Grandmaster Fyrarc
The Archivist

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4

In the world of Legends of the Fall

Visit Legends of the Fall

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Chapter 3

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The night sky was a vast and endless celestial sea, with stars twinkling like distant beacons guiding ships through the inky blackness. Beneath the watchful gaze of the Sater's Eye Jaegryn marched leading the way. His stride never faltering he moved with determination and confidence, like a predator on the hunt. And that's what he was. A predator picking its way across between the rocks that had become larger and more numerous the further they followed the cliff face.

Behind him the heavy panted breaths of Yavik disturbed the peace of the forest, echoing out into the night as he tried to keep up. Yavik stumbled along tripping and crying out. Each time Jaegryn had to tamp down on the anger that welled up within him. Save it for your prey.

Then with one swift movement Jaegryn's hand shot up demanding a halt to their procession. He cocked his head.

"What?" Yavik asked as he came up beside Jaegryn, his eyes darting back and forth as though he had some hope of breaching the impenetrable blackness of the tree line.

Jaegryn breathed in. The air here was thick and heavy as though pregnant with the promise of rain. Yet scanning the horizon he couldn't see a cloud in sight. A rumble sounded deep within his chest.

"I heard something."

Yavik, having learned some modicum of self-control, remained silent. He didn't question Jaegryn with the typical useless questions. The two stood as though fixed within the silence, much like the trees that had been standing there for an eternity.

The hairs on the back of Jaegryn's neck rose like hackles. The individual furs set upon the collar of his armor whipped about as a cold gust of wind rushed past.

This place was different.

This places didn't belong. It wasn't like the boulder he'd seen earlier. It had belonged. He scanned the area. The trees were straighter, more jagged at the top, their branches twisting together to form a spider's web that wove together into a black horizon. The shadows almost seemed to move and drink up the meager starlight offer by the heavens.

"We're close."

"To Eza?"

Jaegryn was quiet for a moment. There was a familiarity within the man's voice. He'd tasted of that desperate hope a long time ago. Had gladly partaken of its bitterness in the hopes that the story would just come to a happy ending. He turned and placed a hand upon Yarik's shoulder. The man's eyes went wide in surprise. The gesture even surprised Jaegryn.

"We're going to save her."

Yavik's eyes dropped.

"You didn't mean her. You meant we were close to the creature."

Jaegryn's hand fell away.

"How do you know?"

"Do you know about the foundations?"


Jaegryn opened his mouth and then closed it. This wasn't the time to explain.

"It's the damned place where the creature came from. It causes... disturbances within the natural world. I can sense that the tear in the veil is nearby."

Yavik blinked only able to understand part of what Jaegryn had said.

"It doesn't matter. What does matter is that-"

Jaegryn spun. He heard it again. Distant. Muffled. Yet he knew for sure he'd heard it. A scream. Without another word he took off, sprinting towards where he thought had been the origin. He heard it again. He adjusted his course, seeing a cave entrance a hundred yards or so away.

His heart pounded in his chest. His mouth widening in a frantic grin. Not only could he hear the screams of the woman but he could smell the stench of the creature. He could hear its frustrated cries. It must have cornered her somewhere where it couldn't reach her.

He reached the cavern's entrance and stopped. There at the back of the cave was a woman pressed against the wall on a rock shelf. Below her the creature stalked back and forth. It was just as the tavern owner had described. Dark fur. Lanky. The creature stopped, its face turning towards him.

Two searing orange orbs burned through the darkness, their fiery glower intensifying as they focused. They were set up top upon an elongated canine like face. The skin was gaunt and stretched as though whatever dark god had created this abomination had run out of materials. Its jaw quivered, Thick ropes of saliva dangled between rows of fangs that clacked together as it saw him.

So you have a withering gaze. Jaegryn thought as he felt the heat of that gaze as though it were a physical force. Years ago that gaze would have left its mark upon him, burning itself into his soul. Yet now he met it with a grin as he bent his legs in preparation. His heart pounded out an eager expectant rhythm.

Jaegryn let out a low groan as his finger bones slip open his finger tips. He sent a command to his suit and a heartbeat later the gauntlet retracted exposing his hands to the cold night air.

The creature roared. He roared back. The two rushed forward. Their bodies colliding and falling to the ground. The creature's claws raked against his armor. His own claws rent deep tears in the creature's chest. It cried out.

Jaegryn used the moment to throw it to the side. He rose to his full height. A wicked grin split his face. He popped his neck as he stalked forward. The creature hissed, holding its claws up as though to make itself appear bigger. Dark blood dripped forming a small puddle beneath it.

"Don't tell me your already tired." Jaegryn said.

The creature lunged forward but Jaegryn smashed his fist against its face. The creature collapsed to the ground in a heap. Jaegryn hauled back and kicked the creature, his boot landing in its ribs.

"Get up!"

The creature shrieked in pain. It stumbled backwards trying to escape. But it was too late. Much in the way that it had trapped Eza upon the rock shelf, it had become trapped between the cave wall and Jaegryn.

Jaegryn for his part reveled in the desperation and terror he saw flickering in the creature's eyes. He was so pathetic he didn't have to summon his blade. All for the better, he said as he brought his hands up.

Everything became a blur for him. He heard the sound of flesh tearing. His hands became wet and slick with warmth. The sharp cries became ragged and wheezing. Yet the only thing that had not become hazy, had not lost its sharp dagger like edge was the rage within him.

He pinned the creature to the ground and sank his claws deep into its flesh, shredding it apart piece by piece until all that remained of the wretched beast was a lifeless husk.

It was over.

"Pathetic." Jaegryn said through heavy panted breaths as he threw the creature's limp body to the ground.

Something moved behind him. He spun, fangs bared, clawed hands outstretched and ready to strike. He froze as he Yavik and Eza staring at him. At some point she'd dropped down and he'd finally caught up. There was terror in those eyes.

Jaegryn turned away.

He couldn't bring himself to meet his companions' gaze as he heard them talking to each other. He could feel the elation in their voices and knew that they were glad to be together again. He instead knelt down and pulled a rag from his pouch and used it to wipe away the blood that had stained his claws. He was heavy, like all the air had been sucked out of him. The anger that had ignited in him so quickly and suddenly had faded, leaving him feeling more hollow than ever before. That hot inferno within him had cooled and hardened, like magna hitting the water.

"Thank you for protecting me." Eza said with a warmth that pulled him from his thoughts.

Jaegryn stood and gave her a nod. Together the three made their way back to town.



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