her. God, he's only holding me because he feels responsible for me. Not because he actually wants me or anything. Taking a deep shuddering breath Annik brought her hands up to her face. Scrubbing the tears away before placing her hands on his pecs. Annik gave a small shove, letting him know that she wanted free of his arms. Damn his chest was thick with muscle. Not letting herself think about that she backed away as soon as his arms loosened.

    Annik needed a moment before she could look at Nic. As soon as she did she almost regretted it. He looked so concerned for her. Not like he felt obligated to her but as if her really cared for her. Annik couldn't let herself be fooled though, she knew better. Nic had told her as much during that conversation in the wonderful library of his. Had it really only been last night? It felt like it had been years ago and just minutes ago at the same time. Her whole life had changed with that conversation and nothing was ever going to be the same.

     Annik felt a soft bump against her leg, the purring told her who had joined them before she looked down at her feet. Yellow gold eyes looked back up at her. Wiket was determined, as usual, to have her way. What she wanted was made clear when another bump against her leg was followed by a soft meow. Bending down towards the cat, Annik was so not surprised when Wiket jumped into her arms as soon as she could. Putting her paws on Annik's shoulders Wiket purred loudly while rubbing her head against Annik's chin. Taking strength from the purring fur ball in her arms Annik turned back to NIc and spoke.

     "What the hell was that creature," Annik's voice cracked a bit much to her shame. Swallowing hard she tried to loose the freakout in her tones. Wanting to appear stronger than she felt. "I've never seen anything like that before in my life. Not even in a horror movie."

    Annik wanted to run a hand through her hair but there was no way she could. Not with her arms full of loudly purring cat. Once again Annik felt Wiket rub her head against her chin. If she hadn't know better, Annik would have thought that the cat was telling her everything was okay and that she was safe. None of that was actually happening of course but nonetheless Annik felt better. Calmer, more grounded in her life than she had since she arrived here the night before. Maybe all the rumors about petting animals were true. She really did feel better, calmer with Wiket in her arms. Holding the cat Annik was able to look at Nic and meet his eyes. He must have been waiting for her to do so because as soon as she did he spoke.

      "Are you alright?" Nic asked hesitantly, clearly not wanting to make her take off running again.

     "yeah, I think so. Or at least I will be." Annik took another deep breath before continuing. "Will you please tell me what that thing on the stairs was?" Annik asked. Not sure if she really wanted to know. "I mean will Wiket be safe? Maybe we should take her back right now." Shaking her head Annik continued, "I know my old landlord said that she had clearly chosen me and that I should now consider her my own. But I can't keep her in this place if there are monsters running around. Hell I can't even keep me here if that's what wanders the halls."

    Annik could feel her fear starting to ramp up again. No sooner had she realized that fact when Wiket had rolled in her arms so that she was laying on her back with her paws in the air. Annik looked down at the warm golden eyes. God, Annik thought, it's like you understand everything that's going on with me and where my head is at. Petting the cat's belly Annik looked back up at Nic, again feeling calmer. More in control and able to handle whatever shoe was going to drop next. Annik knew that she wasn't truly calm but at least she now had a handle on her panic and could deal with whatever came next. At least she hoped that she could.

    "That was a Bawelthu, what Humans call a Crawler. they can be dangerous in the wild," Nic said "But like cats or dogs, the domesticated ones are safe." Nic said, indicating the cat in her arms. "Also like cats or dogs they are kept as pets."

    Nic gestated back towards the dining room they had left earlier. Clearly asking if she wanted to sit down. Yeah that would probably be a good idea Annik decided. Her legs were feeling a bit wobbly.. Actually when she thought about it, Annik wasn't completely sure how she had managed to stay standing on her noodled legs at all. So yeah, sitting was a brilliant idea as far as she was concerned. Matching deed to thought, Annik headed back into the dining room, with the cat in her arms. Leading the way into the room they had all eaten in less than half an hour before.

    "Is it OK for Wiket to be in here?" Annik asked.

    Annik was worried about Wiket's safety as well as realizing that she had forgotten to find out if pets were allowed in the dining room. Not everyone was okay with animals near their food. Sure, no one had seemed to mind Wiket when they were having their meal in the kitchen the night before but that had been an informal situation. Not a formal dining room with all the fancy stuff that went with that. Maybe it was for the best that she and Wiket find somewhere else to stay.

    "Wiket is always welcome at our table no matter who is there or what is going on," Nic said, not mentioning anything about the cats safety.

    Annik jumped, she hadn't realized that she had stopped in place. Nic had walked up to right behind her. His voice caressed her, going in her ears and out over her whole body. Stop it, Annik told herself firmly. There is no point in getting to attached to him. He's only helping because he had promised your mother and grandmother. All his concern is about your family and because he is just a nice person. Nodding her head Annik continued into the dining room. Looking up at Nic, she waited for him to continue his explanation.

    "You don't have to worry about Wiket's safety. Glinda is as gentle as a lamb. In fact you scared her a lot more than she scared you," Nic said sitting across the table across from Annik. "Glinda is Rhuv and Sabrina's pet. You met Rhuv at first meal," Nic said gesturing to where the couple had sat. "You met Sabrina yesterday in the kitchen. Remember?"

     Annik remembered the woman that had been so nice to her yesterday. Her long white hair was hard to forget even if she hadn't been so nice and easy to talk to. Annik didn't have a lot of experience with talking to people out of a work situation. So she had really appreciated the other woman's kindness. From what she knew, in her admittedly limited experience, the beautiful ones were more likely to be mean girls not nice ones. At least that's what t.v. and books seemed to imply. Annik refocused on what Nic was saying before she lost to much of the conversation. No reason to make him think that she was dumb after all.

    "If it's OK with you I would like to ask Bree to bring Glinda down to meet you. She really is just about the sweetest thing on the planet," Nic shook his head ruefully. I know she looks like something right out of a nightmare if you aren't used to it but Glinda is an absolute love."

    Nic was looking at Annik waiting for her answer. Annik really didn't want to see that monstrosity again but she did trust Nic. She was fairly certain that he wouldn't lie to her. She had no clue why she felt that way but she did. Sure he'd rescued her. And fine, he'd brought her here to safety. He was so solicitous for her feelings. Even if it was only because he felt responsible for her because of a promise he'd made to her grandmother who Annik had never even heard about. Making up her mind Annik nodded her acquiescence. She was going to meet the monster and hope that it was for the best.

     Nic nodded back to Annik and took out his phone. There was a tap tap tap on the phone as Nic pulled up the number and then he was putting the phone to his ear. A quick quiet conversation followed that Annik didn't follow. She was to far into her own head to really track what was gong on right in front of her. Had she really just agreed to meet that creature? The thing had a mouth big enough to swallow Wiket in one bite for god's sake. But here she was, waiting for the tall platinum blond woman to bring the creature down to meet her.

    Annik jumped in her chair, a large hand was waving in her face. Nic was calling her name. Trying to get here attention. Apparently he had been trying for a couple of minutes. Focusing on him Annik noticed his worried look. Annik stopped petting Wiket for a moment and started to reach towards his face with one hand before stopping her self. He's not interested in you that way she reminded herself for the millionth time. There is no reason to pretend otherwise to yourself. no matter how much you might wish it was true.

    "Yes?" Annik asked.

    "Bree is bringing Glinda back downstairs. She'll be here in a couple of minutes," Nic looked down at her for a moment his face inscrutable. "I promise that you and Wiket are safe. Glinda won't hurt you."

    "Okay," Annik said in a shaky voice.

    Annik stood up still cradling Wiket in her arms. Wiket however had other plans and jumped right out of her arms as soon as she got to her feet. Wiket took off in a run as soon as her feet touched the ground. right out of the dining room and into the foyer. Annik called out to the ball of fur that had scurried right out of the room like her tail was on fire. Oh god, Annik thought she's going to go right out to where that monster is going to be. This was a nightmare come true as far as Annik was concerned. Annik gave up on calling the cat and took off on foot after her. Only to stop dead in her tracks. Wiket was at the foot of the grand staircase, touching noses with a creature that looked like a jumble of sticks with a sloths head and a large mouthful of very, very sharp teeth.

    Annik realized that she hadn't gotten the best look at the thing the first time she'd seen it but a better look really didn't help any. If anything the creature looked even scarier than it had the first time she'd seen it. Wiket's nose touch with it just ramped her panic up even higher. Annik felt a pressure on her face and realized that she had both hands over her mouth. Like her subconscious knew that she was going to scream and was afraid to let it out. In case she startled the monster and it attacked Wiket.

    For her part Wiket obviously wasn't worried about whatever that thing was. She was greeting it like an old, long lost friend. If Annik hadn't know better she would have thought the the stupid feline had know that creature her whole life. Was Wiket sick or something? Treating a strange creature like a bosom buddy couldn't be normal. But apparently to Wiket it was.

   "Wiket," Annik hissed trying not to move or make a loud noise.

    Annik was terrified but didn't want to show it and not just because she didn't want to trigger an attack. She also didn't want to look weak or stupid to Nic. Or the Sabrina woman that Nic called his sister. The tall svelte woman was standing next to the frightening animal, one hand on it's bony shoulder. A small smile on her lips as she watched the ugly thing at her side greet Wiket.  At Annik's single quiet spoken word, Sabrina raised her eyes to where Annik and Nic were standing. Her smile getting broader, big enough that Annik saw a flash of fang. Fear momentarily course through her for a second reason, Not Human Annik reminded herself, no one in this house is Human. And that includes you. Annik couldn't stay afraid of the people for long though. If only because the creature in front of her. After all everyone here had been nothing but kind to her.

    "Come here," Bree said in a gentle voice, holding out her hand towards Annik.

    It took Annik some time before she could do more than just stare at the hand reaching out to her. Bree didn't seem upset at the delay though. She just waited calmly for Annik to make up her mind about taking it. Bree's patience actually helped make up her mind. Only someone used to taming skittish things would be so at ease with waiting. The woman has the patience of a saint Annik decided. In the end that was what made up her mind. Slowly, carefully Annik started to make her way across the depiction of a mango tree in the center of the room. As she approached the other woman Annik felt her fear start to ramp up yet again, that creature was so fearsome and frightening looking. Annik focused her eyes on Bree, holding her gaze, refusing to scream or even worse bolt again.

    As soon as Annik got close Bree stepped away from the creature holding up her other hand to it i the classic stay pose. Still holding out her other hand to Annik she waited until it was taken.

     "Your doing great," Bree said as soon as they clasped hands. "Let me know when you are ready to go closer. Glinda is really gentle. I named her after the good witch of the west in the old Oz books. Did you ever read them?"

    Annik knew that the chatter was to distract her from how scary the creature was. And much to her relief it worked. Knowing that Glinda had been named for the good witch of the west made the thing seem less frightening. Which meant she was able to get closer to it, wait if it was named after Glinda the good witch then it must be a she not an it. Annik could get closer to her, no more thinking of Glinda as an it or a monster or anything like that. After a the poor thing hadn't asked to look like a scarecrow and a sloth had a baby. Looking at Glinda's feet Annik decided that the sloth resemblance was more accurate than she had originally thought. Well who would have guessed Annik joked to herself, a fondness for the discovery channel pays off.

    After a few minutes of just standing near Glinda Annik nodded her head to Bree that she was ready to get a bit closer. She was still afraid but no longer felt the mindless terror that had struck her the first time she had seen Glinda. The whole time, Glinda just sat on the stairs next to Wiket not being threatening or scary in any way. Her big pale blue eyes were  soulful. She almost looks ashamed for scaring me Annik thought, taking another step closer to her. Annik noticed that what she had originally thought was fur actually looked more like the fuzz that some baby birds had. Annik wasn't sure if the fuzz was white or if Glinda's skin was white and the translucent fuss was letting the skins color show through.

    Up close Annik decided that Glinda wasn't as frightening as she had originally thought. She was still ugly as sin, Annik decided. But more along the line of so ugly it's cute. Rather than the, so ugly it's terrifying, that Annik had originally seen. And the large soulful eyes were actually beautiful as well as expressive. Annik allowed Bree to bring her even closer, close enough that they were almost touching. Once again Annik felt the fear that had eased start to rise once again. And once again Bree stopped moving, allowing Annik to get comfortable, or at least more at ease with how close they were.

    "Go ahead an pet her. Glinda is really soft to the touch," Bree said

    Her voice is so gentle Annik thought and she speaking to me like I'm frightened child. Good idea, I'm feeling like one. Probably acting like one as well she decided. When she was again as calm as she was going to get Annik reached out with her hand. Is the shaking me? or is there an earthquake going on Annik wondered to herself as she saw her hand's tremors. But touch the crawler she did and OMG Bree was right, Glinda was so soft to the touch. The fuzz was like that a baby chicken or duck was covered in. So lost in the feel of the crawler Annik failed to notice Glinda turning her head to get the petting where she liked it most. Turning her head from side to side so Annik's fingers scratched along the back of her head.

      "You're right," Annik agreed. "She's very soft."

      Annik looked down at Glinda. The crawlers eyes were almost closed in pleasure. Her body was slowly coming closer to Annik in what was clearly an unconscious behavior. This time Annik was pleased to note that there was no fear response. Wiket rubbing herself against the front legs of the crawler like it was a person she was greeting helped too. I was wrong about Glinda Annik decided. She's not a monster, she is exactly as sweet as Nic and Bree said. And Wiket is acting like she's a long lost friend or something. I don't understand why Wiket isn't afraid of something that she's never seen before. But if Wiket accepted Glinda and treated her as a friend than Annik would as well.

     "Thank you," Annik said to Bree. "I won't run or scream at Glinda again." Annik looked down at the crawler a smile on her face. "And sorry for scaring you Glinda. I won't do it again I promise."

    Glinda looked up at Annik with her beautiful pale blue eyes and gave out what sounded like a purr. Annik looked over at Bree who had snorted at the sound like she was covering a laugh.

    "Sorry," Bree said still trying not to laugh. "Bawelthu, or Crawlers as Humans call them, are natural mimics. Apparently Glinda likes the purring sound that the cat makes and has decided to use it for you."

    "Thank you Glinda. I really like the purr and think I will like you as well."

    Annik was still very nervous about the crawler, Glinda, but at least she was no longer terrified of her. She started to think of Glinda as a really ugly dog instead of as a monster. And actually it hadn't taken as much of an adjustment as she had originally thought it would. Either she was really good at adapting? Or her brain had just given up and decided it was not going to worry about anything for the immediate future. After all with her change, what ever it was that Nic had called it, coming soon she had much more important things to worry about. A weird pet was just not going to ruffle her feathers for very long once she learned that is was a pet not something new attacking her.  

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