Chapter 17 - Faith

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Winter 4994, 22 Aoimoth 

Shon woke with the dawn. Ryuuko was curled against his neck, as usual -Pest-, but that was where normal ended. Half his blankets had been pulled off. Leaving his entire left side exposed to the chill winter air, offering an extreme contrast to his right side, where Lily draped herself over him in all her burning glory.

She hummed under the stolen blankets, nuzzling into his chest and running her fingertips down his centerline. From the hollow between his collar bones all the way to his naked waist, which was another oddity to add to the list. Shon sometimes slept without a shirt but never without pants. But as Lily reached her goal, he thought that might very well be another change he welcomed. 

"Did you have a good dream?" Lily whispered, continuing to brush her fingers along his sensitive flesh. 

Shon hummed, "Not bad..." drawing circles around her hip with his pinned arm, "but it's sometimes just like that in the morning." 

"Hmmm... So I shouldn't take advantage?" Lily propped herself up and leaned over him to tilt her head. 

Gods, she was beautiful. And insatiable... Shon remembered well what Velona had told him about her not having history. It was hard to believe, considering how she'd wanted him. It may have only been one day, but she approached their lovemaking the same way she'd approached learning the quarterstaff back when they were teenagers. With curiosity, openness, and joyful passion.

He constricted his abs to pull himself up to kiss her, and she hummed again, scratching those same muscles in admiration. "I didn't say that..." he whispered against her lips. He felt her smile but then felt it fade as bells began to toll through the city from the Church of Soliel. All the way to five... Only three hours until the trial. 

Lily didn't try to hide her emotions, sitting up she threw a leg over his hips, then laid against his chest, burying her face in his neck and mumbling, "Tell me again that it's going to be okay." 

On his other side, Ryuuko grumbled but chirped, and Shon said, "It will be." He rubbed her back, and knowing what helped him when he was stressed, said, "Come on, the Masters will be up and ready to run already."

Lily whined, which pulled a chuckle from him that shook her against his chest. Then she smiled again and sat up, resting her hands on his pecks to keep him pinned, "I can think of a much more distracting exercise. You might not have heard of it before, I just discovered it recently, but it's very relaxing, after the fact..." 

By the time they made it down for breakfast, Yua was already eating at what had become their customary table, while Velona and Veon-Zih wandered in through the front door, and Tuth was nowhere to be seen. Yua looked up from her oatmeal and grinned at the two of them, "Too tired to run today?" she asked before the Monks could chastise their students.

Dressed in his only formal uniform -blue with silver accents and buttons- Shon sighed, and Ryuuko flew from his shoulder to investigate the Ranger's bowl. Lily just grinned, "I figured I would give some other form of cardio a try." 

Yua snickered, and Shon felt his cheeks flush. He tried to suppress it before the Ranger started laughing for real.

Veon-Zih crossed his arms disapprovingly, but the gesture was undermined by his grin, "I think one of you might be a bad influence, but I can't figure out which one." 

"Oh, it's definitely me," Lily said confidently while Ryuuko twittered into Yua's breakfast. She stood on her toes to peck Shon on the cheek, then passed him to head towards the bar, calling over her shoulder, "I'll get us something to eat." 

Veon-Zih followed to help carry the bowls, and Velona went for the stairs to wake Tuth. Shon leaned his sword against the table and took his seat across from Yua. He whistled Ryuuko back to his side, and the little dragon hopped little bounds across the wood and up to his shoulder. Yua snickered again.

She made a point of looking around at the mostly deserted room before leaning forward and saying casually, from one early diner to another, "They have honey for the oatmeal. Or, if you prefer... cinnamon..." Shon tried to glare at her but couldn't muster enough animosity to make it truly intimidating. She continued more quietly, "Come on, big guy, you can at least try a comeback." 

Shon leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, taking a moment to study her. He arched a silent eyebrow her way, and she rolled her eyes, going back to her meal. He looked over his shoulder to see Lily lifting two steaming bowls of oatmeal to carry back to their table and mumbled, "I found something better, and I doubt anything could compare."

Yua laughed, and Shon closed his eyes at the sound. "How romantic!" she teased, but blessedly left it at that as Lily set a bowl in front of Shon and took her seat beside him, digging into her breakfast despite the obviously burning heat of the fresh serving. Shon held his bowl with both hands and blew over it, cooling the contents almost instantly before he started eating. Veon-Zih joined them, balancing three bowls and placing them before the chairs in time for Velona to reappear with a stumbling tired Tuth trailing behind. 

Breakfast was relaxed and quiet, until Veon-Zih finished and leaned back to say, "If we go now, we can get our drills done before the meeting." Lily sighed and set her spoon down, but the Monk just shrugged, "Routines can be a comfort in times of stress. Just ask Shon. It won't do any good for us to tell you not to worry, but we can do this at least." 

Shon slid his foot over to press against Lily's and nodded his agreement with his Master when she looked up. Yua smiled, "You mean you stress out about things too, iceman? Hard to imagine." 

"Before the Divine Compatibility test," Shon answered, remembering the first time his Master had given him that lesson. The test was the first step for anyone to become a Cleric, Druid, or Paladin -to see if a person was physically capable of channeling divine magic. If he hadn't passed, all his plans for his future would have died at thirteen. Now, he wished he'd failed it... 

"I didn't even take it," Tuth said. 

"I failed," Yua added, "Would've been a Druid otherwise." 

"Me too," Velona said, "Though I didn't really know what I would've done if I hadn't. I had my heart set on the Monastery and joined the following week. Though my family wanted me to join the Mages Guild." 

Veon-Zih shrugged, "I joined the Monastery at seven, but they let us take the test at thirteen with those in the village. I failed but wouldn't have left anyway. Just curious."

Lily huffed, "The Guild told me I was ineligible to take it. Too old. But I wouldn't have bothered. Can you imagine me serving any of the gods?" 

Tuth snorted, "You won't even sign up for anything as more than a casual ally." 

Lily grinned, and Yua said, "Our little flower submits to no one." 

Under the table, Lily rested her hand on Shon's knee without a word. Ryuuko twittered a dragon giggle, but Shon closed his eyes, thinking a silent prayer. He would never, never, demand Lily submit to anyone. Especially not him...

They arrived at the Temple with enough time to at least start their drills in the courtyard. Tuth sat in the corner with his spellbook in his lap and Ryuuko on his shoulder while this time Yua joined them with her short sword. Shon watched her with half an eye. She used a different form than he'd learned, and he wondered if perhaps she might teach him, but didn't get a chance to ask before Veon-Zih cleared his throat to stop Shon from starting his next kata. 

"We better go," he said to the group at large. 

Lily was already done and sitting cross-legged on the ground with her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands as she watched Shon and Veon-Zih's drills. She tilted her head at him and said, "We still have time..."

"Not much," Velona said, "Better to be early."

Veon-Zih nodded, "On time is late." he said sagely, and Lily groaned but climbed to her feet. Shon picked up his sword from where he'd laid it in the middle of his practice area, the pommel swirling aquamarine. Yua went to kick Tuth to get his attention and help him up. 

They returned to the hall where Shon had met with the command, and though the others milled about casually, Shon stood across from the door at parade rest. To his distress, Lily leaned against the door and pressed her ear to the wood, Ryuuko arching its long neck over her head to do the same. 

"I hear voices..." she said, "They're already in there..." 

"Lily," Shon and Velona spoke as one and stopped to look at one another. Velona smiled, but Shon nodded to her, and she continued, "Come away from there. They will summon us when they're ready." 

She'd barely moved away when eighth bell began to ring and the same Cleric who'd acted as the court reporter last time opened the door and nodded professionally at all of them, standing back to let them in. 

Today there were two tables of men and women waiting for them. One filled with the Temple chain of command, and the other the Mages Guild counsel. Shon marched to the center of the room, the others trailing behind, and saluted, holding the gesture until the General returned it and said, "At ease, Staff Sergeant." At which point, he returned to parade rest. 

Beside him, Lily rolled her eyes but remained silent as the Archmage cleared his throat, "We already have Mage Tuth's first-hand account and Staff Sergeant Shon's. If each of you will tell your parts...?" 

"Starting with Ranger Yua, please." the Brigadier General clarified. 

Yua stepped forward to tell her part of the story. The officers only interrupted to ask for some minor details about the pseudodragon she'd seen and to clarify that Shon's drawing of the Warlock was accurate. When it got to the point where the party was split up, they questioned her about her knowledge of Sorcerer laws and sealing items. And confirmed that she did -in fact- pull Shon away without his sword despite his wishes. 

Together, Shon and Yua were fined one hundred gold, how they chose to split the fine would be up to them, due by the end of the day. Their rooms at the inn, including hot meals, only cost one gold a day. Shon intended to cover it.

They followed up with Veon-Zih and Velona's reports, the Cleric in the corner writing every word, the scratching of her quill the only sound in the room beside the Monks' voices.

When Lily was called, she lifted her chin proudly and stepped forward, but the Archmage held up a hand to stall her story and said, "We retrieved the reports detailing your time in captivity from Clearhelm as well as the reports of your clearance exam there. What we want from you, besides your part of this, is whether or not you think these Warlocks were of the same group." 

"Well," Lily started, "If you'd let me tell the story first, I would've answered that." Shon closed his eyes to say a short prayer, though Ryuuko twittered and hopped from his shoulder to hers. 

Lily told them the same story she'd told the party the night before, only leaving out that the Warlock had claimed she was a dragon, saying only that he refused to acknowledge her name the same way her captors did when she was a child. It was just a different way of telling the same story, and Shon didn't interrupt or even move. He didn't like the secret, but he also didn't think it mattered for what the Temple or Guild wanted to know. Warlocks are mad... He reminded himself.

When she reached the last part she could remember clearly, one of the Mages in the back cleared her throat, "So you let yourself go." 

Lily didn't try to defend herself. One of the Paladins, a Major General, asked, "And you know the laws surrounding your clearance? The trust the Guild and kingdom have placed in you?" Lily nodded, and the General continued,

"Though no one besides the Warlock was lost or seriously injured, we can't just ignore such a blatant act of uncontrolled destruction. It is customary, and you were warned that-" 

Shon snapped to attention, audibly clicking his heels together, and all eyes fell on him, "Permission to speak, Sir?" 

"We have already reviewed your case, Staff Sergeant. Is there something new you would like to add?" The General asked. 

Shon continued to stare forward and through the command, "I wish to make it clear, that at the time of the incident, we were not legally in the kingdom. We were guests of the Laughing Pony tribe. As per the accords, the barbarians remain sovereign in the lands in and around their settlements. We cannot prosecute their elemental Shaman in their land and merely require that they receive a kingdom clearance to enter a kingdom settlement."

The counsel exchanged looks, the Mages whispering to one another while the Paladins stared at Shon. "Miss Lily is not..." the Brigadier General started,

"She is recognized as a traveling Shaman in many of the barbarian tribes. It was in her honor as such that they held a feast for us upon our arrival, and they have already made clear that they do not wish to press charges." 

The Archmage scoffed, "Of course they don't. They held a Warlock in their midsts by your own account, young man." 

"Those who would even know what a Warlock is, did not know this man as one. They didn't even know he had a companion." Shon argued, "They were led astray. That does not change the fact that they do not blame Lily for her loss of control or that they hold more claim over such rites than we do, as it happened in their land." 

All the Mages narrowed their eyes at him, and the Archmage said, "You are arguing very hard on this. What does it matter to you, Sorcerer?" 

Shon stopped looking at the back wall through the judges and settled his cold eyes on the Archmage. The man leaned back in his chair. "I am a Sorcerer by birth but a man of Hengist by choice. Though his justice is absolute, it cannot be enforced without effort from those who would see it carried out. I will not stand by and allow a miscarriage of justice, no matter how hard the opposition might argue."

"That's enough, Staff Sergeant." The General said, "We can all hear the passion in your words and can feel the truth of them." He stood, "Sorcerer Lily, we have determined that you will be permitted to keep your clearance, though with stipulations. First, a note will be made on your record. Another incident like this will result in the revocation of your clearance and sealing of your power, no exceptions. Second, the Temple of Saint Georgios has decreed that you will be assigned a Temple guard for as long as they deem necessary. If you leave and enter a province in which your guard cannot follow, then a new one will be assigned at the border per its ruling Temple's choice."

Lily stiffened, then threw her hands in the air, "An escort? Again?

The Temple command and Mages all muttered at her outburst, but the General smiled, "Yes, and as it turns out, we already have a sufficiently high ranking soldier chosen for you..." He turned to Shon, "Staff Sergeant, you have already claimed the Protection of Hengist for this Sorcerer and drafted a convincing argument on her behalf. You are hereby ordered to act as her guard. These orders come from the kingdom, do you accept?"

"No good deed goes unpunished..." Master Veon-Zih whispered to Velona. Shon ignored him. He didn't have a choice, but in this, he didn't need one. Shon saluted in answer.

"We trust," the Brigadier general said as he straightened his papers. "that your passionate pursuit of justice will include this woman's lawful prosecution should it come to that?" 

"Sir," Shon said, "I swore an oath to Hengist and the Temple." Many of the command flinched.

The General returned his salute, and after said, "We do have another job for you, Staff Sergeant, and we would like miss Lily to go with you." He nodded at Lily, "We cannot order you to do so, so if you refuse, we will assign a new guard. Are you in agreement, Sorcerer Lily?" 

Lily hopped up and down on her toes and clapped her hands, "Oh hells yeah, I am! Where are we going? Back to the tribes?" 

But the Paladins all looked very serious, their faces creasing with frowns, "No," the General answered, "Swailand." A Horsa province. Shon's hand clenched on his sword. It took kingdom intervention to get a Paladin or Cleric of the opposing Temples across those borders. And when they wanted to send a Paladin, but couldn't, they sent Shon. All the responsibility, none of the blessings.

"The kingdom Temple of Hengist received the request from the Church of Soliel, and you are the closest with clearance to travel. As you may know, Swailand was ravaged by a hurricane this summer and suffered flooding and now a plague. They are stretched thin, but one of their noble daughters was kidnapped. You are to assist in her recovery." He nodded to the court reporter who brought Shon a folder with the orders.

Shon nodded in understanding, and the General added to the others, "You are free to accompany them, though your own travel papers will need to get you across the border," 

"Shouldn't be a problem," Yua said.

Tuth looked between them all, then asked the Guild counsel, "May I?" The Archmage waved a dismissive hand but the Mage behind him nodded.

The General took his seat and finished with, "The Temple of Horsa has declined to send permission to gate. You leave tomorrow morning for Sanoloa. Dismissed."  

Lily did a full pirouette, then skipped to the door while Shon gave a sharp about-face and marched after the others that followed her. Once he closed the door in the hall, Lily spun again, "We need to go shopping! We need six sets of new bedding. Sorry about that, by the way. I can cover it. And you'll probably want a new pack and need a new strap for that sword. Oh! And tents! We definitely need tents, three, unless Yua and Tuth want their own little one-mans. I'm assuming you two want to share," she turned towards the Monks, but Velona was shaking her head. 

"What?" Lily asked, looking from her Master to Veon-Zih, "There is no way I'm standing for you holding back behind some stupid 'time and place' excuse and guilting Shon into doing the same-" 

Veon-Zih cleared his throat and looked away from her towards Shon with a little nod, and Velona shook her head again. "That's not it, my flower. You will only need four sets of bedding and two tents for this trip." She smiled and nodded towards Yua and Tuth, "Unless your companions would prefer their own."

"But you..." Lily started, trailing off, then whispered, "You're leaving..." 

Velona clenched a fist at her side, but as Veon-Zih reached over and took it she relaxed and nodded, "I'm going home, Lily. At least for the cold months..." 

Lily dove forward, Ryuuko taking off from her shoulder in surprise, and wrapped her arms around her Master's neck. The Monk flinched at the heat -not having braced for it- but pat Lily's back. "I'm sorry, my flower, but I've-" she started. 

Lily let the woman go, then clapped her hands and spun around again, showing Shon her beaming smile. "This is wonderful!" Lily exclaimed, to Velona "You get to be with the one you want, and I get to be with the one I want! Oh Shon, isn't this fantastic!" She ran the short distance back to him and hugged him too but only briefly before she pulled back and said, "We can visit them, can't we?" then turned back to the Monks fast enough that her hair smacked Shon across the face to repeat the question, "Can't we?" 

Veon-Zih chuckled, "If you don't, we may have to hunt you down, and that would defeat the purpose of trying retirement." 

Lily squealed and dashed forward to hug him too, "You'd better take care of her, Grandmaster. She's been waiting a really long time." Lily growled as she squeezed.

Veon-Zih pat her head, and she let him go. Shon could see sweat already beading on the Monk's bald head. Yua laughed, and Tuth shook his head, but that was all they did. Meaning they'd probably already been told the Monks wouldn't be accompanying them. Ryuuko landed on Veon-Zih's shoulder but stretched itself out as far as it could so its front legs were on Velona and whistled triumphantly. 

"We'll leave through the Guild tomorrow. Before you all head out," Veon-Zih told them, "Until then, let's get some shopping done."

"You can take it out of my account," Shon said to the Monk. 

Lily spun yet again to catch his hand, "You're not coming with us?" she asked. 

Shon smiled, lifting her hand to kiss her fingers but saying, "I'll catch up."

"I'll come with you." Lily countered quickly.

He arched an eyebrow at her and twitched his slight smile, "You want to pray in the chapel?" Lily dropped his hand. 

"I'm still paying for the bedding, but you can cover the tents." She started down the hall towards the exit. And away from the chapel. Shon began to turn away, and Lily added, "I'm not skimping on quality to save your wallet!" 

Shon waved a hand over his shoulder, not caring one way or the other. With a high rank but not much use for money, Shon had built up a considerable savings. He doubted Lily could make much of a dent in it, and even if she did, he didn't care. 

He could hear the others talking as they went their separate ways, them to prepare for adventure, him to pray. "Shon will get his own pack and strap and find us once he's done..." Veon-Zih was saying before Shon rounded a corner, and they fell out of range.

Ryuuko caught up with him outside the chapel and alighted on his shoulder quietly, even its pest nature tamed by the holy ambiance of this place. 

There was a time when the chapel of Hengist was Shon's favorite place in the world to relax and center himself. Now, the holy place offered a strange dichotomy. On the one hand, it was dedicated to Hengist, who represented everything he believed was true and noble about the nature of humanity, and as such still offered him hope. On the other, being here reminded Shon that under it all, he represented all the flaws and darkness of humanity.

Tainted to his very core. Why else would he be denied by a god that otherwise accepted anyone willing and able to serve? Yet Hengist had allowed him to enlist, so the god must see some use in him... Shon found a measure of comfort in that. He might not be able to control what he was, or even what he wanted, but he could control what he did.

Shon made his way down the center aisle to the altar and bowed his head. One of the Clerics came to give him a blessing, and Shon took a seat at one of the pews. 

My Lord Hengist, thank you. Shon prayed, For your justice and your mercy, thank you. Not only has Lily suffered enough in her life, but she has served the kingdom well in her freedom. He took a deep breath, taking in the scent of incense and feeling the blessed atmosphere seep into his bones, banishing the last worries he'd been holding on to. All but one. I'm sorry.

Shon reached into his bag and took out his journal. Turning to a fresh page, he started a drawing as he prayed, I know you don't approve of our relationship advancing as quickly as it has. I ask only that any displeasure we might invoke be placed wholly on my shoulders.

But I've waited so long and felt so very alone. Lily wants me in a way I hadn't dared hope for, and I don't know how long it's going to last. I want to hold on for as long as I can. As long as she'll let me.

He drew one of the Chosen of Hengist, glancing at the knight's statue in his niche in the wall, Sir Galant, the oldest... I pray that you watch over us. And over Master Veon-Zih and Velona. They have served you well, even if not always in your name. They deserve happiness and some peace after so long. I pray you watch over this missing noble, for Horsa most certainly won't. And that your justice fall swift and sure over the Warlocks that still taint this land and threaten Lily further. He used Ryuuko as a model for the Chosen's mount, drawing out the dragon and wondering which of the metallic colors it had been... 


The voice was a whisper and Shon looked up, barely managing to lift his pencil to prevent marring the drawing. Looking around, he found all the Clerics attending their duties well out of hearing range.

Shon shook his head and steadied his hand to return to his drawing. I might be going insane... Just one more flaw among many. But... I will continue to carry out your will as best as I can, Hengist. I will always do my best because it is the right thing to do. The only thing to do. And when I can't anymore... I pray you gift me a swift end...

He finished the portrait and carefully worked the page free of the journal. Returning the book to his bag, Shon extracted a small pouch of gold as an offering and brought both it and the drawing to the altar. Laying them out, he finished his prayer, I still believe in you and your noble justice.

Even if you don't believe in me...

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